Invertasendash;Free Yeasts and Their Application in the Selective

Invertasendash;Free Yeasts and Their Application in the Selective Fermentation of Final Cane Molasses as a Preliminary Step to Desugarization1. V. Bir...
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March, 1928

Table I V shows the ayerage results from four complete experiments, all of which are in agreement. An increased elimination of colloids as determined by the dye test was obtained m-ith double defecation. These results were substantiated by ultra-filtration in one instance, in which the reversible and irreversible colloid contents of the doubledefecated juice were found to be slightly lower than in the single-def ecated juice. There was a greater rise in apparent purity in the doubledefecated juice and its general appearance was also improved. This improvement is attributable, in a measure at least, to colloid elimination by the acid defecation of the secondary juices where the quantity of mud was proportionately large.


The primary muds introduced into the slightly limed secondary raw juice gave a large volume of flocculated material which served to adsorb and carry down a considerable quantity of colloids. The phosphate content of the secondary juice was found to be equal to or greater than that of the primary juice based on 100" Brix, so that a large part of the lime added t o the secondary juice passed into chemical combination and was precipitated. From these few experiments, double defecation appears to be the more effective method, but further study of this particular phase of clarification is necessary, taking into consideration possible inversion losses during acid clarification, in order to determine whether the advantages gained would be offset by any sucrose losses.

Invertase-Free Yeasts and Their Application in the Selective Fermentation of Final Cane Molasses as a Preliminary Step to Desugarization' V. Birckner and H. S. Paine CARBOHYDRATE DIVISION, BUREAUOF CHEMISTRY A N D SOILS, WASHINGTON, D. C.

Notwithstanding the earlier failures, selective fermentation of final cane molasses should be of industrial interest. The commercial feasibility of desugarizing final molasses after selective fermentation of its dextrose and levulose has been effected may vary with the price of the molasses in relation to t h a t of sugar. Even i€market conditions are not always favorable, the operation of t h e process only when advantageous might be profitable and would tend to stabilize t h e price of final molasses. Attempts by earlier workers to recover the 30 to 40 per cent of sucrose contained in final molasses after subjecting it to a selective fermentation with organisms t h a t do not attack sucrose have not found practical application. The principal reason appears to have been t h a t the investiga. tors worked usually with only one organism which, although free from invertase, may not have been suited for t h e purpose in view. The experiments described demonstrate t h a t invertase-free organisms vary in their effectiveness for selectively fermenting final cane molasses. I t is therefore necessary to employ strains which will ferment

the dextrose and levulose of final molasses with the greatest possible speed and completeness. The authors' experiments in this field have been fairly successful, and it is believed t h a t the process deserves the attention of the cane-sugar industry. Selective fermentation, as a preliminary step to desugarization by calcium (or strontium or barium) saccharate, would not only convert the dextrose and levulose of final molasses into a valuable product, but would also obviate the formation of decomposition products of these sugars, which would have a n unfavorable effect on operation of the saccharate process. When the process is operated on the plantation, it is possible that, after converting the dextrose and levulose into alcohol and recovering the sucrose by a saccharate process (preferably calcium saccharate), the remaining liquor could be returned to the fields as fertilizer, t h u s making possible complete utilization of the molasses. The alcohol could be utilized on the plantation as motor fuel.

. . . . . .. . . . . . . . ICRO6RGANISMS which ferment dextrose and levulose, but which lack the power to hydrolyze sucrose and consequently are unable to ferment this disaccharide, have been described by various authors, beginning with GayonZ about fifty years ago. An important contribution to this subject was made more recently by Klocker13who published a detailed study of the group of yeasts commonly known as Saccharomyces apiculatus. As nearly all these organisms were found to be non-sporeformers, Klocker includes them in the family of the Torulaceae and assigns to them the new generic name Pseudosaccharomyces. He distinguishes sixteen species, seven of which he reports as being free from invertase. He also describes a spore-forming yeast, Hanseniaspora Valbyensis, which likewise contains no invertase. The idea of utilizing invertase-free microorganisms for



Received September 27, 1927.

* Compl. rend., 86, 52 (1878); Ann. chim. phrs.,

[5]14,258 (1878). a Cenfr. Bekf. Perasilenk., I1 Abt., 36, 375 (1912); also in greater detail in Compl. rend. ~ Y Q U .lab. Carisberg, 10, 285 (1913).

the purpose of transforming only the dextrose and levulose of final cane molasses into ethyl alcohol, as a preliminary step to the recovery of additional sucrose, was conceived by the early workers in this field, including men who were in close contact with the cane sugar industry.4 Until comparatively recent years, the process appears to have been experimented with occasionally, only to be abandoned on account of various difficulties. I n the writers' experiments they have used mainly the above-mentioned organisms of the genus Pseudosaccharomyces, cultures of which were kindly furnished by the late Prof. A. Klocker, of Copenhagen, Denmark. The cultures were received on cotton in small vials, and no great difficulty was experienced in obtaining growth after making transfers to a suitable medium. (One of the organisms, the Pseudosacchnromyces Lindneri, Klocker, had died in transit.) 4 Gayon, Compl. rend., 87, 407 (1878); Ann. Anron., 6, 519 (1879); Mendes, Bull. essocn. chim. sucr. dist., 2, 372 (1884); McGlashan, U. S. Patent 751,990 (February 9, 1904); Pellet and Pairault, Bull. assocn. chim. sucr. d i s l . , 23, 639 (1905).


