IR-Active Matrix-Isolated Molecules (CO and CO2) to Probe Host

The matrix isolation technique is a powerful technique for specific questions. But due to relatively high impurity concentrations (10-2−10-4) the im...
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J. Phys. Chem. A 2000, 104, 3698-3711

IR-Active Matrix-Isolated Molecules (CO and CO2) to Probe Host Crystal (N2) Quality† Martin Vetter, Matthias Jordan, Alexander P. Brodyanski, and Hans J. Jodl* Fachbereich Physik, UniVersita¨ t Kaiserslautern, Erwin Schro¨ dinger Strasse, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany ReceiVed: October 29, 1999; In Final Form: February 16, 2000

The matrix isolation technique is a powerful technique for specific questions. But due to relatively high impurity concentrations (10-2-10-4) the impurity is not in a real matrix-isolated case, as in theoretical descriptions. In addition, due to sample preparation (cold deposition) the matrix resembles more an amorphous thin film rather than a good crystal, in terms of solid state physics. As a consequence, many spectroscopic data or phenomena were misinterpreted in the past. Therefore, we studied the real matrix-isolated case (∼10-7) in pretty good bulk matrix material. Looking at impurity spectra (CO, CO2, and their isotopes) and analyzing bandwidths, frequencies, and intensities as a function of temperature, we could characterize the quality of structural phase transitions of matrix and its hysteresis; we could unambiguously assign crystal field splitting to orientations of matrix-isolated particles in the host crystal; we could separate homogeneous from inhomogeneous bandwidth and discuss crystal quality of matrix; due to carefully determined integrated absorption intensities and known absorption coefficients, we were able to determine the real concentration of impurities in the matrix etc. Because of the improved FTIR technic (high sensitivity, resolution, accuracy) we studied in addition the overtone region of molecular excitations and investigated the kinetics of phase transitions; finally, we found spectroscopic evidence of impurity clusters and bands. Consequently, we are able to determine solubility limits of impurities in matrix (in our specific case this limit is about ppm).

1. Introduction The matrix isolation technique was developed about 50 years ago in order to investigate the high chemical active or transient species. To reach this aim the species under study had to be fixed in their unstable or low stable states in inert matrices in relatively small concentrations. Therefore, some cryocrystals such as rare gas solids or solid N2 and H2 have been traditionally used as a matrix material and the samples have been prepared by some different low-temperature condensation methods at which the molecules or radicals of interest were trapped in host crystals. At the beginning of the 1970s it was understood that the matrix isolation spectroscopy can render some important information on the physical aspects too. At first, it was related to (i) the influence of the matrix on the matrix-isolated (MI) molecule, (ii) the matrix changes around these species and the site effects, (iii) the interaction between the trapped molecules, and (iv) the dimer formation. In these “physical” investigations, the simple stable molecules (CO, CO2, CH4, OCS, NO, N2O, etc.) have usually been used as MI species. Considerable progress has been made toward a theoretical understanding of the vibrational and rotational shift for MI molecule in matrix. Under conditions of perfect isolation, these environmental frequency shifts are determined the solute-matrix interaction statistically averaged over translational and orientational motion of both interacting particles.1-3 Some experimental information was also collected on the reaction of the matrixes to the insertion of these species into matrix (matrix sites effects) as well as on the influence of the different matrixes on the characteristics of the trapped molecules (matrix effects). The main efforts have been put to investigate these mutual effects at the insertion of linear molecules into rare gas solids. †

Part of the special issue “Marilyn Jacox Festschrift”.

Three qualitatively different situations were observed:4 a trapped molecule replaces one matrix atom only (single substitutional site), a MI particle occupies two nearest atom positions in a host crystal (double substitutional site), and an amorphous region of the matrix is formed around the impurity. Recently,5 it was shown that only the first situation corresponds to the thermodynamic stable situation in the case of relatively small MI speciessnamely, so-called “single substitutional site”. Since in this technique the main emphasis was to study the characteristics of the defect or host crystal particles around it, less care was taken to consider correctly effects of the host crystal; therefore, site effects, polymer phenomena, temperature effects of the matrix, phase transitions of matrix, etc. were often misinterpreted as a behavior of the doped particle. Our idea is to use the matrix isolation technique like an instrument to collect some important information on the host crystal. We believe that by monitoring the behavior of the impurity molecules carefully, we can probe the host crystal regarding such parameters, whose changes can affect the registered spectroscopic characteristics of the matrix-isolated molecules. The intermolecular distance, site symmetry, and orientational order belong to these parameters of the host crystal; i.e., by this approach we can gain information on the crystal quality, phase transition, possible orientational positions, orientational order parameter, local ordering around the impurity, etc. by investigating the spectroscopic characteristics of the matrix-isolated molecules. This idea is based on the following considerations. The spectroscopic characteristics of a matrix-isolated molecule such as the vibrational frequency and the corresponding bandwidth depend on the interaction between the trapped molecule and the surrounding host particles (atoms or molecules), the thermal motion of both guest and host particles, and the host crystal perfection. Of course, the guest molecule

