Ir(CO)2I2 - American Chemical Society

Aug 15, 2000 - The ratio KIr/KRh close to 50 shows that, under catalytic conditions (a few megapascals), only complex 1 remains in the anionic form, w...
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Inorg. Chem. 2000, 39, 4137-4142


Speciation and Kinetics Related to Catalytic Carbonylation in the Presence of cis-[Ir(CO)2I2]P(C6H5)4 under CO and H2 Pressures Raphae1 l Churlaud, Urban Frey, Franc¸ ois Metz,† and Andre´ E. Merbach* Institut de Chimie Mine´rale et Analytique, Universite´ de Lausanne, BCH, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland ReceiVed March 9, 2000 The differences in the reactivities of the square-planar complexes cis-[Rh(CO)2I2]- (1) and cis-[Ir(CO)2I2]- (2), involved in the catalytic carbonylation of olefins, are investigated, with P(C6H5)4+ as the counterion, by ambientand high-pressure NMR and IR spectroscopy. Under an elevated pressure of CO, 1 and 2 form the [M(CO)3I] complexes with the equilibrium constants KIr ≈ 1.8 × 10-3 and KRh ≈ 4 × 10-5. The ratio KIr/KRh close to 50 shows that, under catalytic conditions (a few megapascals), only complex 1 remains in the anionic form, while a major amount of the iridium analogue 2 is converted to a neutral species. The oxidative addition reactions of HI with 1 and 2 give two monohydrides of different geometries, mer,trans-[HRh(CO)2I3]- (3) and fac,cis-[HIr(CO)2I3]- (4), respectively. Both hydrides are unstable at ambient temperature and form, within minutes for Rh and within hours for Ir, the corresponding cis-[M(CO)2I2]- (1 or 2) and [M(CO)2I4]- (5 or 6) species and H2. When an H2 pressure of 5.5 MPa is applied to a nitromethane solution of complex 2, ca. 50% of 2 is transformed to cis-dihydride complexes. The formation of cis,cis,cis-[IrH2(CO)2I2]- (8a) is followed by intermolecular rearrangements to form cis,trans,cis-[IrH2(CO)2I2]- (8b) and cis,cis,trans-[IrH2(CO)2I2]- (8c). A small amount of a dinuclear species, [Ir2H(CO)4I4]x- (9), is also observed. The formation rate constants for 8a and 8b at 262 -4 M-1 s-1, k262 ) (1.49 ( 0.07) × 10-4 s-1, k262 ) (2.81 ( 0.04) × 10-5 s-1, K are k262 1 ) (4.42 ( 0.18) × 10 -1 2 262 -6 -1 and k-2 ) (5.47 ( 0.16) × 10 s-1. The two equilibrium constants K262 1 ) [8a]/([2][H2]) ) 2.97 ( 0.03 M 262 and K2 ) [8b]/[8a] ) 5.13 ( 0.10 show that complex 8b is the thermodynamically stable addition product. However, no similar H2 addition products of the rhodium analogue 1 are observed. The pressurization with H2 of a solution containing 2 and 6 give the monohydride 4, the dihydrides 8a and 8b, the dinuclear complex 9, and the two new complexes [Ir(CO)2I3] (10) and [HIr(CO)2I2] (11). The reactions of the iridium complexes with H2 and HI are summarized in a single scheme.

