IS A $5,000,000,000 NAME FOR WASTE - C&EN Global Enterprise

Nov 5, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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IS A $5,000,000,000 NAME FOR W A That's how much corrosion Whether you're t a l k i n g about plant equipment or the products you make, waste means money lost. The best way t o attack any waste problem i s to prevent it—and the best way to prevent corrosion waste is to build a corrosion barxier with M / M urethane coatings. M / M urethane surface coatings are made with Mondur* isocyanate and Multron* polyester resins in a new system developed by Mobay. W h e n t h e s e t w o c h e m i c a l s are blended in special formulations, they p r o d u c e a s m o o t h , g l o s s y finish that defies corrosive and abra­ sive wear, with almost unbelievable i m p a c t s t r e n g t h and durability. M / M u r e t h a n e c o a t i n g s are +® U. S. Pat. Off.

costs American

simple to make, and just as simple to apply. An almost limitless variety of coatings for all types of substrate can be made by simply mixing the basic compounds. N o additional chemical processing is necessary. Mondur/Multron compounds may be formulated for rapid-bake or airdrying;, single-component or twocomponent systems with a practical "work life." They can be sprayed, b r u s h e d or d i p p e d w i t h e q u a l effectiveness.

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Ε year!

concrete, paper or leather. A tech­ nical bulletin o n Mobay's surface coatings is now available. Simply write on your company letterhead a brief description of your problem or coating requirements. Basic in­ formation and sources for samples will be sent promptly. MOBAY CHEMICAL COMPANY Dept. CN-2 Sf. 3»ouis 4 , Missouri

So if you need a coating that must meet high-performance specifica­ tions—one that has versatility and quality built in—you will want to investigate the M / M urethane systerns for metal, rubber, vinyl9 w o o d , An associate company of Monsanto

MBBME First in Urethane Chemistry




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