Introductory quantum chemistry (Schug, John C.) - Journal of

Oct 1, 1972 - Introductory quantum chemistry (Schug, John C.) Philip E. Stevenson. J. Chem. Educ. , 1972, 49 (10), p A600. DOI: 10.1021/ed049pA600.3...
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book reviews to use some examples of chemical technology to which the nonscience st,udent may relate, these applications are rather few in number. Moreover, there are some glaring omissions in the 100 pages devoted to organic and biochemistry. For example, there is no mention of the struct,ure of DNA or its role in genetic biochemistry. These criticisms should not det,ract from other positive features of the text, which appears to be well composed and relatively free of errors. The illustrstions are good and the use of tables and example problems in appropriate sections should be helpful to the student. The rather conventional coverage of topics should be attractive to those teachers who prefer such an approach to the more vogue treatments, especially for classes of mixed backgrounds and career gods. In such difficult siturtt.ions, this should be no worse, and perhaps some better than most, chemistry texts on the market today. WILLIAM H. GLAZE North Tezas State University Denton, Texas 76203

Modern Experimental Chemistry and Teacher's Guide

George W. Latimer, Jr., PPG Industries, and Ronald 0 . Ragsdale, University of Utah. Academic Press, New York, 277 pp. Figs. and tables. 1971. xi 27.8 X 21.5 om. $4.25. Guide, $1.


"Modern Experimental Chemistry" is a collection of experiments for the general chemistry laboratory which stresses principles and quantitative results. Many of the experiments require better than average planning and laboratory technique. When it enhances the experiment, the student works with an unknown and he is expected to do a statistical analysis of his results. The use of handbooks and the chemical literature is encouraeed. Genera1 safety procedures, as well as specific safety features of individual experiments, are well presented. The laboratory manual is designed for s class which meets for 6 hr of laboratory work a week for two semesters. The manual could be adapted for a class using less laboratory time by selection of experiments and pre-preparation of reagents. The laboratory using this set of experiments needs to he well equipped with single pan balances, pH meters and colorimeters. The experiments include evaluation of data (I), composition, molecular weight and stoichiometry ( 5 ) , aeid-base equilibrium including s. titration in nonaqueous (acetic acid) media (41,thermodynamics including competing equilibdit, temperature coefficient of equilibrium, thermochemistry, and the Nernst equation (41, kinetics (11, inorganic chemistry of selected elements (Cr, Ni, Mn, halogens) (4), experiments on solution chemistry of ions in which the student develops his own separation techniques and qualitative analysis scheme (3), and an inorganic synthesis project (1). Many of the expe-


A600 / Journal o f Chemical Education

riments could be used nq open ended projects. A useful and detailed Teachers Guide for the laboratorv manual is avsilahlp. It lict,nluipm~nt, chrmicnl. 2nd 01utkm.i. itnd augpc~tcdunknon.ns fur rnrh rxi,rrtxnertt. Tl,c (itride nko ron~wit..;r,lt~rtous to the numerous exercises and auxiliary problems in the lab manual, and wpgestions on grading each experiment. Some of the experiments require fairly difficult experimental techniques. Far example, the preparation and handling of chromous acetate, and the use of dilute perchloric acid solutions in anhydrous acetic acid. The background principles of the experiments are completely presented but in a somewhat abbreviated form for efficient self study by the student. However, the student who really masters the background of all of these experiments will have a good understanding of basic general chemistry. Probably only the teacher who enjoys laboratory work himself and who is willing to communicate that enjoyment by spending time in the laboratory with the students will seriously consider the use of this manual. Those who agree with the authors' viewpoint should find use of the manual rewarding. ~


H. Lawn~..~cfi: C~sven E m o r ~University Atlanta, Gearria 50528

Organic Chemistry of Biological Compounds

Robert Barker, University of Iowa. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1971. ix 374 pp. Figs. and tables. 24 X 18.5 cm. $11.60, cloth. $5.50, paper.

tion: (1) in a discussion of hydrogen banding (pp. 7-9) the terms donor and acceptor are used interchangeably far proton and electron donors and acceptors; (2) in s discussion of symmet,ry elements (pp. 4R9) HC=CR is said to have an infinite-fold rot,ation axis, obviously untrue when It is any alkyl group; (3) in a discussion of spectroscopic studies on proteins in solution (p. 110) the sbatement that "spectroscopic methods provide average values" is elaborated upon without the necessary distinctions among types of spectroscopy. The wealth of material presented clearly and concisely more than compensates for these items in making this a useful book. "Organic Chemistry of Biological Compounds" is designed both for separate use and also for use in conjunction with three other textbooks in the same series ("Intermediary Metabolism and Its Regulation" by Lamer, "Physical Biochemistry" byVan Holde, and ".Macromolecules: Structure and Function" by Wold). Evaluation of the four hooks is beyond the scope of this review. By itself this volume appears to be a good supplementary or reference textbook for a secand-year organic chemistry course. Together with a. separate source of material on homogeneous catalysis, it will be a good textbook for a course in hioorganic chemistry. I t may also senre as a supplement to many comprehensive biochemistry textbooks. Although much of the material available in this book is also available in the second edition of "Biological Chemistry" by Mshler and Cordes, this book is more readable. The teacher and student of organic chemistry, biochemistry or bioorganic chemistry would do well to examine this hook.