Introduction cis-[Rh(CO)2I2]-

The square-planar complexes (1) and cis[Ir(CO)2I2]- (2) are important intermediates in catalytic cycles for industrial carbonylations of alcohols to form carboxylic acids.1-7 Carbonylations of alcohols higher than ethanol produce mixtures of linear- and branched-chain carboxylic acid isomers for both rhodium and iridium systems. The isomerizations occur through hydride-olefin species.3,5,6 Under the catalytic conditions used for alcohol carbonylations, the alkenes also transform into carboxylic acids.5,8 A recent study, by Roe et al., on the carbonylation of ethene using rhodium as the catalyst under mild * Corresponding author. Tel: +41-21-692-38 71. Fax: +41-21-69238-75. E-mail: [email protected]. † Permanent address: Rhodia Recherches, Centre de Recherches de Lyon, 85 rue des Fre`res Perret, BP 62, 69192 St. Fons, France. (1) Forster, D. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans. 1979, 1639. (2) Haynes, A.; Mann, B. E.; Morris, G. E.; Maitlis, P. M. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1993, 115, 4093. (3) Forster, D.; Dekleva, T. W. J. Chem. Educ. 1986, 63, 204. (4) Fulford, A.; Hickey, C. E.; Maitlis, P. M. J. Organomet. Chem. 1990, 398, 311. (5) Ellis, P. R.; Pearson, J. M.; Haynes, A.; Adams, H.; Bailey, N. A.; Maitlis, P. M. Organometallics 1994, 13, 3215. (6) Maitlis, P. M.; Haynes, A.; Sunley, G. J.; Howard, M. J. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans. 1996, 2187. (7) Paulik, F. E.; Hershman, A.; Knox, W. R.; Roth, J. E.; Monti, D. (Monsanto Co.) U.S. Patent 3,769,329, 1973. (8) Mizoroki, M.; Matsumoto, T.; Ozaki, A. Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 1979, 52, 479.

conditions in CD2Cl2 (Scheme 1) shows the presence of the hydride complex mer,trans-[HRh(CO)2I3]- (3), formed by the oxidative addition of HI to 1.9 The nonsaturated hydride [HRh(CO)2I2] (3a), in equilibrium with 3, is proposed to react with ethene to form an acyl species, which will form the propanoic acid. Olefin carbonylation reactions have not received as much attention as alcohol carbonylation reactions, especially in the presence of iridium catalysts.8-12 The goal of this work is to understand the speciation and the kinetics of olefin carbonylation in the presence of the iridium complex 2 and to compare these with the behavior of the rhodium analogue 1 in the absence and presence of different components (CO, olefins, and HI) that participate in the catalytic cycle.9 We have chosen P(C6H5)4+ as the counterion, but it should be stressed that the equilibria and kinetic behaviors of our model systems depend also on the nature of the counterion (e.g., Na+ or PPN+). This study, followed by NMR and IR spectroscopy, is performed under a high pressure of CO to increase the dissolved gas concentrations and to displace the (9) Roe, D. C.; Sheridan, R. E.; Bunel, E. E. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1994, 116, 1163. (10) Hershman, A.; Morris, D. E.; Forster, D. (Monsanto Co.). French Patent 2,280,622, 1975. (11) Forster, D.; Hershman, A.; Morris, D. E. French Patent 2,280,586, 1975. (12) Forster, D.; Hershman, A.; Morris, D. E. Catal. ReV.sSci. Eng. 1981, 23, 89.

10.1021/ic000269j CCC: $19.00 © 2000 American Chemical Society Published on Web 08/15/2000

4138 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 39, No. 18, 2000 Scheme 1. Proposed Rhodium Catalytic Cycle for Ethylene Carbonylation5,9

Churlaud et al. before and after each spectral acquisition by a substitution technique with a platinum resistor.20 For the medium gas pressure work (up to 2.0 MPa of 13CO and 5.5 MPa of H2), 10 mm (outer diameter) NMR sapphire tubes were used.18 The parameters for the acquisition of 13C (1H) NMR spectra were as follows: spectral width 21 (4-15) kHz; 32-128 K (32-128 K) data points; pulse length 10 (7) µs; exponential line broadening 1 (0) Hz; 0.5-2 K (0.5-2 K) scans. All 13C NMR spectra were obtained with 13C-enriched carbon monoxide, except where stated. IR Measurements. The IR spectra were recorded on a Perkin-Elmer FTIR 2000 spectrometer using a high-pressure cell.21 Due to an intense absorption of free CO under pressure, no signals could be detected between 2100 and 2200 cm-1. Data Treatment. The analysis of data using the appropriate equations was accomplished with the nonlinear least-squares-fitting program Scientist.22 The reported errors correspond to one standard deviation.