10.1021/jp993845+ CCC: $19.00 © 2000 American Chemical Society Published on Web 04/01/2000

Matrix Isolation Technique To Probe Crystal Quality deforms the host crystal lattice around it. However, the displacement field around the impurity reflects the symmetry of the trapped molecule as well as the symmetry of the host crystal lattice and is quantitatively determined by the impurityhost crystal interaction too.6,7 The relative displacement of the matrix particles in the vicinity of an impurity changes rapidly from the first shell of neighboring matrix particles to next ones. At distances more than 3R0 off an impurity, where R0 is the radius of the first coordination sphere of the host cryocrystal, this displacement can be neglected with respect almost all impurity qualities. Furthermore, there is not any phase boundary between this deformed matrix area and perfect regions of the host crystal.7 That is why we can presume that the matrix particles in an area deformed by an impurity-matrix interaction react to a variation of external conditions (pressure, temperature) qualitatively similar like the matrix particles in the perfect host crystal region. Because the number of the matrix-isolated molecules is very large (about 1013 at the admixture/matrix ratio of 10-7) and these impurity molecules are randomly distributed in the host crystal, the experimental values for frequency and bandwidth of the matrix-isolated molecules are statistically averaged on the whole host crystal. Consequently, these values yield information on the long-range order in the host crystal. This means that the ensemble of matrix-isolated molecules senses the long-range order in the host crystal and, of course, senses the changes in the host crystal when the external parameters (pressure, temperature) are varied. The main aim of this work is to prove our general idea. Using the matrix isolation technique we investigated the host crystal’s crystal structure perfection, phase transitions, and possible orientational positions. Solid nitrogen was selected as a host crystal consisting of IR-inactive molecules that possesses a phase transition (TRfβ ) 35.6 Κ) in the solid state. The low-temperature R-phase of this crystal is orientationally ordered and its structure corresponds to the Pa3 space group. The high-temperature β-phase of solid nitrogen has P63/mmm crystal structure (so-called hcp structure) without any long-range orientational order (“plastic” phase). The IR-active linear molecules CO and CO2 were chosen to probe indirectly this crystal at the admixture/matrix ratio of about 10-7. Because the phase diagram of the N2-CO2 system is unknown up to now,8 nothing is known about miscibility or solubility. Our paper is structured as follows. The next section outlines our experimental procedure, such as sample preparation, determination of concentration, and spectroscopic details. The experimental results are presented together with the discussion in one section. We will focus on three different aspects: first, present a physical model of the behavior of linear guest molecules in Pa3 and hcp structures based on our spectroscopic data; second, interpret experimental values to probe host crystal qualities; third, discuss solubility limit and clustering of impurity molecules. 2. Experimental Section We investigated nitrogen doped by CO and CO2 molecules by FTIR studies in the temperature range from 10 to 90 K. The infrared spectra of samples were recorded in the spectral region of 2000-5000 cm-1 by a Fourier spectrometer (Bruker IFS 120 HR), equipped with a glowbar source, a KBr beam splitter, and a liquid nitrogen cooled InSb detector. The frequency resolution was varied from 0.007 to 0.037 cm-1 depending on the bandwidth of the investigated line. The optical cutoff filter for the spectral region 2000-3000 cm-1 was used to improve the