There was thus an opportunity to make a comparative study of a number of species of invertase-free organisms and of their behavior in cane molasses. The experiments were carried out at first with small batches of liquid (less than 1 liter), such as are commonly employed in laboratory experiments. Later the process was applied to larger volumes, 10 to 12 gallons of dilute blackstrap being subjected to the selective fermentation. It appears from this work that these invertase-free organisms are not equally well adapted to the selective fermentation of molasses. This fact has probably been overlooked in earlier attempts to utilize the process. Usually the earlier trials were conducted with only one organism, and it was not realized that for best results the organism must not only be devoid of invertase but must have a special adaptation for cane molasses; that is, it must convert the fermentable monoses of the cane molasses with the greatest possible speed and completeness. A set of cultures of the same organisms was also purchased from the bacteriological collection of E. Przibram, in Vienna, Austria, together with cultures of two other organismsSchizosaccharomyces octosporus, Beijerinck, and Saccharomycopsis capsularis, Schjonning. The last two organisms are reported in the literature as being unable to ferment sucrose. This was not the case, however, with the cultures received. Although apparently uncontaminated, they were either not true to name or they had as a result of faulty methods of cultivation developed invertase secondarily. I n the struggle for existence an organism which contains no invertase would be more likely to succumb from starvation than its competitors. On the other hand, the formation of an enzyme by a unicellular organism would not appear to involve such profound changes in its character as to be impossible. I n the course of their experiments the writers have repeatedly observed that invertase-free organisms when allowed to remain on wort-agar slants for many months or perhaps a year without being transferred, even when kept in a refrigerated room a t $1 O C., had acquired the property of attacking sucrose. Hence, these organisms seem to be devoid of invertase only so long as they are plentifully supplied with nutrients, especially sugar, that can be utilized without previous inversion. If the food (and moisture) supply becomes low, these organisms appear to develop invertase, thereby being able to utilize to better advantage their decreasing supply of nutrients. These views are contrary to those of Klocker who regarded the presence or absence of invertase in a certain organism as an inherent quality of the species. I n connection with the above deductions, it would be of interest to learn whether the inversion of sucrose is a necessary prerequisite for the utilization of this disaccharide as food for the organism as well as for the process of fermentation. On the basis of the researches of Will6 this question could probably be answered in the affirmative. The work of this author forms a valuable supplement to that of Klocker. Both men published their results as contributions to science, without being concerned with the practical aspects of the matter. The present writers also tested a strain of Saccharomyces apiculatus, Reess.6 The organisms studied are designated by number throughout this paper, the source of the culture being indicated when necessary. The following is a list of the organisms used, together with the number assigned to each species: h'0.

Pseudosaccharomyces apiculatus Reess-Hansen Pseudosaccharomyces austriacus: Klocker Pseudosaccharomyces africanus, Kldcker Pseudosaccharomyces corlicis, Klocker

1 2 3 4

Centr. Bakt. Parasitenk., I1 Abt., 44, 225 (1915). of the Food Research Division: originally obtained from England. 6

e Culture supplied by Edwin LeFevre,

Vol. 20, No. 3


iY0, 5 6 7 8 9 10

Pseudosaccharomvces Mullevi. Klocker Pseudosaccharom; ces germanicus, Klocker .iaccharem>ces actculatus, Reesi Hdnseniaspora I ' o l b J e n s i s , Klocker Schizosaccharomyces octosporus, Beijerinck Saccharomycopsis capsularis, Schjonning

All ex'cept a few of the last experiments were pure-culture fermentations; that is, the medium to be acted upon was sterilized by autoclaving and, after cooling, was inoculated with a pure culture of the organism used, care being taken to prevent subsequent contamination. All experiments were carried out a t room temperature (about 25" C.), The organisms were kept in culture by transferring them at intervals to fresh wort-agar slant^.^ After several such transfers the various strains were allowed t o grow on sterile beer wort or sterile molasses in order to prevent degeneration. After this revivification in the liquid medium, the cultures were again kept on wort agar. Although an attempt was made to keep the cultures under uniform conditions, this aim could not be fully realized. T h e n the activities of the organisms on a given medium were studied and compared, and it was found upon repeating the comparison many months later that somewhat different results were obtained, such variations were probably due to changes in the character of the respective organisms as a result of non-uniform cultural conditions. The importance of maintaining proper moisture and food conditions for these organisms has already been stressed. Behavior i n Synthetic Media

A few experiments were made to study the behavior of the organisms on colorless media containing dextrose. An aqueous 10 per cent dextrose solution containing in 1 liter 20 cc. of yeast water was prepared, and 25-cc. portions of this solution were pipetted into 100-cc. volumetric flasks. The flasks were autoclaved and inoculated, a trace of the respective organism being introduced into each flask by means of a platinum needle. Table Ia records the losses in weight observed with these cultures after a number of days. Table Ia-Fermentation of a Dextrase-Yeast Water M e d i u m by Invertase-Free Organisms

I 4



1 1 2 2 3 3

4 4 6 6



Copenhagen Vienna Copenhagen Vienna Copenhagen Vienna Copenhagen Vienna Copenhagen Vienna En g1and


Gram 0.079 0.063 0.080 0,064 0,090 0,111 0.060 0.066 0.064 0.050 0,092


Gram 0.156 0.148 0.156 0.133 0.170 0.207 0.130 0.128 0.125 0.101 0.186

Blank determinations with flasks that had not been inoculated showed that the loss from evaporation alone was about 0.1 gram per week for each flask. It was thought that the organisms might show greater activity if supplied with some nutrient salts. Accordingly, on the eighth day 5 cc. of each of the above cultures were transferred to other flasks by means of sterile pipets. The composition of the new medium, which showed a pH of 6.2* and of which 30 cc. had been placed in each flask, was as follows: one liter contained 50 grams dextrose, 5 grams (NH4)2S04,4 grams KH2P04,1gram K2HP04,and 5 cc. yeast 7 The writers wish to express their indebtedness to Chas. Thorn, then in charge of the Microbiological Laboratory of the Bureau of Chemistry, for the use of certain facilities of his laboratory. 8 All pH values reported in this paper were determined electrornetrically, using the quinhydrone electrode as described by L. E. Dawson of this laboratory [Sugar, 28, 211, 262, 310, 369 (1926)l.


March, 1928

of the invertase-free organisms which were used in these experiments. Comparison of Different Lots of Molasses

water. The progress of the fermentations after the inoculation of this medium is shown in Table Ib. of a D e x t r o s e - S a l t M i x t u r e w i t h o u t N i t r a t e Nitrogen

T a b l e Ib-Fermentation



1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 6 6 7

Copenhagen Vienna Copenhagen Vienna Copenhagen Vienna Copenhagen Vienna Copenhagen Vienna England


It seemed possible that the same organism might give different results with different lots of molasses. In order to investigate this point, dilutions of three lots of cane molasses were prepared, all possessing approximately the same initial pH value (5.7) and the same density (22.6" Brix). The three lots of molasses had been produced in Cuba, Porto Rico, and Louisiana. Table I1 shows their composition.Q








Gram 0.085 0,091 0.129 0.120 0,070 0.076 0.075 0.067 0.082 0.060 0.109

Gram 0.158 0.226 0.230 0.219 0.140 0.146 0.157 0,138 0.165 0.131 0.205

Gram 0.206 0.277 0.291 0,269 0.188 0.202 0.210 0.193 0.222 0.177 0.260

Gram 0.315 0.398 0.430 0.377 0.295 0.318 0.337 0.313 0.359 0.290 0.397


Brix reading Total solids, per cent Direct polarization Sucrose (invertase method), per cent Invert sugar, per cent


1 2 2 3 3 4 4

6 6 7

Copenhagen Vienna Copenhagen Vienna Copenhagen Vienna Copenhagen Vienna Copenhagen Vienna England





Gram 0 112 0 083 0 117 0 158 0 075 0 085 0 080 0 075 0 122 0 089 0 134

0,150 0.160 0.196 0.272 0.117 0.126 0.120 0.112 0.194 0.139 0,224





Cram 0,219 0.303 0,302 0.475 0.191 0.217 0,189 0.185 0.326 0.224 0.318

Gram 0.271 0 390 0 375 0 337 0 255 0.282 0 259 0 241 0 424 0 290 0 390




Gram 0.185 0.237 0.249 0.391 0.155 0.172 0.161 0.148 0,262 0.181 0.274
















Without With Without With Without With Without With Without With Without With Without With Without With

88.66 81,98 33.10 38.58 17.18

79.14 28.23 35.00 17.19



These analyses were made by M . A. McCalip of this laboratory.