Results and Discussions

equilibria to favor the observation of possible intermediates. The study is extended to high pressure of dihydrogen not because H2 enters into the reaction equations but rather because it is a byproduct of the carbonylation process, produced through the water-gas shift reaction from H2O and CO. Experimental Section Chemicals and Solutions. Methanol (Fluka, >99.8%), n-hexane (Merck, >95%), [Rh(CO)2Cl]2 (Strem Chemical, >95%), [Ir(CO)3Cl]n (Strem Chemical, >95%), P(C6H5)4I (Fluka, >95%), chloroform-d (CDCl3, Armar, 99.8 atom % D), methylene-d2 chloride (CD2Cl2, Armar, 99.6 atom % D), nitromethane-d3 (CD3NO2, Armar, 99.5 atom % D), CO (Carbagaz, 99.997%), and carbon-13-enriched carbon monoxide (Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, 99 atom % 13C) were used without further purification. HI was purified before use by distillation according to a literature procedure, but without adding hypophosphorous acid as a stabilizer.4 The complexes cis-[Rh(CO)2I2]P(C6H5)4,4,13 cis-[Ir(CO)2I2]P(C6H5)4,14 and cis-[Ir(CO)2I4]P(C6H5)415,16 were synthesized according to methods described in the literature. The purities of the three complexes were checked by IR and NMR comparison to literature data.2,15,17 The 13Cenriched square-planar complexes of rhodium(I) and iridium(I) were each obtained by pressurizing a solution of the complex in a sapphire tube18 twice with 1.0 MPa of 13CO, shaking the tube for 1 min to solubilize the gas more rapidly in solution, then removing the CO pressure, and, finally, removing free CO by pressurizing twice with 1.0 MPa of N2. The 13C enrichment of the two square-planar complexes could be performed according to this procedure because, as we have shown in a preceding study, the exchange of CO between free CO and 1 (or 2) is fast.19 NMR Measurements. The 1H and 13C NMR spectra were recorded on a Bruker ARX 400 spectrometer with a narrow-bore cryomagnet (9.4 T; 400.18 and 100.63 MHz, respectively). The 1H and 13C NMR chemical shifts, δ(1H) and δ(13C), were referenced to TMS and measured with respect to the solvent (1H and 13C shifts: CDCl3, 7.24 and 77.0 ppm; CD2Cl2, 5.32 and 53.8 ppm; CD3NO2, 4.33 and 62.8 ppm) at all temperatures. The temperature was controlled to within (0.2 K using a Bruker B-VT 2000 unit and was measured ((1 K) (13) Vallarino, L. M. Inorg. Chem. 1965, 4, 161. (14) Piraino, P.; Faraone, F.; Pietropaolo, R. Inorg. Nucl. Chem. Lett. 1973, 9, 1237. (15) Forster, D. Synth. Inorg. Met.-Org. Chem. 1971, 1, 221. (16) Forster, D. Inorg. Chem. 1972, 11, 473. (17) Forster, D. Inorg. Chem. 1969, 8, 2556. (18) Cusanelli, A.; Frey, U.; Richens, D. T.; Merbach, A. E. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1996, 118, 5265. (19) Churlaud, R.; Frey, U.; Metz, F.; Merbach, A. E. Inorg. Chem. 2000, 39, 304.

