is for zoom

Page 1. is for zoom. Zach was walking home from school And saw a sign that read: “Come join a rocket contest, And learn to zoom,” it said. ...
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is for zoom. Zach was walking home from school And saw a sign that read: “Come join a rocket contest, And learn to zoom,” it said. Zach didn’t have a rocket, But knew that he could make One that soared and zoomed real fast— First prize he’d surely take. With a bottle and a straw, Zach zipped up to his room. He built a flying rocket That really had some zoom!

ZOOMERS! W h a t Y o u ’ll Need*.

thin plastic coffee stirrer paper

• scissors • tape • straw

cQio Cut out a half circle and tape it to make a cone. Leave a small opening a t th e tip.

e m p ty d ish d e te rg e n t s q u e e z e b o ttle ( c a p re m o ve d )

S o Stick one end of the stirrer through th e tip and tape it in place.


So Place the. straw your into the empty squeeze zoom rocket into the straw. bottle and hold it in place with, your hand. Try to seal the opening as much as possible.

© G iv e t h e b a ttle a h a rd s q u e e z e .

Watch your roctet pOOM! WARNING: B e careful not t o p o in t yo u r zoom ro c k e t at a n yo n e !