ISA Publications - ACS Publications

Evaluation, Vol.4: Polymer Molecular. Weights (Part I). Philip E. Slade, Jr., Ed. ix + 286 pages. Marcel Dekker, Inc.,. 270 Madison Ave., New York, N...
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Books Continuing Series Advances In X-Ray Analysis, Vol. 18. William L. Pickles, Charles S. Barrett, John B. Newkirk, and Clayton O. Ruud, Eds. xix + 642 pages. Plenum Publishing Corp., 227 West 17th St., New York, N.Y. 10011. 1975. $39.50

The papers collected in this volume, which presents the proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference on Application of X-Ray Analysis held in Denver, Colo., in August 1974, cover X-ray diagnostics of plasmas, X-ray lasers, hardware and technique development for X-ray fluorescence analysis, atmospheric aerosol analysis, and materials characterization. Reflected is the theme emphasized by the conference, "The Application of X-Ray Techniques to Current Problems in Energy and Resource Development." In addition to the 47 contributed papers, three invited papers treat areas of primary importance: X-ray emission from high-temperature plasmas, instruction for X-ray diagnostics of plasmas, and determination of actinide elements in nuclear fuels by X-ray analysis. The book is a photo-offset copy of author-furnished typewritten text. Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry, Vol. III. G. Svehla, Ed. 399 pages. American Elsevier Publishing Co., Inc., 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017. 1975. $51.95

The contents of the third volume of Wilson and Wilson's "Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry" include chapters on elemental analysis with minute samples, standards and standardization in chemical analysis, separation by liquid amalgams, determination of gases in metals by vacuum-fusion and inert-gas fusion methods, and electroanalytical chemistry in molten salts. Techniques & Methods of Polymer Evaluation, Vol. 4: Polymer Molecular Weights (Part I). Philip E. Slade, Jr., Ed. ix + 286 pages. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 270 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1975. $24.50

In Part I of this fourth volume of a series on techniques of polymer analysis, six authorities in the field have put together a comprehensive discussion of the major techniques available for the determination of molecular weights and molecular-weight distribution of polymer materials. Although the theoretical background for the experimental procedures is presented, this book is intended primarily to be of practical value to the practicing polymer chemist.

ISA Publications The following are available from Instrument Society of America, Publications Department, 400 Stanwix St., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222. Purchasers in Europe and Japan order from: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Buffins Lane, Chichester, Sussex P019 1UD, England, and Taisay Koheki Co., Ltd., Higashinakano 1-46-19, Nakano-ku, Tokyo, Japan Instrumentation In the Chemical and Petroleum Industries, Vol. 11 and Instrument Maintenance Management, Vol. 10. 184 pages. $15

This publication, which combines two volumes under one cover, contains the proceedings of the Second Joint Spring Conference, held in Montreal, April 23-25,1975. Among the 27 papers, special emphasis is placed on computer control of batch reactors: introducing batch reactors, computer maintenance, analyzer maintenance, developing an automation concept for multipurpose batch chemical plants, process computer interface hardware, logic compatible dynamic instrument displays, and economical intrinsic safety. The papers specifically oriented to maintenance managers and technologists in the chemical and petroleum industries highlight the areas of: instrument metrication, practical and economical combination of pneumatic controls and digital computers, discussions on various training programs, batch chemical controllers and various applications, effects of imperfect mixing on batch and semibatch reactors, computer-controlled epitaxial silicon production, European safety requirements, and computer-controlled sequencing systems. Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, Vol. 11. 192 pages. $15

These proceedings of the 12th Annual Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium and the 12th International ISA Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation Symposium, held in Denver, April 28-30,1975, contain all 36 papers presented at these symposia. The up-to-date reports in the book will be helpful to anyone connected with branches of biomedical instrumentation, medical practice, or research. Fundamentals of Aerospace Instrumentation, Vol. 7 and Fundamentals of Test Measurement, Vol. 2. 90 pages. $9.00

This tutorial proceedings of the 21st International ISA Instrumentation Symposium, held in Philadelphia, May 19-21, 1975 (combined into one


volume), provides the instrument engineer with quick and practical information with regard to types and functions of instruments, standard methods, basic definitions, and accuracy concepts related to the aerospace industries and test measurements.

U.S. Government Publications Order printed copies prepaid at the price shown and by SD Cat. No. from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. Foreign remittances must be in U.S. exchange and include an additional 25% of the publication price to cover mailing costs. Order microfiche copies prepaid by NTIS No. from National Technical Information Center, Springfield, Va. 22151. The price for microfiche is $2.25 (domestic) or $3.75 (foreign) a copy. Marine Pollution Monitoring (Petroleum). SD Cat. No. C13.10:409; NTIS No. COM-75-50071. 293 pages. 1975. $3.90

The proceedings of a symposium and workshop held at NBS, May 1 3 17,1974, are presented. Included are invited plenary lectures, summaries of contributed papers, recommendations of the topical discussion groups, and a report of an international workshop which provides specific recommendations for the initiation of a coordinated pilot project for marine petroleum pollution monitoring. Laser Induced Damage in Optical Materials: 1974. SD Cat. No. C13.10:414; NTIS No. COM-75-50003. Alexander J. Glass and Arthur H. Guenther, Eds. 256 pages. 1974. $3.15

The sixth ASTM-ONR-NBS symposium on laser induced damage in optical materials was held at NBS (Boulder, Colo.), May 22-23, 1974. It is part of the activities in Subcommittee II (ASTM) on Lasers and Laser Materials. Thirty-one papers from the symposium, as well as nine abstracts from a workshop on the machining of optics, are presented. Thermocouple Reference Tables Based on the IPTS-68: Reference Tables in Degrees Fahrenheit for Thermoelements versus Platinum (PT-67). SD Cat. No. C13.44:125/Suppl. 1; NTIS No. (none). Robert L. Powell and George W. Burns. 46 pages. 1975. $1.05

The tables given supplement those given in NBS Monograph 125 which was published in March 1974.