Irreversible enzyme inhibitors. 195. Inhibitors of thymidine kinase from

Sep 1, 1972 - Irreversible enzyme inhibitors. 195. Inhibitors of thymidine kinase from Walker 256 carcinoma derived from thymidine 5'-acetate. B. R. B...
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Journal ofMedicina1 Chemistry, 1972, Vol. 15, No. 9

Table VI. Physical Properties of I R'1 No. 4CH3C,H4CH,CH, o-C,H $C6H,CH,CH, m-C,H,C,H,CH,CH, p-C6H,C6H4CH,CH, a € , ,H,CH=CH a€ ,H ,CH,CH, P-C,,H,CH,CH, 3,4-CH,0,C,H3CH=CH 3,4-CH20,C6H $H,€H, 3-FC,H4CH,CH, 3C1C ,H4CH,CH, 4C1C6H4CH,CH, 2,6C1,C6H $H=CH 2,6-C1,C6H $H,CH, 2,5C1,C6H 3CH,CH, 2,4C1,C6H ,CH,CH, 3 ,4-Cl,C,HqCH,CH,

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Baker and Neenan


MP, "C

Yield, %


241-244 274-277 270-272 272 dec 284 dec 255-256 dec 274-276 dec 294 dec 260-261 dec 264-265 270-271 dec 257-258 dec 286-289dec 259-262 265-266dec 265-266dec 274-275 dec

11 28 75 73 36 78 41 62 69 74 30 47 54 41 45 51 54



Formula' 3 C24H 1 ScNo






C,,H,4ClN0 3.0.5C$80z C2,H16ClN0,.C,H,OH CZ.H16ClN0 3 Cl,Hl,ClNO, 5

gH I





C1SH13C12N03 'laH

1 3"ZN0



1 0c13N0


C18Hl,C1W, 1 SH 1


1SH 1Z c l p o




uprepared by previously described method, ref 2. bRecrystallization solvents: A, C,H,N-hexane; B, 2-methoxyethanol; C, EtOH. 'Analyzed for C, H, N. of these nitro compounds to the anilinomethylenemalonates, the and the 4-hydroxyethyl 4-hydroxyquinoline-3-carboxylates, quinoline-3-carboxylic acids (Tables IV, V, and VI, respectively) has also been previously r e p ~ r t e d . ~ * ~ 2-Phenylbenzyl Triphenylphosphonium Chloride (24). A mixt of 5.0 g (25.2 mmoles) of 2-phenylbenzoic acid and 1.5 g of LAH in 200 ml of THF was refluxed for 4 hr.The excess LAH was decompd b y adding in order: 1.5 ml of H,O, 1.5 ml of 15% NaOH, and 4.5 ml of H,O.The crystalline salts were filtered off, and the THF was concentrated to an almost colorless oil of 4.9 g (105%) of 2-phenylbenzyl alcohol. To this alcohol was added 6 m l ( l 0 g, 84 mmoles) of SOC1, and 20 ml of C,H,. The reaction mixt was placed on the steam bath for 15 min then spin evaporated. More benzene was added, and the mixt was spin evaporated again. Then 100 ml of toluene contg 6.9 g (25 mmoles) of P(C,H,), was added, and the reaction refluxed for 1 8 hr to give a first crop of 5.53 g (47%), mp 269-275". Refluxing the mother liquors for an add1 24 hr gave 1.56 g (13%), mp 275-278". Anal. (C3bH26ClP)C, H. In like manner a third crop of 0.93 g, mp 275-278 , was collected for a total of 8.02 g (68%) of useable material. trans-3-Nitro-4,2',5'-trichIorostilbene (38) (Method A). To a mixt of 12.5 g (25 mmoles) of 26 and 4.6 g (25 mmoles) of 4-chloro3-nitrobenzaldehyde in 50 ml of DMF was added 3.2 g (25 mmoles) of diazobicyclononane, and the mixt was stirred at room temp for

18 hr. The s o h was poured into 50 ml of H,O and stirred until all the oil had solidified. This yellow semisolid was collected and recrystallized from EtOH to give 1.83 g (22%) of yellow crystals, mp 157-158'. Anal. (C,,H,Cl,NO,) C, H, N. The mother liquors (EtOH) were concentrated to an oil, dissolved in benzene, and placed on 100 g of silica. The silica was eluted with benzene until the tlc indicated no more product was present. The benzene was concentrated to 6.1 g of oily cis-trans mixt that was suitable for further transformations, total yield 7.9 g (96%).

