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Introduction to Chemistry and the Liberal Arts ... - ACS Publications

academic disciplines, as chemistry faculty in a liberal arts college, we have ..... Posthuma-Adams (University High School of Indiana) explore Modelin...
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Chapter 1

Introduction to Chemistry and the Liberal Arts Approach Downloaded by on December 29, 2017 | Publication Date (Web): October 31, 2017 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2017-1266.ch001

Garland L. Crawford* and Kathryn D. Kloepper Department of Chemistry, Mercer University, 1501 Mercer University Drive, Macon, Georgia 31207, United States *E-mail: [email protected].

Modern liberal arts instruction promotes student learning, critical thinking, and civic engagement through intentional reading, class discussion, focused writing, and thoughtful reflection. In contrast, science courses tend to focus on exposing students to discipline-specific, technical knowledge. How, when, and why should a chemistry instructor take cues from the humanities and social sciences? What are the best teaching practices from other disciplines, and how can they be adapted to the field of chemistry? This introductory chapter and book explore best practices for making interdisciplinary connections and integrating liberal arts-inspired teaching strategies for a range of courses from high school to upper-level college courses. Chapters include descriptions of themed courses and specific class activities that are all great examples of how to bring liberal arts content into a chemistry class.

Chemistry’s Place in the Liberal Arts An issue with the title of this book that is readily apparent to many faculty working at small, primarily undergraduate institutes is that many chemistry departments function within colleges of liberal arts. However, the distinction that we would like to highlight with this book is not one of administrative organization. Instead, our focus is on the natural tension that occurs between the need to disseminate content knowledge to students and the need for broad intellectual development of the students. While this tension likely exists in all academic disciplines, as chemistry faculty in a liberal arts college, we have © 2017 American Chemical Society Kloepper and Crawford; Liberal Arts Strategies for the Chemistry Classroom ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.

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experienced that chemistry courses tend toward the former while introductory classes in the humanities often have more success with the latter. This tension is not a recent development (1). For decades now, liberal arts institutions have found themselves on the defensive, with some outside (and even inside) higher education calling into question the utility of a liberal arts education (2, 3). That, coupled with recruitment pressures, has led some institutions, departments, and individuals to move to a more vocational focus. This shift towards career preparedness can often result in classes that focus on the technical content of a discipline at the expense of the development of softer, transferable skills, which may be assumed to be acquired by students in other places in the curriculum. Instructors may feel personally compelled, or even externally pressured, to cover as much content in a course as possible because of a fear that their students may encounter this information on a standardized, pre-professional exam. Is the only value of a chemistry degree that of obtaining a career in the field or placement in graduate school? In what way should a chemistry program contribute to a student’s development as a lifelong learner and broadly-educated member of society? Professor A. Truman Schwartz, in his acceptance address for the 2007 George C. Pimental Award in Chemical Education, eloquently made the case for liberal arts education in chemistry courses: “...all chemistry courses are, or should be, ‘liberal arts chemistry’. By that I mean a course that strives for conceptual understanding, mastery of the necessary related skills; awareness of practical, social, and ethical applications and issues; and some knowledge of the historical roots of the discipline and its place in the broader intellectual tradition. Above all, the liberal arts approach emphasizes the importance of learning how to learn, and that makes a liberal arts education a much better preparation for a career in our rapidly changing society than narrow vocational training (4).” We agree with Professor Schwartz’s statement. His comments remind chemistry instructors of the integrative nature of the discipline. The study of chemistry need not be separated from history, ethics, and public engagement. We have compiled the chapters in this book as examples of successful ways to incorporate a liberal arts approach into chemistry courses.

Development of Liberal Arts Chemists The physical sciences are an extension of natural philosophy and historically rooted in the liberal arts. However, modern chemistry courses often share little structure or content with their counterparts in the humanities. The implicit demand on chemistry instructors is to ensure that students master material that they may encounter in higher-level courses. Introductory General Chemistry textbooks often expand beyond 1000 pages and provide introductions to all subdisciplines of chemistry (5, 6). Before classes even begin, instructors are making selections 2 Kloepper and Crawford; Liberal Arts Strategies for the Chemistry Classroom ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.