This hook is a textbook designed to be accessible to students who have completed an introductory course in organic chemistry. I t contains substantial chapters on the structure and properties of water, molecular symmetry, amino acids and proteins, carbohydrates, phosphate esters, lipids, and nucleic acids and their constituents. The final chapter covers briefly porphyrins, carrins, thiamine diphosphate, biotin, folic acid, acetogenins, and alk* loids. All of the above topics can be located by use of the table of contents. Pyridoxal, pyyridine nucleotides, flavins, and thioesters are discussed under other headings and these topics must be located by use of the index. There is no discussion of homogeneous catalysis. The layout of the hook is clear, and effective use is made of tables and figures. The text is informal and generally clear. Chapters end with annotated bibliographies consisting of 2-7 review articles and books, most of which are dated in the 1960's. The index is adequate. Material is presented in a useful and usable manner. Particularlv convenient classes of compounds. The presentation of related organic and biochemical reactions together in outline form is valuable. Although the hook is generally free from obvious errors, three items deserve men-

WILLIAMH . FUCHSMAN Oberlin College Oberlin, Ohio 44074 Introductory Quantum Chemistry

John C. Sehug, VPI. Holt,, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., New York, 1972. 287 pp. Figs. and tables. 23 viii X 15 em. $8.


"Introductory Quantum Chemistry" by John C. Sehug is a t first glance a n attractive little paperback, written to he used in s one semester "first" course in quantum chemistry. I t begins with short discussions of the traditional preSchr6dinger quantumproblems and of thenature of waves. Then follow the postulates of quantum mechanics, presented in the language of operators, and discussions of the particle in a box, the hmmonie oscillator, and the rigid rotor. Next is a chapter devoted to time-dependent theory, an unusual topic for an inbroductory text, but, of course, of great importance to spectroscopy. All the above appears in about 90 pages. The remaining 200 discuss the hydrogen atom, vibration and rotation of diatomic molecules, perturhstion theory, variational method, complex atoms, valence bond theory, molecular orbital theory of diatomio molecules, and polyatomic molecules. The presence of so many topics in such a shart book is, in this reviewer's opinion, (Continued a page A60S)