Reactivities of cis-[M(CO)2I2]P(C6H5)4 (M ) Rh, Ir) with CO, Olefins, and HI. In solution, under a nitrogen atmosphere, the iridium(I) complex 2 is quite stable and decomposes only at temperatures higher than 340 K in CDCl3 or 380 K in CD2Cl2 or CD3NO2. Under the same conditions, the rhodium(I) complex 1 is unstable, showing partial decomposition at room temperature after several hours. Olefins, CO, and HI are reactants in olefin carbonylation processes catalyzed by cis[Rh(CO)2I2]-. Therefore, the interactions of these reactants with 2 were studied. Previously, we investigated the exchange between free and coordinated CO in complexes 1 and 2 by high pressure 13C NMR spectroscopy in dichloromethane. The study pointed to a limiting associative, A, mechanism with second-order CO exchange rate constants of 850 × 103 and 99 × 103 L mol-1 s-1 at 298 K, respectively.19 In this previous study, a color change from yellow to red was observed when a CH2Cl2 solution of 2 was pressurized with CO up to 1.5 MPa. We could estimate the formation constant of the red species, [Ir(CO)3I], formed by iodide substitution, using UV-visible spectroscopy. In the present study, we investigated the effect of higher CO pressures (up to 28 MPa) by IR spectroscopy in CHCl3. The low-pressure spectra confirmed the formation of [Ir(CO)3I], which had already been identified by its two characteristic CO stretches at 2046 and 2073 cm-1.1,23 This allowed the determination of its formation constant, KIr ≈ 1.8 × 10-3 (KIr ) [Ir(CO)3I][I-]/ [cis-Ir(CO)2I2-][CO]), in CHCl3. A further increase of the pressure caused the appearance of two new CO stretches at 2010 and 2090 cm-1 due to an unknown species. Simultaneously, there was a strong decrease of the two bands of 2 at 1970 and 2048 cm-1: 35% of complex 2 was converted at 15 MPa. Under the same pressure, less than 4% of 1 (CO stretches at 1988 and 2059 cm-1) was converted into [Rh(CO)3I] (one CO stretch at 2087 cm-1, the second one at 2061 cm-1 being obscured by the CO stretch of 1).24 We then estimated the formation constant, KRh ≈ 4 × 10-5, of this species in CHCl3. This result shows a difference in CO affinity for complexes 1 and 2 by a factor of KIr/KRh ≈ 50. The reactivity of 2 toward olefins (either substitution or oxidative addition) was also checked. In the absence or presence of a CO pressure, no reactions with ethylene, hexene, butadiene, (20) Ammann, C.; Meier, P.; Merbach, A. E. J. Magn. Res. 1982, 46, 319. (21) Laurenczy, G.; Lukacs, F.; Roulet, R. Anal. Chim. Acta 1998, 359, 275. (22) Scientist, Version 2.0; MicroMath, Inc.: Salt Lake City, UT, 1995. (23) Schrod, M.; Luft, G.; Grobe, J. J. Mol. Catal. 1983, 22, 169. (24) Morris, D. E.; Tinker, H. B. J. Organomet. Chem. 1973, 49, C53.

Olefin Carbonylation in Presence of cis-[Ir(CO)2I2]-

Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 39, No. 18, 2000 4139

Table 1. Chemical Shifts, δ, Coupling Constants, 2J, and IR Data for All Complexes of This Study complex

δH (ppm)

2 1 J H-1H

δCO (ppm)

2 13 13 J C- C


2 1 J H-13C



ν(CO) (cm-1)



1988, as 2059, s



1970, as 2048, s 2080









2107e 2051e






2065 2110


-10.1 (a) -14.3 (b)

161.1 (b) 164.7 (a)









5 or 7



161.3i 162.3j



10g 11g a 2J13 103 C- Rh h 2J H-D ) 0.9


ν(Ir-H) (cm-1)

n.d.k 2160e

57.9 (a-a) 6.2 (a-b) 3.1 (b-a) 4.0 (b-b)

2015 n.d.k

2164 2135



2119 2139

5 or 7

41.9, 5, or 7


23.5, n.d.k

157.2 5.1

) 72.3 Hz. In CD2Cl2. H- Rh ) 3.8 Hz; Hz. i Terminal. j Bridged. k n.d. ) not determined. b

c 2J1


2J13 103 C- Rh

and CF2dCH2 were observed for 2 in CD2Cl2 and CDCl3. Similarly, no reaction with hexene was observed for 1 in CDCl3. The olefin fixation on the rhodium complex 1 (Scheme 1) is known to proceed through the hydride species 3 formed by the oxidative addition of HI. When 1 equiv of HI is added to a solution of 13C-enriched iridium analogue 2 in CDCl3 at ambient temperature, we observe the formation of the monohydride fac,cis-[HIr(CO)2I3]- (4). The 1H NMR spectrum shows a triplet at -11.7 ppm (2J1H-13C ) 2.3 Hz) which is characteristic of a hydride ligand coupled to two equivalent CO ligands (Table 1). In the 13C NMR spectrum, a doublet due to the presence of one hydride is present at 156 ppm. The IR spectrum in CHCl3 shows three vibrational bands at 2158 (br, ν(Ir-H)), 2113 (i, ν(CO)), and 2058 (i, ν(CO)) cm-1 in agreement with the literature.1,10,11 Roe et al. showed that HI reacted with the rhodium analogue, 1, to form the hydride mer,trans-[HRh(CO)2I3]- (3) at 253 K.9 The geometries of the two hydrides 3 and 4 are different: the two CO ligands are in trans and cis positions, respectively. Roe et al. found that when a solution of 3 was cooled to 193 K, a new hydride, [HRh(CO)2I2] (3a), formed upon the elimination of an iodide.9 Under these conditions, we found no iridium hydride analogue. However, the possible iridium analogue [HIr(CO)2I2] (11) could be assigned as one of the minor products in the reaction of a mixture of cis-[Ir(CO)2I2]- and cis-[Ir(CO)2I4]- with H2 (see Scheme 2). Moreover, Forster et al. found that this hydride, [HIr(CO)2I2], is formed from [HIr(CO)3I2] upon removal of a CO in CH2Cl2 by flushing N2.11 The fully NMR-characterized iridium hydride 4 is stable for hours at room temperature but rapidly reacts according to eq 1 when the temperature is raised.

