Ion Mobilities in Diatomic Gases: Measurement versus Prediction

In approach 1, commonly utilized in the measurement of the mobility of atmospheric .... The first of these, ρ 0 *, corresponds to the regular Maxwell...
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Ion Mobilities in Diatomic Gases: Measurement versus Prediction with Non-Specular Scattering Models Carlos Larriba* and Christopher J. Hogan, Jr. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455, United States S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: Ion/electrical mobility measurements of nanoparticles and polyatomic ions are typically linked to particle/ion physical properties through either application of the Stokes−Millikan relationship or comparison to mobilities predicted from polyatomic models, which assume that gas molecules scatter specularly and elastically from rigid structural models. However, there is a discrepancy between these approaches; when specular, elastic scattering models (i.e., elastic-hardsphere scattering, EHSS) are applied to polyatomic models of nanometer-scale ions with finite-sized impinging gas molecules, predictions are in substantial disagreement with the Stokes−Millikan equation. To rectify this discrepancy, we developed and tested a new approach for mobility calculations using polyatomic models in which non-specular (diffuse) and inelastic gas-molecule scattering is considered. Two distinct semiempirical models of gas-molecule scattering from particle surfaces were considered. In the first, which has been traditionally invoked in the study of aerosol nanoparticles, 91% of collisions are diffuse and thermally accommodating, and 9% are specular and elastic. In the second, all collisions are considered to be diffuse and accommodating, but the average speed of the gas molecules reemitted from a particle surface is 8% lower than the mean thermal speed at the particle temperature. Both scattering models attempt to mimic exchange between translational, vibrational, and rotational modes of energy during collision, as would be expected during collision between a nonmonoatomic gas molecule and a nonfrozen particle surface. The mobility calculation procedure was applied considering both hard-sphere potentials between gas molecules and the atoms within a particle and the long-range ion−induced dipole (polarization) potential. Predictions were compared to previous measurements in air near room temperature of multiply charged poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) ions, which range in morphology from compact to highly linear, and singly charged tetraalkylammonium cations. It was found that both non-specular, inelastic scattering rules lead to excellent agreement between predictions and experimental mobility measurements (within 5% of each other) and that polarization potentials must be considered to make correct predictions for high-mobility particles/ions. Conversely, traditional specular, elastic scattering models were found to substantially overestimate the mobilities of both types of ions. particle, e is the unit elementary charge, ρgas is the gas mass density, and Ω is the particle’s collision cross section. Mobility measurements hence can be and often are used to calculate collision cross sections. Inferred collision cross sections are, in turn, often related to the physical characteristics of the measured particles by one of two distinct approaches: they are either (1) linked to the physical sizes of particles based on the assumption that particles are spherical with known densities,3 or (2) compared directly to collision-cross-section predictions derived from calculations of gas-molecule scattering from the surfaces of polyatomic models.4 The present study is motivated by the fact that, although these two approaches have both been invoked in a large number of studies, they are not congruent with one another for

1. INTRODUCTION One of the most commonly applied techniques for the physical characterization of nanometer-scale aerosol particles and macromolecular ions in diatomic background gases is separation based on electrical/ion mobility, Zp.1a,b (In this work, the terms “particle” and “ion” are used generally to identify entities that are ionized and suspended in a background gas.) In atmospheric-pressure and reduced-pressure environments, nanometer-sized particles fall within the momentumtransfer-free molecular regime, in which ion mobility (i.e., the ratio of a particle’s net charge to its scalar friction factor) is expressed as2 Zp =

πmred 3ze 8kT 4ρgas Ω


where mred is the reduced mass for the gas molecule and particle, k is the Boltzmann constant, T is the temperature, z is the integer number (positive or negative) of charges on the © 2013 American Chemical Society

Received: December 17, 2012 Revised: February 14, 2013 Published: March 14, 2013 3887 | J. Phys. Chem. A 2013, 117, 3887−3901