References (1) B. R. Baker and R. E. Gibson, J. Med. Chem., 15,639 (1972) (paper 193). (2) B. R. Baker and R. R. Bramhall, ibid., 15,230 (1972) (paper 189). (3) B. R. Baker and R. R. Bramhall, ibid., 15,235 (1972) (paper 191). (4) B. R. Baker and R. R. Bramhall, ibid., 15,237 (1972) (paper 192). (5) C. E. Griffin and M. Gordon, J. Organornet. Chem., 3,414 (1965). (6) W. P. Keaveney and D. G. Hennessey, J. Org. Chem., 27,1057 (19 62).

Irreversible Enzyme Inhibitors. 195 .? Inhibitors of Thymidine Kinase from Walker 256 Carcinoma Derived from Thymidine S'-Acetate B. R. B a k e r f a n d John P. Neenan" Department of Chemistry, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California 93106. Received March 10, 1972 Seventeen derivatives of t h y m i d i n e 5'-carbamate a n d 27 5'-esters of t h y m i d i n e were synthesized an! investigated as inhibitors of t h y m i d i n e kinase f r o m Walker 256 rat t u m o r . Derivatives of t h y m i d i n e 5 acetate were g o o d inhibitors of t h e e n z y m e . The inhibition displayed was attributed in p a r t t o a n interaction of t h e inhibitor wi,th a n e n z y m i c h y d r o p h o b i c region adjacen; t o t h e active site. T h e binding exhibited b y t h y m i d i n e 5'-c~-thionaphthyloxyacetatea n d t h y m i d i n e 5 -p-benzyloxyphenoxyacetatewas a p p r o x i m a t e l y equal to t h a t of t h y m i d i n e . These c o m p o u n d s could serve as p r o t o t y p e s in t h e design of m o r e p o t e n t inhibitors. T h e r e are t w o m e t a b o l i c p a t h w a y s to t h e intracellular t h y m i d y l a t e n e e d e d for DNA synthesis. The first is the thymidylate synthetase-dihydrofolate reductase p a t h w a y using d e o x y u r i d y l a t e a n d the second is the scavenge pathw a y f r o m t h y m i d i n e kinase. A b l o c k a d e of dihydrofolate ?This work was generously supported b y Grant CA08695 from the National Cancer Institute, U. S. Public Health Service. $Deceased.

reductase, in effect, prevents formation of t h y m i d y l a t e f r o m d e o x y u r i d y l a t e a n d has b e e n extensively studied in

this Some studies on inhibition o f t h y m i d i n e kinase f r o m Escherichia coli B w e r e reported earlier f r o m this laboratory;69' apparently both t h e 3'- a n d 5'-hydroxyls of thymidine w e r e b i n d i n g points to the enzyme. No bulk tolerance for the large substituents n e e d e d for the design of activesite-directed irreversible inhibitors could be f o u n d that

