Irradiation of Polymeric Materials - American Chemical Society

the film needs to be exposed and crosslinked to prevent silylation. Finally, the latent silylated image is developed in an oxygen reactive ion etching...
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Chapter 17

New Photoresist Processes at UV Wavelengths Less Than 200 Nanometers

Downloaded by UNIV OF GUELPH LIBRARY on October 29, 2012 | Publication Date: April 13, 1993 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1993-0527.ch017

D. J. Ehrlich, R. R. Kunz, M. A. Hartney, M. W. Horn, and J. Melngailis Lincoln Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lexington, MA 02173-9108

Over the past two years rapid progress has been made in the design of high-numerical-aperture imaging systems for lithography using radiation at the edge of the vacuumultraviolet.These systems soon will be prototyped for VLSI manufacturing applications. Because of the combination of excess optical absorption in polymers and the small depth-of-focus of the new optical systems, many traditional photoresist principles are no longer useful at these short UV wavelengths. Here, we summarize the technology issues and several recent approaches to developing new photoresist materials and new chemical mechanisms for imaging at these wavelengths. The four areas of research outlined are use of silylation processes in surface imaging, bilayer resist schemes as alternatives to single-layer resists, development of an adlayer dosing technique based on molecular layer reactions, and use of dry planarization layer and imaging layer deposition to enable an all-dry 193-nm photolithography sequence. More details on much of the work described can be found in the references cited.

Silylation Processes in Surface Imaging High resist absorption at 193 nm makes conventional processing unrealistic for aromatic-based resists, and alternative approaches must be pursued. In surface imaging lithography, first described by Taylor et al. (1) nearly ten years ago, a pattern is defined in surface or near-surface regions of a resist rather than throughout the resist thickness. At longer wavelengths, surface imaging can eliminate problems such as reflectivity variations due to different substrates or topographies and can result in improved process latitude (2). For 193-nm lithography, however, surface imaging is an enabling technology rather than a technique for process or yield enhancement Of several surface imaging schemes, silylation processes have been the most extensively developed and are now being used in advanced processing lines (5). A schematic of a 193-nm positive-tone silylation process is shown in Figure 1. First, exposed areas of the resist are crosslinked using excimer laser irradiation. The

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In Irradiation of Polymeric Materials; Reichmanis, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

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Photoresist Processes at Low Wavelengths


material is then placed in a silicon-containing gas, which diffuses into and reacts selectively with the uncrosslinked portions of the film. The selectivity for silylation is determined by the relative diffusion rates in the exposed and unexposed areas. Since the silylating agent diffuses through the top surface of the resist, only this portion of the film needs to be exposed and crosslinked to prevent silylation. Finally, the latent silylated image is developed in an oxygen reactive ion etching (RIE) plasma, which selectively removes unsilylated portions of the film. Areas in which the silylating agent has reacted with the film are converted to Si02 and are not etched in the plasma. One class of acid-catalyzed resists has been designed to crosslink and would behave in the manner depicted in Figure 1. These materials were developed initially by Rohm and Haas Co. (4) and are commercially available from Shipley (SAL 601 and SNR 248). The mechanistic chemistry of the resists is well documented (5,6). More surprisingly, conventional novolac/diazoquinone photoresists or even novolac or polyvinylphenol without photoactive compounds also crosslink efficiently when exposed to 193-nm radiation (7). The mechanism for this crosslinking is believed to be a free-radical reaction initiated by the homolytic cleavage of the methylene bridge between phenolic groups (5). When conventional resists are exposed to radiation under vacuum, as in electron beam lithography, some crosslinking can occur, which is attributed to ester formation between the ketene formed from the diazoquinone decomposition and the hydroxyl groups of the novolac polymer (9). However, with the novolac resins without photoactive compounds the mechanism clearly is not ester formation since the crosslinking still occurs with 193-nm irradiation. Additionally, the amount of crosslinking is comparable whether the exposure is carried out in air, under vacuum, or in inert atmospheres such as argon. We have found (10) that the addition of a photoactive compound hinders the crosslinking of the novolac polymer. Exposure response curves for a series of meta/para-cresol novolacs with varying photoactive compound loading are shown in Figure 2. Clearly, the addition of photoactive compound reduces the sensitivity of the resist. There are two possible mechanisms underlying this effect, both of which assume that the major pathway to silylation selectivity is crosslinking of the resist film upon exposure. In one of the mechanisms, the diazoquinone absorbs some of the incident radiation and is converted to carboxylic acid, which does not result in formation of a crosslink. In the other mechanism, the diazoquinone acts as a scavenger for the free radicals generated during the crosslinking or undergoes a side reaction with the resin, reducing the number of crosslinks formed. The excess dose required (relative to the dose for pureresin)as a function of photoactive compound loading is shown in Figure 3, where a linear relationship is observed. Since the conversion of a photoactive compound to carboxylic acid is linear, this conversion is likely the primary explanation for the decreasing sensitivity of the resist; Fouriertransform infrared spectroscopy of the exposed films shows evidence for the formation of carboxylic acid. However, the linear decrease in sensitivity does not preclude afirst-orderside reaction between the photoactive compound and resin. In addition to decreasing the sensitivity of the resist, the presence of photoactive compound reduces the diffusion rate of the silylating agent, in this case dimemylsHyldimethylamine (DMSDMA). Rutherford backscattering data for a series of resists silylated at 100 °C for 2 min at 10 Torr are shown in Figure 4. Clearly, even the addition of a small amount of photoactive compound dramatically decreases the diffusion rate. The DMSDMA diffuses to a depth of 800 nm in pureresin,while addition of only 10 wt % of photoactive compound confines the diffusion to 230 nm. Additional increases in photoactive compound loading further reduce