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A


Although specular scattering model predictions are in reasonable agreement with mobility measurements made in monatomic He background gas on small ions (masses less than 2 kDa),16 modeling collisions as specular and elastic with a smooth convex surface yields ξ = 1 and, when applied to most polyatomic models, leads to ξ < 1.36.16a For this reason, elastic, specular scattering predictions agree with neither the Millikan drag measurements12a nor the findings of recent studies on nanometer-scale entities in diatomic background gases,8a which are in line with ξ = 1.36. The purpose of this study was hence to develop and test a new approach for mobility/collision-crosssection calculations for polyatomic models of entities in the gas phase that leads to predictions in better agreement with measurements in diatomic gases and does so using models for both particles and gas molecules scaled from independent experimental measurements (i.e., nonmobility measurements). Non-specular, inelastic scattering of gas molecules is considered in this approach, leading to values in agreement with ξ = 1.36 for spherical particles when the mobility diameter is equated with the volume-equivalent diameter. In the sections that follow, the calculation procedure is partially described, and predictions of collision cross sections are compared to experimental measurements of the collision cross sections of poly(ethylene glycol)17 and tetraakylammonium18 ions measured in air, either considering hard-sphere potentials or accounting for ion−induced dipole potentials between particle and gas molecule.

mobility measurements made in diatomic gases, such as N2 and air. In approach 1, commonly utilized in the measurement of the mobility of atmospheric aerosol particles,3 following Epstein5 and Fernandez de la Mora et al,6 the collision cross section is expressed as π Ω = ξ(d p + dg)2 (1b) 4 where dp is the particle mobility diameter, dg is the effective gasmolecule diameter, and ξ is the gas-molecule−particle momentum-transfer coefficient.7 When compared to measurements of relatively compact particles in air at temperatures near 300 K, use of ξ = 1.36 and dg ≈ 3.0 Å in eq 1b leads to inferred dp values in excellent agreement (within 1−2%) with the particles’ volume-equivalent diameters (defined from the known mass and bulk density for each particle),8 down to dp ≈ 1.3 nm. With ξ = 1.36, mobility diameters are further in excellent agreement with expected diameters derived from electron microscopy or X-ray crystallography9 in the >10-nm size range. The value of ξ is nonetheless entirely empirical; originally, it was inferred from the semiempirical equation for the lowReynolds-number drag on a spherical particle provided by Cunningham,10 which was verified together with Millikan11 and later by the Millikan oil drop experiments.12 In this drag equation, commonly referred to as the Stokes−Millikan equation,8a a correction (the slip correction factor) is added to Stokes’s law to allow for a dependence of the scalar friction factor on the Knudsen number (Kn, the ratio of twice the surrounding-gas hard-sphere mean free path to the sum of the gas molecule and particle diameters). The ion mobility of a spherical particle obeying the Stokes−Millikan drag relationship is expressed as13 Zp =

2. THEORY AND NUMERICAL ALGORITHMS 2.1. Overview of Collision-Cross-Section Calculations. Collision-cross-section/mobility calculations hinge on the determination of the amount of momentum transferred from gas molecules to a particle in the presence of net flow between the gas and particle. The numerical procedures invoked in calculations are described in greater detail in a companion report;19 in this work, we are concerned with testing the ability of calculation procedures to predict the correct collision cross sections from structural models. With recent exceptions,20 collision-cross-section calculations from polyatomic models in prior studies have primarily relied on the MOBCAL suite of algorithms,4,15a in which the collision cross section can be determined in three different manners: (1) calculation of the orientationally averaged projected area of a particle and the assumption that this area is exactly equal to the collision cross section [the projected-area (PA) method]; (2) calculation of the collision cross section with the assumption that a monatomic, specular, elastic scattering molecule impinges onto a particle structure composed of hard-sphere atoms [the elastic-hard-sphere scattering (EHSS) method];16a and (3) calculation of the collision-cross-section monitoring gasmolecule trajectories, considering Lennard-Jones interactions (with the possibility of other interactions)21 between a spherical gas molecule and the atoms within a particle [the TM method].22 In the latter two methods, the momentumtransfer integral is simplified based on the approach employed by Mason and McDaniel. 2 Distinct from Mason and McDaniel’s approach, we replace the momentum integral simplification with a full Maxwell−Boltzmann distribution approximation where gas molecules can approach and impinge on a particle from all directions,23 mimicking a Maxwell− Boltzmann gas ensemble. This mode of calculation has the advantage of being able to reproduce real gas conditions and allows for the possibility of accounting for gas-molecule−gas-

