Investigations on the Mechanism of Catalytic Hydrogenations. XV

Investigations on the Mechanism of Catalytic Hydrogenations. XV. Studies with Colloidal Iridium. W. P. Dunworth, F. F. Nord. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1950,...
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Sept., 1950


formation of small amounts of diacetate CFGHIC(CF8)(0Ac)s. The monoacetate is transformed into CFaCOCHaCFs in 99% yield by alcoholysis




with butanol, while the diacetate does noeundergo alcoholysis cleanly. RECEIVEDMAKCH6, 1950



Investigations on the Mechanism of Catalytic Hydrogenations. XV. Studies with Colloidal Iridium B Y W. P. DUNWORTH AND F. F. N o m

I. Introduction Results on the application of synthetic polymers in obtaining highly effective colloidal platinum, palladium and rhodium catalysts, studies on their physical properties and on the mechanism of their action have been reported by this laboratory in the past.' In the present paper observations will be communicated which were made with the aid of a colloidal iridium catalyst supported by polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) . More than three decades ago the preparation of colloidal iridium utilizing sodium protalbinate and sodium lysalbinate as protective colloids was reported.2 Aside from the contents of these papers only scanty information is available on colloidal ifidium and no systematic kinetic study has been made on hydrogenations with such a catalyst attempting to apply more recent developments in theoretical chemistry. 11. Experimental Preparation of the Iridium-PVA Catalyst.-To 40 cc. of distilled water was added 50 cc. of a 4% aqueous PVA solution. Then 10 cc. of a 0.5% (of iridium) solution of potassium iridium chloride and 1.1 cc. of a 20% (by weight) aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide is added with stirring to bring about a change of the color of the solution :from deep red to straw yellow. The covered contents of .the beaker are then placed on the steam-bath for fifteen minutes. Due to this heating, the straw-colored solution assumed an opaque brownish black color. The solution 3s then allowed to cool to room temperature, measured, .and, if necessary, distilled water is added to bring the total volume to 100 cc. Hereafter the solution is shaken .with hydrogen at atmospheric pressure for twenty minutes :and is then immediately neutralized with 10% acetic acid. 'The catalyst is now ready for use. Twenty cc. of this preparation contain 10 mg. of iridium. Hydrogenation of Organic Substances.-In these experiments a constant mole fraction (usually 0.01 mole) of t h e substrate was dissolved in 100 cc. of 76y0ethanol and 1 cc. of 10% sodium hydroxide. Then 20 cc. of the catalyst preparation was added to the ethanol-substrate solution and the mixture was placed in a vessel where it was ,shaken with hydrogen at atmospheric pressure and room temperature.

III. Results and Discussion The fist compound used as a substrate for hy(1) F. F. Nord and co-workers, TEXIS JOURNAL, (a) 68,2745 (1941); (b) 68, 3268 (1941); (e) 64, 2721 (1912); (d) 66, 429 (1843); (e) 66, 2121 (1943); (f) 66, 2126 (1944); (9) Proc. Null. Acud. Sei., U.S., %9,246 (1943); (h) Expnicntia, t , 489 (1947); (i) J. Colloid Sci., 8, 363 (1948); (j) 8, 377 (1948). (2) C. Paal and eo-workers, Bcr.. 60 722 (1917). and p evious

papers in this series.

drogenation with our colloidal iridium catalyst was nitr~benzene.~Complete reduction of 1/100 of a mole was effected in twenty minutes. The rate of the hydrogenation was found to be minimum in acid solution and maximum in alkaline solution. While the catalyst was found to be useful for the reduction of nitrobenzene, it was noticed that it was ineffective for the hydrogenation of benzoic acid, benzaldehyde, phenyl cyanide, styrene, or allyl alcohol when the operation was carried on for twice as long a period of time as was required to completely reduce the same mole fraction of nitrobenzene. It was also observed that elemental sulfur, hydrogen sulfide, thiophene, and allyl thiourea rendered the catalyst ineffective for the reduction of nitrobenzene. However, since evidence has been presented showing that the mechanism of hydrogenation using colloidal palladium differs from that using colloidal rhodium," and 1j it was decided to study the mechanism of hydrogenation using colloidal iridium. For these reductions meta and para substituted nitrobenzene derivatives were chosen. The results of these experiments are recorded in the following tables. TABLEI TABLEI1 NITROBENZENE COMPOUNDS NITROBENZENE COMPOUNDS SUBSTITUTED IN THE meta SUBSTITUTED IN THE para POSITION POSITION Substituent

Hydrogen uptake in 5 minutes, cc.



Hydrogen uptake in 5 minutes, cc.

220 210




225 212 205 185 160 105 (0.5 tOtd1)



160 142



102 86 80 (0.5 total) 19



55 49


The only relationship which we could discern between the rate of hydrogenation with colloidal iridium and a property which is inherent in the molecules, was that between the dipole moment of nitrobenzenes substituted in the meta position by (3) F. F. Nord, ibid

, 62 1705 (1919).



ortho, para directing groups and the log of the hydrogen uptake. However, this relationship may be fortuitous. Since the rate of hydrogenation varies with the nature of the substituent groups we conclude that the colloidal iridium catalyst causes the hydrogen to add to the nitro grcmp in an ionic form as was found to be the case with rhodium.Ih Acknbwledgment.---This investigation was , i r r i t ~ loul iiiitler t h t . :iii\l)ice< oi tlicl Offire (d


Kava1 Research. The noble metal salts were obtained through the courtesy of Baker and Co. Inc., Newark 5 , ?;. J.