Gram 0.290 0.280 0.134 0.169 0.258 0.046 0.225 0,048 0.225

Gram 0.523 0.533 0.378 0,377 0.480 0.069 0.574 0.273 0.595 0.387 0.730 0.552 0.688 0,540 0.073 0 070

Gram 0.709 0.732 0.581 0,555 0.674

Gram 0.864 0.899

Gram 1.009

Gram 1.109 1.148 1.112 0.979 1.128 0.972 1.450 1.406 1.579 1.400 1.511 1.473 1.524 1.475 0.814 0 609

Gram 1.252 1.302 1.318 1.129

Gram 1.324 1.378 1.412 1.195 1.338 1.302 1.582 1.551 1.728 1.567 1.589 1.535 1.607 1.539 1.224

Gram 1.445

Gram 1.487 1.559 1.610 1.338 1.449 1.475 1.659 1.622 1.817

Gram 1.651 1.796 1.882 1.558 1.647 1.723 1.836 1.794 2.022 1.937 1.839 1.745 1.871 1.734 1.786 1.715

Gram 1.723 1,902 2,009 1.662 1.746 1.842 1.927 1.875 2.122




The next problem was to determine from among the various organisms available those which would be best suited for the selective fermentation of the molasses used. In order to do this, it was necessary to compare the action of the various organisms under a variety of conditions and by means of chemical control to ascertain which strains excelled in transforming the fermentable monoses of the liquors rapidly and completely without attacking the sucrose. Statements have appeared in the literature to the effect that the presence of chemically inert materials (adsorbents), such as carbon, kieselguhr, and kaolin, in a medium exercises a beneficial influence on yeast fermentations. Some experiments were made with the object of finding out whether these statements would apply to the organisms under investigation. The influence of the addition of one per cent of kieselguhr on the rate of fermentation was studied. A small amount




Selection of Most Suitable Organism

Tables I a to ICshow that the organisms differ in their behavior in these media. Nos. 3 and 7 were the most active, comparatively speaking, on the purely organic pedium (Table Ia). The addition of inorganic salts lessened the activity of orgariism 3. The addition of these salts was neither harmful nor beneficial to Nos. 1 and 4. The activity of Nos. 2 and 6 was distinctly increased by the salts, whereas in organism 7 no distinct improvement was observed in the medium containing only ammonia nitrogen, but the introduction of nitrate nitrogen caused a pronounced acceleration of the rate of fermentation. These findings illustrate the fact that wide variations are liable to occur in the biochemical behavior


79.08 75.74 26 10 30.66 16.20

Twenty-five cubic centimeter portions of the dilute solutions were pipetted into 100-cc. volumetric flasks, which, after sterilization and cooling, were inoculated with the different organisms by means of a platinum needle. The flasks were weighed immediately after inoculation and a t intervals thereafter. The results, the details of which are omitted here, showed clearly that this sample of Louisiana molasses was not well suited as a medium for the invertase-free organisms, compared with the Cuban and Porto Rican molasses, The last two were fermented about equally well. The Cuban molasses was used in most of the subsequent experiments.

of a D e x t r o s e - S a l t M i x t u r e C o n t a i n i n g A m m o n i u m Nitrate


of C a n e Molasses Used in F e r m e n t a t i o n Experiments

T a b l e 11-Composition

Five cubic centimeter portions of these cultures were now transferred to another medium, the composition of which differed from the formula given above only to the extent that the 5 grams of ammonium sulfate had been replaced by 2.5 grams of ammonium nitrate. The pH of the new medium was 6.0. The loss in weight observed in this case is shown in Table IC. T a b l e IC-Fermentation



0.325 0.165 0.295 0.182 0.046 0.047

0.251 0.909

0.540 0.983 0.692 1.052

0.925 1.019 0.905

0.175 0.103


0.722 0.852 0,535 1.191 1.014 1.282 1.004 1.304 1.248 1.292 1.230 0.389 0.195

1.040 0.975 0.874 1.017 0.795 1.368 1.280 1.474 1.267 1.449 1.424 1.448 1.422 0.628 0 414

I.i78 1.208 1.541 1.518 1.691 1.528

1.566 1.515 1.583 1.521 1.100 0 921



1.561 1.301 1.420 1.432 1.638 1.402 1.790

1.627 1.634 1.574 1.658 1.576 1.422 1.293


1.657 1.592 1.680 1.593 1.489 1.379


1.927 1.818 1.963 1.801 1.916 1.839



of top yeast extract was added when preparing the molasses medium. The Brix reading of the medium, when ready for the autoclave, was 22.45 O . Twenty-five cubic centimeter portions were pipetted into sixteen 100-cc. volumetric flasks, arranged in two series of eight flasks. One series was autoclaved directly, while to each flask of the other series 0.25 gram of kieselguhr was added before autoclaving. One flask of each series was inoculated by means of a platinum needle with one of the eight organisms listed in Table 111. The flasks were then weighed, and the weighings were repeated daily. The results recorded in Table I11 show that the kieselguhr caused a slight acceleration in organisms 2 and 6, but no acceleration (possibly even a slight retardation) in the other five strains. The active fermentation period of strain 4, as indicated by the italicized figures, was shorter than that of any other strain. By a similar experiment it was ascertained that the suspended material which is present in cane molasses, and which becomes more noticeable upon dilution, has no appreciable influence on the rate of the selective fermentation. The change in the composition of molasses caused by these organisms was next investigated. The analytical methods used first were replaced later by others which were found more suitable. I n the earlier work the method of Scales10 was used for the reducing-sugar determinations. The absolute quantities of sugar are difficult to ascertain, however, with this iodometric method on account of the high values obtained for the blank determinations with the diluted molasses. Instead of calculating the weights of reducing sugars, the writers merely noted the number of cubic centimeters of thiosulfate solution required for the final titration which should bear a definite relation to the quantity of sugar reduced by Scales' reagent. This number is reported under the caption Reducing Sugar Index in Tables IV and Vb. The sucrose was determined by the invertase method;" the figures in Tables IV to VIIIc represent grams of sucrose found in 100 grams of the final diluted liquors, or they were derived from this source. One hundred cubic centimeter portions of molasses diluted 1:4 (20.4' Brix) were pipetted into 200-cc. volumetric flasks, which were then plugged with cotton and autoclaved. After cooling, they were inoculated by means of a needle, and weighed at intervals. After the fermentations were completed, each flask was filled to the mark with water and the contents were analyzed. The results are shown in Table IV. Table IV-Change in Composition of 20.4O Brix Molasses when Fermented bv Invertase-Free Yeasts DI-


