Introduction to NMR Spectroscopy in the Undergraduate Curriculum

Several decades of increased access to private and public funding have made the purchase of these instruments more manageable for numerous undergradua...
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Introduction to NMR Spectroscopy in the Undergraduate Curriculum Anton S. Wallner,*,1 Laura J. Anna,2 and David Soulsby3 1Department

of Physical Sciences, Barry University, Miami Shores, Florida 33161 2Department of Chemistry, Montgomery College, Rockville, Maryland 20850 3Department of Chemistry, University of Redlands, Redlands, California 92374 *E-mail: [email protected]

Since its discovery in 1946, NMR spectroscopy has developed into a powerful tool that is used across many disciplines. In the past twenty years NMR spectroscopy has become increasingly important at the undergraduate level, as evidenced by an increasing number of publications in the field. In this book we bring together experts in the field to discuss the latest strategies and techniques for effectively integrating NMR spectroscopy in the undergraduate curriculum so that students can use this powerful spectroscopic tool to investigate an array of relevant problems. Finally, in a area that has developed as fast as NMR spectroscopy, we conclude by considering the benefits that advances in areas such as hardware, software, and increased use of the Internet could mean for the future of the field.

Introduction When nuclei with spin are placed in a strong magnetic field and perturbed with radio waves, the resulting emission spectrum provides detailed information about the environment of the nuclei. In 1936, Gorter was the first to describe such experiments in his attempts to observe a sudden rise in the temperature of the © 2013 American Chemical Society In NMR Spectroscopy in the Undergraduate Curriculum; Soulsby, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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sample upon slowly varying a transverse magnetic field for lithium fluoride and potassium alum. Gorter searched the radio frequency regions where he predicted that nuclear magnetic resonance signals of 7Li and 1H nuclei would be expected, but failed to observe any signals. He described how the expected increase in occupation of the higher energy levels had been negated by the increase in spin temperature (1). Though his experiments were ultimately unsuccessful in observing nuclear magnetic resonance signals, his efforts encouraged further development in the field. In 1946 these efforts culminated in the simultaneous reporting of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) signals in water by Bloch, Hanson, and Packard (2), and in solid paraffin by Purcell, Torrey, and Pound (3). Bloch and Purcell’s efforts were awarded with the 1952 Nobel Prize in physics (4). The development of NMR spectroscopy into a mature technique with applicability across numerous disciplines has been described in great detail by others (5–12). Any historical summary would no doubt include the development and introduction of superconducting magnets in the 1960’s, the introduction of FT-NMR (Fourier Transform-NMR) in the 1970’s, and shielded magnets, improved electronics and probe design in later years. Indeed, improvements in instrumentation, field strength, and acquisition capabilities mean that NMR spectrometers have now become a routine method of analysis for both industrial and academic chemists, allowing them to analyze smaller sample sizes, less sensitive nuclei, and complicated structures (e.g., proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, etc.). The impact of NMR spectroscopy can be seen by simply reviewing the literature. An assessment of SciFinder using “NMR” as the search topic shows a steady increase in articles that use that term, in going from 7,700 articles in 1980 to over 32,300 articles in 2011 (13). Yet, clearly this most recent number undercounts the overall impact of NMR spectroscopy since it is now such a routine measurement that it is rarely mentioned in the abstract any more. NMR spectroscopy has also become a significant component in undergraduate education, with an NMR spectrometer being listed as a required component for an American Chemical Society (ACS) certified program by the Committee on Professional Training (CPT) (14). Furthermore, a review of the Journal of Chemical Education using the search term “NMR”, found that for the decade 1980-89, 364 research articles used that term, this grew to 499 for the next decade, and to 571 for the most recent decade. Indeed, the number of NMR spectrometers being used in academia has significantly increased over the past 25 years (15).

