Ionized State of Hydroperoxy Radical−Water Hydrogen-Bonded

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J. Phys. Chem. A 2007, 111, 13590-13594

Ionized State of Hydroperoxy Radical-Water Hydrogen-Bonded Complex: (HO2-H2O)+ Ravi Joshi,† Tapan K. Ghanty,*,‡ Sergej Naumov,⊥ and Tulsi Mukherjee§ Radiation and Photochemistry DiVision, and Theoretical Chemistry Section, Chemistry Group, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai 400 085, India, and Leibniz Institute of Surface Modification, Permoserstrasse 15, 04303 Leipzig, Germany ReceiVed: May 31, 2007; In Final Form: September 26, 2007

Ab initio molecular orbital calculations have been employed to characterize the structure and bonding of the (HO2-H2O)+ radical cation system. Geometry optimization of this system was carried out using unrestricted density functional theory in conjunction with the BHHLYP functional and 6-311++G(2df,2p) as well as 6-311++G(3df,3p) basis sets, the second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation (MP2) method with the 6-311++G(3df,3p) basis set, and the couple cluster (CCSD) method with the aug-cc-pVTZ basis set. The effect of spin multiplicity on the stability of the (HO2-H2O)+ system has been studied and also compared with that of oxygen. The calculated results suggest a proton-transferred hydrogen bond between HO2 and H2O in H3O3+ wherein a proton is partially transferred to H2O producing the O2‚‚‚H3O+ structure. The basis set superposition error and zero-point energy corrected results indicate that the H3O3+ system is energetically more stable in the triplet state; however, the singlet state of H3O3+ is more stable with respect to its dissociation into H3O+ and singlet O2. Since the resulting proton-transferred hydrogen-bonded complex (O2‚‚‚H3O+) consists of weakly bound molecular oxygen, it might have important implications in various chemical processes and aquatic life systems.

1. Introduction The investigation of structure and bonding of hydrogenbonded complexes is of great theoretical and experimental interest because it plays an important role in various chemical, biological, and atmospheric reactions and processes. This has led to a large number of theoretical and experimental investigations of several systems and processes involving hydrogen bonds.1,2 The strength of a hydrogen bond depends on the proton-donating and proton-accepting ability of the donor and the acceptor, respectively. The nature of bonding is mainly governed by the type of electronegative atom/group attached to the donor hydrogen atom.3 However, in some cases the type of interaction involved in the hydrogen bonding has been found to be controversial.4 Hydrogen-bonding interaction between HxOy species is very important because of their formation and presence in a variety of processes, especially in the atmosphere. Various stable and transient chemical species of HxOy type, which are present in the atmosphere, interact among themselves and also form complexes with water molecules. In this context, hydroperoxy (HO2) radical is an important chemical species, which is involved in atmospheric chemical reactions. Further, selfreaction of HO2 radical is the primary source of H2O2 in the atmosphere.5,6 HO2 is involved in gas-phase processes, gasaqueous phase chemistry, and aqueous phase reactions.7,8 It plays a significant role in the stratospheric chemistry and oxidation processes in the troposphere. HO2 also plays an important role * To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: tapang@ † Radiation and Photochemistry Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre. ‡ Theoretical Chemistry Section, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre. § Chemistry Group, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre. ⊥ Leibniz Institute of Surface Modification.