L o s ~ : ~ l ~ ~ ~R E yC T ~C RN O S E REDUCORGANISM SOURCE



Gram Gram Grams Grams Grams Copenhagen Vienna Copenhagen Vienna Vienna Vienna Copenhagen England 10 Vienna Molasses not inoculated

4 4 3 3 6 2 5 7

2.20 2.00 2.35 2.25 0.95 1.25 2.25

4.35 4.10 4.37 4.25 3.80 3.90 3.90


% 4.34 3.10 4.36 5.10 4.51 4.07 4.36 5.83 4.49 High 4.34 High 4.05 3.94 4.26 5.22 1.62 4.88 4.05 24.76






T l G r a m s Grams Grams Grams


3 6 8 9 11 12 14 17 20 22 23 24 25 27 29 31 32 34

0.09 0.21

0.10 0.23

0.11 0.24

0.09 0.22

0:62 0.90 1.07

0:64 0.92 1.09 1.31


0.94 1.10 1.33

0:59 0.86 1.02 1.22

1:61 1.93





0.12 0.21 0.42 0.59

0.13 0.22 0.42 0.60

0.11 0.21 0.40 0.57

0.15 0.27 0.54 0.74


1.07 1.41 1.60 1.81 2.08

1.03 1.34 1.53 1.72 2.00 2.30

1.31 1.69 1.89 2.10 2.40 2.73




3.06 3.24

1:63 1.94 2.22 2.30 2.47


Grams Grams Grams Grams

2.34 2.62 2.69 3.52 3.59


At the end of the active fermentation period, and a t intervals thereafter, one flask of each series was filled to the mark with water, filtered, and analyzed. To the flask which mas analyzed at the beginning of the experiment the starter had been added in the same manner as with the other flasks, but the yeast was inactivated a t once by the addition of 50 cc. of strong alcohol. The analytical data are shown in Table Vb. Tahle Vb-Change

in Composition of Fermenting Molasses




Per c e n f


These data show that strain 10, obtained from Vienna, was unsuited for selective fermentation as it readily attacked sucrose. The four species of Pseudosaccitaromyces obtained from the same source, even though free from invertase, compared unfavorably with those obtained from Copenhagen, Ind. Eng. Chem., 11, 748 (1919). 11 Assocn. Official Agr. Chem., Methods, p. 185 (1925).

Vol. 20, No. 3


0 9 17 25 34



0 1.05 2.08 2.60 3.59

5.35 5.05 5.27 5.40 5.65



5:7l 5.76 5.29


Determinations b y M. A. McCalip of this laboratory.

9.86 4.11




March. 1928

Judging from the results of this experiment, organism 5 would be far more suitable for the selective fermentation of Cuban molasses than organism 4. The sucrose was scarcely attacked in either case, but the reducing substances were destroyed more completely by organism 5. Although in fermentations of this type the decrease in reducing substances is continuous, the direct polarization decreases during the earlier stages. It increases again with the gradual disappearance of the fermentable monoses. This relation, which was first observed by Gayon,I2is well demonstrated by the direct polarizations with organism 5. This variation in direct polarization is thought to be due to more rapid fermentation of dextrose than of levulose by the respective organism.

making the above weighings, twelve of the cultures were transferred in bulk, with precautions against infection, to 300-cc. volumetric flasks, each of which contained a sterilized 150-cc. portion of diluted molasses (18' Brix). The ensuing fermentations appeared to be over in 3 or 4 days, with the exception of the flasks that had been inoculated with strain 5, which continued to lose appreciable weight for several more days. The fermented liquors were diluted to 300 cc. with freshly boiled distilled water. The pH values of the twelve solutions, after mixing and filtering, are given in Table T'Ib. Values of Different Media after F e r m e n t a t i o n with Invertase-Free Yeasts


It was thought that the speed of these fermentations might be increased by employing liquid starters which had been built up on a specially suitable medium. I n connection with these experiments the quantities of acid and ethyl alcohol produced in some of these cultures were determined. Hopped beer wort was obtained from a local brewery, and some unhopped wort was prepared from ground barley malt. The two worts were practically identical as to density and pH (10.25' Brix, pH 5.8 to 5.9). A dilute solution of blackstrap molasses, the sucrose of which had been inverted by adding a small amount of crude invertase solution, was compared with these two media, both with and without the addition of some dextrose. This molasses medium contained 25 grams of molasses and 10 cc. of yeast extract (invertase) in a volume of 150 cc. Its Brix reading was 12.45", and its pH, 5.5. After several days twelve of the most actively fermenting cultures were transferred to 150-cc. portions of dilute molasses, all of the same composition, and after the fermentation of these batches had come to an end, the pH of the fermented liquors was determined. Some of the solutions were distilled, and the quantity of ethyl alcohol in the distillates was determined. The manipulations were as follows: Thirty cubic centimeter portions of the unhopped wort were placed in five small Freudenreich flasks and sterilized. After cooling, each flask was inoculated with a trace of organisms 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, respectively. Three days later, while actively fermenting, 5-cc. portions of each culture were transferred into five Freudenreich flasks containing 25-cc. portions of the following five media: (a) unhopped wort, (b) 5 grams of dextrose dissolved in 100 cc. of unhopped wort, (c) hopped wort, (d) 5 grams of dextrose dissolved in 100 cc. of hopped wort, (e) blackstrap molasses inverted by invertase. The progress of these fermentations was judged by the consecutive losses in weight of the twenty-five flasks. Thus, on the second day after inoculation the individual cultures had lost the weights shown in Table VIa.