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 19 72, Vol. 15, No. 9

Irreversible Enzyme Inhibitors. 195

gave less than a 50-fold loss in binding: similarly, 1-substituted uracils were not good inhibitors of the enzyme.7 Later studies on guanine deaminase showed that a loss of a binding point on the substrate could be tolerated if the substituent causing the loss could enhance binding by some other interaction such as hydrophobic bonding; thus, the 2 1 fold loss in binding caused by 9-methylation of guanine could be recouped by the hydrophobic bonding of a 9phenyl ~ u b s t i t u e n t . 'We ~ ~ therefore investigated 5'-acyl derivatives of thymidine for inhibition of thymidine kinase. The loss in binding by substitution on the 5'-hydroxyl was regained by use of an acyl group that gave a hydrocarbon interaction with the enzyme. A series of thymidine 5'carbamates and 5'-esters of thymidine was synthesized and tested as inhibitors of Walker 256 thymidine kinase. The results are the subject of this paper. Enzyme Results. Thymidine kinase activity was found in an extract from Walker 256 rat tumor when assayed with 25 pM ['4C]thymidine. At a concentration of 3 0 0 W , no inhibition was observed with a number of l-alkyl-,731e1z 1-aralkyl-,71'2or 1-hydroxyalkyl~racils.~ Similarly, no inhibition was observed at 300 /.LMwith a number of 5-substituted or 6-substituted u r a c i l ~ . ' ~ Therefore, -'~ attention was directed to derivatives of thymidine (Table I). The inhibition of thymidine kinase from Walker carcinoma shown by two 5-halo-2'-deoxyuridines,thymidine, and 2'deoxyuridine (1-4) was in general agreement with the finding of Bresnick and Thompson. Thus, 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine was most effective and 2'-deoxyuridine was least effective. These results indicate that the 5-methyl of thymidine might be a binding point to the kinase since bromo is nearly isosteric with methyl. The losses in binding observed with the 3-alkylthymidines (5-7) are similar to those encountered with thymidine kinase from E. coli B.6 Compound 8, 5'-deoxythymidine, suffered a 6-fold loss in binding compared with thymidine. Since 8 possesses no hydrogen-bonding capability at the 5' position it is conceivable that such an interaction might contribute to the binding of thvmidine. The 32-fold loss in binding observed with 5'-O-carbamoylthymidine (9) is some indication of the amount of binding that must be regained by a thymidine 5'-carbamate in order to have good inhibition. This loss was not completely recovered by any of the carbamates (10-26). However, 5'-0(Nphenethylcarbamoy1)thymidine (12) did give some inhibition of the kinase. Compound 18, 5'-O-(N-n-propylcarbamoyl)thymidine, did not bind, even though the enzyme should possess more bulk tolerance for it than for 12. Therefore, it is possible that the phenyl of 12 binds to the enzyme more strongly than its (CH,), bridge. When substituted phenethylcarbamates (21-26) failed to inhibit at 500 the carbamate series was abandoned and a series of 5'-esters of thymidine (27-54) was developed. Significant inhibition of the kinase was observed with all 5'-aryloxyacetates and 5'-thioaryloxyacetates tested. The remaining esters in the series were ineffective. Preliminary studies involved compounds 27-33. Of these esters only thymidine 5'-phenoxyacetate (31) gave substantial inhibition. Two other observations are noteworthy. Thymidine 5'43phenylpropionate (29) was ineffective. However, thymidine 5'-thiophenoxyacetate (44) was 3 times as potent as compound 31. Compounds 29,31, and 44 differ only in the linkage at the phenyl moiety. The marked variance in




Table I. Inhibitiona of Thymidine Kinase from Walker Carcinoma by I (R, = R'CH,)




I I50,

1 2 3 4 SC '6 7c


10 11 12c 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31e 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54



No. H 5-Me

5-F 5-BI 3-(n-C5&,)+Me 3-C ,H ,CH ,-5 -Me 3-C,H5(CH,)p5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me 5-Me








C,H,CH,CO, C,H,(CH, )zCO, C,H~(CH,),COZ C,H,OCH,CO, C,H~O(CHZ)go, C$5O(CH,)JO, o-CIC, &OCH,CO, m-ClC,H,OCH,CO, p-ClC,H,OCH,CO, 2,4-C1,C6H,0CH,C0, 3,4-CI,C6H30CH,C0, 3,5-C1,C6H30CH,C0, m-CF,C,H,OCH,CO, p-CH,OC,H ,OCH $0 p-n-C,H,OC,H,OCH,CO, 4-C1-3,5-Me,C6H,0CH,C0, C,H,SCH,CO, p-BrC,H,SCH,CO, 3,4-C1,C,H3SCH,C0, a-C,oH,OCH,CO, P-CI OH 70CHzC02 O - CoH7SCH,CO, ~ P-C, 0 H7 SCH, COZ m-C6H@C&0CH~C0~ p-C,H5OC,H4OCH&O 2 m-C6HSCHzOC,H40CHzCOz UCsH5CH2OC6H4OCHEO2