in the oxidation of SO2 to H2SO4, a major constituent of acid rain.9 It can take part not only in redox processes but also in forming a variety of intermolecular complexes both as a hydrogen bond donor and acceptor. The experimental and theoretical studies suggest that HO2 forms complexes with water molecules, viz., HO2-H2O.10-15 In the earlier studies, the abundance of HO2 in the atmosphere has been found to be affected by the presence of water.16,17 The hydroperoxy radical that is associated with high gasphase acidity has been found to form complexes due to its charge distribution, δ+H-O-Oδ-. The existence of radical-molecule hydrogen-bonded complexes of HO2 and their impact on the atmospheric processes has been an active field of research. It has been postulated that as much as 30% of free HO2 radical in the troposphere may actually be complexed with H2O under ideal conditions.14 Experimental studies have demonstrated that reactivity of the HO2 radical is increased when complexed with NH3 and H2O.17-20 It has also been shown that in addition to the enhanced reactivity observed for a number of radicals as a result of complex formation, their photochemistry can also be perturbed.21 Due to the tendency of radical-molecule complexes to alter both the reactivity and photochemistry of molecules, studies of the effects of complex formation on the HO2 molecules are of importance to atmospheric chemistry. Although reactions of HO2 radical in the atmosphere are well studied, there has been a discrepancy between the model predictions for the loss of HO2 radical in the atmosphere and measured HO2 concentration.22 It has been suggested that some important and unknown process for HO2 loss is missing in the model predictions. Interestingly, the additional loss of HO2 has been found to be directly proportional to the observed H2O concentration.22 Formation of HO2-H2O complex in the atmosphere is suggested to enhance the rate of H2O2 formation by a factor

10.1021/jp074194h CCC: $37.00 © 2007 American Chemical Society Published on Web 12/04/2007

Hydroperoxy Radical-Water Hydrogen-Bonded Complex

J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 111, No. 51, 2007 13591

SCHEME 1: Structure of H3O3+ Denoting the Atom Labels

of 3.10-15 This indicates that reactions of complexes of HO2 with H2O play some role in the loss of HO2. The nature of bonding and energy in isolated HO2 and the excited state of HO2-H2O (H3O3) complexes have been well studied.5-15 However, ionization of the HO2-H2O complex has not been reported even though it is very important and relevant in the atmospheric reactions. The H3O3 has also been considered as a transition state in the reaction of H2O2 with OH radical.23 It is known that photolysis of chemical species in the atmosphere causes their ionization resulting in a large number of chemical processes induced by their radical cations and/or anions. In this context, ionization of the HO2-H2O complex (H3O3) in the atmosphere producing H3O3+ might be important and relevant to understand the reactions of HO2 and the unaccountable loss of HO2. In view of this, we have been motivated to investigate the stability, structure, and bonding of the H3O3+ species. The study of H3O3+ is also of interest for the solubility of oxygen in acidic aqueous solutions (O2-H3O+) and radiolysis of O2/ air-saturated aqueous solutions. Formation of solvent radical cation is the first step in the ionizing radiation effects on the aqueous systems leading to the formation of H3O+, OH, e-(aq), H, H2, and H2O2.24 Reduction in solubility of oxygen with increase in H3O+ (decrease in pH) is relevant to chemical processes as well as life in aquatic systems.25

Figure 1. (a) CCSD/aug-cc-pVTZ optimized structure of singlet H3O3+. (b) CCSD/aug-cc-pVTZ optimized structure of triplet H3O3+.

2. Computational Methods The geometry of the H3O3+ species has been fully optimized using density functional theory with Becke’s half and half (BH) exchange and Lee-Yang-Parr (LYP) correlation functional (BHHLYP), and also with the second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation (MP2) method. The ab initio calculations have been performed using the GAMESS26 electronic structure program with 6-311++G(2df,2p) and 6-311++G(3df,3p) basis sets. Stable structures were characterized using vibrational analysis. It has also been attempted to study the multiplicity effects on the stability of H3O3+. The binding energy of H3O3+ has been calculated by subtracting the total energy of the structure from the total energy of the constituent species. The basis set superposition error and zero-point energy correction have also been included to refine the binding energy values. To further ascertain the stability order of the three structures, their geometries and energies have been calculated using the more accurate CCSD/aug-cc-pVTZ method followed by single-point energy calculations using CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ level of theory with the Gaussian03 program.27 Single-point energy calculations have also been performed using the restricted open-shell BHHLYP and MP2 methods. Single-point energy calculations have also been performed using the restricted open-shell CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ method (RCCSD(T)) with the MOLPRO 2006 program.28 3. Results and Discussion The structures of H3O3+, O2, and H3O+ have been optimized using various methods as listed above. In the initial geometry of H3O3+, it has been assumed that an electron is removed from a chemical species in which the H-atom of HO2 is hydrogenbonded with the O-atom of H2O (Scheme 1). This structure has