-+ +

Unhopped wort dextrose Hopped wort dextrose Inverted molasses








5.04 5.03 5.03


5.03 4.99 4.9s



Table VIc-Relative


Gram Unhopped wort Unhopped wort f dextrose Hopped wort Hopped wort f dextrose Inverted molasses

0.118 0.517 0.113 0.503 3.253




Gram 0.127 0.636 0.128 0.577 0.516

Gram 0.132 0.653 0.136 0.611 0.508

Gram 0.114 0.284 0.096 0,236 0.195

Gram 0.117 0.434 0.116 0.410 0.358

It appears that the inverted molasses is a better medium for these organisms than either the hopped or the unhopped wort alone. Compared with the other organisms, No. 5 developed poorly in all these media. Possibly the wort used as starter had impaired the vitality of this strain. After Comfit. vend., 87, 407 (1878).



Purity of Ethyl Alcohol Produced b y InvertaseFree Organisms I N ORIGINAL




After treatment ,


Mg. 0.97 1.43 1.80 3.28 1.9s



The pH values with organisms 2, 3,4, and 5 were practically identical, being approximately 5.0. With strain 6 the final pH was slightly higher. Considering the fact that dilute molasses is a highly buffered solution, it is not surprising that the action of the organisms caused only slight changes in the hydrogen-ion concentration. In connection with determination of alcohol it was found that other volatile substances had been formed during the selective fermentation. There was always present in the distillate a substance (possibly acetylmethylcarbinol) which redued Fehling's solution. When the molasses solution was fermented with ordinary baker's yeast after the selective fermentation, this volatile reducing substance was no longer found. If the distillates obtained from the neutralized liquors a t the end of the selective fermentation are subjected to a simple purification process with m-phenylenediaminehydrochloride in the manner prescribed by Keuberg,13 and if the alcohol in 10 cc. of distillate is determined before and after this purification process, it appears that the difference between the two results should furnish an indication of the amounts of substances other than ethyl alcohol that were present in the untreated distillates. This procedure was employed in this experiment, the alcohol determinations being made by the dichromate oxidation method as described by Hoepner.'4 The results obtained with some of the molasses liquors fermented by the five organisms mentioned above are given in Table VIc.

of Inverted Molasses w i t h Other F e r m e n t a tion Media



Table VIb-pH


Comparison of Media

Table VIe-Comparison


From the same quantity of molasses organisms 3, 4, and 6 produced about equal quantities of alcohol, and more than organisms 2 and 5 produced. Organism 5, although the lowest alcohol producer, had evidently formed a considerable quantity of other products. The quantity of alcohol produced by organism 2 was somewhat low, but the quantity of other products also was low. Use of Stimulants

Of substances that are mentioned in the literature as being capable, when present in small proportions, of increasing the 13 14

Blochem. Z., 98, 141 (1919). 2. Xahv Genussm , 34, 453 (1917).



normal velocity of alcoholic fermentation, sodium fluoride was selected for investigation in view of the favorable results obtained with it by Effront.16 The first experiment was carried out with organism 1. A molasses solution was prepared by diluting 50 grams of blackstrap to 1 liter. One hundred cubic centimeter aliquots were pipetted into Nessler jars containing portions of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 mg., respectively, of dry sodium fluoride. After the salt had dissolved the liquids were allowed to stand for several hours. Without disturbing the sediment, a 50-cc. portion of each liquor was transferred to a 100-cc. Freudenreich flask. For comparison, one flask was prepared in the same manner without addition of fluoride. To each of the six flasks 3 grams of pure dextrose were added, whereupon the flasks were sterilized in an autoclave. When cool, a 3.5-cc. portion of an actively fermenting culture of organism 1 was added to each flask. The flasks were weighed after this inoculation and a t intervals later. The loss in weight indicative of the progress of the fermentations is shown in Table VII. Table VII-Influence of S o d i u m Fluoride on Rate of Selective Ferm e n t a t i o n of Diluted Molasses












Vol. 20, No. 3

was investigated by allowing the different organisms to ferment molasses solutions of varying density, and by studying the changing composition of the respective liquors. Fermentations were usually made simultaneously with three different concentrations of molasses. I n one instance the following dilutions were used: Solution I : 55.56 grams molasses diluted to 300 cc.; 13.65" Brix. Solution I1 : 111.12 grams molasses diluted to 300 cc. ; 25.82' Brix. Solution I11 : 166.68 grams molasses diluted to 300 cc. ; 36.87 Brix.

It was planned to study a t the same time the influence of agitation. Two 100-cc. aliquots of the three final liquors were pipetted into 300-cc. volumetric flasks. To each flask, after sterilization, were added 8 cc. of an actively fermenting culture of organism 4 by means of a sterile pipet. The flasks were then arranged in two sets of three, one set being shaken a t frequent intervals, whereas care was taken not to agitate the other three flasks more than necessary while ascertaining their respective weights. Portions of the three molasses solutions and the liquid starter were reserved for blank determinations. The progress of the fermentations as indicated by the increasing loss of weight of the flasks is shown in Table VIIIa. Table VIIIa-Influence of Agitation on R a t e of Selective F e r m e n t a t i o n of Molasses ~

O The quantities of fluoride actually in solution were less than indicated, as a portion of the tluorine no doubt reacted with constituents of the molasses, such as lime, and \vas eliminated with the sediment in tht form of insoluble compounds. b Equal. grams per hectoliter.

The rate of fermentation was distinctly accelerated in the culture containing the lowest concentration of fluoride (5 grains per hectoliter), but not in the other cultures. The higher concentrations of fluoride, however, appeared to have no harmful effect on the fermentation. The beneficial influence of an addition of sodium fluoride on the rate of the selective fermentation of molasses was observed in other experiments made with organisms 1 and 4 . T-ery small quantities of fluoride stimulate particularly, but the:-e organisms can also withtand larger additions of fluoride remark:.bly well. With 12" Brix molasses solutions, 15 grams of fluoride per hectoliter, and with 23" Brix molasses solutions from 60 to 90 grams could be added without decreasing the rate of fermentation. Previous cultivation of the organism in the presence of lower conceiitratioiis oi fluoride did not seem necessary. I t should not be concluded, however, that the addition of fluoride Fill overcome all the difficulties which are likely to be found in work of this kind. I n fact, the accelerating influence of this salt is manifested only when the starter used for the inoculation is in a vigorous state of activity. Similar experiments were made for the purpose oi studying the influence of phosphate on the activity of the organisms in diluted molasses. Seedle inoculations were used instead of liquid starters; consequently these experiments gave no results other than the general observation that the addition of di-ammonium phosphate to a dilute solution of molasses does not influence the yelocity of fermentation, whereas clarification with 3 neutralized solution of monocalcium phosphate causes acceleration. Influence of Solids Concentration of Medium and .4gitation during Fermentation

The important problem of concentration of the medium at which selective fermentation of molasses is best conducted 15

See, for example, his review in Chimie 3 industrie, 9, 10:6




S O N - 0 BRIX 1 1









Gram Grams Grams Grams Grams Grams Grams Grams Grams STIRRED S E T

I 1 3 . 6 0 . 2 3 1 . 1 0 1 . 3 2 1.37" .. I1 2 5 . 8 0 . 1 8 1 . 6 8 2 . 5 4 2 . 6 4 2:68 2:7Za 111 3 6 . 9 0.08 0 . 9 4 3 . 3 3 3 . 8 3 3 . 9 8 4 . 0 5 4 . 1 1 4 : i 3 '




I1 111 a

13.6 25 8 36.9

.. .. ..


