Isador M. Heilbron (1881-) - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS

J. Chem. Educ. , 1940, 17 (2), p 51. DOI: 10.1021/ed017p51. Publication Date: February 1940. Cite this:J. Chem. Educ. 17, 2, XXX-XXX ...
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ISADOR M. HEILBRON (1881In une, 1939, the Universit of Glasgow conferred an honorary LL. h.on one of its alumni (, 1919) for his distinguished achievements in organic chemistry. I. M. Heilbron, born a t Glasgow, November 6,1886, was trained a t the Royal Technical College in that city and then a t Leipzig, where he obtained his Ph.D. in 1910 under Hantzsch. In 1909, he was a pointed Lecturer a t the Royal Technical College, and held tgis post until 1914 when his academic career was interrupted by the Great War. He became Lieutenant in the Royal Army Service Corps, and saw service in Egypt and Salonika. He was mentioned in the despatches three times and was the recipient of the Distinguished Service Order, Greek Order of the Redeemer, French M e d d l e d'Honneur. By the close of the War, he was Lieutenant Colonel, Assistant Director of Supplies. He returned in 1919 to the Ro a1 Technical College as Professor of Oryic,Che+tfy, was cazed to the chair of chemistry a t Liverpoo Umvers~ty in 1920, where he remained until 1933 when he was appointed to a professorship a t the University of


Manchester. I n 1938 he war called to his resent position in the Universit of London (Imperial College) w%ere he 1s Professor of Or anic Zhemistry and Director of the Laboratories. b r . Heilbron was made a Fellow of the Institute of Chemistry (F.I.C.) in 1911, and Fellow of the Ro al Society (F.R.S.) in 1931. He was awarded the Longstaff h e d u l of the Chemical Society of London in 1939. His ublications began in 1909 with some joint pa ers with G. G. 8enderson on terpenes: he soon began to issue tn&pendent studies. These now number about two hundred, dealing principally with sterols, vitamin A, vitamin D, squalene, triterpenes, algal pigments, pyrylium salts, spiropyrans, and so forth. His monograph "Sterols" appeared as part of Fortschrittc der Chrmie organidzer Notur~tofe; his "Vitamin A" in Er e b n k der Vitamin und Hormon F o r d u n g . He is ~ditor-in-$ief of the well-known and valued three-volume "Dictionary of Organic Compounds." (Contributed b j Ralph R. O e ~ p c r ,Uniurmify qf Cincinnati)