Figure 2. Variation of total energy along the reaction coordinate corresponding to the proton-transfer coordinate (O5-H4 distance) in the H3O3+ system as calculated using (a) the BHHLYP method with the 6-311++G(2df,2p) basis set and (b) the MP2 method with the 6-311++G(3df,3p) basis set.

been considered to investigate the effect of ionization on the structure and bonding of the HO2-H2O complex. In an earlier study, hydrogen from the HO2 has been shown to form a hydrogen bond with the oxygen of the water.14,15 An attractive interaction between the terminal oxygen in the peroxyl radical and one of the hydrogens on the water has also been reported which causes the structure to have a floppy five-membered ringlike structure.14 As stated above, we have considered this neutral HO2-H2O structure as the initial guess for the ionized state to obtain an insight about the process of ionization. The effect of spin multiplicity on the structure and stability of O2 and H3O3+ systems has also been investigated. The structures of H3O3+ optimized using the UCCSD method with the augcc-pVTZ basis set are presented in Figure 1, parts a and b. Various structural parameters of singlet and triplet states of H3O3+ as calculated by different methods and basis sets are reported in Table 1. A comparison of our calculated results for H3O3+ (UCCSD/ aug-cc-pVTZ) with that of neutral H3O3 (B3LYP/6-311+G(3df,3p) and MP2/6-311G(2df,2p)) of Aloisio and co-workers14,15 has also been made. This comparison suggests that ionization of H3O3 results in increase in O-H bond lengths in H2O and HO2. However, the bond lengths of the O5-O6 bond (in HO2) and O1-H4 bond (between H2O and HO2) have been

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Joshi et al.

TABLE 1: Optimized Geometrical Parameters for the Singlet (Triplet) States of H3O3+ and O2 as Calculated Using Different Methods and Basis Sets (the Bond Length, R, in angstroms, and θ and δ in deg)a

R(O1-H2) R(O1-H4) R(H4-O5) R(O5-O6) θ(H2-O1-H3) θ(H3-O1-H4) θ(O1-H4-O5) θ(H4-O5-O6) δ(H3-H2-O1-H4) δ(H3-O1-H4-O5) δ(O1-H4-O5-O6) R(O-O)b a

BHHLYP (6-311++G(2df,2p)

BHHLYP (6-311++G(3df,3p)

MP2 (6-311++G(3df,3p)

UCCSD (aug-cc-pVTZ)

0.964 (0.966) 1.019 (0.987) 1.562 (1.705) 1.175 (1.179) 112.2 (112.8) 114.8 (113.6) 177.4 (176.7) 114.1 (134.4) 133.6 (131.4) 113.6 (47.2) 9.1 (154.9) 1.178 (1.180)

0.965 (0.966) 1.020 (0.988) 1.565 (1.703) 1.175 (1.179) 111.9 (112.5) 114.5 (113.3) 176.9 (176.5) 112.8 (131.2) 132.5 (130.4) 108.1 (42.3) 2.5 (150.9) 1.177 (1.179)

0.973 (0.976) 1.028 (0.990) 1.565 (1.764) 1.243 (1.205) 110.7 (111.2) 113.0 (111.8) 173.6 (178.9) 103.6 (138.3) 127.9 (125.7) 72.2 (34.3) 49.8 (148.2) 1.245 (1.221)

0.972 (0.975) 1.025 (0.994) 1.568 (1.718) 1.207 (1.201) 110.8 (111.1) 113.3 (111.9) 174.9 (178.4) 109.4 (128.8) 128.4 (126.0) 104.9 (48.0) 69.1 (165.9) 1.209 (1.202)

Geometrical parameters for the triplet states are given within the parentheses. b R(O-O) refers to the bond length in the oxygen molecule.

