Isco, Inc. - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 30, 2012 - Isco, Inc. Anal. Chem. , 1989, 61 (3), pp 221A–221A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00178a771. Publication Date: February 1989. ACS Legacy Archive...
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Here's the solution to ten common HPLC problems a

Eliminate the nuisance and expense of continuous sparging. This gradient programmer degasses the mobile phase as it's blended. The single-piston pump won't choke on bubbles and requires less maintenance. Programmable flow control cuts separation and equilibration times, saves solvents, and keeps the pump from running dry. Available inert construction is biocompatible and impervious to buffers. Self-diagnostics in the pump and gradient programmer speed maintenance and cut downtime.


You probably won't need an auxiliary detector for special jobs. This variable gives great results even on carbohydrates at 190200 nm and other samples such as metalloproteins at up to 750 nm. Slip-in flow cells adapt it for microbore LC, prep LC, and SFC.

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