160 12 81 9 140 170 160 160 800 > 500 >500 370 >300 >500 >500 >500 >500 >500 >500 >500 >500 >500 >500 >500 >500 >500 >500 >500 >500 >500 147 890 >500 220 73 90 85 80 68 110 91

I1 58 55 42 40 60 62 20 38 38 49 30 19

aThe technical assistance of Julie Beardslee, Maureen Baker, Nancy Middleton, Janet Wood, and Pauline Minton is acknowledged. bI,o = concentration of inhibitor giving 50% inhibition when as[14C]thymidine as described in the Experimental sayed with 25 ref 20 for synthesis. ernis Section. %ee ref 6 for synthesis. compound was subjected to the assay conditions in the absence of enzyme to demonstrate that it did not suffer hydrolysis to thymidine. No thymidine was detected on tlc when an aliquot contg approx 90 p g of the compound was spotted.


Journal ofMedicina1 Chemistry, 1972, Vol. 15, No. 9

Raker and Neenan

effectiveness among these three compounds cannot be accounted for solely on the basis of hydrophobicity since 31 has the more polar OCH2 bridge compared with the less polar (CH2)2 bridge of 29. There are at least two rationaliza. tioris that are supported by the data in Table I. First, more torsional strain might be encountered in rotation of the phenyl about the CH2-CH2 bond of 29 than in rotation about the O-CH2 bond of 31 or the S-CH2 bond of 44. Secondly, since a methylene is less polarizable than an oxygen, which is in turn less polarizable than a sulfur, the observed trend could result from greater binding energy contributions by Van der Waal’s interactions for 31 and 44 than for 29. Compounds 34-46 include phenoxy- and thiophenoxyacetates that have small substituents attached to the phenyl moiety. With the exception of the methoxy of compound 41, these substituents are all hydrophobic. Among these compounds, the best phenoxyacetate was compound 43, which was about 3-fold more effective than 31. As the number and hydrophobicity of these substituents was increased, a slight trend toward greater inhibition was noted. The observed differences in binding are too small to warrant discussion. The results obtained with these compounds show that the enzyme possesses ample bulk tolerance to accommodate small ring substituents. The larger, more hydrophobic compounds (47-54), were good inhibitors. In particular, the cu-thionaphthyloxyacetate (49) and the p-benzyloxyphenoxyacetate (54) were about as effective in binding to the kinase as thymidine. It has not escaped our attention that 5’-esters of nucleosides might be hydrolyzed by nonspecific esterases in vivo before they could reach the target enzymes in cancer cells. However, a recent report by Wechter, er d.,”on 5’-esters of 1-p-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine states that some of them are orally active. Perhaps intracellular deposition of 5’-esters of thymidine can occur before extensive hydrolysis is suffered. Efforts are underway to obtain more potent reversible inhibitors as well as candidate irreversible inhibitors, by use of these thymidine 5’-acetates as prototypes. Chemistry. The displacement of phenol from 5’-carbophenoxythymidine2’ with phenethylamine to afford 12 has been reported.6 Compounds 11 and 13-26 were preTable 11. Physical Properties of I (R = 5-Me; R, ___ NO.

