Introducing...Thermocat™ Stable Biocatalysts for Chemical Synthesis

Nov 12, 2010 - Biogen is latest with a gene-therapy buy. Biogen says it will acquire UK-based Nightstar Therapeutics for $800 million, a 68% premium o...
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Thermocat Stable Biocatalysts for Chemical Synthesis ThermoGen announces the new ThermoCat™ line of biocatalysts - designed specifically for biocatalysis applications to ensure efficient scale-up and process implementation. ThermoCat™ enzymes are developed from thermophilic organisms and have enhanced stability, perform well at both elevated and room temperatures, and have generally greater tolerance to organic solvents. The first set of ThermoCat™ biocatalysts includes twenty new e s t e r h y d r o l y z i n g e n z y m e s w i t h d i v e r s e enantioselectivities and substrate specificities - effectively doubling the number of commercially available esterases. The QuickScreen Ester Hydrolysis kit combines all twenty ThermoCat™ esterases into a single rapid screening format to quickly determine which ThermoCat™ enzyme is right for your process.

ThermoGen has been developing custom enzymes for industrial applications since 1988 and can help speed enzyme development by screening through hundreds of proprietary organisms, gene banks, and enzyme libraries. Using protein engineering techniques and proprietary accelerated evolution technology, ThermoGen can even rapidly enhance traits such as stability and function in currently available proteins.

For more information contact ThermoGen: phone: (312)226-6500 fax:




20 New Stable Esterases Developed for chemical syntheisis and çhirai resolution.

Rapid QuickScreenTIWI Kit Speed biocatalysis process R&D by screening enzymes in under 24 hrsjj «

Custom Enzyme Development Rapid enzyme screening, development, engineering and directed evolution; ;

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