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about which material to exclude. The sheer volume of foundational information to which students could be exposed promotes the development of content-focused courses, including those aimed at non-majors. A common outcome of this, especially for new faculty members, is to rely on a traditional lecture to ensure that all topics are covered in the limited class time. When we each joined the faculty at Mercer University, we each had a lecture-based approach as we both focused our chemistry courses on presenting as much content to our students as possible. We were both heavily influenced by the graduate school environment which tends to promote technical expertise as the greatest good. As we started attending meetings like the Biennial Conference on Chemical Education and reflecting on our own teaching effectiveness, we realized our “firehose”approach-- blasting students with as much content as possible--was unengaging at best and, at worst, not conducive to deep, higher-order learning. Too often we presented ourselves in the classroom as the sources of knowledge, rather than the facilitators of knowledge application. Our common observations led to conversations about our courses in Biochemistry (Crawford), Analytical (Kloepper), and General Chemistry (both). Some of our most pressing questions included: • • • • • •

Was content delivery our only goal in chemistry courses? What could we do in class to better help our students make connections between disciplines, including subdisciplines of chemistry? What are best practices for teaching in other disciplines, and how might they be adapted to chemistry courses? What skills do we want our students to learn? What is chemistry’s role in the liberal arts? How can our courses better align with the University’s mission and goals?

In parallel with this self-reflection and ongoing professional development, we also were teaching courses outside of the Department of Chemistry. The Mercer University College of Liberal Arts provides two avenues through which students may satisfy their general education requirements. The first potential path is the Integrative Studies program that combines traditional, student-selected courses that are grouped by thematic block and three courses that model integrative learning while providing foundational experiences in writing and oral communication (7). The second path available for students to complete their general education requirements is the Great Books program. In this program students complete a sequence of seven courses in which the students read, discuss, and write about the seminal texts in western civilization, as selected by the Great Books faculty. The Integrative studies classes and the Great Books classes are taught by faculty in all disciplines in the college. Both authors teach in the Great Books program. Additionally, Kloepper served as the program director for two years. Classroom discussions are the cornerstone of the Great Books program (8). In these discussions, the students largely drive the direction of the conversation, while the instructor takes on either the role of equal participant, on the best of days, or of Socratic gadfly, when discussion lags. The depth and breadth of these texts 3 Kloepper and Crawford; Liberal Arts Strategies for the Chemistry Classroom ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.

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make full coverage of the content an impossible task; therefore the Great Books students often determine the extent of content coverage by their engagement. After teaching a course multiple times, it becomes clear to the instructor that, although the exact nature and direction of a textual discussion may change year to year, the students still achieve a fundamental understanding. In addition to a successful coverage of content, students develop skills as writers and public speakers that extend outside of the class and serve to reinforce the ideas and themes the texts. Through these experiences in the Great Books program, we began experimenting with similar activities in the chemistry classroom. Kloepper utilized works from William Shakespeare to scaffold projects in an upper-level Instrumental Analysis course (9). This activity provided an introduction to an open-ended research question and allowed students to use primary scientific literature to support a creative, previously unexplored research question. Crawford has incorporated writing and discussion activities into a senior-level Biochemistry course. Class days which were previously spent lecturing about a metabolic pathway were redirected to encourage student discussion of the pathway, often in the context of a case study. As students explained to each other how they understood a pathway, it became apparent where the foundational material was misunderstood or inappropriately articulated (Crawford, unpublished). Additionally, Crawford and Kiefer developed a final review project for a first semester General Chemistry course centered on a carbide lantern, which is used in artisanal and small-scale gold mining (10). While providing clear examples to stoichiometry and heats of reactions, an example question that considered the cost of operation of the lantern allowed for a discussion of poverty and work in third-world countries. Many teaching strategies from non-science, liberal arts disciplines can be incorporated into the chemistry classroom to promote higher-order learning and student engagement, while making connections across the depth and breadth of disciplines. Others have used literature (11–17), history (14, 17–21), and the arts (22–26) to explore chemistry from a new perspective and to help students integrate disciplines. Discussion and debate, staples of many humanities courses, can find their way into chemistry courses to benefit faculty and students (27). Our experiences inside and outside the chemistry classroom, and others like them, led us to propose symposia at BCCE 2014 and BCCE 2016 entitled “Liberal Arts Content and Pedagogy in the Chemistry Classroom: Making Connections Between Disciplines” and “Liberal Arts in the Chemistry Classroom: Making Connections to Improve Learning, Engagement, and Teaching,” respectively. These symposia are the foundation for this book, and many of the chapters focus on liberal arts teaching strategies and show how successful they can be.

Opportunities for Faculty Development We benefited from departmental and University support for encouraging our training in courses outside of chemistry. The Great Books Program at Mercer University requires faculty to train in a course prior to teaching it; to this end, faculty must sit in on every class in a semester. Observing discussion-based class 4 Kloepper and Crawford; Liberal Arts Strategies for the Chemistry Classroom ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.