TABLE 2: Singlet-Triplet Energy Difference [∆E(S-T)] for H3O3+ and O2 as Calculated using Different Methods and Basis Sets ∆E(S-T) (kcal/mol) H3O3+ O2 a

BHHLYP (6-311++G(2df,2p)

BHHLYP (6-311++G(3df,3p)

MP2 (6-311++G(3df,3p)

UCCSD (aug-cc-pVTZ)

UCCSD(T) (aug-cc-pVTZ)

37.3 (31.6)a 42.4 (36.6)a

37.0 (31.4)a 42.5 (36.6)a

21.7 (24.8)a 29.1 (37.6)a

27.3 32.9

24.0 (23.3)a 29.9 (29.3)a

Correspond to restricted open-shell calculated values for open-shell systems; see text for details.

reduced. This reduction of the O1-H4 bond suggests a stronger interaction between H2O and HO2 on ionization of H3O3. Further, the UCCSD calculated data reported in Table 1 show the effect of spin multiplicity on the bond lengths in H3O3+. It shows that the lengths of O-H bonds (in H2O and HO2) are slightly elongated but O5-O6 (in HO2) and O1-H4 (between H2O and HO2) bond lengths are slightly shortened on increase in multiplicity from the singlet to triplet state. The calculated O-H bond length in HO2 (doublet) has been found to increase from 0.974 to 1.568 Å for 1[H3O3+] and to 1.718 Å for 3[H3O3+]. This increase in bond length of O-H in HO2 (∼1.61-1.76 times) and a comparison of O-H bond length of O1-H4 and H4-O5 suggests a proton-transferred hydrogen bond between HO2 and H2O in H3O3+ wherein a proton is partially transferred to H2O. It is evident that ionization of H2O-HO2 results in the formation of a structure in which H3O+ and O2 are hydrogenbonded, i.e., HO2-H2O - e- f O2‚‚‚H3O+. The optimum distance at which H3O and O2 are held together in 3[H3O3+] as calculated by BHHLYP/6-311++G(2df,2p), BHHLYP/6311++G(3df,3p), MP2/6-311++G(3df,3p), and UCCSD/augcc-pVTZ levels of theory is 1.705, 1.703, 1.764, and 1.718 Å, respectively. Similarly, the optimum distance at which H3O and O2 are held together in 1[H3O3+] as calculated by BHHLYP/ 6-311++G(2df,2p), BHHLYP/6-311++G(3df,3p), MP2/6311++G(3df,3p), and UCCSD/aug-cc-pVTZ levels of theory is 1.562, 1.565, 1.565, and 1.568 Å, respectively. It is also evident from Table 1 that the calculated O5-O6 bond length in the singlet and triplet state of H3O3+ is close to that of the O-O bond length in the oxygen molecule in the singlet and triplet state, respectively. In other words, ionization of H2O-HO2 results in the O2‚‚‚H3O+ structure. In this context it is important to note that the formation and stability of singlet oxygen in acidic medium is of importance in photodynamic therapy.29 No significant differences in geometrical parameters have been observed on using BHHLYP method with either the 6-311++G(2df,2p) or 6-311++G(3df,3p) basis set. The O5-O6 bond lengths calculated with MP2/6-311++G(3df,3p) and UCCSD/ aug-cc-pVTZ levels of theory for H3O3+ are larger than those calculated with the BHHLYP method. In general, geometrical parameters calculated with the MP2/6-311++G(3df,3p) method