J. Phys. Chem. A, Vol. 104, No. 16, 2000 3699 signal-to-noise ratio. Besides the CO and CO2 modes, the IRactive combined bands of the host crystals (such as sideband, two-vibron band) were also recorded. We used these combination bands as an internal standard to determine exactly the phase transition points in the host crystals. A specially designed sample cell with diamond windows (accessible frequency range 10-43 000 cm-1) was mounted on a closed-cycle cryostat coldfinger. The accuracy of the sample temperature stabilization coincided approximately with the accuracy of the temperature measurement during our experiments: a computer-controlled temperature variation. We measured the sample temperature with a standard Si diode with an accuracy of (0.005 K in the temperature region 10-25 K and (0.05 K at higher temperatures. The Si diode was directly attached to the sample cell. This Si diode was additionally calibrated by 9 standard points (melting points of H2, Ne, O2, N2, CH4; temperatures of the solid-solid phase transitions in CH4, O2, N2) as well as by comparing the experimental temperature-pressure dependencies of the equilibrium vapor pressure for liquid Ne, O2 and N2 with the data.9 This procedure allowed us to reach an absolute accuracy of the sample temperatures not less than (0.02 K below 25 K and (0.1 K below 100 K. Matrix isolation (MI) technique used to work with an admixture/matrix (A:M) ratio of ∼10-4; this high concentration can cause problems such as dimers, insolubility etc. In order to avoid any influence of the impurity interaction, we used an A:M ratio of 1 (15) ∼ 6 exp kT n(θ)0) Therefore, we obtain the following assignment of two CO2 bands in the β-nitrogen: the low-frequency band corresponds to the orientational position at θmin ≈ π/3 (position 1 in Figure 9 top) whereas the high-frequency one to the orientational position at θmin ) 0 (position 2 in Figure 9, top). The second factor, which may influence the shape of the potential relief for the guest molecule, is the difference between the real host crystal structure and an ideal hcp lattice characterized by the difference in the c/a ratios. Since the deviations of the c/a parameter in the pure β-nitrogen from an ideal hcp structure are very small (1.631-1.63611 compared to (c/a)ideal ) x8/3 ≈ 1.633) they cannot affect the above-mentioned results significantly. However, there is an additional effect due to a local deformation of the matrix around the guest molecules localized in two orientational positions. The deformation field in a matrix reproduces the guest molecule’s shape. Therefore, the c/a ratios in the deformed matrix area around the impurity are qualitatively different for two the kinds of orientational positions: the (c/a)def - (c/a)id.hcp value is positive for the orientational position at θ ) 0 and negative in the case θ ≈ π/3. Because the matrix’s deformations are mainly localized in the first coordination sphere and decrease very fast for next shells,7 we may model the local matrix deformation in our calculations by introducing the deviation from the ideal c/a value for the first coordination sphere into (14). The results of such modeling are shown in Figure 9 too (right side). The negative deviation from the ideal c/a value (c/a ) x8/3 - 0.02) pronounces the potential minima and maxima, whereas the positive deviation (c/a ) x8/3 + 0.02) flattens the potential barriers. This kind of consideration shows that the shape of the potential relief for the guest molecule is very sensitive to the

Matrix Isolation Technique To Probe Crystal Quality

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Figure 9. Potential energy of the guest molecule as a function of the ratio between bond length and intermolecular distance (left part) as well as the hcp lattice distortion (right part).

local deformation of a matrix around the impurity and, consequently, the deformation effects must be reflected in the behavior of the spectroscopic characteristics of the guest molecules, e.g., in the intensity ratio of the two bands in hcp structure. This model can now be exploited to explain the unusual broadening of one of the ν3(CO2) components in β-N2. Because of the shallower potential well at ϑ ) 0 the librational motion of the CO2 molecules occupying these orientational positions is characterized by a larger amplitude in comparison to the molecules localized at θmin ≈ π/3. The larger amplitude in the position θ ) 0 for CO2 in β-N2 causes stronger fluctuations of the local crystal field due to either the anharmonicity of the librational motion or due to the rotational-translational coupling of the molecule in the deformed matrix cage. Consequently, the high-frequency band, assigned to the CO2 position at θ ) 0, must possess a stronger Gaussian broadening at higher temperatures, as it does (Figure 8b). 3.4. CO2 Clusters in the Solid Nitrogen. In the samples with 75 ppm of CO2 we observe a broad feature (width ∼50 cm-1) in the range of the ν3 fundamental mode of 12C16O2 (Figure 10a). The sharp peak corresponding to the ν3 excitations of the CO2 molecules matrix isolated in solid nitrogen is located at the top of this broad band. Whereas this sharp peak clearly reacted on the temperature changes as well as on the R-β transition in solid nitrogen, the broad band remains insensitive to any changes in the nitrogen matrix behavior up to 90 K. At such high temperatures (∼90 K) only some changes in the shape of this broad band are observed. The shape of this band, at temperatures corresponding to a gaseous N2, is very similar to

