Isochoric p−ρ−T and Heat Capacity Cv Measurements on {xC3H8 + (1

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J. Chem. Eng. Data 1999, 44, 1048-1054

Isochoric p-G-T and Heat Capacity Cv Measurements on {xC3H8 + (1 - x)i-C4H10, x ≈ 0.7, 0.3} from 200 to 400 K at Pressures to 35 MPa Horacio A. Duarte-Garza† and Joseph W. Magee* Physical and Chemical Properties Division, Chemical Science and Technology Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 325 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado 80303

The p-F-T relationships and constant volume heat capacity Cv were measured for binary hydrocarbon mixtures containing propane (C3H8) and isobutane (i-C4H10). Temperatures ranged from 200 K to 400 K for p-F-T and from 203 K to 342 K for Cv with pressures up to 35 MPa for both measurements. Measurements of p-F-T and Cv were conducted on liquid samples with the mole fraction compositions {xC3H8 + (1 - x)i-C4H10} for x ) 0.7006 and x ) 0.2979. Determinations of saturated-liquid densities were made by extrapolating each isochore to the saturated-liquid pressure and determining the temperature and density at the intersection. Published p-F-T data are in good agreement with this study. For the p-F-T apparatus, the uncertainty of the temperature is 0.03 K, and for pressure it is 0.01% at p > 3 MPa and 0.05% at p < 3 MPa. The principal source of uncertainty in density is the cell volume (∼28.5 cm3) with a standard uncertainty of 0.003 cm3. When all components of experimental uncertainty are considered, the expanded relative uncertainty (with a coverage factor k ) 2 and thus a two-standard-deviation estimate) of the density measurements is estimated to be 0.05%. For the Cv apparatus, the uncertainty is 0.002 K for the temperature rise and 0.2% for the change-of-volume work, which is the principal source of uncertainty. The expanded relative uncertainty of the heat capacity measurements is estimated to be 0.7%.

Introduction Hydrocarbon mixtures are considered to be leading candidates to replace chlorofluorocarbon refrigerants, which will be phased out under the terms of the Montreal Protocol. Mixtures containing propane and isobutane are receiving a great deal of scrutiny for this purpose. Recently, McLinden et al. (1997) analyzed the available data for 14 mixtures, including 6 mixtures of various hydrocarbons, and made recommendations for models which represent the thermodynamic properties for such mixtures. They noted that published p-F-T data in the saturated- and compressed-liquid phases for propane + isobutane mixtures were scarce, with a total of 31 data points covering a very limited range. McLinden et al. (1997) also noted that no liquid heat capacity data were published for these binary mixtures. The chief goal of this work is to make benchmark measurements of densities and heat capacities for binary mixtures, which supplement earlier p-F-T data reported by this group on both pure propane and isobutane (Haynes and Hiza, 1977; Haynes, 1983a,b) and Cv data reported on pure propane (Goodwin, 1978). In this paper, new p-F-T measurements for binary mixtures are reported for temperatures ranging from 200 K to a maximum temperature of 400 K and at pressures up to 35 MPa. Saturated-liquid densities for these binary mixtures are also reported. In addition, new Cv measurements are reported for temperatures ranging from 203 to 342 K and at pressures to 33 MPa. Experimental Section The p-F-T apparatus used in this work has been used for studies of both pure fluids and mixtures. Details of the * Corresponding author. † Guest researcher from Texas A&M University, Kingsville, TX 78363.


apparatus are available in previous publications (Goodwin, 1961; Magee and Ely, 1988). An isochoric technique was employed to measure the single-phase densities in this study. In this method, a sample of fixed mass is confined in a container of nearly fixed volume. Details of this method are available in recent publications (Magee, 1996a,b; Magee et al., 1997). The adiabatic constant-volume calorimeter used for these measurements has been described in detail by Goodwin (1961) and Magee (1991). For the heat-capacity measurement, a precisely determined electrical energy (Q) is applied and the resulting temperature rise (∆T ) T2 - T1) is measured. We obtain the heat capacity from Cv ) (Q Q0 - WpV)/n∆T, where Q0 is the energy required to heat the empty calorimeter, WpV is the change-of-volume work that results from the slight dilation of the bomb, and n is the number of moles enclosed in the bomb. Further details of this method are available in recently published work (Magee, 1992; Lu¨ddecke and Magee, 1996). Materials. The gas mixtures were prepared gravimetrically in thoroughly cleaned and dried aluminum cylinders, each with a free volume of about 16 dm3 and a tare mass of about 14.5 kg. All gases were of high purity and were analyzed before use by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Each gas was added to the mixture sequentially while the cylinder rested on a load cell having a resolution in the mass of 10-4 kg, followed by a precise weighing with an equal-arm balance with a capacity of 25 kg. The amount of each component added to a cylinder was determined by difference weighings using a Class S weight set and the equal-arm balance. An evacuated identical cylinder was used as a ballast on the opposite pan. On the basis of repetitive weighings, the expanded uncertainty in the amount of each substance was estimated to be 5 × 10-6