⎛ ze ⎜ 1 + 2λ 3πμ(d p + dg) ⎝⎜ d p + dg ⎞ ⎧ ⎡ A3(d p + dg) ⎤⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎟ ⎢ ⎥ ⎨ ⎬ exp A A + − 2 ⎪ 1 ⎪⎟ λ ⎣⎢ ⎦⎥⎭ ⎩ ⎠


where λ is the hard-sphere mean free path of the background gas; μ is the gas viscosity; and A1, A2, and A3 are dimensionless constants derived from oil drop experiments.13 Considering the free-molecular regime, in which λ ≫ d + dg (Kn → ∞) and noting that μ ≈ 1/2λρgasc,̅ where c ̅ is the mean gas-molecule thermal speed, eq 2a can be written as Zp =

4ze(A1 + A 2 ) 2

3π c ̅ρgas (d p + dg)


πmgas ze 4(A1 + A 2 ) 8kT ρgas 3π (d p + dg)2 (2b)

In N2 background gas, A1 + A2 = 1.657 agrees with experimental results nearly without exception,8f,9a,13,14 and comparison of eq 2b to eqs 1a and 1b yields a value for ξ of ξ=

9 = 1.3578 4(A1 + A 2 )


In contrast with experimentally derived approach 1, approach 2 is typically invoked when comparing the collision cross sections predicted for structures of biomolecules in the gas phase to measured collision cross sections4,15 and where implemented collisions between gas molecules and particles have been overwhelmingly modeled as elastic and specular. 3888 | J. Phys. Chem. A 2013, 117, 3887−3901

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A


Figure 1. Examples of the box (upper pane, containing a stretched poly(ethylene glycol) 115-mer) and sphere (lower pane, containing a compact poly(ethylene glycol) 254-mer) control volumes used in collision-cross-section calculations. Sample trajectories for hard-sphere gas molecules introduced into both control volumes and impinging with the examined particle structures are displayed. The inclination and azimuthal angles, θ and ϕ, respectively, are also displayed in the upper pane.

The collision-cross-section/mobility calculation procedure can be broken down into two steps: (1) introduction of the gas molecule into the simulation control volume and (2) determination of the degree of momentum exchange between the gas molecule and particle upon gas-molecule impingement. Calculations are further broken down into instances where no long-range potential interaction exists between the gas molecule and particle (i.e., hard-sphere potentials) and those where an ion−induced dipole (polarization) potential is considered. In the latter case, momentum transfer occurs not only upon

molecule collisions, which would become important for largescale simulations when the particle in question is similar in size to the hard-sphere gas-molecule mean free path (at finite Kn).24 More important for the present study, the examination of gasmolecule impingement from all directions also enables the formation of a symmetric drag tensor when any three perpendicular directions for the orientation of the flow are considered.25 Therefore, calculations with no more than three orientations are needed to determine the collision cross section (orientationally averaged) of any particle. 3889 | J. Phys. Chem. A 2013, 117, 3887−3901

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the ratio of the speed of bulk motion to the mean thermal speed is small (low Mach number, which is valid in most linear mobility spectrometers) and the identity

collision but also when gas-molecule trajectories are altered by close approach to a particle. We first discuss the introduction of gas molecules into the control volume, followed by momentum-transfer calculations for gas molecules in the absence of polarization, and finally the incorporation of longrange potentials into momentum-transfer calculations. In all instances, a structural (polyatomic) model of both the particle and gas molecule (treated as a sphere in this work, although intended to mimic a diatomic gas molecule in the manner in which it behaves during a collision) are required. Further, to improve the computational efficiency over other recently developed algorithms used to predict collision cross sections in diatomic gases,26 all atoms are modeled as spheres with prescribed radii. It is therefore critical that the sizes of the spheres used in the model are reasonable for the gas molecule27 and the atoms within the particle at the temperature under examination, as the use of incorrectly sized atoms will influence results. However, with appropriately selected radii, we suggest that predictions from this approach will match experimental calculations, without the need of modeling atoms with Lennard-Jones potential interactions.26,28 2.2. Introduction of Gas Molecules into the Control Volume. A common approach in prior theoretical analyses5,29 of free-molecule mobility/momentum-transfer calculations has been to determine the number of impinging molecules per unit time on a surface element of a particle. Calculation of the momentum transfer of impinging molecules on the particle per unit time integrated over the whole surface area of the particle will give the total drag caused by bulk motion and, hence, the particle’s collision cross section. Although this approach is easy to implement when the surface area of the particle is convex and not complicated (see the Supporting Information for this procedure applied to a sphere), it becomes rather burdensome as the exterior becomes increasingly corrugated and concave (e.g., the surface of a molecule). A more convenient approach, employed here, is to calculate the momentum flux of gas molecules through simplified surfaces that form the boundaries of a control volume surrounding the particle. During ionmobility measurements, a particle must be traveling at a speed V through a medium. The control volume used for calculation is set on the particle itself so that the bulk motion of the gas has a component in the direction of the velocity vector V⃗ to account for this speed. In the absence of this net velocity, gas molecules would enter the control volume following a Maxwell−Boltzmann velocity distribution ρ0 =

