Isolation and characterization of a cDNA encoding rat cationic

Feb 5, 1987 - lecular Cloning, a Laboratory Manual, Cold Spring Harbor ... Thomas S. Fletcher,* *'1 Myriam Alhadeff,1 Charles S. Craik,8 and Corey Lar...
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Biochemistry 1987, 26, 3081-3086

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Isolation and Characterization of a cDNA Encoding Rat Cationic Trypsinogent Thomas S. Fletcher,***Myriam Alhadeff,* Charles S. Craik,B and Corey Largmant Biochemistry Research Laboratory, Veterans Administration Medical Center, Martinez. California 94.553, Department of Internal Medicine, University of California, Davis, California 9.5616, and Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of California. San Francisco, California 94143 Received October 23, 1986; Revised Manuscript Received February 5, 1987 ABSTRACT: A c D N A encoding rat cationic trypsinogen has been isolated by immunoscreening from a rat pancreas cDNA library. The protein encoded by this cDNA is highly basic and contains all of the structural features observed in trypsinogens. The amino acid sequence of rat cationic trypsinogen is 75% and 77% homologous to the two anionic rat trypsinogens. The homology of rat cationic trypsinogen to these anionic trypsinogens is lower than its homology to other mammalian cationic trypsinogens, suggesting that anionic and cationic trypsins probably diverged prior to the divergence of rodents and ungulates. The most unusual feature of this trypsinogen is the presence of an activation peptide containing five aspartic acid residues, in contrast to all other reported trypsinogen activation peptides which contain four acidic amino acid residues. Comparisons of cationic and anionic trypsins reveal that the majority of the charge changes occur in the C-terminal portion of the protein, which forms the substrate binding site. Several regions of conserved charge differences between cationic and anionic trypsins have been identified in this region, which may influence the rate of hydrolysis of protein substrates.

x e trypsins (EC are important members of a large family of pancreatic serine proteases that share a common This work has been supported by grants to C.L. from the Research Service of the Veterans Administration and from the National Institutes of Health (HL25408). *Address correspondence to this author at the Biochemistry Research Laboratory, Veterans Administration Medical Center. t Veterans Administration Medical Center and University of California, Davis. 8 University of California, San Francisco.

0006-2960/87/0426-308 1$01.50/0

catalytic mechanism and posess similar tertiary structures. These enzymes are endopeptidases which are synthesized as proenzymes by pancreatic acinar cells and secreted into the gut. The trypsins are distinguished from the other pancreatic serine proteases both by their specificity for arginine or lysine residues and by their capability to activate the other pancreatic zymogens. Although multiple ionic forms of trypsin have been isolated from humans (Travis & Roberts, 1969; Mallory & Travis, 1973), cows (Louvard & Puigserver, 1974), rats (Brodrick et 0 1987 American Chemical Society

3082 B I o c H E M I S T R Y al., 1980), dogs (Ohlsson & Tegner, 1973), and pigs (Louvard & Puigserver, 1974), little is known concerning the possible functional significance of the different trypsins. The classically described forms of bovine and porcine trypsins are cationic proteins (Walsh & Neurath, 1964; Travis & Liener, 1965), and in these animals, the anionic forms of trypsin represent less than 10% of the total trypsin content (Louvard & Puigserver, 1974). In contrast, two anionic trypsins represent approximately 60% of the trypsin synthesized in the rat pancreas (C. Largman, unpublished results). Two rat trypsin genes have been sequenced and shown to code for the anionic trypsinogens (Craik et a]., 1984). The gene for rat pancreatic trypsin I was shown to code for the major anionic f x m produced by the pancreas by homology to the amino acid sequence of the N-terminus of purified rat anionic trypsin (unpublished results). Cloned rat pancreatic trypsinogen I1 has been expressed in mammalian cells and shown to also represent an anionic form of rat trypsin (Craik et al, 1984). To date, there has not been a sequence comparison between the anionic and cationic forms of trypsin from a single species. In the current study, we have cloned the cDNA for rat cationic trypsinogen using an expression vector and antibodies directed against rat cationic trypsin. The deduced amino acid sequence for rat cationic trypsin and the amino acid sequences of bovine and porcine cationic trypsins have been compared to those of rat anionic trypsins with regard to possible differences in structure which might result in changes in catalytic activity. In addition, comparison of these five trypsinogen sequences has facilitated an assessment of the sequence divergence of the cationic and anionic trypsinogens. MATERIALS A N D METHODS Antibody Screening of u cDNA Expression Library. Rat cationic trypsin was purified as described by Brodrick et al. (1980). Rabbit antiserum to rat cationic trypsin was produced by a series of subcutaneous injections of rat cationic trypsin (100 pg) in Freund’s complete adjuvant as previously described (Largman et al., 1981). The IgG fractions were prepared by chromatography on protein A-Sepaharose (Pharmacia, Piscataway, NJ). A rat pancreatic cDNA library cloned into Xgtll was generously supplied by J. C. Edman (UCSF). This library contains about 20 000 independent clones inserted into the unique EcoRI site of Xgtl 1 by the ligation of cDNA tailed with a linker sequence containing the restriction sites for EcoRI, BamHI, and HindIII. The cDNA library was screened with polyclonal rabbit IgG raised against rat cationic trypsin, using 1251-labeledgoat anti-rabbit IgG as the second antibody (Young & Davis, 1983). The goat anti-rabbit IgG was radioiodinated by using Iodogen (Pierce, Rockford, IL) as described by Salacinski et al. (1981). Preliminary tests showed that this screening system was capable of detecting 1 ng of rat cationic trypsin. Primer Extension, The 5’ portion of the mRNA encoding rat cationic trypsin was sequenced by hybridizing a 32P-labeled oligonucleotide to rat pancreatic mRNA and extending in the presence of nucleotides and chain-terminating inhibitors (Craik et al, 1984). The reaction products were separated on a 10% polyacrylamide-urea gel. Rat pancreas R N A was extracted by using the technique of Chirgwin et al. (1979). Two rounds of chromatography of the pancreatic R N A on oligo(dT)cellulose yielded m R N A which was subsequently used for primer extension. The priming reaction was performed as described in Craik et al. (1984), with the exception that the incubation temperature was 50 O C . The primed mRNA was redissolved in 55 pL of 0.5 m M ethylenediaminetetraacetic