This article not subject to U.S. Copyright. Published 1999 by the American Chemical Society Published on Web 08/10/1999

Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Vol. 44, No. 5, 1999 1049 Table 1. Mole Fraction Compositions and Molar Masses of {xC3H8 + (1 - x)i-C4H10} Used in This Study designation


molar mass/g‚mol-1


0.7006 0.2979

48.296 53.945

kg. As the expanded uncertainty in the Class S weights is approximately 5 × 10-8 kg, the uncertainty primarily depends on the random scatter in the weighings. Nonetheless, the relative uncertainty of a mole fraction composition is likely to be considerably higher due to the presence of impurities in the component gases. A cylinder of gas was prepared for each nominal composition. The final pressure of each gas was close to 90% of the estimated dew point pressure for each mixture. This dew point was calculated with an extended corresponding states model (Huber, 1997). Approximately 5 mol of each gas mixture was prepared for this study. Table 1 provides the mole fraction compositions and molar mass for each gas mixture, where each value is quoted to within the precision of the measurements. The purities of the components used to make the mixtures are an important aspect of this study. The purity of the propane sample was 0.9997 mole fraction. According to an analysis by the supplier, the largest impurities were ethane with a concentration of 150 parts per million by mole (ppm), isobutane with 100 ppm, and propylene with 50 ppm. Our own electrochemical oxygen analysis revealed 3 ppm of oxygen. The purity of the isobutane sample used in the mixtures was 0.9999 mole fraction. From the supplier’s analysis, the largest impurities were ethane with a concentration of 10 ppm, butane with 10 ppm, and 1-butene with 10 ppm. An in-house electrochemical oxygen analysis measured 3 ppm of oxygen. Calculations, based on these analyses, of the average molar mass of the samples were made. Because the calculated average molar masses for both the propane and isobutane samples differ from the well-established molar mass of each pure species by less than 5 ppm, the net effect of impurities on the mixture molar masses in Table 1 is negligible. The mixture molar masses in Table 1 were used to convert both the densimetric and calorimetric data from massic to molar units. Results Assessment of Uncertainties. A detailed discussion of the uncertainties in measured quantities is available in recent publications (Magee et al., 1997; Magee, 1996a,b) for p-F-T and for Cv (Magee, 1991, 1992; Lu¨ddecke and Magee, 1996). The effect of sample impurites on the uncertainty in mixture compostion was calculated from a mole balance based on the impurities discussed in the previous section. We use a definition for the expanded uncertainty which is two times the standard uncertainty (a coverage factor k ) 2 and thus a two-standard-deviation estimate). The expanded uncertainties of the original

Figure 1. Range of p-F-T measurements (O) for {xC3H8 + (1 x)i-C4H10}, x ) 0.7006 (DOE15) and inflection points ()) defined by (∂2p/∂T2)F ) 0.

Figure 2. Range of p-F-T measurements (O) for {xC3H8 + (1 x)i-C4H10}, x ) 0.2979 (DOE16) and inflection points ()) defined by (∂2p/∂T2)F ) 0.

measurements and the resulting combined uncertainties are shown in Table 2. p-G-T Measurements. The experimental compositions, temperatures, pressures, and densities for single-phase liquid mixtures are presented in Table 3. In this table, the values are quoted within the reproducibility of the measurements to better accommodate regression analysis of these data. To illustrate the range of measurements for each of the mixtures, the data points are plotted in Figures 1 and 2. Comparisons of the isochoric p-F-T measurements with published data for {xC3H8 + (1 - x)i-C4H10} have been

Table 2. Expanded Uncertainties of the Measurements parameter


temperature pressure p < 3 MPa p > 3 MPa

0.03 K 0.05% 0.01%

temperature pressure density electrical energy

0.03 K 0.05% 0.15% 0.02%

parameter p-F-T Apparatus mass volume composition, mole fraction density Adiabatic Calorimeter change-of-volume work moles temperature rise heat capacity

uncertainty 0.002 g 0.003 cm3 0.0002 0.05% 0.2% 0.002% 0.002 K 0.7%

1050 Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Vol. 44, No. 5, 1999 Table 3. Experimental Densities (G) for {x C3H8 + (1-x) i-C4H10} as a Function of Temperature (T, ITS-90) and Pressure (p) T/K