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time--so often a hallmark of humanities classes--allowed us to see how this might work in our own chemistry courses. When we ultimately taught our own Great Books courses, we experienced what it was like to turn a class over to the students, in a sense, and not be driven by content coverage. However, we acknowledge that it is not possible for all chemistry faculty to teach outside of the field for a variety of reasons. Many colleges and universities do not have general education courses that permit out-of-discipline teaching, and often chemistry departments are already overwhelmed by teaching demands in highly-enrolled General and Organic Chemistry courses. Where teaching outside of the discipline might not be possible, however, it is still possible to observe other types of classes. For example, we suggest that chemistry faculty reach out to colleagues outside of the sciences and ask to observe their teaching. This is particularly beneficial (and often encouraged or required) for pre-tenure faculty, as these observations can lead to additional mentoring relationships in addition to self-reflection. As highlighted in several of the contributed chapters to this book, colleagues in other disciplines are a valuable resource for new ideas and approaches. A new approach to a course or just a new class activity often reinvigorates both faculty and students. Faculty have the opportunity to step out of their comfort zones and explore their field from a different perspective.

Overview of Chapters The purpose of this book is to provide examples in which chemistry teachers and students have benefited from a more “liberal arts” approach to chemistry. Many, if not all of the questions we posed to one another (see previous section), continue to be on-going discussions for us, and many served as the inspiration for our symposia at the 2014 and 2016 Biennial Conferences on Chemical Education. The work presented in these chapters and the citations contained herein provide innovative examples of topic integration and classroom strategies that increase student engagement and reinvigorate faculty and courses. As liberal arts strategies are not rigidly defined, the hope is that faculty will be inspired to incorporate additional material and approaches for their own chemistry courses. This book includes chapters that span high school courses through upper-level university work and should be of interest to a range of chemistry instructors. Additionally, chapter authors represent a variety of institution types, not just traditional liberal arts colleges. The liberal arts-inspired approaches presented here can be applied to other science courses at many different levels. In the Chapter 2, Sykes and Morrisson outline the development and challenges of an interdepartmental course at Pennsylvania State University known as “Chemistry and Literature” (28). These authors have established a model course for integrative undergraduate education. They describe how texts, such as Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, provide the source material for exploring foundational chemical principles and for teaching textual analysis while simultaneously demonstrating the interrelatedness of science and culture. Critical thinking and the integration of traditional spheres of knowledge are 5 Kloepper and Crawford; Liberal Arts Strategies for the Chemistry Classroom ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.

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emphasized throughout the course. Sykes and Morrisson also provide insight into the challenges of establishing such a course in the modern university system. In Chapter 3, Czegan and Miller provide a detailed outline of how liberal arts strategies and the Catholic mission of the university are integrated throughout the chemistry curriculum at Seton Hill University (29). Information literacy, personal and professional reflection, and ethics are emphasized in majors courses with Catholic social teaching strongly linked to the inorganic chemistry course. Additionally, Kabrhel from the University of Wisconsin-Manitowoc discusses how information literacy and student presentation skills have been utilized in the introductory chemistry sequences at a liberal arts, two-year college that supports the state university system (29). Chapter 4 outlines the need for teaching ethics in the chemistry curriculum and identifies specific areas of ethics needed by undergraduates (30). This introduction is followed by a thoughtful argument for including ethics in the Biochemistry course sequence. Mann (Austin Peay State University) supports the argument a wide range of case studies that build on the relationship between historical events and the development of policy and regulation. Each topic includes discussion points to facilitate conversations and ideas to promote student engagement and summative assessment. The chapter serves as an excellent guide for the exploration of ethics and reminds all scientists, and students of science, that the ethical conduct of research is central to the success of the enterprise. In Chapter 5, Megowan-Romanowicz (American Modeling Teachers Association), Dukerich (American Modeling Teachers Association), and Posthuma-Adams (University High School of Indiana) explore Modeling Instruction for chemistry (31). As a liberal arts strategy, Modeling Instruction makes student discussion and interpretation the focal point of the learning environment. Students use dry-erase whiteboards and group work to develop consistent cognitive models for fundamental ideas in chemistry. Through an engaged and directed discussion, students learn to represent concepts consistently and critically explore their proposed models through discussions with peers. The chapter includes the development of Modeling Instruction from the beginnings in the physics classroom and examples of its use in chemistry. At Otterbein University, Hayes has adapted visual arts techniques to an interdisciplinary course between chemistry and art (Chapter 6) (32). Through a collaboration with the Columbus Museum of Art, she provides an introduction to ODIP (Observe, Describe, Interpret, Prove) and “See-Think-Wonder” as applied to individual pieces of art and to molecular structures. These approaches allow students to see how visual representations of chemical structures can themselves lead to an exploration of the underlying chemistry. The incorporation of artistic creativity, communication, and information literacy into a chemistry course is outlined in Chapter 7 provided by Mitchell (University of Denver), Morris (University of Denver), Meredith (Boise State University), and Bishop (Northern Arizona University) (33). In a sophomore Analytical Chemistry course, students developed infographics to communicate foundational concepts of a chemical reaction to a lay audience. The assignment exposed students to the professional expertise of librarians and graphic designers 6 Kloepper and Crawford; Liberal Arts Strategies for the Chemistry Classroom ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.