2 2 2 ⎛ mgas ⎞3/2 ⎡⎢ mgas(u + v + w ) ⎤⎥ ⎜ ⎟ exp − ⎝ 2πkT ⎠ ⎢⎣ ⎥⎦ 2kT

exp(x) =


1 π


*⃗ − V⃗ *||2 ) exp( −|| cgas

xn n!


Substituting this series into eq 5a and truncating the resulting infinite series after the first two terms yields ρ* =

1 π



*⃗ + V⃗ *2 − 2 cgas *⃗ ·V⃗ *)] exp[−( cgas

*⃗ ·V⃗ *)ρ* = ρ* + ρ * ≈ ρ0* + 2( cgas 0 0 1


wherein V⃗ *2 is negligibly small in comparison to c*g⃗ as2. With this linearization, the incoming gas-molecule velocity distribution is expressed as the sum of two subdistributions. The first of these, ρ0*, corresponds to the regular Maxwell−Boltzmann distribution and, by itself, leads to zero momentum transfer. Therefore, it can be neglected in some computations, and gas molecules enter the control volume following a distribution given by ρ*1 = 2(cg*⃗ as·V⃗ *)ρ0*. Although the use of only ρ1* dramatically accelerates computations, the term cg*⃗ as·V⃗ * can lead to gas molecules entering the domain with “negative” momentum, which must be taken into account in calculations. The method by which these negative gas molecules are handled is discussed in the companion report19 and not examined further here. With hard-sphere potentials, if the control volume is too large compared to the particle, many of the sampled gas molecules will exit the volume without impingement; thus, they will not transmit any momentum. This unnecessarily increases computation time. Conversely, calculation of the size and shape of the optimum control volume and the proper distribution of entering gas molecules on the control surface is a nontrivial problem. We hence used either a sphere or a rectangular box as the control volume, with examples of both portrayed in Figure 1. The upper pane of Figure 1 displays the structure of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) ion (particle) with four excess positive charges (modeled by cesium ions) and 115 monomer units, as determined by molecular dynamics (ChemBio3D, MM2 force field). Coulombic repulsion between excess charges drives the PEG chain to adopt a bead-string-like structure where one larger end bead holds two of the excess charges and the smaller two beads each hold one excess charge.17 Because of this semielongated structure, calculation of the collision cross section for this chain is best performed using a rectangular boxshaped control volume. Conversely, in the lower pane of Figure 1, a PEG chain with 254 monomer units is shown, which, also with four excess positive charges, adopts a more compact structure with minimal Coulombic stretching.17 In this instance, as the chain collapses to a near-spherical structure, a spherical control volume is used in the calculation. To efficiently determine whether a rectangular box or sphere should be used for collision-cross-section calculations, we found the dimensions (length, width, and height for the box or diameter for the sphere) for the smallest box and sphere capable of entirely encasing the entire structure under consideration. The shape requiring the smaller volume to enclose the particle was selected as the control volume, with the specified dimensions. When a box is the appropriate control volume choice, one of its faces is aligned with the velocity vector, e.g. V⃗ = Vi.̂ The gasmolecule flux (volumetric flow rate, Q per unit area, A) that crosses any given side of the box is given by the equation


where ρ denotes the three-dimensional velocity distribution function;30 the subscript 0 denotes the absence of bulk flow; and u, v, and w are the Cartesian components of the gasmolecule velocity vector. The incoming velocity distribution function, however, is skewed because of the particle’s bulk motion. Defining the most probable speed as h = (2kT/mgas)1/2 and cg⃗ as as the gas-molecule velocity vector, the dimensionless velocity distribution in the presence of flow, ρ* = ρh3, can be written as ρ* =


where the asterisks (*) denote vectors normalized by h. Equation 5a can be simplified, using both the assumption that 3890 | J. Phys. Chem. A 2013, 117, 3887−3901