199.999 201.000 202.000 203.000 203.999 205.999 208.000 210.000 212.001 216.000 220.000 223.999 220.000 221.002 222.000 223.000 224.001 226.000 227.998 229.999 231.999 235.999 239.999 243.999 247.999 239.998 241.000 242.001 243.002 244.001 246.000 247.998 250.000 252.001 256.001 260.002 264.000 268.000 272.000 276.000 260.000 261.002 262.000 263.002 264.001 266.000 268.001 270.001 272.000 276.002 280.002 283.999 288.000 292.001 296.000 299.999 279.999

2.9999 4.2262 5.4438 6.6652 7.8946 10.3314 12.7444 15.1706 17.5805 22.3814 27.1450 31.8632 3.1102 4.1707 5.2256 6.2958 7.3514 9.4558 11.5703 13.6619 15.7552 19.9099 24.0375 28.1350 32.1984 3.1234 4.0288 4.9508 5.8580 6.7636 8.5803 10.3922 12.1928 13.9962 17.5831 21.1422 24.6833 28.1968 31.6847 35.1467 3.0970 3.8796 4.6554 5.4326 6.2046 7.7515 9.2992 10.8422 12.3794 15.4396 18.4887 21.5225 24.5372 27.5351 30.5163 33.4711 3.0681

13.0959 13.0942 13.0927 13.0912 13.0898 13.0870 13.0844 13.0818 13.0792 13.0743 13.0695 13.0647 12.6703 12.6688 12.6674 12.6660 12.6647 12.6621 12.6596 12.6571 12.6548 12.6501 12.6455 12.6410 12.6365 12.2243 12.2230 12.2217 12.2204 12.2191 12.2167 12.2143 12.2120 12.2097 12.2053 12.2010 12.1967 12.1924 12.1882 12.1840 11.7522 11.7510 11.7498 11.7485 11.7474 11.7451 11.7429 11.7407 11.7386 11.7343 11.7302 11.7261 11.7221 11.7181 11.7141 11.7101 11.2478

280.999 282.000 283.001 284.000 286.001 288.001 290.000 292.000 296.001 300.002 304.002 308.001 311.999 314.000 316.001 320.000 323.999 328.000 300.002 300.999 302.001 303.002 304.000 306.000 308.001 310.002 312.000 314.000 315.999 320.001 324.000 328.000 332.001 335.998 340.001 344.000 348.000 352.001 356.001 360.000 310.000 310.999 312.000 313.000 314.002 316.002 320.000 324.001 328.000 331.998 336.000 340.000 344.000 348.002 352.001 356.000 360.001

199.999 200.998 201.999 203.001 203.998 205.999 208.000 209.999 212.000 213.999 216.000 217.999 220.001 221.999 224.001 226.000

1.2353 2.4572 3.6773 4.9052 6.1217 8.5598 10.9865 13.4038 15.8048 18.2001 20.5852 22.9595 25.3205 27.6706 30.0121 32.3416

12.0133 12.0119 12.0106 12.0092 12.0080 12.0055 12.0031 12.0008 11.9985 11.9962 11.9940 11.9918 11.9896 11.9875 11.9853 11.9832

272.000 273.998 276.000 278.001 279.999 284.002 287.998 291.999 296.001 300.001 304.001 280.002 282.000 284.001 286.000 288.000





x ) 0.7006 3.7292 4.3794 5.0372 5.6887 6.9950 8.2998 9.6011 10.9029 13.4938 16.0766 18.6436 21.2048 23.7518 25.0204 26.2864 28.7917 31.3003 33.7994 3.0186 3.5603 4.0997 4.6427 5.1836 6.2677 7.3497 8.4330 9.5129 10.5893 11.6707 13.8068 15.9513 18.0884 20.2182 22.3402 24.4545 26.5588 28.6561 30.7451 32.8255 34.8938 3.0192 3.5103 3.9959 4.4897 4.9779 5.9413 7.8978 9.8507 11.7992 13.7430 15.6820 17.6168 19.5450 21.4692 23.3870 25.2999 27.2044