0 . 1 9 0 . 8 2 1 26 1 . 3 ~ 5 ~ 0 . 1 3 0 . 8 2 2 : 3 3 2 . 5 7 2167 0.08 0.68 1.75 2 . 4 5 3.10

2:77O ' ' 3 . 6 8 3.'94



' '


Indicates day on which sample was removed for analysis.

The solution in each flask was diluted to 300 cc. with distilled water, and the weight of each 300-cc. lot was determined. Suspended particles and yeast cells were removed by filtration or centrifuging after addition of kieselguhr. Sucrose was determined by the invertase method;16 invert sugar, by the Meissl and Hiller method;'? and alcohol by Hoepner's method.l4 The data in terms of percentage by weight were recalculated to a basis of 300 cc., inasmuch as the density of a sugar solution decreases considerably when fermented, whereas only slight changes in volume occur. I n the small-scale work the use of volumetric flasks, whereby all liquors were diluted to the same volume before analysis, practically eliminated changes in volume. The data are shown in Table VIIIb. The changes in the quantities of the various ingredients as a result of these fermentations are shown in Table VIIIc. It is seen from Tables VIIIa to VIIIc that the sucrose was left practically intact during the fermentation of solutions I and 11,whereas in solution 111, of higher density, it suffered a distinct loss. Agitation caused more rapid fermentation, and in solution 111, a smaller loss of sucrose. I n further experiments, weights of molasses were again used in the proportion 1:2:3, and the quantities of starter were increased in the same proportion. Also, in order to compare more rigorously the activity of the organisms at the different concentrations, all three fermentations were stopped as soon as any one flask no longer showed an appre14 17

Assocn. Official Agr. Chem., Methods, p. 185 (1925) I b i d . , p. 194.


March, 1928

2 73

ciable loss of weight. When this point had been reached, the fermentations were stopped by adding 2 grams of dry sodium fluoride per 100 cc. of fermented liquor.

Solution 11: 33.335 grams molasses in 100 cc.; 23.2" Brix; 30 cc. starter Solution 111: 50.000 grams molasses in 100 cc.; 33.2' Brix; 45 cc. starter

Table VIIIb-Composition of Molasses Liquors after Selective Ferm e n t a t i o n s with a n d w i t h o u t Agitation

The fermentations were stopped on the fourth day, the respective loss in weight having been as follows:

S O L U - o~~~~ TION
















1 3 . 6 With Without 2 5 . 8 With Without 3 6 . 9 With Without

I1 I11

6.72 5.72 6.72 5.60 11.30 11.30 16.65 16.65

11.38 11.07 15.18 12.92

5.2 5.4 5.2 5.4 5.2 4.7



With 3.92 0.91 Without 3 . 9 2 0 . 9 0 2 5 . 8 With 7.34 Without 7 . 3 4 3 6 . 9 With 10.77 Without 1 0 . 7 7 13.6

I1 111

1.64 1.63

The analytical results are shown in Table IX. Beginning with this experiment the sugar values were obtained by reduction of Fehling's solution, both the sucrose and invert sugar being calculated from the reduction figures before and after inversion with invertase, by using the table of Munson and Walker.18 Table IX-Changes i n Composition of Different Concentrations of Diluted Molasses D u e t o Selective F e r m e n t a t i o n

2.46 2.50





25 8




With Without With Without With Without

0.02 0.02 0.02 0 02 0 02 0 02

1.44 1.55


2.72 2.72




Total reducing substances were calculated as invert sugar. 5 97


the 8 cc. of starter-i. e . , 0.51 gram of invert sugar, 0.84 gram of sucrose, and 0.02 gram of alcohol. Efficiency of Selective F e r m e n t a t i o n with a n d without Agitation

Grams Grams Per centb Per cenlc Per centb

SOLUTION I (12.20°

b These figures include the quantities introduced into each flask with

Table VIIIc-Relative

Grams 1.64 3.42 2.40

I I1 I11

Grams in 300 cc. SUCROSE VALUES

At start After 3 days' fermentation












SOLUTION I1 (23.18'

At start After 3 days' fermentation





8.648 0.832





1.608 3.957





SOLUTION I11 (33.15'


At start After 3 days' fermentation


Reducing substances not fermented, calcd. as invert sugar, per cent of total Alcohol produced, per1 cent of theory Loss of sucrose, per cent of total


13.087 13 378

13.170 1.239 4.158

Total in 300-cc. flask.

5 223 c







Per cent of theory.

b Per cent of total.


22.9 ~

.2 2 . 3














8 8



I n the first experiment conducted according to this plan the starter was prepared from a culture of organism 3. The fermentations were stopped on the fifth day after inoculation. An excessively large proportion of the fermentable monoses was still present in the solutions, and one-fifth to one-fourth of the sucrose had disappeared. This unsatisfactory result was probably due to two causes. The starter was built up from an agar-slant culture which had been kept a t +lo C. for about 9 months without being transferred. Moreover, it had already been repeatedly observed that organism 3, even when in prime condition, was not an active fermenter. In another experiment of this series a culture of organism 2 was used, and the liquors to be fermented were prepared from Porto Rican molasses. The general arrangement was the same as that outlined before, but the results, after 6 days of fermentation, were again unsatisfactory. Cuban blackstrap was again employed in the next experiment; organism 1 was used for inoculation. The experiment differed from the previous experiments in that the three fermentation flasks were fastened upon an inclined wooden table, which was rotated continuously in the inclined position by means of an electric motor, thereby causing the three solutions to be agitated mildly during fermentation. The quantities of original molasses in the final 100-cc. portions, their densities before autoclaving, and the volumes of starter added in each case were as follows: Solution I: 16.665 grams molasses in 100 cc.; 12.2' Brix; 15 cc. starter

