Investigate DU PONT HEXALIN® - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 5, 2010 - Publication Date: August 29, 1955. Copyright © 1955 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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(Ce Hii OH)

SPECIFICATIONS:* • Boiling R a n g e a t 760 m m . : 160.0°C. Min. to 162.4°C. M a x . • Specific G r a v i t y 2 5 ° / 2 5 ° C : 0.946-0.950


Clear, colorless, oily liquid with a camphoraceous odor Soluble in w a t e r a t 20°C. to t h e extent o f 3.6 % b y weight W a t e r is soluble in " H e x a l i n " a t 20°C. t o t h e extent o f 1 1 % of w e i g h t Miscible w i t h : E t h a n o l , ethyl ester, linseed oil, petroleum s o l v e n t s , aromatic hydrocarbons a n d m o s t other c o m m o n organic s o l v e n t s • D i s s o l v e s a l k y d resins, alcohol-soluble phenolic resins, e t h y l cellulose.


Du Pont 55. . .

PRINCIPAL USES PLASTICS: Ingredient u s e d i n the m a n ufacture of ester plasticizers.

. \&


DETERGENT: Stabilizer a n d homogenizer for soap a n d s y n t h e t i c detergent emulsions.

Cyclohëxanol Whether you require one drum or tank-car lots, delivery o f " H e x a l i n " is m a d e promptly upon receipt of your order·

PETROLEUM: I n t e r m e d i a t e for lubricati n g oil additives. TEXTILES: Stabilizer a n d homogenizer i n textile soaps; stabilizer for emulsions; solvent for d y e s ; kier boiling assistant.

"Hexalin" is shipped as follows: • Tank cars—8,000-gaIIon and 10,000gallon capacities. « Non-returnable drums, 55-galIon capacify—net weight: 43 Π lbs.

FINISHES: S o l v e n t in lacquers, shellacs a n d varnishes; h i g h boiling solvent in nitrocellulose lacquers t o retard e v a p oration and prevent blushing.

METAL s Degreasing agent; s o l v e n t i n m e t a l polishes. MISCELLANEOUS: D r y - c l e a n i n g fluid i n gredient; s o l v e n t i n furniture polishes, s h o e c r e a m s a n d floor w a x e s .

GENERAL ADVANTAGES * g Hexalin" cyclohëxanol is a good solv e n t f o r several classes of d y e s i n c l u d i n g basic, chrome, s o m e a c i d a n d t h e m a j o r i t y o f acetate rayon dyes. " H e x a l i n " does n o t dissolve c e l l u lose n i t r a t e , cellulose a c e t a t e , rubber, copal, dammar, o r elemi. To obtain full information on Du Pont Hexalin" just mail the coupon below, or write on your letterhead today. Kt

•Partial Listing

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2 9,

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E . I· du Pont de Nemours & Co. (Inc.) Polychemicals Dept. 678, Wilmington 98, Del. Please send me full information o n D u Pont "Hexalin" Cyclohëxanol. I am particularly interested i n using . "Hexalin'' for the following applications:



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