11.2467 11.2455 11.2444 11.2433 11.2412 11.2391 11.2371 11.2351 11.2311 11.2272 11.2233 11.2195 11.2157 11.2137 11.2119 11.2082 11.2044 11.2007 10.6932 10.6922 10.6912 10.6901 10.6891 10.6871 10.6852 10.6833 10.6814 10.6795 10.6776 10.6742 10.6705 10.6669 10.6633 10.6597 10.6561 10.6525 10.6489 10.6453 10.6417 10.6381 10.3924 10.3914 10.3904 10.3894 10.3884 10.3867 10.3830 10.3794 10.3758 10.3723 10.3687 10.3652 10.3617 10.3582 10.3547 10.3513 10.3478

364.001 368.000 372.000 376.001 320.001 320.998 322.002 323.001 324.001 326.001 328.001 332.001 335.999 340.001 344.002 348.000 352.002 356.000 360.001 364.000 368.000 372.001 376.001 339.998 342.001 344.000 346.001 348.000 350.001 352.001 356.001 359.999 364.001 368.001 372.001 376.000 380.002 384.001 388.002 392.000 396.001 400.002 360.001 361.999 364.002 366.002 368.001 370.001 372.001 376.001 379.998 383.999 388.001 392.000 395.998 400.001

29.1039 30.9941 32.8784 34.7558 2.9209 3.3555 3.7951 4.2295 4.6677 5.5396 6.4131 8.1619 9.9062 11.6496 13.3896 15.1263 16.8626 18.5924 20.3208 22.0428 23.7596 25.4741 27.1819 2.9827 3.6535 4.3256 4.9982 5.6722 6.3461 7.0215 8.3734 9.7265 11.0805 12.4353 13.7896 15.1428 16.4958 17.8467 19.1966 20.5443 21.8905 23.2338 3.7363 4.2270 4.7201 5.2146 5.7112 6.2091 6.7082 7.7089 8.7133 9.7212 10.7317 11.7436 12.7575 13.7721

10.3443 10.3408 10.3373 10.3338 10.0607 10.0598 10.0589 10.0579 10.0570 10.0552 10.0534 10.0499 10.0464 10.0429 10.0395 10.0361 10.0327 10.0294 10.0260 10.0226 10.0193 10.0159 10.0125 9.3045 9.3028 9.3011 9.2995 9.2979 9.2962 9.2946 9.2914 9.2883 9.2852 9.2821 9.2790 9.2759 9.2727 9.2696 9.2665 9.2634 9.2603 9.2571 8.4215 8.4201 8.4187 8.4173 8.4159 8.4145 8.4130 8.4102 8.4074 8.4046 8.4018 8.3991 8.3963 8.3935

x ) 0.2979 11.1908 12.7344 14.2797 15.8179 17.3496 20.4066 23.4439 26.4588 29.4620 32.4393 35.4006 1.5647 2.8919 4.2174 5.5410 6.8614

10.8393 10.8374 10.8355 10.8336 10.8317 10.8280 10.8243 10.8207 10.8170 10.8133 10.8097 10.4109 10.4089 10.4069 10.4050 10.4031

332.001 334.001 336.002 338.001 340.000 344.001 348.000 352.001 356.000 360.001 364.000 368.002 371.999 376.001 380.001 340.000

7.2465 8.1561 9.0635 9.9711 10.8752 12.6882 14.4948 16.2973 18.0951 19.8885 21.6758 23.4572 25.2329 27.0024 28.7673 1.8250

9.4201 9.4184 9.4168 9.4152 9.4137 9.4105 9.4073 9.4041 9.4010 9.3978 9.3947 9.3915 9.3884 9.3852 9.3820 8.8221


Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Vol. 44, No. 5, 1999 1051 Table 3 (Continued) T/K




227.999 220.001 221.001 222.000 223.000 223.999 226.000 227.999 230.000 232.000 234.001 236.000 238.000 239.999 242.001 244.000 246.002 248.001 250.001 252.000 240.000 242.002 244.000 246.000 248.001 249.999 252.002 254.000 255.999 258.001 260.000 264.001 268.001 272.000 276.000 260.001 262.001 264.001 266.001 268.001 270.001

34.6609 1.6335 2.6910 3.7543 4.8123 5.8725 7.9796 10.0814 12.1841 14.2744 16.3574 18.4313 20.4981 22.5488 24.6003 26.6430 28.6729 30.6987 32.7161 34.7222 1.6017 3.4313 5.2543 7.0750 8.8927 10.7016 12.5100 14.3060 16.0979 17.8777 19.6596 23.2032 26.7186 30.2115 33.6788 1.8248 3.3959 4.9635 6.5253 8.0857 9.6408