the ν3(CO2) band profile observed by Ewing and Sheng36 for CO2 ultrafine particles in Ar gas at a CO2/Ar dilution equal to 1/600. According to the estimation of the authors,36 these ultrafine CO2 particles consisted out of about 200 CO2 molecules. Therefore, we associated this band in Figure 10a with small CO2 clusters in nitrogen. The spectral changes in the band shape of CO2 cluster in the liquid and gaseous nitrogen in comparison to solid nitrogen may be caused by cluster coagulation at high temperatures. This assignment above is also confirmed by the observation of the additional absorption (bandwidth ∼2-4 cm-1) for 13C16O2 isotopes at about 2282.8 cm-1 (10.9 K). This band remains practically invariant in the whole temperature region from 11 to 90 K (Figure 10b), whereas the sharp peak for the 13CO2 molecules trapped in the R-N2 showed clear dependence on the temperature (Figure 10b, peak with *). Therefore, we assigned the relatively broad band (2-4 cm-1) to an absorption by the 13CO molecules trapped in the clusters of about 200 12CO 2 2 molecules. The position and bandwidth of this 13CO2 isotope band are consistent with spectra of 13CO2 as natural contamination in bulk CO2 crystal29,37,38 as well as in CO2 clusters.39-41 Since the frequency of this isotope band CO2 is lying at 2280.6 cm-1 in amorphous CO229 and at 2282.6 cm-1 in crystalline CO2,29 we may conclude that our CO2 clusters possess crystalline quality. The detailed analysis of the isotope 13CO2 band profile shows that this band in fact consists of two bands marked by “M” and “D” in Figure 10b. The intensity ratio ID/IM of these two bands ranges between 6.4 × 10-2 and 7.5 × 10-2 and shows no

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Figure 10. Spectra in the ν3(CO2) region of CO2 clusters in nitrogen (75 ppm of CO2 in N2) at different temperatures: (a) for 12CO2 clusters, peak * due to matrix-isolated 12CO2 in N2; (b) for 13CO2 molecules in 12 CO2 clusters (M, monomer; D, dimer), peak * due to matrix-isolated 13CO in N . 2 2

marked dependence on temperature. This value for the intensity ratio ID/IM is close to a numerical value (0.11) describing the ratio of pair to single impurities of 1% impurities in an fcc lattice with stochastic distribution.44 Therefore, we suggest the following assignment (Figure 10b): peaks M and D correspond to the 13C16O2 monomer (one 13C16O2 molecule is surrounded by 12 12CO2 molecules) and to the 13C16O2 dimer (one 13C16O2 molecule is surrounded by 11 12CO2 and 1 13C16O2 molecules) in 12CO2 clusters, respectively. Since the theoretical value (0.11) and our experimental value (0.06-0.07) differ quite substantially, we may think about two possible explanations: either the calculations44 are not completely valid for mesoscopic systems or the absorption coefficients of a monomer and a dimer of the 13CO2 in a 12CO2 matrix are slightly different. The last important observation was that the combined 12CO2 bands (2ν2 + ν3 and ν1 + ν3) appeared as relative sharp features in our spectra (Figure 11). These CO2 bands are also insensitive to the R-β transition in solid nitrogen. The centers of gravity of these bands correspond to 3599.6 and 3708.1 cm-1 at 10.9 K for the 2ν2 + ν3 and ν1 + ν3 CO2 excitations, respectively. The 2ν2 + ν3 band shows practically no temperature dependence in the temperature region from 11 to 52 K, whereas the ν1 + ν3 is slightly shifted toward lower frequencies as the temperature increased (approximately 0.1 cm-1/40 K). The frequency values of both bands agree very well with spectra of crystalline CO2.38-40 The sharp character of the isotope 13CO2 (Figure 10b) band and the 12CO2 combined bands (Figure 11) as well as the good agreement in frequencies of these absorption spectra with the ones of crystalline CO2 provide convincing proof that the CO2 clusters observed by us in the nitrogen doped with 75 ppm of CO2 had a crystalline structure like in bulk CO2. This statement agrees with the result of investigations by electron diffraction

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Figure 11. Combination bands of CO2 clusters in nitrogen (75 ppm of CO2 in N2) at several temperatures.

