Introductory Editorial. Tenth Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry

Introductory Editorial. Tenth Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry. 1958 Review of Fundamental Develpments in Analysis. Anal. Chem. , 1958, 30 (4), p...
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EADERS \vim have followed our review series will be interested to note that, almost all of the subjects revicwcd in 1926 nrc reappearing in 1958 and that we are still carrying review on most of the subjccts selected for the first series. We have discontinued, temporarily at lead,, the review on Characterization of Organic Compounds, It may reappear later. The review on Raman Spectroscopy is also missing this yenr. Some time ago, E. J. Rosenbaum, who prepared the 1956 review, wrote us t h a t the subject of analytical applications of Raman spectroscopy “appears t o be going through a transition period.” He went on to point out t h a t very little of an nnalytical nature had been published in the last two years, although with iniproved apparatus available the situation may change appreciably in the future. If so, the review will doubtless be resumed. To our regret the review on Biochemical Analysis was canceled when illness prevented our regular author from completing the assignment and a last-minute substitute was out of the question. It is definitely planned to resume this review, with ‘ o m coverage for the two years past, in the 1960 series. Counteracting disappointment over this one unscheduled omission, we are much pleased t o introduce threc new topics-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry by C. .4. Reiily, Xicrobiological Assays by Seymour Hutner and nssociates, and Diff crential Thermal Analysis by C. B. Murphy. There have been numerous requwts for these reviews and we feel sure that readers will not be disnppointed with what has been prepared. Reappearing, after long absence, is the review on Gas Analysis. The previous one, under the authorship of L. K. S a s h , was published in 1951. The 1958 review has been prcpared by A. P. Hobbs. Missing since the 1954 review b y W,C. IlcCrone, Chemical Microscopy is now under tho authorship of Charles Mares11 and associates. There nre also new authors for some of the old standbys, and we are pleased to present l3. F,Scribner, who took over the “Emission Spectroscopy” review not very long before the deadline. The same can be said for T. G. Rochow and M. C. Rotty, who were pressed into writing the review on Electron Microscopy when Max Swerdlow and his 1956 colleagues were unable to do it, Readers will note, how-

ever, that former contributors Swerdlow and A . J. Dalton both gave assistance, although major credit must go to Rochow and Botty. Those accustomed to seeing t h e name of Arthur Rosc with the Distillation review will find that he has relinquished authorship to R. T. Leslie a n d E. C. Kuehner, while another old-tirncr, C. L. Ogg, has bowed out in favor 0; T. S. Ma. Robert Kunin has a new coauthor, Doris Zobian, or1 the Ion Exchange review, and it is iinw V,H. Dibcler :ind R. 31. Reese on Mass Spectrometry and D. D. DeFord and R. C. Bowers on Electroanalysis and Coulometric Analysis. We believe readers mill find that i n combinntion tho 1958 reviein give an impressive picture of progress in analytical fields. T h a t Meinkc (Nucleonics) has listed over 1200 refcrcnccs he regards as pcrtincnt, and that the combined lists total something around 10,000, are both encouraging niid challenging. Surely thcre is no question as to a future for analytical chemistry. Whether AKAI~TTICAL CIIE:hfISTRY cnn continue to provide reviews such as these will, of course, depend on many factors. No one can predict what will happen, but so long a s we can give readers uselul critical reviews we shall try to do 60, Why n o t let us know what you think of them? Arc there new subjects. t h a t should be included? Are there old subjects t h a t might be omitted? We can help you best if we know what you need and want. Tell us. VOL 30, NO. 4, APRIL 1958 e
