Introduction-Reuse of Water by Industry

Introduction - Reuse of Water by Industry. S. K. Love. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1956, 48 (12), pp 2145–2145. DOI: 10.1021/ie50564a029. Publication Date: De...
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35% of the nation's use in 1950 was by industry; 6370 is forecast for 1975-215

billion gallons per day. At least half of the country's plants are re-using water to some extent. As industrial production grows and he population increases, the industrial paradox w i I be an attempt to use less water while using more, to be sure that domestic requirements, agriculture, and industry alike will get what they need.

Some Basic Steps in Reducing Industrial Water Intake b Re-use water wherever conditions permit b Recirculate cooling water as many times as possible b Treat waste condensate for re-use b Recondition waste and wash waters

b Reduce pressure in the lines, meter a l l types of use, use separate pipelines for various water streams, and check often for leaks

b Use automatic valves on controls and thermostatic valves on cooling controls

b Keep equipment clean b Insulate hot and cooled water service pipes b Substitute air for water where possible

-S. K.


..................... Conservation of Water in the Pulp and Paper Industry.. ................ Howard B. Brown Recirculation of Cooling Water in Petroleum Refining. .................. A. J. Brandel Re-Use of Cooling Water i n Atomic Energy Installations.. .............. A. L. Biladeau Biological Fouling i n Recirculating Cooling Water Systems.. ............ John J. Maguire Adaption of Treated Sewage for Industrial Use.. ...................... Re-Use of Steam Condensate as Boiler Feedwater. D. E. Noll and H. M. Rivers

2146 2151 21 56 2159 2162



Sheppard T. Powell

VOL. 48, NO. 12