book reviews

elements, transitional elements, innertransitional elements, electro positivity, valency and salt-like compounds. Section B.2 interprets these concepts in modern one of its two major weaknesses. I t s terms, and introduces further concepts for explanations and derivations are rather later use. terse and probably would be rough going Section A.3 deals with, in the author's for must students. Moreover many imopinion, the best empirical form of the portant topics are introduced with inmodern Periodic Table, while Section B.3 sufficient experimental background and no presents electronic justification for t,he explanations for their importance. The proposed form. Sections A.4 and B.4 other weakness is s, propensity for overdeal with the general struct,ure of the elegance. For example: the valence Periodic Table as a whole, detailing the bond description of 1% is given as a linear trends among the elements and their hycombination of two dderminants whose drides, oxides and halides. Section A.5 amounts to a detailed consideration of the Groups designed to show absent. the "sweep and unity" of t,he Periodic The initial attractiveness thus fades System. This section contains a wealth of in the light of close examination. What information prsented concisely and should seemed t o be an inexpensive text,book be read in one sitting. By doing so, the wit,h everything in i t turns oot to be little reader will be able to see how and why the more than a. good review uubline of elearrangement of a. vast amount of informamentary quantum mechanics for the tion by Group and Period is essential for chemist. B.5 clear understanding. Section PHILIPE. STEVENSON amounts to a detailed theoretical interpreWorceste~Pol.yteehnie Inslitule tation of the trends within the periodic Worcesler. Massachusetts 0160g groups presented in Part A. Sections A.6 and B.6 deal with the experimental evidence and theoretical justification of special topics, including diagonal relationships; contrast of the first The Periodic Table. transitional series with the second and Experiment 8 Theory third transitional series; similarity of the J . S . F. Pode. Mills & Boon, London, second and the third transitional series 263 pp. Figs. and tables. 1971. xix (the Lant,hanide Contraction); and the 23 X 1,; cm. £1.12, Softbound. chemist,ry of the Lanthanides and Actinides. This paperback book is a. deliberat,e atSection A.7 includes approximately 150 tempt on the part of the author to demonsimple experiments which demonstrate, strate the dynamic interplay between though not in a comprehensive manner, theory and experiment and, further, to group properties and support the factual show how greatly the imaginative insight material presented in Part A. The exof Dmitri Mendeleev has influenced chemperiments have been chosen t,o be ~ m ical thought. In this reviewer's opinion, ambiguous and easy to perform. he has succeeded admirably. The author has intended this paperback The approach is both unique and excitbook for studtints and teachers of cheming, with the book divided into two parts. istry a t the Advanced and National CertifPart A (Experimental) is an empirical icate levels in Great Britain. However, account of the great diversity of experithis reviewer believes that t,hebook will be mental facts available, although the inof immeasurable value to students and formstion presented is deliberately conciae, teachers alike as s. supplement in introstressing regular trends within the Periodic ductory chemist,ry and as an excellent Table. Part B (Theoretical Interpretareview for students of intermediate or tion) on the other hand, is an interpretaadvanced inorganic courses in this country. tion of the material presented in Part A in terms of modern valency theory. Each RICHARD W. NEITHAMER numbered section in Part A has a. counterEckerd College part in Part B. (forrnedy Florida Presbyterian College) Part A of the book could stand on its St. Pelemburg, Florida own merits, although, as the author admits "a diet of fact undilut,ed by theory tends to be somewhat arid." Part B, on the other hand, needs to be read in conjunction with Part A. Molecular Thermodynamics. An InfroThe Introduction to Part A discusses durtion to Stotlrtical Mechanics for the historical background concerning t,he Chemistry nature of chemical families, while the Int,rodaction to Part B deals with the doJohn H. Knoz, University of Edinvelopment of the concept of orbitals and burgh. Wiley-Interscience, New York, electron distribution within atoms. 1971. xiii 264 pp. Figs. and tables. Section A . l describes the nature and 23.5 X 15.5 cm. 911.95. function of a scientific hypothesis and the predicted successes, anomalies and apThere is a. need for an introductory text parent failures of Mendrleev's ~ystem. in statistical mechanics a t the juniorSection B.l shows how modern theory senior level, designed for chemistry stuaccount,^ for both the successes and failures dents whose interests are msinly experithe system experienced. Section A.2 premental. Such s. book should develop the sents empirical definitions utilized in the underlying formalism in a. physically remainder of Part A including main group sound, but mathematically uncomplicated,





Journal o f Chemiml Education

way and then proceed to treat a wide variety of topics of chemical interest. The author has attempted this with mixed success. The applications are generally well chosen; there are drawbacks to his treatment of the fundamentals. The first half of the hook is devoted to a review of quantum mechanics and thermodynamics and the development of elementary ensemble theory. The level of presentation is most uneven. The mathematics is clearly detailed and would present no problem to the prospective student. The author's treatment of some subtle problems, while not manifestly incorrect, is certain to mislead beginners in this field. The seetion on quantum mechanics discusses the simple model systems necessary for later applications to crystals and gases in an interesting way, leaning heavily on the de Broglie postulate. I t then strays into a discussion of indistinguishability and its relation to Fermi and Bose statistics. By including hydrogen atoms as bosons, the author misses the point that the statistics can he applied only to particles that maintain their identity. I n a gas of hydrogen atoms it is impossible to mociate a proton with a unique elect,ron; collisions between atoms will certainly allow electron exchange. The presentation of ensemble theory is simple but incomplete. I t is based on the microcanonical postulate that all systems in the ensemble with the same macroscopic parameters are equally probable. However, nowhere is it emphasized that the ensemble is constructed to mirror our basic lack of detailed informstion about the thermodynamic system. I n the t r e a t ment of the canonical ensemble, the syst e m of the ensemble are assumed independent and of a fixed energy. The sense in which these assertions can be correct and yet have the systems coupled to a heat bath is not discussed. Such a discussion is necessary if the student is to understand why this form of ensemble theary is only meaningful far systems containing many particles. In his quest for simplicity the author has ignored some of the basic assumptions of statistical mechanics. The applications are generally worthwhile. The t o ~ i c treated s are the t,hermo-

rium, absolute reaction rate theory, and the Einstein model of ideal crystals. The interesting features are the detailed consideration of internal rotation and the care with which numerical caleuletions are worked out. This latter is most helpful to anyone who wishes to learn how to use spectroscopic and structural data to compute thermodynamic properties. The treatment of the molecular partition function for homonuclear diatomic molecules is in error; the symmetry of the electronic wave function is significant but the vibrational wave function is alwaytys unaltered by an exchsnge of nuclei. The thermodynamics of the dissociation of fluorine is discussed in detail. It points up clearly how statistical thermodynamics can be used effectively to determine bond energies accurately even though the thermochemical data is not particularly precise; (Continued on page A60.9)