11.9811 11.6434 11.6421 11.6408 11.6396 11.6384 11.6361 11.6339 11.6317 11.6295 11.6274 11.6252 11.6232 11.6211 11.6190 11.6170 11.6150 11.6129 11.6109 11.6089 11.2531 11.2508 11.2485 11.2463 11.2442 11.2421 11.2401 11.2380 11.2360 11.2340 11.2321 11.2282 11.2243 11.2204 11.2166 10.8516 10.8494 10.8473 10.8453 10.8432 10.8413

290.000 292.000 294.000 296.000 298.001 299.999 304.000 307.999 312.002 316.000 320.001 324.002 328.001 332.002 300.002 302.000 304.001 306.002 308.000 310.000 312.000 314.002 315.998 318.001 320.001 324.001 328.000 332.000 336.000 340.000 344.001 348.000 352.000 356.000 360.001 320.000 322.000 324.001 326.000 328.000 330.001

p/MPa x ) 0.2979 8.1809 9.4982 10.8132 12.1222 13.4273 14.7306 17.3296 19.9151 22.4912 25.0521 27.5976 30.1343 32.6532 35.1593 1.6482 2.7594 3.8713 4.9768 6.0848 7.1925 8.2943 9.3988 10.4994 11.5998 12.6995 14.8735 17.0558 19.2297 21.3944 23.5507 25.6997 27.8373 29.9651 32.0838 34.1922 1.7801 2.6927 3.6041 4.5154 5.4272 6.3374

facilitated with a Helmholtz energy formulation developed by Lemmon and Jacobsen (1999). This model uses reference equations of state to anchor the pure component states and, in between, it uses a simple Helmholtz energy mixture model with two fitted parameters. The two parameter mixture model was fitted to the density data from this study along with selected data sets from other laboratories. Comparisons with this model, depicted in Figure 3, show both that the model represents the present data within (0.1% and that there is good agreement (deviations less than (0.3%) with most of the published data (Kahre, 1973; Thompson and Miller, 1980). Densities of the Saturated Liquid. The saturatedliquid densities derived in this study were obtained by extrapolating the isochoric data to their intersection with the saturated-liquid (bubble point) pressures calculated with the model of Lemmon and Jacobson (1999). The uncertainty of the extrapolation depends primarily on the difference in the slopes of the experimental isochore and the bubble point curve. At the high densities of this work, the uncertainty of the temperature intersection is approximately 0.01 K. This leads to a relative uncertainty of 0.1% in the density of the saturated liquid, including the experimental uncertainty of a single-phase density measurement. The estimated uncertainty has been confirmed by intercomparison with published data for pure substances (Magee, 1996a,b). The results of the saturatedliquid density extrapolations are presented in Table 4.





10.4013 10.3994 10.3976 10.3958 10.3940 10.3922 10.3887 10.3851 10.3816 10.3781 10.3746 10.3711 10.3677 10.3642 9.9455 9.9436 9.9418 9.9400 9.9383 9.9365 9.9348 9.9330 9.9313 9.9296 9.9279 9.9248 9.9214 9.9181 9.9147 9.9114 9.9081 9.9048 9.9014 9.8981 9.8948 9.4301 9.4283 9.4267 9.4250 9.4233 9.4217

342.001 344.000 346.000 348.000 350.000 351.998 356.001 360.000 364.002 368.002 371.999 376.001 379.998 384.002 388.000 392.000 396.000 399.999 360.002 362.000 363.998 366.000 368.000 370.000 371.998 376.000 380.001 384.000 388.001 391.999 396.001 400.001 380.001 382.001 384.000 386.000 388.000 390.001 392.002 396.001 400.001

2.5441 3.2640 3.9849 4.7070 5.4285 6.1504 7.5958 9.0402 10.4853 11.9291 13.3714 14.8130 16.2532 17.6912 19.1253 20.5572 21.9857 23.4118 3.1451 3.7178 4.2918 4.8667 5.4424 6.0187 6.5970 7.7540 8.9139 10.0743 11.2355 12.3976 13.5601 14.7220 5.1338 5.6039 6.0764 6.5485 7.0235 7.4979 7.9733 8.9260 9.8822

8.8205 8.8190 8.8175 8.8159 8.8144 8.8129 8.8100 8.8070 8.8040 8.8011 8.7981 8.7952 8.7923 8.7893 8.7864 8.7834 8.7805 8.7775 8.2327 8.2313 8.2300 8.2286 8.2272 8.2258 8.2244 8.2217 8.2190 8.2163 8.2135 8.2108 8.2081 8.2053 7.7000 7.6987 7.6974 7.6962 7.6949 7.6936 7.6924 7.6898 7.6873

Figure 3. Percentage deviations of experimental liquid densities for {xC3H8 + (1 - x)i-C4H10} obtained in this work, [x ) 0.7006 (x) and x ) 0.2979 (4)], by Kahre (1973) (0) and by Thompson and Miller (1980) (×) from the values calculated with the Helmholtz energy model of Lemmon and Jacobsen (1999).