The mixture of the resulting products 2 and 6, obtained by

) 50.5 Hz. In CDCl3. e In CHCl3. d

f 2J13 103 C- Rh

) 53.4 Hz. g In CD3NO2.

Scheme 2. Reactions among Different Iridium Complexes in the Presence of HI and H2

evaporation from CD2Cl2, can reversibly give 4 after addition of solvent and pressurization with H2. A more detailed study of this back-reaction will be discussed below. Roe et al. found

4140 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 39, No. 18, 2000

Churlaud et al.

that the rhodium hydride 3 reacts already at 273 K (eq 2).9 The

structures of the [M(CO)2I4]- complexes, 5 and 6, are also different for rhodium and iridium. For the iridium complex 6, the cis geometry is the thermodynamically stable form; the trans isomer can be synthesized, but under a CO atmosphere, an isomerization to the cis configuration was observed.5,25,26 The rhodium compound 5 was found to have a trans geometry,3,5,26 but a cis geometry could also be found in solids, depending on the counterion. We have shown that the square-planar complexes 1 and 2 react differently toward some of the entering components (CO and HI) of the catalytic cycle proposed by Roe et al. for rhodium.9 Indeed, under 15 MPa of CO, while 35% of complex 2 is transformed into the [Ir(CO)3I] species, less than 4% of 1 forms the analogous [Rh(CO)3I] species. The reactivities with HI are also different, oxidative additions of HI to 1 and 2 producing two structurally different hydrides: fac,cis-[HIr(CO)2I3]- and mer,trans-[HRh(CO)2I3]-. A further difference is found in the reactivities of these two hydrides with olefins. While the rhodium hydride complex 3 reacts with ethylene to form an acyl complex,9 the iridium hydride 4 is unreactive. Reactivities of cis-[M(CO)2I2]P(C6H5)4 (M ) Rh, Ir) and cis-[Ir(CO)2I4]P(C6H5)4 with H2. H2 does not explicitly appear in the rhodium catalytic cycle (Scheme 1); in other words, it is not an entering or leaving constituent. Nevertheless, H2 can play an important role, as it is produced either by hydride decomposition (eq 1) or by a water-gas shift reaction in the presence of complex 6.1 We first investigated the reactions of H2 with 2 and 6 independently. The addition reaction of H2 with 2 was performed in CD3NO2 using a high pressure of H2. The 1H and 13C NMR spectra (Figure 1) recorded after applying 5.5 MPa of H2 ([H2] ) 0.12 M) to a solution of 2 at room temperature indicate that around 50% of the starting complex is converted into different hydride complexes (eq 3). If H2 is added from

one side of the square plane of 2, the first dihydride complex that is formed must be 8a (two enantiomers) and all other isomers are formed through either inter- or intramolecular rearrangements. Compound 8a was only formed as a minor product of the observed new dihydride complexes (Figure 1). The addition reaction of H2 with 2 was also followed by highpressure (14.5 MPa of H2) IR spectroscopy at ambient temperature (Figure 2). As soon as H2 is present in the solution, the two CO stretching bands of 2 (1970 (νas) and 2048 (νs) cm-1) decrease with time and some other signals appear, in both the carbonyl and the hydride regions. The first three appearing new vibration bands ν(CO), ν(Ir-H), and ν(Ir-H), at 2015, 2135, (25) Kumbhar, A. S.; Padhye, S. B.; Kelkar, A. A.; Patil, R. P.; Chaudhari, R. V.; Puranik, V. G.; Dhaneshwar, N. N.; Tavale, S. S. Polyhedron 1996, 15, 1931. (26) Haynes, A.; McNish, J.; Pearson, J. M. J. Organomet. Chem. 1998, 551, 339.

