Irradiation of Polymers

distant future. The basic mechanisms of radiation-initiated transformations in polymers are far from being completely understood. Most reactions are c...
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Chemical Nature of the Reactive Species Produced in Polymers by Ionizing Radiations ADOLPHE CHAPIRO Laboratoire de Chimie des Radiations, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Bellevue, France Three types of reactive species are formed under irradiation and may become trapped in polymers: ionic species, radicals, and peroxides. Little is known about the role of ions in the chemical transformations in irradiated polymers. Long-lasting ions arise, as demonstrated by radiation-induced conductivity, and may become involved in postirradiation effects. The presence of trapped radicals is well-established in irradiated polymers, but certain problems remain unsolved concerning their fate and particularly the migration of free valencies. Stable peroxides are produced whenever polymers are irradiated in the presence of oxygen. Both radicals and peroxides can initiate postirradiation grafting, and the various active centers can lead to different kinetic features.

Trradiation provides a powerful method for modifying polymers, and radiation-initiated processes such as crosslinking and graft coplymerization have attracted considerable interest in past years. Although only a few irradiation processes are currently used in industry, it seems most likely that this field will grow and expand actively in the not-toodistant future. The basic mechanisms of radiation-initiated transformations in polymers are far from being completely understood. Most reactions are commonly interpreted on the basis of free radical processes, but other species—e.g., ions, and other reactive intermediates—may play a sig­ nificant role. A better understanding of the basic reactions occurring in irradiated polymers is required, and this would undoubtedly spur further developments and industrial applications. This paper is devoted to a survey of the different species found in irradiated polymers. Atten22




Reactive Species

tion is primarily focused on intermediates which may be responsible for further chemical transformations, such as crosslinking and grafting. Primary


The primary interaction of radiation with matter leads to the forma­ tion of positive ions and excited molecules. Thus, in a medium consti­ tuted of molecules of a substance A B , the primary radiation-chemical events can be written: ΑΒΛΛΛ*ΑΒ







The electrons ejected in processes such as Reaction 1 usually carry enough kinetic energy to enable them to ionize and excite many more molecules, A B . Ultimately, the electrons having lost most of their energy become "thermalized" and may then either attach to a neutral molecule: AB +





Α' +



or else recombine with a positive ion: AB



e —• AB**


The excited molecules formed in Reactions 2 and 4 may dissociate to form radicals: AB* —• A + B -


It follows that irradiating any substance (including a polymer) will lead to the formation of ions and free radicals, and these are responsible for most of the observed chemical changes. If the irradiated substance is a solid, these reactive intermediates often remain trapped for a con­ siderable time after irradiation and cause further chemical transforma­ tions, the so-called "aftereffects." Oxygen plays a major role in radiation-induced processes. If it is either present during irradiation or admitted to the substance after irra­ diation, another type of reactive species may arise—a peroxide. Per­ oxides are usually fairly stable at moderate temperatures and accumulate in the system to a certain extent. They are easily decomposed at elevated temperatures; moreover, they are selectively decomposed on further irradiation. Ionic


Little information is available on the role played by ions in the ultimate transformations occurring in irradiated polymers, although this matter has given rise to numerous speculations. Most ionic reaction



mechanisms which have been suggested are based on extrapolating from the known behavior of ionic fragments in the mass spectrometer. Thus, a condensation process similar to the one observed with methane in the mass spectrometer CH

+ C H —• C H







+ H



has been suggested for the crosslinking of polyethylene (4) CH + CH +





C—CH + H




Alternatively, the well-known proton transfer process: CH



+ C H —• C H 4



+ CH -



could also account for the crosslinking of polyethylene via the following sequence of reactions (4): PROTON TRANSFER





+ C H — • CH' + CH 2












C H ' + C H * + e—• C H ' + C H - + H 3





( 10)


This would lead to the formation of two polymeric radicals in close vicinity, and these would almost certainly recombine to form a crosslink:



J f




CH- + C H — • CH—CH



The weak point of a theory based on such mechanisms is the fact that Reactions 6 and 8 are known to occur only in the gas phase at the low pressure existing in the mass spectrometer, and no direct evidence is available to show that such processes also occur in a condensed state and could involve polymer molecules. However, ionic species are undoubtedly present in irradiated polymers and persist for a considerable time after irradiation. This is demonstrated by the radiation-induced conductivity observed in most plastic insulators and by the slow decay of this conductivity, which may still be noticeable several months after irradiation (7). Detailed studies of this effect, coupled with an investigation of the chemical transformations occurring in irradiated polymers, are lacking.