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A Q /A = h

∫c *⃗ ·n⃗ 0 are exiting the control volume and were omitted from calculations. For a spherical control volume, it is similarly necessary to differentiate between gas molecules entering the control volume and those exiting. With n⃗ again defined as the unit outward normal, the flow rate of gas molecules coming into the sphere can be expressed as Q = 2h

*⃗ < 0 V⃗ *· cgas

∫c *⃗ ·n⃗ 104 atoms.39a,49 It is therefore highly desirable to relate the orientationally averaged projected area, PA, of an ion−gas-molecule complex to the collision cross section, as this parameter can be calculated much more simply, even when nonspherical gas molecules are considered.50 In the absence of polarization, we find overwhelmingly that the approximation Ω = ξPA holds valid. It is hence reasonable to also suggest that an equation of the following form will hold valid for all gas conditions

Figure 6. Predicted inverse mobilities for tetraalkylammonium ions as a function of experimentally measured inverse mobilities for the same ions at 293 K and atmospheric pressure. The dashed gray line denotes a 1:1 ratio. Abbreviations: EHSS + Polariz., EHSS calculations considering the ion−induced dipole potential between gas molecule and ion; 8% Red. Hard Sphere, DHSS calculations with an 8% reduction in the speed of the reemitted gas molecule, without potential interactions; 8% Red. + Polariz., DHSS calculations with an 8% reduction in the speed of the reemitted gas molecule considering the ion−induced dipole potential; 8% Red. x Polariz. Approx., DHSS calculations with an 8% reduction in the speed of the reemitted gas molecule and the collision cross section determined by multiplying the calculation result by an algebraic approximation for the influence of polarization (eq 15a).

Ω = Lξ PA


where L is a correction factor for polarization. As shown elsewhere, in good agreement with calculations reported by Mason and McDaniel,2 L can be approximated for a sphere by the equations

without considering polarization are in excellent agreement with measurements of the larger tetraalkylammonium ions, but they overestimate the mobilities of the smaller ions. This underestimation is clearly brought about by the neglect of polarization, and the disagreement between measurements and hard-sphere non-specular scattering methods is nearly completely remedied by incorporating polarization potentials into calculations (measurements and predictions are within 5% of

⎡ ⎛ 1 1⎛ 1 4 ⎞⎞⎤ 3 ≈ ⎢1 + φe⎜ + ⎜ + φ ⎟ ⎟⎥ ⎝ 3.1 ξ ⎝ 16 33 e⎠⎠⎦ ⎣

if φe ≤ 1 (15b)

3898 | J. Phys. Chem. A 2013, 117, 3887−3901

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⎡ ⎛1 ⎞⎞⎤ 2.3 1⎛ 9 6.8 3 ≃ ⎢1 + φe⎜⎜ − φe + ⎜ − φ ⎟⎟⎟⎟⎥ ⎢⎣ 1000 1000 e⎠⎠⎥⎦ ξ ⎝ 56 ⎝4 if φe > 1