Comparisons were not possible with the prior study of Hiza et al. (1977), who reported saturated liquid densities at temperatures from 105 to 130 K. No other saturated-liquid densities were located for this comparison. Inflection Points. Magee and Kobayashi (1982) have discussed methods for determining the locus of isochoric

1052 Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Vol. 44, No. 5, 1999 Table 4. Saturated Liquid Densities (Gsat) for {xC3H8 + (1 - x)i-C4H10} As a Function of Temperature (T, ITS-90) T/K


197.57 217.12 236.70 256.30 275.94

13.100 12.675 12.229 11.757 11.253

x ) 0.7006 295.74 305.68 315.98 336.50 355.35

10.698 10.397 10.065 9.308 8.424

199.00 218.49 238.32 257.87 278.08

12.015 11.645 11.255 10.854 10.413

x ) 0.2979 297.96 317.96 338.65 355.57 368.17

9.947 9.432 8.823 8.236 7.708



Figure 5. Isochoric heat capacity measurements (0) for {xC3H8 + (1 - x)i-C4H10}, x ) 0.2979 (DOE16).

Figure 4. Isochoric heat capacity measurements (0) for {xC3H8 + (1 - x)i-C4H10}, x ) 0.7006 (DOE15).

inflection points from compressed-gas and liquid p-F-T measurements. Because each p-F-T inflection point is defined by (∂2p/∂T2)F ) 0 ) -F2 T-1(∂Cv/∂F)T, it is the state condition where the isochoric heat capacity has an extremum. The locus of such inflection points maps the state conditions where a small density change, occurring at a constant temperature, results in no change in Cv. At the locus of inflection points, the value of (∂Cv/∂F)T passes through zero with a reversal of the sign of this derivative. An inflection point is a fundamental molecular property which is associated with the close-packed interactions of molecules in a condensed phase. The inflection points and the loci connecting them (dashed lines) are plotted in Figures 1 and 2. The shape of the loci of inflection points for these mixtures has the same general appearance as those reported previously for methane, ethane, and propane (Magee and Kobayashi, 1982). Heat Capacities at Constant Volume. The experimental compositions, temperatures, pressures, densities, and heat capacities at constant volume Cv are presented in Table 5, where the values are quoted within their reproducibilities. For each binary mixture composition, these measurements were carried out at eight liquid-phase filling densities. To illustrate the range of measurements for each mixture, the heat capacity data are plotted in Figures 4 and 5, which clearly show a weak dependence of the slope (∂Cv/∂T)F on the density. The same behavior has been experimentally observed for liquid densities larger than 1.5 times the critical density. Comparisons of the Cv measurements were made with values calculated from the Helmholtz energy formulation developed by Lemmon and Jacobsen (1999). Because no heat capacities were used to fit the mixture model, Cv

Figure 6. Percentage deviations of experimental liquid heat capacities for {xC3H8 + (1 - x)i-C4H10}, x ) 0.7006 (x) and x ) 0.2979 (4) obtained in this work from the values calculated with the Helmholtz energy model of Lemmon and Jacobsen (1999).

calculations are predicted values to which Lemmon and Jacobsen have assigned a 0.5 to 1% uncertainty. Since the measured pressure is more accurate than the density given in Table 5, the heat capacities were calculated at pressuretemperature state conditions. Heat capacities for these mixtures are scarce. The only published heat capacities located were the gaseous mixture heat capacities at constant pressure of Bier et al. (1973) at temperatures from 293 to 353 K and at pressures up to 1.4 MPa. Comparisons of these data are not possible, since they do not overlap the state conditions of this study. Nonetheless, Figure 6 illustrates that the model’s calculations are within 1.3% of the measurements presented here, which is less than the combined uncertainties of the calculations and the measurements. Conclusions For two binary mixtures of propane and isobutane, 341 p-F-T state conditions and 20 saturated liquid densities have been reported. For p-F-T, the uncertainty of pressure is 0.01 to 0.05%, that of density is 0.05%, and that of temperature is 0.03 K. For single-phase liquid densities of the mixtures, agreement with published data is within (0.3%. This falls within the combined uncertainty of the results and shows good agreement with other data. For the

Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Vol. 44, No. 5, 1999 1053 Table 5. Measurements of Heat Capacity (Cv) for Liquid {xC3H8 + (1 - x)i-C4H10} As a Function of Temperature (T, ITS-90), Density (G), and Pressure (p) Where Subscript a Denotes a Condition Evaluated at the Average of the Initial and Final Temperatures Ta/K







204.9034 209.4344 213.9154 218.3516 222.7393 227.0814 223.8105 228.2812 232.7068 237.0922 241.4378 245.7438 250.0101 242.6578 247.0741 251.4626 255.7968 260.1021 264.3713 268.6031 272.8021 263.9818 268.3500 272.6843 276.9860 281.2545 285.4920 289.7019 293.8869 298.0419 302.1715 282.9436 287.2788 291.5808

13.059 13.046 13.034 13.022 13.011 12.999 12.642 12.631 12.621 12.610 12.600 12.589 12.579 12.217 12.207 12.197 12.188 12.179 12.170 12.161 12.152 11.715 11.707 11.698 11.690 11.682 11.674 11.666 11.658 11.651 11.643 11.230 11.223 11.216

5.861 11.005 16.008 20.879 25.616 30.225 4.944 9.399 13.756 18.019 22.187 26.262 30.243 4.522 8.368 12.151 15.847 19.477 23.037 26.526 29.947 4.359 7.598 10.785 13.922 17.008 20.043 23.031 25.973 28.866 31.715 4.053 6.802 9.514

68.44 69.10 69.85 70.59 71.23 72.04 70.27 71.02 71.83 72.69 73.56 74.32 75.13 72.81 73.64 74.21 74.77 75.70 76.59 77.43 78.57 75.75 76.46 77.25 77.97 79.01 80.00 81.07 81.84 82.56 83.62 79.07 79.85 80.64

x ) 0.7006 295.8552 300.1101 304.3369 308.5489 312.7273 316.8908 321.0327 325.1628 329.2747 302.1745 306.5195 310.8472 315.1442 319.4336 323.6958 327.9416 332.1731 336.3979 340.6194 344.8187 312.2818 316.6650 321.0457 325.4020 329.7277 334.0373 338.3463 342.6477 323.0900 327.5294 331.9598 336.3861 340.7984

11.209 11.202 11.195 11.188 11.181 11.174 11.167 11.161 11.154 10.700 10.693 10.687 10.681 10.675 10.669 10.662 10.656 10.650 10.644 10.638 10.410 10.404 10.398 10.393 10.387 10.381 10.376 10.370 10.051 10.046 10.041 10.035 10.030

12.190 14.836 17.445 20.026 22.567 25.080 27.561 30.017 32.444 3.957 6.273 8.570 10.840 13.095 15.324 17.532 19.720 21.892 24.049 26.182 4.115 6.237 8.351 10.447 12.519 14.576 16.622 18.655 3.905 5.811 7.710 9.604 11.487

81.50 82.30 83.30 83.87 84.82 85.80 86.78 87.71 88.50 82.46 83.31 84.05 85.24 85.93 86.43 87.10 88.44 89.45 89.89 90.52 84.02 85.08 85.85 86.40 87.61 88.49 89.22 89.35 86.46 87.29 88.26 88.83 89.42

202.6842 207.2213 211.7246 216.1577 220.5644 224.9187 222.6426 227.0974 231.5057 235.8789 240.2068 244.4966 248.7465 241.5681 245.9588 250.3110 254.6183 258.8959 263.1350 267.3411 271.5138 275.6517 263.4724 267.7984 272.0825 276.3386 280.5656 284.7576 288.9212 293.0559 297.1697 301.2506 283.7179 287.9944

12.028 12.016 12.005 11.994 11.983 11.973 11.653 11.643 11.634 11.624 11.614 11.605 11.595 11.292 11.283 11.274 11.266 11.257 11.249 11.241 11.232 11.224 10.848 10.841 10.833 10.826 10.818 10.811 10.804 10.796 10.789 10.782 10.409 10.402

4.459 9.652 14.733 19.660 24.477 29.153 4.104 8.578 12.947 17.224 21.400 25.484 29.473 4.125 8.000 11.800 15.519 19.170 22.746 26.251 29.685 33.048 3.792 7.048 10.246 13.395 16.492 19.535 22.527 25.470 28.370 31.219 3.428 6.176