Overview of NMR Spectroscopy in the Undergraduate Curriculum The organization of this book guides both new and experienced NMR users towards innovative methods that incorporate NMR spectroscopy in the undergraduate chemistry curriculum. The introductory chapter “Modern NMR Experiments: Applications in the Undergraduate Curriculum” provides a comprehensive overview of routine 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy and advanced 2 In NMR Spectroscopy in the Undergraduate Curriculum; Soulsby, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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one-dimensional and two-dimensional experiments that can be performed to provide structural details to answer questions of molecular structure, to quantitate the amounts of individual compounds in mixtures, to measure molecular relaxation times, and to probe reaction rates, particularly in biological reactions. While this review does not cover the theoretical aspects behind these NMR experiments, it does provide users with relevant examples from the undergraduate literature to act as a guide in selecting the most useful type of experiment to select for a particular problem. The book is then organized into sections based on more traditional curricular areas. These sections illustrate how NMR instruction has been effectively integrated into the undergraduate curriculum. The first section is devoted to the application of NMR spectroscopy in organic chemistry lecture and laboratory courses. Contributing authors share pedagogical ideas to show how NMR data can be used in an organic chemistry lecture to support and provide evidence of fundamental concepts of organic structures such as resonance, conformational analysis and stereochemistry. Numerous examples of laboratory experiments are provided, giving readers tested methods for introducing new or supplementing existing laboratory experiments with the analysis of organic products by NMR methods. Specific strategies that promote active learning in the laboratory, that advocate the use of non-deuterated solvents, and that offer practical solutions to streamline NMR sample acquisition and data processing are shared. Two-dimensional NMR methods, such as Correlation Spectroscopy (COSY) and Heteronuclear Single Quantum Coherence (HSQC) experiments, are also gaining a foothold in the organic chemistry laboratory curriculum, and methods are presented that use these experiments to explore and unequivocally solve structural problems. Recognizing that NMR technology is not limited solely to the 1H and 13C NMR analysis of organic compounds, the next section of the book focuses on hetereonuclear applications and how NMR spectroscopy is finding a place in the inorganic chemistry curriculum. Contributing authors report a variety of experiments conducted by undergraduate students in both research and teaching laboratories using 31P, 195Pt and other heteronuclear NMR analysis to characterize inorganic compounds. With the introduction of NMR spectroscopy to the inorganic laboratory, students can receive broader training in NMR instrumentation and applications that complement traditional 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy experience in the organic chemistry curriculum. Progressing through the undergraduate curriculum to upper-level courses, the next section of the book is grouped by the involvement of NMR spectroscopy in physical chemistry and biochemistry courses. Contributing authors show how students couple NMR data with quantum mechanical calculations to examine electronic effects in aromatic compounds and the chemical shift effects of methanol solutions. Students in these upper-level courses also build upon their qualitative NMR analysis skills through the investigation of kinetic rate experiments, the quantitative examination of substituent effects on keto-enol equilibria and gain the unique experience of characterization of phase behavior in lipids using 1H NMR magic-angle spinning. 3 In NMR Spectroscopy in the Undergraduate Curriculum; Soulsby, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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Other author contributions showcase how the acquisition of a new NMR spectrometer has transformed their overall undergraduate curriculum from non-majors courses through senior-level research experiences and relate the challenges and successes regarding the impact of NMR technology on their teaching and student learning. The concluding chapters in the book provide strategies and information on resources that can assist faculty and NMR users in a variety of situations. The National Science Foundation (NSF) encourages collaboration between institutions and one author describes the implementation of an NMR consortium, and the challenges and outcomes resulting from its formation. Faculty and students are increasingly using online sources to augment their NMR spectroscopy education, and a description is provided of an online depository of spectral data to support NMR instruction. Finally, there is a chapter devoted to an overview of available NSF funding resources that support the purchase of NMR instrumentation for undergraduate institutions and strategies for being a successful applicant.