are closer to those obtained with the UCCSD/aug-cc-pVTZ method. A comparison of bond lengths and angles of 1[H3O3+] as calculated by MP2/6-311++G(3df,3p) with that of neutral H3O3 as calculated by MP2/6-311++G(2df,2p) shows that the O-H bond lengths in H2O and HO2 are increased, whereas the O-H bond length between HO2 and H2O and the O-O bond length in HO2 are reduced on ionization of H3O3. Though H3O3+ is an even electron system, its total energy indicates that the triplet system is lower in energy than the singlet system. Further, the H3O3+ triplet system has been calculated to have longer distance between H3O+ and O2 as compared to the singlet system. Table 2 lists the singlet-triplet energy difference [∆E(S-T)] of H3O3+ and O2 as calculated with various methods. The difference in calculated total energy of the triplet and singlet state of H3O3+ falls in the infrared region. It can be inferred from the Table 2 that the ∆E(S-T) value of O2 is reduced by 5.1, 5.5, 7.4, 5.6, and 5.9 kcal/mol on interaction with H3O+ as calculated using BHHLYP/6311++G(2df,2p), BHHLYP/6-311++G(3df,3p), MP2/6311++G(3df,3p), UCCSD/aug-cc-pVTZ and UCCSD(T)/augcc-pVTZ levels of theory, respectively. It indicates that the singlet and triplet states of O2 come closer on interaction with H3O+. Table 2 reveals that the BHHLYP method overestimates the ∆E(S-T) value in both H3O3+ and O2 species. To analyze this aspect further, we have calculated the ∆E(S-T) using restricted open-shell BHHLYP (ROBHHLYP), restricted openshell MP2 (ROMP2), and ROHF-RCCSD(T) (RCCSD(T)) methods. Indeed, it has been found that the ∆E(S-T) values calculated using ROBHHLYP method are smaller as compared to the corresponding unrestricted values. Thus, it is the spinpolarization effect which is responsible for the overestimation of ∆E(S-T) values as calculated by the BHHLYP method. On the contrary, the ROMP2 calculated values have been found to be larger with respect to the corresponding UMP2 values. Nevertheless, ROBHHLYP and ROMP2 values are close to each other. ∆E(S-T) values calculated using the RCCSD(T) and UCCSD(T) methods are almost the same. Hence, electron correlation as well as spin-polarization effects are equally important in the prediction of the singlet-triplet energy difference in the H3O3+ system.

Hydroperoxy Radical-Water Hydrogen-Bonded Complex

J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 111, No. 51, 2007 13593

TABLE 3: Binding Energy (BE, in kcal/mol) of H3O3+ with Respect to H3O+ and O2 as Calculated Using Different Methods and Basis Setsa BHHLYP (6-311++G(2df,2p)

BHHLYP (6-311++G(3df,3p)

MP2 (6-311++G(3df,3p)

UCCSD (aug-cc-pVTZ)

UCCSD(T) (aug-cc-pVTZ)










[H3O3+] 3 [H3O3+]

11.9 6.7

1.4 1.4

12.4 (0.5)b 6.9 (0.3)b

1.5 1.5

12.8 (1.2)b 5.5 (0.7)b

1.3 1.9

12.2 6.7

12.9 7.0



H3O+ + O2 f H3O3+; BE ) E(H3O+) + E(O2) - E(H3O3+). b Within the parenthesis BSSE values are given.

TABLE 4: Infrared Frequencies (cm-1) of Singlet and Triplet H3O3+ as Calculated Using BHHLYP and MP2 Methods with the (6-311++G(3df,3p) Basis Seta H3O3+





vibration mode





O1-H2; O1-H3 asymmetric stretch O1-H2; O1-H3 symmetric stretch O1-H4 stretch OdO stretch H4-O1-H3 bend H2-O1-H3 bend H4-O1-H3-H2 torsion O5-H4-O1 in-plane bendb O5-H4-O1 out-of-plane bendc O5-H4 stretch O5-H4-O1-H3 torsion O6-O5-H4-O1 torsion

3859.4 (413.7)

3772.0 (377.4)

3846.2 (443.6)

3726.8 (434.2)

3779.1 (226.7)

3679.3 (226.4)

3770.0 (290.0)

3648.4 (394.4)

2786.0 (2396) 1793.7 (2.9) 1717.1 (38.0) 1712.6 (65.6) 1091.7 (232.0)