Figure 1. 13C (top) and 1H (bottom) NMR spectra of a solution of cis-[Ir(13CO)2I2]- solution (3.2 × 10-2 M) in CD3NO2 under 5.5 MPa of H2 at 298 K: major complex 8b and minor complexes 8a and 9.

Figure 2. IR spectra of a 1.1 × 10-2 M solution of 2 in CH3NO2 under an N2 atmosphere and 14.5 MPa of H2 (after 0, 5, 10, and 20 min) at 298 K.

and 2164 cm-1, respectively, are attributed to 8a in agreement with the order of appearance of the signals of the species in the NMR study. The second ν(CO) stretching band of 8a should be superposed on the νas(CO) band of 2. The NMR chemical shifts, coupling constants, and IR data for 8a are given in Table 1. The chemical shifts, coupling constants (Figure 1), and IR data (Figure 2, IR time-dependent spectra) for the major product 8b, appearing after 5 min, are also reported in Table 1. The determination of the structure of 8b, using the NMR data, was not straightforward. Even if the value of the 2J1H-13C coupling constant indicated that the hydride and the carbonyl ligands are cis to each other, three structures are still possible: 8b (H cis

Olefin Carbonylation in Presence of cis-[Ir(CO)2I2]-

Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 39, No. 18, 2000 4141 These NMR data are compatible with the structure suggested, having one hydride and two CO bridging ligands. Very recently, parahydrogen enhanced NMR spectroscopy at low pressure (P ) 0.3 MPa, in benzene-d6) has enabled Hasnip et al. to detect isomers 8a and 8b of the cis-dihydride [IrH2(CO)2I2]-; however, the third isomer 8c and the dinuclear species 9 were not observed.31 Furthermore, in the parahydrogen study, the monohydride complex [IrH(CO)2I3]-, which may have formed according to eq 1 in the presence of a small amount of 6, was observed and a trans CO structure was assigned, different from the cis CO structure of 4 found in nitromethane. To obtain quantitative kinetic and thermodynamic information about the formation and rearrangement of 8a and 8b, we performed a high-pressure (5.5 MPa of H2) 1H NMR study at 262 K. The model used to adjust the experimental data is presented in eq 4. The reversibility of these reactions is easily

Figure 3. 1H and 13C NMR spectra of 8c obtained from a ≈ 3.5 × 10-2 M solution of 2 in CD3NO2 under 5.0 MPa of H2 at 253 K: spectrum a, natural-abundance 13C; spectra b-d, 99%-enriched 13C.

and CO trans) and two complexes with the hydrogens trans and with the carbonyls cis or trans to each other. Two NMR techniques were used to distinguish if the hydrogens were cis or trans: 2JH-D coupling constant27-29 and longitudinal relaxation time T1 measurements.30 For a cis-dihydride, the values of 2JH-D are between 2 and 3 Hz, and for a trans-dihydride, this value is near 0 Hz. The measured value of 0.9 Hz for 8b does not permit a clear assignment. The T1 temperature dependence of the hydride signal of 8b fitted to the relaxation equations yielded a dH-H value of 2.18 ( 0.01 Å. This value is close to the calculated value of 2.26 Å (based on an average dIr-H value of 1.60 Å from crystal data) for two cis hydrides. These T1 NMR data together with the two observed IR ν(IrH) stretches confirm the structure of 8b given in eq 3. We should note that, during the 2JH-D measurement, HD slowly converted to H2 and D2. Therefore, it was not necessary in this case to use HD pressure to obtain the 2JH-D value but was sufficient just to pressurize with a mixture of H2 and D2. To explain this reaction, we propose that the rearrangement from 8a to 8b proceeds via an intermolecular exchange of the hydrides. At low temperature (253 K), we observed a new H2 addition complex, 8c (Figure 3), which disappeared with time at 269 K. The structure of 8c could be determined in nitromethane using 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. The NMR data are given in Table 1. The 2J1H-13Ctrans value of 41.9 Hz indicates the presence of a CO trans to H. Three other coupling constants of 5, 5, and 7 (or 5, 7, and 7) Hz were observed, but as the two homonuclear coupling constants were identical, no assignments could be made. The three dihydride complexes (8a-c) observed in this study and formed by addition of H2 to the square-planar complex 2 and further isomerizations all have a cis geometry for their hydride ligands. No dihydrides with a trans geometry could be detected. A small amount of a new dinuclear compound [I2(OC)Ir(µ2CO)2(µ2-H)Ir(CO)I2]x- (9), was also detected. The values of the chemical shifts and the coupling constants are given in Table 1. The 2J1H-13Ctrans value of 23.5 Hz is between the values of the coupling constants found for CO trans to H (42-58 Hz for 8a and 8c) and for CO cis to H (4-6 Hz for 4, 8a, 8b, and 8c). (27) Heinekey, D. M.; Oldham, W. J., Jr. Chem. ReV. 1993, 93, 913. (28) Kubas, G. J.; Ryan, R. R.; Swanson, B. I.; Vergamini, P. J.; Wasserman, H. J. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1984, 106, 451. (29) Kubas, G. J. Acc. Chem. Res. 1988, 21, 120. (30) Hamilton, D. G.; Crabtree, R. H. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1988, 110, 4126.