D DAY Loss Grams 1.65 3.47 4.20


The favorable influence of the agitation of the liquors is apparent from the rapid completion of the fermentations and from the analytical data recorded in Table IX. The values pertaining to solution I1 represent a fairly satisfactory result. I n the values shown for solution I11 an analytical error is doubtless responsible for the low sucrose figure at the start. However, the loss of sucrose, which in previous experiments had been large in liquors of this density, was greatly reduced. The fermentation of the dextrose and levulose, however, had not been completed a t the end of 3 days. A similar experiment was made with a culture of the same organism (No. l), which was introduced into molasses of two different densities. The fermentations were allowed to proceed to the end in this case. I n a duplicate experiment sodium fluoride was added to the medium. The stimulating effect of this salt, however, did not manifest itself, probably because the starter was not in the best condition. I n general, the results were not so satisfactory as in the previous experiment. The work thus far described shows that these invertasefree organisms can be utilized for the selective fermentation of the dextrose and levulose of dilute cane molasses, provided the initial density of the molasses does not greatly exceed 25" Brix, provided arrangements are made for agitation of the liquors, and provided the culture used as a starter is in a vigorous state of activity. The choice of the proper organism is also an important factor, as not all invertase-free organisms were well suited for the selective fermentation of final cane molasses. Variations in the results obtained with different organisms, or with the same organism a t different times, were often due to lack of uniformity in the respective u Assocn. Official Agr. Chem., Methods, p. 434.



starters-a condition difficult to overcome in small-scale experimentation. Larger Scale Experiments Fermentation was next conducted on a somewhat larger scale. The fermenter consisted of a substantial cylindrical copper tank of about 20 gallons capacity, tin-lined and provided with a cover that could be bolted tightly to permit the contents to be sterilized by steam under pressure. The tank stood upright, being mounted on four metal legs. The steam inlet, consisting of a 0.5-inch valve, was near the bottom. Close to this valve was a small cock through which a current of sterilized compressed air could be blown through the liquor to provide agitation. Kear its top the tank bore a pressure gage, a 0.5-inch gate valve, through which the inoculations were made, and a small cock, to which an air filter was attached. This cock was opened during the cooling of the sterilized charge. During fermentation it served for the escape of the carbon dioxide. This gas was passed through a dilute sulfuric acid solution, and the number of bubbles emitted from the unagitated charge during a given time indicated the progress of the fermentation. There was a small sampling cock about half way between the bottom and the top of the tank. The molasses solution, before being inoculated, was autoclaved by closing all the openings of the tank, admitting live steam into the liquor, and allowing the pressure to rise to approldmately 20 pounds per square inch. This pressure was maintained for about 40 minutes, whereupon the steam was shut off, and the charge, appreciably diluted by condensation of steam, was allowed to cool. Since the usual volume Note-From the data in Tables XI1 to XIV it is seen that as a result of this rigorous and prolonged heat treatment a considerable portion of the sucrose originally present in the molasses had been inverted. This loss of sucrose, which, when applying the selective fermentation process in practice, should, of course, not be permitted to take place, may be avoided by adding lime to the dilute molasses liquor before the heat treatment. A more rapid cooling of the sterilized liquor would also be of assistance in maintaining the original sucrose content. In these experiments the primary object was to avoid as far as possible a loss of sucrose due to the action of the organisms. Losses of sucrose resulting from the treatment of the molasses liquor before its inoculation were of no immediate concern, and therefore no precautions were taken to avoid this loss.

to be fermented in this tank was 10 to 12 gallons or more, a correspondingly large starter had to be used. The starter was always built up in culture vessels made from regular Pyrex laboratory glassware. Particular care was given to the building up of the starters, as it was realized that success or failure of a selective fermentation experiment depended more on this than on any other single factor. Diluted molasses solutions without filtration or addition of nutrient substances were used in these larger scale experiments. I n most of them organism 4 was employed because it appeared to be especially well adapted to the molasses medium. T a b l e X-5-Day

Selective F e r m e n t a t i o n of 10 Gallons of Diluted Molasses, U s i n g Organism 4






Sucrose Reducing substances, as invert sugar Reducing substances not fermented, per cent of total, as invert sugar Sucrose lost

Grams i n 100 cc. 3.87 3 94 0 72 5.38

... ...

13.39 None

The record of one of the earlier experiments is as follows: A sterilized charge in the fermentation tank was inoculated with slightly more than 1 liter of starter. Sterile air was blown through the solution a t indefinite intervals, especially during the early stages of fermentation. After 4 days gas production had decreased greatly. On the fifth day it had become slow and a sample was withdrawn for analysis. The

Vol. 20, No. 3

composition of the tank liquor a t the start and after 5 days’ fermentation is shown in Table X. The yield of alcohol was high, over 90 per cent of the theoretical quantity. The exact figure is not available, but the fact was established that a large part of the theoretical quantity of alcohol, calculated on sugar consumed, was formed in dilute cane molasses as a result of the action of organism 4 in vigorous condition. The principal data required for judging the degree of success of an experiment with this organism were, therefore, the quantity of sucrose lost and the proportion of reducing substances present a t the end of a fermentation. As shown in Table X, the results were favorable; the duration of the fermentation (5 days), however, was somewhat long. I n another experiment the fermented liquor was analyzed on the fourth day. (Table XI) The outcome of this experiment was considered rather satisfactory. Table XI-4-Day

Selective F e r m e n t a t i o n of 10 Gallons of D i l u t e Molasses, Using Organism 4




Grams i n 100 cc. Sucrose Reducing substances, as invert sugar Alcohol Brix reading Alcohol formed, per cent of theory Reducing substances not fermented, per cent of total. as invert sunar Sucrose lost

5.788 8.130 0.230 21.50

.. .. ..

5.814 1.270 3.074 14.85 84.54 15.6 None

An experiment using the low-alcohol producing organism 5 required a fermentation period of 6 days. (Table XII) Table XII-6-Day

Selective F e r m e n t a t i o n of 10 Gallons of Diluted Molasses, Using Organism 5





Grams i n 100 cc.

Sucrose Reducing substances, as invert sugar Alcohol Brix reading Alcohol formed, per cent of theory Reducing substances not fermented, per cent of total, as invert sugar Sucrose lost

3.774 4.792 0.092 14.09

3.192 0.480 1.439 8.10 54.65


10.02 15.42


A second trial with this organism failed, owing to complete destruction of the sucrose, presumably through contamination. The fermentation caused by this organism is evidently of a type different from that effected by other invertase-free organisms. The quantity of alcohol produced was only slightly more than one-half the theoretical. At the same time the reducing substances had been destroyed to a greater extent than by any of the other strains. Moreover, this organism seems inclined to destroy the sucrose. Industrial Application In applying the results to large-scale operation, the following principal phases would have to be considered: (1) the selective fermentation process, ( 2 ) the recovery of sucrose, and (3) the recovery of the products of fermentation. The second and third phases should offer no serious obstacles to the technologist when the daculties inherent in the fermentation problem have been overcome. This paper is largely concerned with the f i s t phase, and on the basis of their experience the writers feel justified in stating that its operation in practice should be possible. Success would appear to depend largely upon the proper organism, upon the apparatus for propagating this organism in pure culture, and upon the intelligent management of all operations connected with the building up of the starters and the conduct of the fermentations proper.


