Is..: X 20 rm. WI.Ri. h dir

had either poor secondary school prepara- tion (in chemistry) or none at all." The author believes that many of these stu- dents are "sufficiently int...
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Tallbook of O.nnal Ch*mlshy 11'. h'orla J a r s , Jr., M r X l a r r y College, Aldcne, l'cxw. C. V. J I w l > y Cu,, St. I , I ! ! xi BFiJ pp. Figs. and tal,le*. Is..: X 20 rm. WI.Ri.


tinw. I'nlc,rlwalcly, "Texlhonk of General Chwnistry" ir s lnmk not unlike mnny r n s h n ~ n ntexts slreacly on lhe mnrket 'nr whidt lmvc lwen on the msrkrt. I t d m not c,ll?r R new p r ~ ~ ~ ~ l of l a frwhmnn l i ~ u chcmirlry. I t i s of the P I R ~ tyl,e CR with I w c r hnlf of its pnge* i l p v o ~ ctr,~ lderwiptivc rltcntid IT. The first half of the I M k deals w i l h I>~?x~cRI principles at R low k v d . ht