Reactive Species


Work along these lines could give a better understanding of the role played by ions in the radiation chemistry of polymers. The fact that ions can induce chemical reactions in irradiated organic solids is clearly dem­ onstrated by the polymerization of certain crystalline monomers which are known to polymerize only when treated with ionic catalysts (3). Free


Free radicals are produced in the radiolysis of all organic molecules, and in the case of solids they remain trapped in the substance after irra­ diation. Electron spin resonance (ESR) has been widely used to detect and study radicals in irradiated polymers. Usually, in a polymer sub­ jected to ionizing radiations in vacuo, free radicals accumulate until a limiting concentration is reached, beyond which the number of radicals remains independent of dose. Such a relationship, which was established by ESR measurements for numerous polymers, is also obtained in studies of the kinetics of graft copolymerization initiated by trapped radicals. Figure 1 shows the influence of preirradiation dose in vacuo on the rate of subsequent grafting of methyl methacrylate onto poly (vinyl chloride) (5). A limiting grafting ratio is reached after a total dose of approxi­ mately 1 megarad, which presumably corresponds to the limiting con­ centration of trapped radicals in the system.


Megarads Figure I. Influence of preirradiation dose of poly (vinyl chloride) films in vacuo on the extent of grafting observed after heating in methyl methacrylate at 50°C. for 1 hr. (Curve I) and 2 hrs. (Curve 2) (5)



The actual value of the limiting concentration of trapped radicals depends strongly on the physical state of the polymer since this deter­ mines the mobility of the radicals in the medium. Thus, no significant amount of trapped radicals is found in elastomers irradiated at room temperature whereas large concentrations of the order of 10 spins per cc. can be observed in glassy or crystalline polymers. The combination of two radicals to form a crosslink raises a number of problems, some of which have not yet been satisfactorily solved. If the radicals are produced in pairs, such as by Reactions 9 and 10 or by a "hot" hydrogen atom mechanism (4), they would combine almost instantaneously at ordinary temperatures, and these radicals could hardly be responsible for long-lasting ESR signals. On the other hand, radicals distributed at random in a solid polymer are stable and can meet only if they are able to migrate over long distances in the solid. Physical migration—e.g., by molecular diffusion—seems unlikely in view of the low diffusion rates of macromolecules in a polymeric medium. Therefore, several chemical processes leading to effective migration of radical sites have been suggested. The simplest "chemical" migration via hydrogen atom transfer (Reaction 12) is a slow process at room temperature since 19







\ \

CH* + C H — • C H + CH* 2







this reaction requires an activation energy of ca. 10 kcal. per mole for aliphatic hydrocarbons. More recently it has been established that hydro­ gen (deuterium) molecules exchange with irradiated polyethylene, and the following reactions have been suggested (6, 12). C H " + D — • C H D + D*


D- + C H o — ^ C H ' + D H





It was further found that the trapped radicals in polyethylene de­ cayed more rapidly in a hydrogen atmosphere. The migration of the free valencies was therefore explained on the basis of a process similar to Reactions 13 and 14, assuming an exchange reaction involving the hydro­ gen which results from the radiolysis of the polymer. However, Reaction 13 is endothermic and therefore unlikely to occur at room temperature. Other gases—e.g., NO, N 0 , etc.—were found to affect crosslinking yields, but the mechanism of their action is not clear (9, 10). 2




Reactive Species

Thus, it appears that several processes which may play a major role in radiation-induced crosslinking, such as migration of free valencies and hydrogen exchange, cannot be accounted for by simple free radical re­ actions. An alternative explanation could be found in a chemical process involving the long-lasting ionic species which are present in irradiated polymers and which could simultaneously lead to hydrogen exchange and free radical migration. However, any specific reaction which one could imagine for a process of this type would be highly speculative in character at the present time. Peroxides

If a polymer is irradiated in the presence of oxygen, the free radicals produced are rapidly converted into peroxidic radicals (Reaction 15). R- + 0 — > R 0 2



These may remain trapped for some time in the system and are easily detected by their ESR signal. Their ultimate fate depends to some extent on the nature of the irradiated substance and also on several physical parameters of the experiment, such as temperature, dose rate, and total dose. The two main reactions involving peroxidic radicals are: Hydrogen Atom Abstraction R 0 - + R ' H —> R 0 H + R' 2



which may lead to a chain peroxidation process, since R " will be rapidly converted into R O * by Reaction 15. Recombination RO,- + R(V—>ROOR + 0 (17) 2


These two reactions compete. Reaction 16 requires a significant activation energy and will therefore be favored at elevated temperatures and in polymers containing labile (tertiary) hydrogens. It will also occur at low doses when the concentration of R C V is too small to make mutual combination likely. This reaction is actually responsible for the wellknown autoxidation process, which can be initiated in certain polymers by fairly low doses of radiation. Conversely, Reaction 17 will take place chiefly at low temperatures and high doses and will primarily apply to linear, nonsubstituted polymers. The two products formed in Reactions 16 and 17—i.e., hydroper­ oxides and diperoxides, respectively—exhibit different properties, and this makes it possible to assign a reaction mechanism to a given peroxida­ tion process if one can establish the nature of the resulting peroxide. Thus, hydroperoxides are usually less stable to heat than diperoxides.