of CO2 clusters formed in a free jet expansion42 that even CO2 clusters consisting of 90 molecules possess cubic bulk structure. The comparison of the ν3(12CO2) band shape in our spectra with the spectroscopic results in refs 40 and 43 and the theoretical calculations in ref 43 shows that the small crystalline CO2 clusters were well separated from each other in our nitrogen matrix. The existence of the CO2 crystalline clusters in the samples doped with 75 ppm of CO2 allows us to now explain why the intensities of the MI CO2 bands were just the same in both series of our samples (low and high concentration of CO2); both type of samples were slowly grown from the liquid phase at equilibrium conditions. We interpret this specific result as a strong evidence for the fact that CO2 molecules do not practically dissolve in condensed nitrogen phases. The thermodynamic equilibrium solubility limit for the CO2 in solid nitrogen lies at about (or less) 1 ppm of CO2 in N2 due to our results. 4. Conclusion We have used the matrix-isolated technique to render fundamental information on the host crystal as well as on the MI species. We carefully investigated the real matrix-isolated cases (the impurity/matrix ratio was less than 10-6) for CO2 and CO molecules in solid nitrogen at the equilibrium vapor pressure by high-resolution Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy between 10 and 100 K. Our absorption spectra, as a function of temperature and two concentrations of CO2 in N2, in the mid-IR region were assigned to vibrations and their overtones of CO and CO2 and their isotopes. Our analysis of these spectra exploited the bandwidth, band maximum, and band shape as a function of temperature and concentration. On the basis of the precise analysis of the bandwidth of MI species we discovered for the first time the temperature-caused Gaussian contribution to the MI species bandwidth broadening. The modeling of the experimental temperature dependence of

Matrix Isolation Technique To Probe Crystal Quality the broadening of the Lorentzian bandwidth for both MI species showed that the low energetic N2 librational excitations are mainly responsible for the vibronic dephasing of CO molecules dissolved in the R-nitrogen, whereas broadening of the Lorentzian bandwidth of MI CO2 by dephasing processes is governed by localized modes which are caused by perturbations of the N2 crystal lattice by these guest molecules. We put emphasis on the strong influence of the rotational-translational coupling on the bandwidth of MI species caused by the intense librational motion of the guest molecules in the matrix. Some important parameters of the intermolecular interaction between guest molecules and matrix were reconstructed from a careful analysis of the temperature dependence of the frequencies of these guest molecules. The anomalous isotope effect was observed for the CO2 molecules in the R-nitrogen in comparison to CO and a possible explanation is proposed. Two qualitatively different kinds of the orientational positions of the guest molecules were discovered in β-nitrogen and a theoretical model of this phenomenon is presented. The qualitative conclusions of this model are valid for any hcp structure. Finally, starting from the real matrix-isolated case, we can determine the thermodynamic equilibrium solubility limit by changing the concentration of the impurity molecules; this limit is about 1 ppm of CO2 in solid N2. In the samples with 75 ppm of CO2 in N2 we observed crystalline clusters of about 200 CO2 molecules, which were well separated in the nitrogen matrix. We even observed the 13CO2 dimers within these 12CO2 clusters. We have shown, by monitoring the impurity molecule in the real matrix-isolated case that we can (1) observe the phase transitions in the host crystal, clarify the order of these transitions, and determine exactly the transition point as well as investigate the hysteresis phenomena; (2) find out possible orientational positions of the MI molecule in the host crystal; and (3) estimate indirectly changes in the host crystal volume when these data are unknown. References and Notes (1) Vibrational spectroscopy of trapped species; Hallam, H. E., Ed.; John Wiley & Sons: New York, 1973. (2) Buckingham, A. D. Faraday Soc. Trans. 1960, 56, 26. (3) Brodyanski, A. P.; Jodl, H. J. “Vibron-libron coupling in cryocrystals: theory and applications”, to be published. (4) Guasti, R.; Schettino, V.; Brigot, N. Chem. Phys. 1978, 34, 391. Irvine, M. J.; Mathieson, J. G.; Pullin, A. D. E. Aust. J. Chem. 1982, 35, 1971. Winn, J. S.; J. Chem. Phys. 1991, 94, 5275. (5) Dahoo, P. R.; Berrodier, I.; Raducu, V.; Teffo, J. L.; Chabbi, H.; Lakhlifi, A.; Abouaf-Marguin, L. Eur. Phys. J. D 1999, 5, 71. (6) Stoneham, A. M. Theory of defects in solid; Clarendon Press: Oxford, UK, 1975.

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