March, 1928

Fermentation processes of the strictly pure culture type, although successfully employed in some industries, naturally involve greater expenditure for equipment and operation than similar ones in which the pure culture principle is not applied to the final batches. It was desirable, therefore, to consider whether or not it is necessary to work under rigorously controlled pure-culture conditions. By introducing a vigorous starter-itself a pure culture-into a tank in which diluted molasses had been sterilized merely by heating, it seemed possible that fermentation of the levulose and dextrose might be effected before competing organisms would have time to destroy any material quantity of sucrose. If this could be accomplished it would be possible to operate the selective fermentation process a t a lower cost, since closed fermenters, with their intricate and more expensive mode of operation, could be eliminated. Some experiments along this line were made with 10-gallon batches of diluted blackstrap molasses which had been briefly boiled in the copper tank on the afternoon before the date of inoculation. The inoculation was made with varying quantities of vigorously fermenting cultures of organism 4. After inoculation the tank was loosely covered and the liquor was stirred by an air current until the fermentation was well under way. Several experiments using 1 and 2 liters of starter were unsuccessful. With 3 liters of starter the results were more favorable, as shown in Tables XI11 and XIV. Table XIII-Selective

F e r m e n t a t i o n i n Open Tank,Using Organism 4


h T


Grams i n 100 cc. 9.47 9.16 5.66 1.12 22.90 18.66

Sucrose Reducing substances, as invert sugar Brix reading Reducing substances not fermented, per cent of total, as invert sugar Sucrose lost, per cent of total T a b l e XIV-Selective


19.8 3.3

of liquor t o be fermented-even more favorable results could no doubt be obtained. At any rate, it appears possible to conduct the selective fermentation of molasses satisfactorily in loosely covered tanks provided a sufficiently large volume of starter is used. For the purpose of recovering the sucrose after completion of the selective fermentation, the saccharate process appears to be the most feasible method. Mendesl9 stated in 1884 that cane molasses after selective fermentation would have a composition similar to that of beet molasses, and that its desugarization should therefore be possible by the same methods that are applicable to beet molasses. The same view is held today, and recent patents describe the application of the calcium saccharate process, which is used in many beet-sugar factories, to selectively fermented diluted cane molasses.20 It does not appear that a large part of the sucrose could be recovered in the case of molasses by direct crystallization after selective fermentation, as proposed by McGlashan.*l Certain details regarding the practical operation of the selective fermentation process remain to be worked out-for example, the precise temperature a t which the liquors should be held in order to obtain the best results. When working on a large scale, means for regulating the temperature of the liquors should be provided. Addition of lime to the diluted molasses may be necessary when the acidity is high, or when heating under pressure in order to sterilize the liquor before inoculation. Regarding the choice of the proper organism for a fermentation process of this kind, it has been the experience of the writers that some invertase-free organisms are very sensitive to slight changes in environment, whereas others appear to be less easily influenced. I n the second group, comprising strains of more stable character, may be included organisms 1 and 4, both of which seem well suited for the selective fermentation of cane molasses.


F e r m e n t a t i o n in Open T a n k , U s i n g Organism 4



Sucrose Reducing substances, as invert sugar Brix readina Reducing substances not fermented, per cent of total, as invert sugar Sucrose lost, per cent of total

Grams in 100 cc. 7.766 7.621 7.590 4.565 1.216 1.160 19.1 15.6 15.6 26.64 1.87

25.41 2.27


ADDENDUM-while this article was in press a paper appeared by W. L. Owen [Plalzter Suger Mfr.,79, 527 (1927)], in which the possible feasibility of producing alcohol directly from the juice of prolific sugar-cane varieties is discussed. It is obvious that by conducting the fermentation of cane juices with invertase-free yeasts the sucrose of the juice could subsequently be recovered. In this case, owing to the absence of large amounts of salts, desugarization could probably be accomplished by direct crystallization.

These results compare favorably with those obtained under strictly pure culture conditions. By using a still larger volume of starter-for instance, 1 gallon or 10 per cent of the volume

Bull. assocn. chim. s u r . dist., 2, 372 (1884). Olivarius, U. S. Patent 1,401,433(1921); Paine, Walton, and Birckner, U. S. Patent 1,572,359(1926). 2 1 U. S. Patent 751,990 (1904).

Determination of Small Amounts of Carbon Monoxide in Air'

used. Even then there was a constant, though small, liberation of iodine when pure air was drawn through the tube; the rate of decomposition, however, was nearly uniform. It had to be determined and corrections made in computing the results of the analyses. One tube filled with an inferior grade of iodine pentoxide gave untrustworthy results due to a high and uneven rate of decomposition. Water displacement of the gas sample from the reservoir and sampling bulb gave results fully as accurate as vacuum displacement.


I T seemed desirable to test air for smaller concentrations of car-

bon monoxide than had previously been reported.* Oxidation by means of iodine pentoxide was selected as the most accurate method in use. Several test analyses were made from each of four different concentrations of carbon monoxide in air, using an apparatus modeled after Graham's portable type3 with the bromine tube omitted. One-liter samples of the two more concentrated mixtures and 3-liter samples of the dilute mixtures were used. It was found that only the purest iodine pentoxide should be

1 Received February 17,1928. Abstract from thesis under the direction of C. R. McCrosky. Syracuse University. * Kinnicut and Sanford, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 22, 14 (1900),reported concentrations as low as 0.0023 per cent. J . SOC.Chem. I n d . , 38, 10T (1919).



Analytical R e s u l t s N O . OF



TIONS Computed


4 5 7

Per cent 0.0575 0.0094 0.0018 0.0008

Per cent 0.0599 0.0109 0.0027 0.0011

DEVIATION OF DETERMINED PERCENTAGES FROM COMPUTED Maximum Minimum Per cent Per cenf f0.0031 +0.0010 f0.0023 +0.0007 f0.0020 +0.0001 f0.0003 +0.0008 +0.0001 Average Per cent +0.0024 f0.0015 +0.0009

The excellent checks obtained on the work of other investigators and the accuracy of determinations on still more dilute concentrations mark the method as one having greater refinement than is generally known, and one whose limit of usefulness has not yet been determined.