Megarads Figure 2. Influence of preirradiation dose of polyethylenefilmsin air on the rate of grafting observed on heating at 135°C. in acrylonitrile (2) The concentration of hydroperoxides can often be determined by infrared analysis or by chemical titration. Diperoxides are more difficult to detect experimentally. If both substituents of the peroxide are polymeric radi­ cals, P, the corresponding peroxide POOP can actually be considered as an oxygen bridge between two macromolecules and should therefore behave like a crosslink: Such structures have been characterized in air-irradiated poly­ ethylene by the resulting change in mechanical properties of the polymer at moderate temperatures (I). At elevated temperatures these links break, and this further demonstrates their peroxidic character. Another difference between hydroperoxides and diperoxides becomes apparent when the peroxidized polymer is used to initiate graft copolymerization. The thermal breakdown of a diperoxide, POOP, leads to two polymeric fragments, P O \ which in the presence of a monomer will give rise to two grafted branches whereas a hydroperoxide POOH will give under similar conditions one grafted branch and one molecule of homopolymer resulting from chain initiation by the OH* radical. This behavior is best illustrated by comparing the graft copolymerizations initiated by radiation-peroxidized polyethylene and polypropylene (2). The former polymer contains peroxides which are extremely stable at room temperature and keep their activity for grafting for periods exceed­ ing one year. Furthermore, when used to initiate grafting, this polymer yields only small amounts of homopolymer. In contrast, polypropylene, preirradiated in air, initiates graft copolymerization at room temperature and leads to the formation of considerable amounts of homopolymer. In addition, polypropylene is much more susceptible to peroxidation by low




Reactive Species

radiation doses than polyethylene, which suggests that in this polymer hydroperoxides are formed by a chain reaction via hydrogen atom ab­ straction (Reaction 16), a view supported by the presence of tertiary hydrogens in the monomer unit of this compound. When irradiation is carried out at higher temperatures ( 6 0 ° C ) , polyethylene may also become peroxidized by a chain reaction leading to hydroperoxides (II). For low radiation doses, peroxides accumulate almost linearly with dose. However, after a certain dose has been reached, their concentration tends to level off. This conclusion can be derived from the observed change in the rate of graft copolymerization initiated by polymers sub­ jected to increasing doses of preirradiation in air. Figure 2 illustrates this effect in the case of grafting acrylonitrile onto polyethylene (2). The drop in the yield of peroxide production presumably results from the efficient radiation-induced decomposition of these peroxides. Per­ oxides are known to decompose under free radical attack, and selective destruction of peroxides under irradiation has been established experi­ mentally (8). This decomposition can become autocatalytic, and some­ times the concentration of peroxides may reach a maximum at a certain dose and decrease on further irradiation. Such an effect was observed in the case of poly (vinyl chloride). Figure 3 shows the influence of preirradiation dose on the grafting ratio obtained with poly (vinyl chlo-


Megarads Figure 3. Influence of preirradiation dose of poly (vinyl chloride)filmsin air on the extent of grafting observed after heating in acrylonitrile at 80°C. for 1 hr. (Curve 1) and 2 hrs. (Curve 2) (5)



ride) films after 1 and 2 hours' heating at 80°C. (5). The sudden in­ crease in grafting rate observed after 3 megarads presumably results from an autocatalytic destruction of the peroxides. Beyond 3.5 megarads the rate slowly decreases with dose. The rate of grafting rises sharply after fairly low doses and increases only slowly on further irradiation. It is believed that this effect follows from a contribution of trapped radicals to the reaction since the initial grafting occurs rapidly during the time required to swell the film. Conclusions

Our knowledge of the concepts which can be used to interpret the mechanisms of the chemical transformations occurring in irradiated polymers is still rudimentary, and many problems remain unsolved. More efforts should be directed toward experiments which could give more detailed information on the nature and the fate of the primary species resulting from the radiolysis of polymers. Electrical conductivity measurements coupled with the study of chemical changes occurring during and after irradiation could provide interesting data on the role played by ions, a field which remains practically unexplored. Literature


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(5) Chapiro, Α., Mankowski, Z., European Polymer J. 2, 163 (1966).

(6) Dole, M . , Cracco, F., J. Phys. Chem. 66, 193 (1962). (7) Fowler, J. F., Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A236, 464 (1956). (8) Krongauz, V . Α., Bagdasaryan, Kh. S., Dokl. Akad. Nauk. SSSR 114, 829 (1957); Zh. Fiz. Khim. 32, 1863 (1958). (9) Lyons, B. J., Dole, M . , J. Phys. Chem. 68, 526 (1964). (10) Okada, Y., J. Appl. Polymer Sci. 7, 695, 703, 1153 (1963); 8, 467 (1964).

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