-___ 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25



pared in a similar manner from the same carbonate. This reaction failed when aniline was used in an effort to prepare compound 10. It was obtained by displacement of p-nitrophenol from p-nitrophenyl thymidine 5’-~arbonate.~’ Agarwal and Dhar have discussed the selective esterification of unblocked thymidine with carboxylic acid chlorides in MeCN containing 2.5 equiv of pyridine.” 5’-Esters of thymidine have also been prepared from an acid chloride in neat ~ y r i d i n ePfitzner . ~ ~ ~ and ~ ~ Moffatt isolated 5’-0-pnitrobenzoylthymidine by nonchromatographic methods, and, by subsequent chromatography, obtained some 3’,5‘di-0-p-nitrobenzoylthymidine and a small amount of 3 ‘ 4 p-nitroben~oylthymidine.~~ The reaction of acetic anhydride and thymidine, from which Gilham and Khorana isolated 5’-acetate and 3’,5’-dia ~ e t a t e , ~was ’ repeated in this laboratory and monitored on tlc. A trace product, which moved between 5’-acetate and 3’,5’-diacetate, had an Rf identical with that of authentic thymidine 3’-acetate.26 In this way, 5’-esters of thymidine can be distinguished from their less polar 3’-isomers. Compounds 27,29-31,33, and 34 were prepared from the appropriate acid chlorides in neat pyridine. This method failed to give compound 28 from phenylacetyl chloride. Thus, in repeated attempts we observed several spots on tlc and were unable to isolate the desired product. Fieser and Fieser have mentioned the sensitivity of phenylacetyl chloride.27 Similarly, we were unable to obtain 32 from 0-phenoxypropionyl chloride. In our hands, this acid chloride was very unstable, and Powell has discussed its mode of decomposition.28 Compounds 28 and 32 as well as 35-54 were prepared by coupling the appropriate carboxylic acid with thymidine in the presence of N,N’-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide(DCC). As monitored on tlc, the DCC coupling procedure gives essentially the same result as the acid chloride reaction. Experimental Section Melting points were taken in capillary tubes on a Mel-Temp block and are uncorrected. Each analytical sample had an ir spectrum compatible with its structure and moved as one spot on tlc o n Brinkmann silica gel GF with chloroform-EtOH (4:1, v/v). 5’-0-(N-Phenylcarbamoyl)thymidine(10). Method A. To a




MP, “ C

C6H5 C6H5CH2


C~H~(CHZ), C,H,(CHz)4 C~H,O(CHZ)Z C6H,O(CH,),

B B Ce Cg

208-2 10 21 5-21 6 185-1 86 16 8-1 69 189-191 172-173 176-177 214-21 5 166-1 6 8 172-173 129-131 149-150 188-191 137-1 39 120-121 178-180




n-C,H, sec-i:4H9 X.H., o - ~ ~ c ~ H , ( cl2 H, m-C1C6H4(CH,)2 P-C~C~H~(C )z H Z o-MeOC6H4(CH,), m-MeOC,H,(CH, ), p-MeOC,H,(CH, )2


B B B B Cj

Ck Bl Bl


% yielda 5c 40d

30d 31d 18f 43f 42f 32‘ 2 8d 39d 36’ 21f 32f 15f 30d 23m

Formulab _c l 7H19N306

1 ‘


C20H25N306 C2,H27N306

C,9H,3N30, C20H25N307 C21H27N307 C,4H21N306



References (1) B. R. Baker and Ray Bramhall,J. Med. Chem., 15, 937 (1972) (paper 194). (2) B. R. Baker, "Design of Active-Site-Directed Irreversible Enzyme Inhibitors," Wiley, New York, N. Y., 1967, Chapter X. (3) B. R. Baker, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 186,214 (1971). (4) B. R. Baker, Annu. Rev. Pharmacol., 10, 35 (1970). (5) B. R. Baker,Accounts Chem. Res., 2, 129 (1969). (6) B. R. Baker, T. J. Schwan, and D. V. Santi, J. Med. Chem., 9, 66 (1966).


§In this way less than 2% thymidine can be detected. #Starting rn-benzyloxyphenol is labile to rearrangement under certain conditions (see ref 29). The product was characterized by nmr to ascertain that it had not suffered a similar fate.

(7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

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