Iodine from kelp - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS Publications)

Iodine from kelp. J. Chem. Educ. , 1930, 7 (1), p 27. DOI: 10.1021/ed007p27.2. Publication Date: January 1930. Abstract. From Chem. and Ind. View: PDF...
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VOL. 7. No. 1



much better to show the apparatus as listed in a text or catalog, as well as the various types of curves obtained in the titrations, than to attempt to reproduce these on the blackboard. The reproductions are much superior, and save the teacher's time. To my mind the prinaples taught can be impressed on the student in the best way by the use of problems. The student thus learns the real meaning of the terms discussed in the lectures, and he has to think to be able to solve the problems. Professor Daniels1 a t the symposium on "The Teaching of Physical Chemistry," Swampscott, Mass., September, 1928, emphasized the mathematical requirements for students speaalizing in chemistry while Professor Shemill,%a t the same symposium, stressed the problem method of teaching physical chemistry. These two,go hand in hand. A student must use his mathematics to solve problems. I know of no text which specializes in problems in electrochemistry, but such texts as Partington and Tweedy, Prideaux, Noyes and Sherrill, Knox, Getman, and other texts in physical chemistry, usually contain a number of problems in electrochemistry. ' Tms JOURNAL, 6, 2 5 6 9 (Feb., 1929). Ibid., pp. 260-2. UNITED STATES CIVIL-SERVICE EXAMINATION The United States Civil-Service Commissiqn announces an open competitive examination for JUNIOR CEBMICALENGWBBR.application^ must be on file with the Civil-Service Commission a t Washington, D. C., not later than February 4, 1930. The examination is t o fill vacancies in various branches of the service throughout the United States. The entrance salary for positions in Washington, D. C., is $2000 a year. For appointment outside of Washington, D. C., the salary will be approximately the same. Higher-salaried positions are filled through promotion. The duties are to perform routine testing, inspection of engineering material, drawing up plans for minor projects, preparing specifications for engineering material or apparatus, performing field work, making computations, preparing maps, assisting in conduct of experimental research tests, compiling reports, and handling technical correspondence. Competitors will be rated on general physics, mathematics, general engineering, and chemical engineering. Senior students will be admitted to the examination. Full information may be obtained from the United States Civil-Service Commission, Washington, D. C.. or from the secretary of the United States Civil-Service Board of Examiners a t the post office or cnstomhouse in any city.

Iodine from Kelp. Trials are being carried out on the west coast of Scotland with a new harvesting machine which, it is claimed, will make i t possible and profitable to revive the old-time industry as a source of iodine, as much as 15 lb. of iodine being sometimes obtainable per ton of kelp.-Cham. 8 Ind.