2717.2 (2121) 1762.1 (64.1) 1680.1 (29.5) 1311.6 (3.8) 972.5 (299.0)

3317.6 (1525) 1795.0 (28.2) 1731.0 (78.7) 1718.1 (63.1) 916.1 (367.6)

3422.8 (1145) 1921.3 (32.1) 1707.4 (68.0) 1698.1 (73.8) 942.8 (366.9)

566.3 (199.0)

538.3 (123.7)

437.5 (83.8)

389.8 (97.8)

429.0 (3.3)

533.5 (31.8)

289.4 (11.6)

267.4 (6.8)

323.8 (112.9) 219.1 (46.4)

320.2 (76.1) 160.6 (49.6)

224.1 (55.2) 222.3 (83.1)

201.6 (74.9) 113.4 (52.3)

129.9 (4.4)

113.6 (7.4)

111.5 (4.7)

83.9 (8.7)

a IR Intensities (km/mol) are given within the parentheses. b Bending motion in the plane containing O6, O5, H4, and O1 atoms. c Bending motion perpendicular to the plane containing O6, O5, H4, and O1 atoms.

Further, stabilization energies of singlet as well as triplet states of H3O3+ have been calculated using different methods and basis sets with respect to its dissociation into H3O+ and singlet/triplet O2 (Table 3). The calculated interaction energy values suggest that the singlet state of H3O3+ is more stable than its triplet state with respect to its dissociation into H3O+ and O2. Thus, H3O+ is more strongly bound with singlet O2 than triplet O2. In other words, ionization of HO2-H2O should produce more stable triplet H3O3+, which exists as O2-H3O+. However, decay of H3O3+ to singlet O2 is less favorable. This is clearly due to the higher interaction energy of H3O+ with singlet O2 as compared to triplet O2. It also suggests that decay of 1[O2H3O+], produced in photodynamic therapy, into singlet O2 is less favorable. Earlier, Young et al. have shown that the decrease in lifetime of singlet oxygen in protic solvents is due to hydrogen bonding which plays an important role in deactivation of singlet oxygen.30 Table 3 also lists basis set superposition error (BSSE) and zero-point energy (ZPE) correction values for the singlet as well as triplet H3O3+ system as calculated using different methods and basis sets. BSSE values suggest that the selected basis sets are adequate to calculate the interaction energy in H3O3+ system. The ZPE correction values are also small enough to affect the general trend in the binding energy values of the H3O3+ system. Further, the energy of singlet and triplet H3O3+ has been calculated using the BHHLYP method with 6-311++G(2df,2p) and the MP2 method with 6-311++G(3df,3p) basis sets by varying the hydrogen bond length between H3O+ and O2 (as a function of proton-transfer coordinate, O5-H4 distance in Scheme 1). For this purpose the neutral structure of HO2H2O has been considered, and the hydrogen atom of HO2 has been moved gradually toward the H2O fragment in H3O3+. The variation of the energy in going from the initial state (with O1-

H4 hydrogen bond) structure, (HO2-H2O)+ to the final state (with O5-H4 hydrogen bond) proton-transferred structure (O2H3O)+ is shown in Figure 2 as function of O5-H4 distance. It has been observed that the total energy of singlet as well as triplet H3O3+ reduces with increase in separation between H3O+ and O2, passes through a minimum, and increases thereafter (Figure 2). The (O2-H3O)+ system is calculated to be the most stable at ∼1.56 and ∼1.71 Å for the singlet and triplet state, respectively, as calculated using the BHHLYP method with 6-311++G(2df,2p) and MP2 with 6-311++G(3df,3p) basis sets, which clearly denote the corresponding equilibrium hydrogen bond lengths. The vibrational frequencies of the H3O3+ system as calculated using the BHHLYP and MP2 methods with the 6-311++G(3df,3p) basis set are reported in Table 4. All the vibrational frequencies reported in this table are assigned approximately in terms of the stretching, bending, and torsional modes. It is well-known that formation of a hydrogen bond generally involves shift in the frequency value of the stretching modes that are relevant to the formation of a hydrogen bond. Also, the extent of shift, in general, is directly related to the strength of a hydrogen bond. Thus, it is interesting to compare the frequency values of the relevant bonds before and after the formation of the hydrogen bond. On analysis of the BHHLYP calculated vibrational frequencies it is revealed that the stretching frequency of the O-H bond in H3O+ that is involved in the formation of H3O3+ through hydrogen bonding with O2, is redshifted by an amount of 991 cm-1 (3777 cm-1 in H3O+ to 2786 cm-1 in H3O3+) in the singlet state. The corresponding shift for the triplet state is 459 cm-1 (3777 cm-1 in H3O+ to 3317.6 cm-1 in H3O3+). These singlet/triplet frequency shift values are in agreement with the larger/smaller O1-H4 bond length for

