Introduction to Significant Figures - Journal of Chemical Education

A Joke Based on Significant Figures. Journal of Chemical Education. Ruekberg. 1994 71 (4), p 306. Abstract: Joke to introduce significant figures. Abs...
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media exchange Introduction to Significant Figures Time: Self-paced Format: Filmstrip, cassette Cat. No.: 78W0470 Price: $45 Supplier: Ward's, P.O. Box 1712, Rochester, NY 14603, (800)962-2660 This filmstrip is a part of the "Solo-Learn" System produced by Wards. Along with the filmstrip and cassette tape, there is a student review worksheet and a manual for the instructor. T h e kit comes with 25 review sheets and an order form for the teacher t o purchase supplementary ones. T h e narrator tells the student when t o advance the film to the next frame and when t o turn off the tape and solve the problems on the review sheet. T h e level of the presentation and explanations is appropriate for a general introductory chemistrv class. However. the illustrations are verv amateurish. (in particular, a drawing of a very young boy pointing would make the high school student wonder why he or she was viewing such a n elementary filmstrip.) The observer is left auestionina whv the ~ r o d u c e did r not Dav more attention to

DE LIRRIJ JUDICIA This month's De Libris Judicia presents a n assortment of books which might not usually he thought of as chemistry texts. T h e reviewers have found. however. t h a t these hooks otter significant informatiun to teachers who art, intwcsted in the appliration of ihemiitry to other iields. Environmental Chemistry: Air and Water Pollution H Stocker and SpencerL. Seager, Scott, Foresman & Co., 2nd ed., 1976. $7.95. In the late 60's and earlv 70's. the moblems of environmental oalmedia. The topic still deserves attention. The authors of this book have collated data that describes the extent of the pollution problem,


Journal of Chemical Education

edited by HARRIET G. FRIEDSTEIN Rochester institute of Technology P.O. Box 9887 Rochesle~NY 14623

atal arnrrnrsi. Thts hwk 19 nsclrntltlr. oh,rrtivr treatment { ~ruvin,rlf mental information with an emphasis on the chemical aspects involved. It is in no way a political advocacy for any particular method of solution. The hook considers both air and water pollution in depth, devoting a little more than 100 pages to each topic. For eaeh of the two major subjects, there is a preliminary chapter entitled "General Considerations," that outlines the scope of the problem and the specific types of pollution to he highlighted in the following chapters. In "Part One: Air Pollution," there are separate chapters an each of the following pollutants: carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and pdhotochemical oxidants, sulfur oxides, and partiedates. Each chapter records the major sources of the pollution, the chemistrv of its formation. concentrationsand distributions. its effects un ~ h n u m animal3 d m