Future Directions Twenty five years ago the majority of superconducting NMR spectrometers were almost exclusively housed at research universities or industrial facilities that had sufficiently large budgets to purchase these instruments and employ specialized personnel to manage them. Technological limitations at the time meant that these older instruments needed a significant amount of floor space due to bulky electronic components and to minimize contact with stray magnetic fields. User interaction was through simplistic graphical user interfaces where experiments were loaded using an alphabet soup of commands, and each sample required manually shimming, meaning that the quality of a spectrum was highly dependent upon user skill. Detecting other nuclei required trained personnel to change cables and retune the probe. As we approach the 70th anniversary of the discovery of NMR spectroscopy, NMR spectrometers have moved firmly from the realm of industry and research universities into standard instrumentation found at many undergraduate institutions. Several decades of increased access to private and public funding have made the purchase of these instruments more manageable for numerous undergraduate institutions, though these opportunities are becoming increasingly limited. In many cases, these instruments can be operated and maintained by teaching faculty with only basic training. Instrument hardware has decreased in size and high-field magnets are now better shielded, meaning that these instruments can be situated in existing spaces with minimum renovations. Gradient shimming has negated the need to manually shim a sample, so that even the most inexperienced user can generate a quality spectrum for any sample each and every time. Probe auto-tune hardware also allows users to easily detect non-standard nuclei without changing cables or manually tuning the probe. Undergraduate institutions are also taking advantage of the availability of automation options, which dramatically increases throughput. Additionally, low-field NMR instruments continue to maintain an important and critical place at 4 In NMR Spectroscopy in the Undergraduate Curriculum; Soulsby, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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many undergraduate institutions, providing high-quality spectra at a significantly lower purchase cost and with minimal upkeep costs. These instruments are often housed in existing instrumentation laboratories, or even on the bench alongside an infrared (IR) spectrometer, gas chromatograph (GC) or high performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC). Even with low-field instruments, automation may eventually be desirable on these instruments as a way to increase throughput. With either type of instrument, students and faculty now use graphical interfaces to interact with the spectrometer. New instruments no longer use analog buttons, switches and two letter commands, and in their place are icons and buttons that represent preset experiments optimized to provide the best results for a typical sample. Finally, the ubiquity of the Internet means that not only can data be easily moved from one location to the other, but that the instrument can also be controlled remotely. Clearly, the past 25 years had heralded significant advances and innovations in the field, but what does the future hold for NMR spectroscopy, specifically as it relates to undergraduate institutions? For institutions with high-field magnets, a dependable and affordable supply of liquid helium remains a problem. Since nearly all of our current liquid helium comes from natural gas deposits (16), when issues with supply arise this can become a significant issue (17). In the short-term, new cost-effective methods for generating and maintaining a reliable supply of liquid helium needs to be developed so that magnets for NMR spectrometers and MRI instruments can be maintained. In the longer-term, the development of new materials that allow for superconductivity at liquid nitrogen temperatures would relieve many of the current pressures on our natural resources and will also significantly decrease the cost of maintaining these instruments. Nearly all modern NMR instruments are now configured to access and use the Internet. Though not yet standard, built-in remote access to the instrument by the user will not only mean that data can be acquired from a remote site, but that NMR managers and NMR manufacturers will be able to diagnose and correct problems when they occur. Most consumers are used to updating software and firmware on their modern electronics, and this could become standard on NMR instruments, with updates recognizing and adapting to the configuration of a particular instrument. Finally, the Internet also allows users to take advantage of cloud storage/computing as a means to remotely store and manipulate data. These virtual storage solutions can also serve as places for students to collaborate. When combined with an NMR instrument capable of automation, these options provide powerful ways to deploy NMR spectral data to students in a variety of learning environments. Together, these advances in NMR hardware and software technology can significantly contribute to an increase in the overall impact of NMR spectroscopy in the undergraduate curriculum.

Conclusions The use of NMR spectroscopy is becoming more widespread at the undergraduate level. As the following chapters demonstrate, faculty innovation at the intersection of chemical education and NMR spectroscopy, through 5 In NMR Spectroscopy in the Undergraduate Curriculum; Soulsby, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

a combination of pedagogical advances, research, and improvements in instrumentation, all serve to teach our students about this powerful spectroscopic technique. The NMR spectroscopy skills that students learn in the classroom not only enrich their education, but ultimately transfer to post-graduate careers in STEM fields.

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