13594 J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 111, No. 51, 2007 the corresponding singlet/triplet states of H3O3+. Again, a weaker (stronger) O1-H4 bond is consistent with the stronger (weaker) H4-O5 hydrogen bond for the singlet (triplet) state. All these parameters are directly related to the relative stability of the singlet/triplet state toward the respective dissociated products. It is to be noted that the shift in the OdO stretching mode is negligible both for the singlet (1799.8 cm-1 in 1O2 to 1793.7 cm-1 in 1H3O3+) as well as triplet (1803.0 cm-1 in 1O2 to 1795.0 cm-1 in 1H3O3+) states. From the table it is also clear that the stretch frequency value corresponding to the H4-O5 hydrogen bond is larger by ∼100 cm-1 for the singlet state as compared to the triplet state, which indicates a stronger H4O5 hydrogen bond in the former state. Again, it is in agreement with the higher stability of H3O3+ with respect to its dissociation into H3O+ and singlet O2. 4. Conclusion Ab initio molecular orbital methods have been employed to study the ionization of the hydroperoxy radical-water hydrogenbonded complex. It has been inferred that ionization of the HO2-H2O system results in proton transfer from HO2 to H2O leading to the formation of the O2‚‚‚H3O+ structure. The effect of spin multiplicity on the structure and the stability of (HO2H2O)+ has been investigated, and its comparison with that of oxygen molecule has also been done. Similar to the O2 molecule, the H3O3+ system is found to be energetically more stable in the triplet state than in the singlet state. A comparison of H3O3+ and O2 suggests that singlet-triplet separation of O2 is reduced by ∼5.0 kcal/mol on interaction with H3O+. The interaction between O2 and H3O+ in H3O3+ is stronger in the singlet state with a binding energy of 12.9 kcal/mol at the UCCSD(T)/augcc-pVTZ level of theory as compared to that in the triplet state, for which the binding energy is 7.0 kcal/mol at the same level. The calculated hydrogen bond length for the singlet and triplet state is consistent with the corresponding binding energy value. The shift in the O-H stretching frequency and the frequency corresponding to the O2‚‚‚H3O+ hydrogen bond for the singlet and triplet states are in agreement with the calculated stability trend. The ionized state of the HO2-H2O hydrogen-bonded complex (O2‚‚‚H3O+) consists of weakly bound molecular oxygen as a fragment and might have importance in various chemical processes and aquatic life systems. Acknowledgment. We thank Dr. S. K. Sarkar, Head, Radiation and Photochemistry Division, BARC and Dr. S. K. Ghosh, Head, Theoretical Chemistry Section, BARC for the encouragement during the course of this work. References and Notes (1) Jeffrey, G. A.; Saenger, W. Hydrogen Bonding in Biological Structures; Springer: Berlin, 1991. (2) Jeffrey, G. A. An Introduction to Hydrogen Bonding; Oxford University Press: New York, 1997. (3) (a) Senthilkumar, L.; Ghanty, T. K.; Ghosh, S. K.; Kolandaivel, P. J. Phys. Chem. A 2006, 110, 12623. (b) Joshi, R.; Ghanty, T. K.; Naumov,

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