4. CONCLUSIONS Momentum-transfer/ion-mobility calculations were performed using all-atom models of particles and non-specular, inelastic gas-molecule scattering from particle surfaces. These scattering models are semiempirical, designed to mimic energy transfer between translational, rotational, and vibrational energies during gas-molecule−particle collisions, and the collision rules are designed such that predictions are in line with the Stokes− Millikan equation. The mobilities of particles predicted with this calculation procedure agree well with experimental measurements in air of multiply charged PEG and singly charged tetraheptylammonium ions. Preexisting mobility calculation procedures, the PA approximation and EHSS method, lead to predicted mobilities that are substantially higher than measurements and do not agree with the predictions of the Stokes−Millikan equation. For the highestmobility ions examined, it was found that one must consider not only non-specular inelastic scattering at particle surfaces, but also the influence of the ion−induced dipole potential for sufficiently polarizable gas molecules, such as N2 and O2. Based on the developed calculation procedure and comparison to experimental measurements, we conclude that, although non-specular, inelastic scattering models are clearly needed to correctly predict ion mobilities in diatomic gases, the precise form of the gas-molecule scattering law is not yet clear, and a number of different scattering laws can be developed that lead to predictions in good agreement with experimental results. Future work will be necessary to better understand gasmolecule scattering from particle surfaces and to develop procedures for correctly modeling energy transfer during this process. Furthermore, when using conventional molecular dynamics approaches to determine candidate particle structures for mobility calculations, a mechanism to resize the candidate structures such that their densities are in line with known values is needed. Without rescaling, the fact that non-specular, inelastic scattering is needed to predict mobilities is less evident. Finally, although not theoretically rigorous, calculation and experimental results suggest that, in diatomic, polarizable gases, the collision cross section of any particle/ion can be approximated by the relation Ω = LξPA, where L is a correction (enhancement) factor to account for the influence of the ion− induced dipole potential, ξ is a momentum scattering factor (1.36 based on measurements), and PA is the orientationally averaged projected area of the particle−gas-molecule complex. Further testing of this approximation should be performed to determine whether it can be used reliably in a wide variety of circumstances for mobility prediction.


where φe = Upol[(dp + dg)/2]/kT denotes the polarization potential evaluated at a distance of (dp + dg)/2. In the case of nonspherical particles, (dp + dg)/2 can be approximated by the value (PA/π)1/2. Equations 15b and 15c are based on the separate analyses of momentum transfer due to grazing collisions (terms with the factor 1/ξ) and due to momentum transfer by direct impinging collisions on a sphere of equivalent radius; the coefficients were not derived from experimental data. The value where φe becomes unity corresponds at T = 300 K to a particle diameter of 6.3 Å; experimentally, only the radius of the TMA+ cation is below this threshold. As a test of this approximation, Figure 6 also shows the inverse mobility predicted for tetraalkylammonium ions based on eqs 1a, 15a , 15b , and 15c using the average projected area from all sampled structures for each ion to compute results with eqs 15b and 15c, as a function of the measured inverse mobility. Overall, the agreement between the approximation predictions and the measured mobilities is excellent, and although it is not theoretically confirmed that the collision cross section can be expressed as the product of a geometric component (PA), a momentum scattering coefficient (ξ), and a potential interaction correction (L), this might be a reasonable method of approximating the collision cross section for charged particles in diatomic gases. Finally, in regards to eq 15a, we remark that it has been customary to treat the PA approximation, hard-sphere scattering calculations, and trajectory calculations considering potentials as three separate modes of mobility prediction.49,51 Doing so, however, reveals a misunderstanding in the reason charged particles moving in a background gas have a measurable ion mobility. Ion mobility is a measurable parameter not because it is an intrinsic property of a particle or a particle−gas-molecule combination; rather, it is a measure of the drag force experienced by a particle when low-speed relative motion exists between the particle and the surrounding background gas. This drag force is clearly influenced by the three factors input into eq 15a: the geometry of the particle, the amount of momentum transferred to a particle by each impinging gas molecule, and the enhancement in collisions and onset of grazing collisions brought about by potentials. PA approximations consider only the first of these effects and therefore need to be augmented by momentum scattering coefficients and potential interaction correction factors. Similarly, hard-sphere scattering approaches should be augmented by potential interaction correction factors. Such corrections should be implemented in a manner that mobility predictions with PA approximations, hard-sphere scattering models, and trajectory methods are in reasonable agreement with one another, as is seen here for both PEG and tetraalkylammonium test ions. Drastically different predictions deriving from these methods arise only when correction factors have not been correctly applied in PA and hard-sphere scattering calculation methods or the size of the particle and gas-molecule pair under examination is not treated equally in all three prediction methods.


S Supporting Information *

A video of the simulated folding of a 506-mer PEG chain in vacuo and derivation of the momentum scattering coefficient for the 8% reduction scattering rule. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at


Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest. 3899 | J. Phys. Chem. A 2013, 117, 3887−3901

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A


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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by NSF Grant CHE-1011810. C.L. also acknowledges support from the Ramon Areces Foundation. Both authors thank Prof. Juan Fernandez de la Mora for his careful instruction on gas-phase mobility analysis.


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