In Irradiation of Polymeric Materials; Reichmanis, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.



m ui w m w

193-nm E X P O S U R E

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Figure 1.

Schematic processflowfor 193-nm silylation.






DOSE (mJ/cm )

Figure 2. Lithographic response curves for resists prepared from pure resin and from 9:1, 6:1, 4:1, 3:1, and 2:1 blends of meta-/para-cresol novolacs and 2,1,4,-diazonapthoquinone photoactive compound

In Irradiation of Polymeric Materials; Reichmanis, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.


Photoresist Processes at Low Wavelengths

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Figure 3. Increase in exposure dose required (relative to the dose for pure resin) as a function of weight % of photoactive compound The solid line represents a linear best fit to the data. ENERGY (MeV) 0.8










Figure 4. Rutherford backscattering data for a series of resists with photoactive compound The films were silylated at 100 °C for 2 min with 10Torr DMSDMA. One channel width on the x-axis corresponds to - 2.5 nm of silylation depth.

In Irradiation of Polymeric Materials; Reichmanis, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.




diffusion rate, with only 80 nm of silylation at 33 wt % loading. Presumably, this decrease in diffusion rate is due to hydrogen bonding between the novolac and the diazoquinone groups. A scanning electron micograph (SEM) of 0.2-/im lines and spaces patterned in polyvinylphenol and projection printed with a 193-nm excimer laser is shown in Figure 5. The film was silylated at 140 °C for 1 min with 10-Torr rrimemylsilylchmemylamine (TMSDMA). The pattern was then developed in an oxygen RIE plasma at 20 mTorr and -200-V bias.

