Ionic Conductivity in Branched Polyethylenimine-Sodium

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Macromolecules 1987,20, 1778-1781


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Ionic Conductivity in Branched Polyethylenimine-Sodium Trifluoromethanesulfonate Complexes. Comparisons to Analogous Complexes Made with Linear Polyethylenimine Caroline S. Harris, Mark A. €&her,* and Duward F. Shriver* Department of Chemistry and Materials Research Center, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60201. Received December 23, 1986 ABSTRACT. Complexes between branched polyethylenimine and NaSO8CF3were formed with a polymer repeat unit to salt ratio of 6:1, 12:1, and 20:l. All three complexes are amorphous in contrast to linear polyethylenimine which forms partially crystalline complexes a t ratios above 6:l (lower salt concentrations). The 6:l complex of branched polyethylenimine has a higher Tg(12 "C) and a lower conductivity Sf cm at 40 "C) than the corresponding complex of linear polyethylenimine (-5 "C and lo-? S/cm). The glass transition temperature of the polymer-salt complex decreases by 43 deg upon decreasing the salt concentration from that of the 6:l complex to that of the 2 0 1 complex. Correspondingly, the conductivity of the 2 0 1 complex a t 40 "C is 2 orders of magnitude higher than that of the 6:l complex. N-H stretching frequencies of linear and branched polyethylenimines and their polymer-salt complexes were studied by infrared spectroscopy. An increase in frequency of the N-H stretching mode of both polymers is seen upon complex formation.

Introduction Solid polymer electrolytes have attracted considerable a t t e n t i o n due to their potential application i n high energy density batteries.lg2 These solvent-free s y s t e m s consist of a solid polymer host in which a salt, usually an alkali metal salt, has been dissolved. P o l y m e r s a l t complexes can either be fully amorphous or partially crystalline depending on the polymer and salt employed. Crystalline polymersalt complexes have the d i s a d v a n t a g e of m u l t i p h a s e behavior w h i c h g r e a t l y complicates the s t u d y of their iontransport and decreases c o n d ~ c t i v i t y . ~ , ~ Polymer characteristics which should favor polymer-salt complex formation include B low glass transition temperature, Tg, and a high concentration of polar group^.^ The majority of s t u d i e s i n the past have focused on polymers w i t h ether oxygens as the polar groups. These p o l y m e r s include linear polymers such as poly(ethy1ene oxide), PEO, and poly(propy1ene oxide), PPO, w i t h which the initial studies of polymer electrolytes were made.2 Other polymer hosts w i t h ether oxygens as the polar g r o u p include comblike polymers6,' and cross-linked polymer network^.^.^ Recently polymers w i t h polar groups other than oxygen h a v e been investigated. One such s t u d y f r o m o u r labor a t o r y utilized poly(alky1ene sulfides) to f o r m complexes w i t h the silver salts, silver nitrate and silver trifluoromethanesulfonate.10 Linear polyethylenimine, LPEI, with s e c o n d a r y n i t r o g e n s as the polar g r o u p s has been s h o w n 0024-9297f 87f 2220-1778$01.50 f 0

by usl1 and others12 to form conductive polymer-salt complexes with alkali-metal salts. There is also a branched form of polyethyleneimine, BPEI, which has a ratio of primary-to-secondary-to-tertiary nitrogens of l:2:l.13J4 BPEI is fully amorphous and has a Tgof 226 K, 27 d e g lower than that of LPEI. In the present research, we investigated complex formation between BPEI and sodium trifluoromethanesulfonate,NaSO3CF3 We determined the conductivity of the BPEI-NaS03CF3 complexes and compare our results to our previous s t u d y w i t h LPEI.

Experimental Section BPEI was obtained as a 50% solution in water, average molecular weight WOO040000 (Aldrich Chemical Co.). The polymer was dialyzed under a constant N2 purge against distilled deionized water which was deaerated by boiling. Cellulose membrane (Union Carbide) was used for the dialysis tubing. After removing the water under reduced pressure, the polymer was further dried Torr) for 60 h a t 58 "C. under high vacuum Recent grade methanol (MCB) was dried by reflux over iodine-activated magnesium, followed by distillation under a dry nitrogen atmosphere. NaS03CF3was commercial reagent grade material recrystallized from methauol and dried under vacuum at 150 "C. All dried materials were handled in a dry nitrogen or argon atmosphere by using standard Schlenk techniques or in an argon-filled drybox. The polymer-salt complexes were prepared by dissolving stoichiometric quantities of polymer and salt in dried MeOH. After a homogeneous solution was obtained, the methanol was removed under vacuum. The resulting com0 1987 American Chemical Society

Ionic Conductivity in Branched Complexes 1779

Macromolecules, Vol. 20, No. 8, 1987


Table I Glass Transition Temperatures and Conductivity Values for BPEI, LPEI, and Their Complexes with NaS03CF3 T,,O C u(40 OC,S/cm a(90 " C ) , S/cm




-47 -31 -12 12 -23

6: 1


20: 1

12:l 6: 1





E OE+004



2 x 10-5


4 x 10-5


x *

~- --

0 OEtOOll

104 10-7 10-8



1 x 10-7 7 x 10-5 5 x 10-5





1x 2x 5x 3x