IV. Summary 1 inethod has been described for thc prcptration of an iridium-polyvinyl alcohol catalyst. 2. .\ kinetic study of hydrogenations carried out with this catalvst has been undertaken. \ r \ v YORKih. \ \r i i C ~ I V E I )r A \ t A K \ ( I , i(15o I

Alkylation of Triethyl Phosphonoacetate and Related Esters A number of years ago .Irbuzov m t l his coworkers discovered the possibility of alkylation of triethyl phosphonoacetate in a manner analogous to that used for alkylation of dialkyl malonates However, no further investigations of this useful reaction existed until the present, while the work of Arbuzov and Razumov covered but a few exaniples. A more thorough study of the possibilities of this reaction was undertaken in this Laboratory in order to provide the necessary intermediates for the synthesis of “phosphono” analogs of natU r d Y occurring amino acids and to clear up several points of identification of phosphonocarboxylic acids which have been left from the work of Arbuzov and Razumov, as well as from some earlier studies of Michaelis. Triethyl phosphonoacetate may be alkybdted readily, & its potassium derivative, i n satisfactory yields, especially when a relatively high-hoiling solvent, such as xvlene, is used htO)sP(O)CHKCO>Et I < \ -+ I 1 0 - P i 0 CI-IKCOLI~It h\ Fwthermore, it has been found that dialkylation is also feasible and several disubstituted compounds were readily prepared. This finding was usefdl in the final identification of the oxidation product of the “diacetonephosphinic’ acid of RIichaelis,? which was provisionally giiw I the structure of ditnethylphosphorioacctic &icid l x Zrischuti, Klein and Cerniak.; While triethyl phosphonoacetate r e x 12 quite readily with potassium metal on heating, the inono-alkylated esters react even mort readilv and their metal derivatives are obtainCihlewitho u t external heating. These react with JL\1 ha1 ides to yield the d d k y l d t c d estrrs tion of the alkylation pruducts i b i i ~ ‘It.rtt di cull

‘ ’eK1d

( 1 ) ArbuzoV and Rdzumov, J K u s s Phyr - C h e m \v 61, ~ [ Ici29) A previouy c ~ r n m u u ~ c a LIJ)~ ~ Arliuror n aut1 1Jiiuiu ( M r l 60 3 1 (1421)) 5t.tled tliaL < I I < I I d r e ~ c t i u i iIind k c t i ( ~ r r i r t loul Iiul .,&\e 1 1 0 i i i f c c r n i l i o ~ i w l i a t r \ e r % b o , ~tlir t lx ,crrl~tiri i i c d o r re\iiltc c )t) Wined 2 hlrchavis BPI 17, 1 2 i t (188.11 18, X‘IX I R Y i ) 19, l(10‘1 IiYl < \IIWII, t / 1 \ 1 o 1 i . ~ r i < l Ccrtti.ih rbid 11, i l l ) 1 I I I


task when the alkyl groups employed are fairly large, but the methylated derivatives present a particularly difficult problem, since the monomethylated derivative boils a t essentially the same temperature as the unsubstituted ester; the dimethylated ester boils lower than these 2nd may be separated rather readily. The monomethylated product, reported by Arbuzov and Kazumov,i was stated to yield on hydrolysis a free acid, the melting point of which was reported as 119-132’ ; the paper of Arbuzov and Dunin’ described the acid as a hygroscopic sirup. These unsatisfactory results are readily explainable by contamination of the nionomethylated ester with, probably, small amounts of the starting material. Our results were similar to those of hrbuzov and his coworkers. The only other reference to this acid is given by N ~ l e n who , ~ obtained the acid by hydrolysis of the triethyl ester, which in turn was secured by the reaction of triethyl phosphite with ethyl a-bromopropionate in an extremely poor yield; Nylen’s acid also had an unsatisfactory melting point (7;-95’) and was admittedly impure. Nylen mentioned that his triethyl methylphosphonoacetate lost a considerable part of its phosphorus content during hydrolysis in the form of phosphorous acid. Neither Arbuzov and Razuinov nor the present investigation confirni such dephosphonation of the ester prepared by alkylation of triethyl potassiumphosphonoacetate. Thc. appearance of phosphorous acid during hydrolysis o f Sylen’s product is explainable by the contamination of the desired ester, in the course of its preparation, by tetraethyl hypo- and pyrophosphates, whic,h forill n rather difficultly sepizrablr tiiistuw w l i i c l i lwils i i i tlic raiige of tlie i~ietliyl~ J l l ~ S p l l ~ l l ” a c c ~ a t‘l’lic t . . foriiiatioii of tlir l i y p and pq’~OphOsphdtrS is LI comIlioli side reaction i i i ~ i the interaction of secui~tlaryhalides with reagriits o f the phosphite class u d appears to involve the formation o f ( l-let,,I t > ! , / . , 67, 1023 ‘ 1 ~ ~ 2 4 , ( , pi ~ r ~ ~aas, i . i, . ~ : !( i t i t i i ,

% i j i‘ti:ivallnl. a t l f i i < , l r 1 i l ) r .