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Dry-Developed Bilayer Resists Bilayer resists have been developed as alternatives to single-layer resists at 248-nm wavelength to preclude the need for antireflective coatings and to improve plasmaprocess etch resistance. To fulfill the etch-resistance requirements, many of these resists contain silicon. Various formulations have proposed the use of polysilanes for 248 nm (72). These materials have high silicon content (> 30 wt %) for etch resistance and are very photolabile in the deep UV. The three-dimensional polysilanes, or polysilynes, undergo photodegradation and rapid oxidation when irradiated at 193 nm (75). Since the photooxidized latent image is limited to within -30 nm of the surface because of polymer opacity, an anisotropic development step is desirable. Although a 193-nm wet development process using these materials has been demonstrated (74), a surface imaging dry development process does not limit the resist thickness and can more easily be adapted to a multichamber process environment Auger electron spectra (AES) of the silicon L M M transition for poly(cyclohexylsilyne-co-n-butylsilyne) exposed to various laser doses at 193 nm are illustrated in Figure 6. The peak locations for elemental silicon and S1O2 are designated on the figure; note the shift toward lower kinetic energies with increasing exposure dose, indicative of the oxidation of the polymer. This oxidation also occurs at wavelengths > 200 nm but is most efficient and complete at the shorter wavelengths. The atomic composition of poly(n-butylsilyne) exposed to 100 mJ/cm was measured by AES to be Si1.0O1.34C1.99. Note the surprisingly low C/Si ratio (the C/Si ratio is > 4 in the original polymer), resulting from alkyl-group photodesorption during exposure (75). Infrared spectroscopic studies have also been performed (75) and indicate that the structure of the photolyzed product is a threedimensional siloxane, intermediate in properties between a true polysiloxane and S1O2. This oxidized product results from oxygen insertion into each Si-Si bond, so that each silicon is bound to three oxygen atoms. The dry-developed resist process relies on the selective etching of unexposed polysilyne, and various plasma chemistries have been studied for selective dry etching of Si over S1O2 (76-78). Chlorine is a good choice for the Si/Si02 system (75), as atomic chlorine inserts into Si-Si bonds but is too weak an oxidant to attack the stronger Si-0 bonds. However, using chlorine, we have observed poor selectivity for polysilynes, presumably because of the presence of the weaker Sialkyl bonds in the exposed as well as the unexposed areas. Therefore, a weaker oxidant such as bromine is better suited to optimize etch selectivity between photooxidized and virgin polysilyne films. The actual chemistry leading to etch selectivity in polysilynes is more complex than the case of Si/Si02, however. Nakamura et al. (18) have observed that poly-Si/Si02 etch selectivity can vary by a factor of 300, depending on the level of carbon in the plasma reactor. The poorest selectivity was between 10:1 and 20:1 and occurred when the carbon level in the plasma was highest (i.e., with a hydrocarbon resist masking layer). For polysilyne etching, we have found mat both the amount 2

In Irradiation of Polymeric Materials; Reichmanis, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

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Photoresist Processes at Low Wavelengths


Figure 5. SEM of a 0.2-μπι line-and-space pattern in high-molecularweight polyvinylphenol exposed to 60 mJ/cm and silylated at 140 °C for 1 min with 10 Torr TMSDMA. 2


Figure 6. Auger electron spectra of the silicon L M M transition for poly(cyclohexylsilyne-co-n-butylsilyne) exposed to various doses at 193 nm (Reproduced with permission from reference 14. Copyright 1991 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.) In Irradiation of Polymeric Materials; Reichmanis, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

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and type of carbon in the film are as important as the photooxidation efficiency in optimizing resist sensitivity and contrast. For example, poly(phenylsilyne) (PPSy) exhibits very poor etch selectivity owing to the presence of the phenyl group. The aromatic carbon ring composing the phenyl group is very stable and only slowly attacked by brornine. As a result, the decomposition and etching of the phenyl moiety are rate limiting for both the oxidized and virgin PPSy. The net effect is a reduction in the HBr etch selectivity between virgin and oxidized PPSy. Etch rate data for poly(cyclohexylsilyne-co-n-butylsilyne) at -60-V bias in HBr are shown in Figure 7. The HBr etch rate contrast is calculated to be 0.3. However, the O2 RIE following HBr RIE raises overall process the contrast to 5 because of the > 50:1 etch selectivity of the carbon-based planarizer vs. the polysilyne. Figure 8 shows an SEM of poly(cyclohexylsilyne-co-rt-butylsilyne) patterned at 90 mJ/cm and developed by HBr RIE at H60-V bias followed by O2 RIE of the planarizing layer. The bilayer consisted of 0.75-/xm-thick hard-baked AZ photoresist as the planarizer and a 100-nm-thick polysilyne as the imaging layer. High-aspect-ratio, straight-walled profiles with nominal 0.2-/xm lines and spaces were obtained. 2