75.45 76.50 76.84 77.64 78.83 79.59 78.05 78.86 79.92 80.79 81.94 82.92 83.57 81.28 82.10 82.79 83.76 84.75 85.78 86.71 87.75 88.51 84.91 85.72 86.89 87.73 88.76 89.62 90.79 91.71 92.65 93.38 88.43 89.50

x ) 0.2979 292.2544 296.4778 300.6841 304.8561 309.0179 313.1487 317.2606 321.3536 325.4346 329.5030 303.3264 307.6208 311.8931 316.1453 320.3828 324.6085 328.8115 333.0119 337.2013 341.4028 314.0493 318.4000 322.7396 327.0667 331.3847 335.7002 339.9960 328.8657 333.2516 337.6329 324.5003 328.9191 333.3052 342.0994

10.396 10.389 10.382 10.376 10.370 10.363 10.357 10.351 10.345 10.338 9.954 9.948 9.943 9.937 9.931 9.926 9.920 9.914 9.909 9.903 9.701 9.696 9.690 9.685 9.680 9.674 9.669 9.423 9.418 9.413 9.428 9.423 9.418 9.408

8.894 11.570 14.215 16.819 19.397 21.936 24.443 26.918 29.367 31.789 3.282 5.618 7.931 10.221 12.491 14.741 16.966 19.175 21.365 23.546 3.522 5.675 7.814 9.938 12.050 14.151 16.231 5.455 7.413 9.362 3.502 5.479 7.437 11.341

90.47 91.44 92.42 93.62 94.67 95.52 96.83 97.68 98.54 99.44 92.73 93.60 94.35 95.58 96.60 97.44 98.17 99.23 100.43 101.22 95.07 96.29 97.29 98.06 99.11 99.66 100.33 98.26 99.64 99.80 97.58 98.22 99.46 100.70

same two binary mixtures, 135 Cv measurements have been reported. For Cv, the uncertainty of pressure is 0.05%, that of density is 0.15%, that of temperature is 0.03 K, that


of temperature rise is 0.002 K, and that of heat capacity is 0.7%. No published heat capacities which overlapped the measured state conditions were available for comparison.

1054 Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, Vol. 44, No. 5, 1999 Acknowledgment We thank Eric Lemmon and Mark McLinden for generous technical assistance with the calculations and many helpful discussions during this study. We have profitted from many discussions with Gerald Straty and Marcia Huber. Literature Cited Bier, K.; Buesser, J.; Ernst, G. Experimental Heat Capacities Cp of Nonideal Binary Gaseous Mixtures from Propane, Isobutane, Difluorochloromethane, and Chloropentafluoroethane. J. Chem. Thermodyn. 1973, 5, 83-96. Goodwin, R. D. Apparatus for Determination of Pressure-DensityTemperature Relations and Specific Heats of Hydrogen to 350 Atmospheres at Temperatures above 14 K. J. Res. Natl. Bur. Stand. (U.S.) 1961, 65C, 231-243. Goodwin, R. D. Specific Heats of Saturated and Compressed Liquid Propane. J. Res. Natl. Bur. Stand. (U.S.) 1978, 83, 449-458. Haynes, W. M. Measurements of Densities and Dielectric Constants of Liquid Propane from 90 to 300 K at Pressures to 35 MPa. J. Chem. Thermodyn. 1983a, 15, 419-424. Haynes, W. M. Measurements of Densities and Dielectric Constants of Liquid Isobutane from 120 to 300 K at Pressures to 35 MPa. J. Chem. Eng. Data 1983b, 28, 367-369. Haynes, W. M.; Hiza, M. J. Measurements of the Orthobaric Liquid Densities of Methane, Ethane, Propane, Isobutane, and Normal Butane. J. Chem. Thermodyn. 1977, 9, 179-187. Hiza, M. J.; Haynes, W. M.; Parrish, W. R. Orthobaric Liquid Densities and Excess Volumes for Binary Mixtures of Low Molar-Mass Alkanes and Nitrogen Between 105 and 140 K. J. Chem. Thermodyn. 1977, 9, 873-896. Huber, M. L. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, Colorado, personal communication, 1997. Kahre, L. C. Liquid Density of Light Hydrocarbon Mixtures. J. Chem. Eng. Data 1973, 18, 267-270. Lemmon, E. W.; Jacobsen, R. T. A Generalized Model for the Thermodynamic Properties of Mixtures. Int. J. Thermophys. 1999, 20, 825-835.

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