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while introducing them to aspects of information literacy such as assessment of sources and copyright law for images. Strollo (College of Saint Benedict|Saint John’s University) and Davis (Manchester University) provide examples of Problem-Based Learning in an introductory non-majors’ course and an upper-level majors’ course (Chapter 8) (34). The challenges of shifting to a problem-based classroom are discussed as both authors provide insight into the development of their own courses. While there is a natural tension when significant course changes are undertaken, Strollo and Davis demonstrate how course content can be maintained in this approach while students are directed toward integration of material and the development of skills for lifelong learning. In Chapter 9, Vickers (Southern Utah State) and Caldwell (Trenton High School) provide two examples for the promotion of reading in a chemistry classroom: Literary Challenges and Literature Circles (35). These approaches encourage student engagement with reading and promote reading comprehension by providing opportunities for students to read and discuss diverse chemical topics using a wide range of texts. These techniques encourage students to identify chemical concepts in books, plays, and poetry. Additionally, teaching strategies discussed here allow for implementation of these ideas without a significant loss of time for traditional class content while simultaneously promoting engagement with faculty and other students. Metzger and Glazier describe in Chapter 10 an environmental justice course for undergraduate students at St. Lawrence University and inmates at a maximum security prison through the Inside Out Prison Exchange Program (36). The authors describe a course that is impactful for all students of the course due to the inherent structure of bringing these populations together. More broadly, they outline a course that helps students connect foundational ideas about modern chemistry with environmental engagement while considering questions of their place in society. The final chapter (Chapter 11) provides an example of the realignment of a non-majors chemistry course with larger themes appropriate to a liberal arts mission (37). Harper-Leatherman (Fairfield University) explains how she has utilized an introductory forensics course to engage students with fundamental questions about identity. In addition to learning about forensic techniques and the science associated with crime scene investigation, students reflect on the physical aspects of personhood and individuality.

Conclusions This chapter provides an overview of the background for the integration of liberal arts into chemistry courses and an introduction to the goals and contributed works in this book. The authors believe deeply in the value of a liberal arts education for the professional and personal development of our students. Technical, discipline-specific knowledge will continue to be the cornerstone of chemistry programs. The ability to understand the world at a molecular level is critical for an understanding of the physical and natural sciences. However, to support student learning and growth and to prepare students for the array 7 Kloepper and Crawford; Liberal Arts Strategies for the Chemistry Classroom ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.

of challenges they will face, the acquisition of technical knowledge cannot be at the expense of transferable skills that allow students to fully engage in the world. Whether instructors choose to adopt teaching techniques or to incorporate non-technical content, the humanities and social sciences provide rich source material for the innovation and improvement of chemistry courses. The incorporation of liberal arts strategies improves the course, the instructor, and the students.

References Downloaded by on December 29, 2017 | Publication Date (Web): October 31, 2017 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2017-1266.ch001

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Classroom; ACS Symposium Series 1266; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017; Chapter 5, pp 71−97. Hayes, C. Adapting Visual Art Techniques via Collaborations with a Local Museum to Engage Students in an Interdisciplinary Chemistry and Art Course. In Liberal Arts Strategies for the Chemistry Classroom; ACS Symposium Series 1266; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017; Chapter 6, pp 99−112. Mitchell, D. G.; Morris, J. A.; Meredith, J. M.; Bishop, N. Chemistry Infographics: Experimenting with Creativity and Information Literacy. In Liberal Arts Strategies for the Chemistry Classroom; ACS Symposium Series 1266; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017; Chapter 7, pp 113−131. Strollo, C.; Davis, K. Incorporating Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Into the Chemistry Curriculum: Two Practitioners’ Experiences. In Liberal Arts Strategies for the Chemistry Classroom; ACS Symposium Series 1266; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017; Chapter 8, pp 133−151. Vickers, E.; Caldwell, R. Liberal Arts Reading Strategies for the High School and University Chemistry Classroom. In Liberal Arts Strategies for the Chemistry Classroom; ACS Symposium Series 1266; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017; Chapter 9, pp 153−165. Metzger, E.; Glazier, S. Environmental Justice: Chemistry in Context for Prison Inmates and Non-Majors. In Liberal Arts Strategies for the Chemistry Classroom; ACS Symposium Series 1266; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017; Chapter 10, pp 167−183. Harper-Leatherman, A. S. Making Connections to the Liberal Arts College Mission: Exploring Identity and Purpose in a Chemistry Course. In Liberal Arts Strategies for the Chemistry Classroom; ACS Symposium Series 1266; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017; Chapter 11, pp 185−194.

10 Kloepper and Crawford; Liberal Arts Strategies for the Chemistry Classroom ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2017.