Molecular Layer Dosing A new adlayer dosing technique (19 has been developed to provide ultrathin (10-50 nm thick) inorganic layers as etch stops and diffusion barriers for deep-UV lithography. This method is based on conditioning a substrate to a critical prescribed coverage of adsorbed water and then reacting the layer with SiCU or T1CI4. Insofar as it takes advantage of the high molecular surface mobility and the self-assembly characteristics of adsorbates, the approach is similar to that of atomic layer epitaxy. To achieve low process temperature, however, hydrolysis reactions rather than pyrolysis reactions are used. These reactions are run continuously by controlling the adsorbate species in steady-state equilibrium with a mixed vapor or by sequential cycling of ambients. This new deposition technique is carried out in a turbomolecular-pumped vacuum system (base pressure, 10~ Torr). The walls of the system and the gas manifold are heated to ~ 55 °C to prevent deposition, while the sample stage is held at 10-15 °C. Gas adsorption and film growth are monitored with a quartz crystal microbalance. The sequence of steps for deposition of S1O2 is as follows: (1) Normal hydrophilic substrates are loaded into the system. In practice, nearly all silicon process wafers (bare, thin film, or resist coated) support the process. However, in the experiments outlined below, we standardized to oxygen-plasma-ashed wafers. (2) The substrates are dosed with water vapor at a pressure between 0.2 and ~ 3 Torr. Near room temperature, this pressure is sufficient to consistently form a multilayer of adsorbed H2O in a few seconds, as monitored with the microbalance. (3) The excess water can then be rapidly evacuated to retard homogeneous vaporphase reactions. (4) An ambient pressure (~ 5 Torr) of S1CI4 vapor is introduced and allowed to react with the adsorbed water layer. (5) The S1CI4 vapor is purged, and the cycle is repeated for layer-by-layer growth. In our system this sequence is automated using computer control, with electrically controlled valves and closed-loop feedback from the pressure sensors. In practice, we have found that near room temperature, using S1CI4, the surface reactions are dominant, and at the expense of some precision in thickness control the third step can be eliminated. In this case the reaction proceeds continuously on the substrate surface until the depletion of reactants or buildup of reaction products terminates it The procedure for growth of T1O2, with T1CI4 vapor substituted for S1CI4, is very similar to that for S1O2 except that the third step must be retained to achieve high-quality stoichiometric films. 7

In Irradiation of Polymeric Materials; Reichmanis, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

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Photoresist Processes at Low Wavelengths


Figure 7. Average etch rate of poly(cyclohexylsUyne-co-n-butylsilyne) by -60-V bias HBr REE fleft axis) and the normalized thickness remaining in a poly(cyclohexylsilyne-co-n-butylsilyne)/novolac bilayer after HBr RIE development at -60-V bias followed by O2 REE (right axis). Contrast values are indicated for each curve. (Reproduced with permission from reference 14. Copyright 1991 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.)

Figure 8. SEM of 0.2-μπι line-and-space features patterned in 100-nmthick poly(cyclohexylsilyne-co-n-butylsilyne). Development was by HBr RIE at -60-V bias, and pattern transfer was by O- RIE. (Reproduced with permission from reference 14. Copyright 1991 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.)

In Irradiation of Polymeric Materials; Reichmanis, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.


