Ion Readings

R. S. Culver, J. C. Wirfel (Hewlett-. Packard). 9:30—436. 'Trends Evaluation of Chro- matographic Test Results. D. Karlan,. R. Y. Shatz (Computer In...
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CORNING Circle 51 For Literature. Circle 52 to have a Sales Rep. Call. 184 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 54, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1982

R. J. Anderson, J. R. Wright, L. G. Baldwin, W. A. McKinley (Tracor Instruments) 9:15—435. Improved Service Techniques in the Hewlett-Packard 5790A Gas Chromatograph. R. Hougentogler, R. S. Culver, J. C. Wirfel (HewlettPackard) 9:30—436. Trends Evaluation of Chromatographic Test Results. D. Karlan, R. Y. Shatz (Computer Inquiry Systems) 9:45—437. Intrainstrument Network for Chromatographic Laboratory Use. M. P. T. Bradley, M. J. Hartigan, A. Rochkind (Spectra-Physics) 10:00—438. New Level of Gas Chromatographic Automation via Interinstrument Network. A. Nohl, T. A. Rooney, C. Ontiveros (Spectra-Physics) 10:15—439. Determining HPLC Peak Variance with the SP4100 Computing Integrator. J. W. Nelson, D. G Gillen (Spectra-Physics), M. C. Harvey, S. D. Stearns 10:30—Recess 10:45—440. Intelligent Analytical Instrumentation: Self-Correcting Multicomponent Analysis. J. Kalivas, C. Jochum, B. R. Kowalski (U of Washington) 11:00—441. Multiple Photodiode Array Direct-Reading Spectrometer for Atomic Emission Spectrochemical Analysis. R. G. Evans, G. Horlick, V. Karanassios (U of Alberta) 11:15—442. New Atomic Absorption Background Correction Technique. S. B. Smith Jr., R. G. Schleicher (Instrumentation Lab), G. M. Hieftje 11:30—443. Coupling of Microwave Energy to a Resonant Cavity. L. G. Matus, C. B. Boss (North Carolina State U) 11:45—444. New Position Sensitive Detector for X-Ray Analysis. A. Samoun, S. Bras (Lab Instruments)


Room 103 Convention Hall 9:00—445. Graphite Furnace Applications Using Zeeman Effect Background Correction. F. J. Fernandez, R. Giddings (Perkin-Elmer) 9:15—446. Analysis of Refractory Metals via Zeeman Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. T. M. Vickrey (Bowling Green State U) 9:30—447. Applications of Fuel-Rich Mixtures with Zeeman Flame Atomic Absorption. J. Liddle, B. Gordon, J. D. Miller (Hitachi)