observed by the disappearance of complexes 8a and 8b after flushing of the solution with N2. Equations 5-7 were fitted to

d[2]/dt ) d[H2]/dt ) -k1[2][H2] + k-1[8a]


d[8a]/dt ) -k-1[8a] - k2[8a] + k1[2][H2] + k-2[8b] (6) d[8b]/dt ) -k-2[8b] + k2[8a]


the time-dependent concentrations of complexes 8a and 8b, and the obtained rate constants are k262 ) (4.42 ( 0.18) × 10-4 1 262 -1 -1 M s , and k-1 ) (1.49 ( 0.07) × 10-4 s-1, k262 2 ) (2.81 ( 262 ) (5.47 ( 0.16) × 10-6 s-1. This 0.04) × 10-5 s-1, and k-2 allows one to determine the two equilibrium constants K262 1 ) [8a]/([2][H2]) ) 2.97 ( 0.03 M-1 and K262 2 ) [8b]/[8a] ) 5.13 ( 0.10, which show that complex 8b is effectively the more stable of the cis-dihydrides [IrH2(CO)2I2]-. The rhodium(I) square-planar analogue 1 shows no reaction with H2 at ambient temperature, but modest reactivity could be observed at 350 K using the parahydrogen technique.31 The higher extent of formation of dihydrides from iridium(I) than from rhodium(I) should favor olefin hydrogenation reactions. We therefore reacted dihydrogen (5.5 MPa) at 327 K with hexene in the presence of small amounts of cis-[Ir(CO)2I2](10:1 ratio). The reaction was followed by 13C{1H} NMR spectroscopy, which revealed that, after 3 days, hexene was quantitatively converted to hexane. During this reaction, no species with bound olefin were detected in either aliphatic or carbonyl 13C-enriched regions. This reaction can compete with olefin carbonylation when 2 is used as the catalyst. To complete the study of the back-reaction of eq 1, we pressurized the octahedral iridium(III) complex 6 with H2 and could detect no reaction. Reactivity of a Mixture of cis-[Ir(CO)2I2]P(C6H5)4 and cis[Ir(CO)2I4]P(C6H5)4 with H2. We have shown that Ir(III) monohydride 4 reacts according to eq 1 to form 2 and 6 and that this reaction can be made fully reversible by pressurizing with H2. We now present the results of a study of the back(31) Hasnip, S.; Duckett, S. B.; Taylor, D. R.; Barlow, G. K.; Taylor, M. J. Chem. Commun. 1999, 889.