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Preliminary characterizations of the S1O2 films have been made by various methods. The index of refraction under most growth conditions is 1.45. At least to the sensitivity of AES and x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (~ 1 at. %), films are stoichiometric. Secondary ion mass spectrometry shows chlorine levels to be only twotimeshigher than for device-quality thermal S1O2. Qualitative measurements of hermeticity performed using pinhole-decoration etching on films 30 to 50 nm thick show extremely low process-related pinhole densities. These could not be quantified in our experiments as they were below the nominal ambient dust level in the laboratory. Wafers overgrown with S1O2 can be immersed in acetone for 1 h with no visible attack of the resist by the solvent. In addition to resist technology, an important potential application of the adlayer dosing technique is trench filling for VLSL This application stems from the unusual ability of the dosing reaction to conformally coat internal surfaces. An SEM of typical overgrowths obtained by filling silicon trenches with deposited oxides are shown in Figure 9. All-Dry Photoresist Scheme Four distinct processes enable an all-dry bilayer resist scheme at 193 nm Two of these, dry development and dry pattern transfer, are discussed in previous sections. The other two are dry planarization layer deposition and dry imaging layer deposition, both of which have been demonstrated using a conventional rf-powered, parallel-plate plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) system. As an alternative to conventional spin-on organic planarization layers, deposition of amorphous carbon (a-C:H) planarization films from hydrocarbon precursors by PECVD has recently been demonstrated (1920). The films are dry deposited at low temperature (< 50 °C), low bias (< 25 V), and a high deposition rate (300-800 nm/min). Depending on the source gas and subsequent processing steps, a post-deposition hardening step may be required (21). These PECVD layers yield excellent local planarization and are compatible with surface-imaging resist systems using acetate-based solvents and with toluene-solvated polysilynes. Besides yielding excellent local planarization, PECVD carbon films show extended planarization as good as or better than that obtained with the best available spin-on planarization coatings. Figure 10 illustrates the exceptional planarization that can be achievedfroma PECVD a-C:H film madefromisoprene. The features shown are 1.5-//m-deep trenches in silicon covered by a plasma-deposited oxide and then planarized by the PECVD a-C:H layer. An alternative to the adlayer dosing technique described earlier is the use of PECVD to form organosilicon imaging layers (22). These layers are deposited from liquid precursors such as (i) hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS), (CH3)3Si-NHS i ( C H ) , (ii) hexamethyldisilane (HM S), (CH3)3Si-Si(CH3)3, (iii) tetramethysilane (TMS), (CH3)4Si, and (iv) TMSDMA, (CH3)3Si-N-(CH3)2. The films are deposited at relatively high pressure (300-950 mTorr) and low power density (0.06-0.55 W/cm ) at a deposition rate of 1-25 nnVmin. Similar to the polysilynes, these organosiliconfilmsundergo photooxidation when exposed at 193 nm. In particular,filmsdeposited from TMS, when dry developed by the same HBr RIE process described previously for the polysilynes, show a sensitivity of ~ 30 mJ/cm . A typical all-dry resist process module is shown in Figure 11. The planarization layer was PECVD a-C:H, the imaging layer was PECVD TMS, the development was by HBr RIE, and the pattern transfer was by O2 RIE. 3





Conclusion Recent progress in photoresist processes at wavelengths < 200 nm has been

In Irradiation of Polymeric Materials; Reichmanis, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

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Photoresist Processes at Low Wavelengths


Figure 9. SEM of silicon trenches filled by deposited oxides (cleaved profile). Typical growth conditions are 2-Torr H2O, 5-Torr S1CI4, and -15min total growth time. Note the excellent filling and planarization of the substrate topography. (Reproduced with permission from reference 19. Copyright 1991 Américain Institute of Physics.)

Figure 10. Planarization of 1.5-/xm-deep trenches of various widths. Trenches etched in silicon at various widths were covered by 1.5 μτη of plasma-deposited oxide and then planarized by a PECVD a-C:H film made from isoprene. In Irradiation of Polymeric Materials; Reichmanis, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

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Figure 11. All-dry resist process module showing 0.4-μπι features patterned using a dry-developed PECVD resist on a dry-deposited planarization layer. Pattern transfer was by O2 RIE.

In Irradiation of Polymeric Materials; Reichmanis, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.


Photoresist Processes at Low Wavelengths


reviewed Although much work remains, these approaches have already been shown capable of well-controlled lithography with low dose requirements, good edge definition, and adequate sidewall slope control and reproducibility for use at linewidths < 0.25 μχη.

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Acknowledgments We would like to thank K. Stoy-Pavelle, C. A. Marchi, C. L. Dennis, D. M. Craig, R. W. Otten, S. G. Cann, R. S. Uttaro, Β. E. Maxwell, C. A. Bukowski, R. B. Goodman, R. R. Paladugu, and W. F. DiNatale for expert technical assistance. This work was sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. Literature Cited

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In Irradiation of Polymeric Materials; Reichmanis, E., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.