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Churlaud et al. The reactions of the iridium complexes with H2 and HI are summarized in Scheme 2. The proposed intermediate 12 was not observed but should be involved in the formation of fac,cis-[HIr(CO)2I3]- from cis[Ir(CO)2I2]-, cis-[Ir(CO)2I4]-, and H2. Conclusions With the use of ambient- and high-pressure NMR and IR spectroscopy, the main differences in the catalytic cycles of the carbonylation of olefins in the presence of the iridium complex 2 and in the presence of the rhodium analogue 1 have been presented. Under elevated pressures of CO, 1 and 2 form the corresponding tricarbonyl halides M(CO)3I by substitution of an iodide by CO, with the equilibrium constants KIr ≈ 1.8 × 10-3 and KRh ≈ 4 × 10-5. The ratio KIr/KRh close to 50 shows that, under catalytic conditions (a few megapascals), only complex 1 remains in the anionic form, while a major amount of the iridium analogue 2 is converted to a neutral species. The oxidative addition reactions of HI with 1 and 2 give two monohydrides of different geometries, mer,trans-[HRh(CO)2I3](3) and fac,cis-[HIr(CO)2I3]- (4), respectively. Both hydrides are unstable at ambient temperature and form, within minutes for Rh and within hours for Ir, the corresponding cis[M(CO)2I2]- (1 or 2) and [M(CO)2I4]- (5 or 6) species and H2. Applying a high pressure of H2 (H2 is produced in situ during the carbonylation reaction) at ambient temperature to a nitromethane solution containing complex 2 first formed the cisdihydride 8a, followed by intermolecular isomeration to form 8b and the newly observed complex 8c. However, no similar H2 addition products of the rhodium analogue were observed. Very small quantities of H2 addition products were previously observed by Hasnip et al. in benzene at 350 K. These major differences between rhodium and iridium help to explain their different activities in the olefin carbonylation catalytic cycle. Applying a pressure of H2 to a solution containing 6 and an excess of 2 forms, in addition to the already described complexes 4, 8a, 8b, and 9, the two new complexes 10 and 11. All these observations are summarized in Scheme 2.




Figure 4. (top), (middle), and (bottom) NMR spectra of a solution of 2 (2.5 × 10-2 M) and 6 (7.9 × 10-3 M) in CD3NO2 under 5.5 MPa of H2 at 298 K after 29 h.

reaction of eq 1, but with an excess of 2 under the following conditions: a solution containing 2.50 × 10-2 mol L-1 of 2 and 7.90 × 10-3 mol L-1 of 6 with 5.5 MPa of H2 in CD3NO2. After more than 1 day, the 1H, 13C, and 13C{1H} spectra (Figure 4) show as products the expected hydride 4, the starting complexes (2 and 6), the previously observed complexes (8a, 8b, and 9) due to the excess of 2 and the two new complexes 10 and 11. Complex 10 shows one 13C NMR signal at 157.2 ppm and has no hydride ligand, since no 2J1H-13C coupling constant and no corresponding 1H NMR signal are observed. This complex should contain only two magnetically equivalent CO moieties, and therefore we suggest the formula [Ir(CO)2I3]. The 1H NMR spectrum of the minor product 11 shows a triplet at -16.8 ppm (2J1H-13C ) 5.1 Hz) and the 13C NMR spectrum a doublet at 163.7 ppm, indicating two equivalent CO ligands and a unique hydride ligand, compatible with the formula [HIr(CO)2I2], already suggested for a compound formed under different conditions.11

Acknowledgment. We thank Rhoˆne-Poulenc and the Swiss National Science Foundation for financial support. We are also grateful to Dr. Gabor Laurenczy for performing the highpressure IR studies. Supporting Information Available: Experimental concentrations of complexes 8a and 8b as functions of time, obtained from a solution of 2 under 5.5 MPa of H2 at 262 K (Table S1), IR spectra of solutions of cis-[Ir(CO)2I2]- and cis-[Rh(CO)2I2]- in CHCl3 under different CO pressures at ambient temperature (Figure S1),1H NMR spectra of 8b (H2 addition product) and 8b* (HD addition product), obtained from a solution of 2 in CD3NO2 under 3.2 MPa of HD at 298 K, showing the 2 JH-D coupling constant of 8b* (Figure S2, top), 1H NMR T1 of the hydride 8b as a function of temperature, obtained from a solution of 2 in CD2Cl2 under 5.0 MPa of H2 (Figure S2, bottom), experimental and adjusted concentrations of complexes 8a and 8b as functions of time, obtained from a solution of 2 under 5.5 MPa of H2 at 262 K (Figure S3), NMR spectra of 9, obtained from a solution of cis-[Ir(13CO)2I2]in CD3NO2 under 5.5 MPa of H2 at 298 K (Figure S4), and NMR spectra of a cis-[Ir(13CO)2I2]-/hexene solution in CD3NO2 under 5.5 MPa of H2 at 327 K after 5 min, 5 h, and 3 days (Figure S5). This material is available free of charge via the Internet at IC000269J