F L E T C H E R ET A L .

acid (EDTA) (pH 8.0) by heating to 90 O C for 2 min. Each of the extension reactions contained the following: 10 pL of primed mRNA, four deoxynucleoside triphosphates, one dideoxynucleoside triphosphate, and 15-20 units of avian myeloblastosis virus reverse transcriptase (Life Sciences, St. Petersburg, FL). The concentrations of the deoxynucleoside triphosphates were 800 p M except for the one to terminated which was 100 pM. The 2’,3’-dideoxynucle3side triphosphate concentration was 200 pM. A control reaction contained the same amount of primed mRNA and reverse transcriptase but only 500 p M deoxynucleoside triphosphates. The extension buffer contained 50 m M tris(hydromethy1)aminomethane hydrochloride (Tris-HC1) (pH 8.0), 50 m M KC1, 8 m M MgCI,, and 4 m M dithiothreitol (DTT). The extension reaction was incubated for 1 h at 42 O C . Each reaction mix was phenol extracted, ethanol precipitated, and taken up in 2 pL of 50% formamide containing 0.05% bromophenol blue and 0.05% xylene cyanol. The tubes were then heated to 90 “C for 3 min and cooled on ice, and 2 p L of each mixture was loaded on a 10% polyacrylamide-urea gei. The gel was run for 12 h a t 1500 V, dried, and autoradiographed. DNA Hybridization and Dideoxy DNA Sequencing. DNA hybridizations were performed as described in Maniatis et al. (1982). Sequencing was performed as described in Messing (1983) using the bacteriophase M 13mpll and the 17-mer sequencing primer of New England Biolabs (no. 1212, New England Biolabs, Beverly, MA). Deoxynucleotides and dideoxynucleotides were from Pharmacia (Piscataway, NJ). The restriction enzymes were purchased from New England Biolabs (Beverly, MA) and BRL (Gaithersburg, MD). Polymerase I (Klenow) was from Boehringer Mannheim (Indianapolis, IN). DNA sequences werz analyzed with computer programs supplied by Dr. H. Martinez (Biomathematics Computation Laboratory, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, UCSF. San Francisco, CA). Protein Sequencing. A sample (10 nmol) of rat cationic trypsinogen was subjected to automatic Edman sequence analysis using a Beckman 890C automatic sequencer at the U.C. Davis Protein Structure Laboratory. Amino acidphenylthiohydantoin(PTH) derivatives were identified by high-pressure liquid chromatography. RESULTSA N D DISCUSSION Cloning and Sequencing of the Cationic Trypsinogen cDNA. The primary screening of the rat pancreas cDNA library with specific antibodies against rat cationic trypsin yielded 19 positive clones. Five of these were successfully purified, and two of these five had easily detectable inserts of 200-300 base pairs (bp). The largest of the two was subcloned into the HindIII site of M13mpll. Use of the linker with multiple restriction sites permitted subcloning with HindIII rather than EcoRI. Dideoxy sequence analysis showed that this clone extended from position 316 to position 600 (Figure 1). The DNA sequence encoded for a portion of a protein which was highly homologous to pancreatic trypsinogens and which included aspartic acid residues at amino acids 93 and 180. These two amino acid residues are homologous to the Asp-102 of the serine protease charge relay system and the Asp-189 that confers the Arg/Lys substrate specificity on trypsins. In order to isolate a full-length cDNA, the cDNA fragment was isolated, labeled with 32Pby nick translation, and employed to probe the full library. Approximately 5% of the phage in the cDNA library hybridized to this sequence under stringent conditions. An 800 bp clone was isolated, subcloned into M13mpl1, and sequenced. This clone contained an open reading frame extending from position 49 (amino acid 2) to



VOL. 26, NO. 11, 1987




met lys a l a leu i l e

#E leu ala phe leu gly ala ala val ala leu pro leu asp asp asp asp asp lye ile val gly gly tyr thr




20 30 40 cys gln lys asn ser leu pro tyr gln val ser leu'asn ala sly tyrhis ~ h cys s gly g1y ser leu ile asn ser gln trpval val 91cIlAcIy;AAG~~cn:o=Apu:cpGcm:~cn;AATcCroxTpE~m~GGAGGcTtx:cIcATcAATTtx:~TM;mTmT 60


ser a l a a l a

his cys tyr lys ser arg fie gln Val arg leu gly glu hie asn ile aspval

70 val glu gly gly glu gln

m ile asp



100 leu ile lye leu asn 861: pro ala thr leu 271~~AAA~ATraX:cAc~pdTATAATG(IAAAcAcc~GAcAATGATlllT~Tn;~ApGcIcIAAT~AAAGccAccCn: 80

thrm asp a m 9 fie I&

ala ala lys ile

i l e arg his pro ser tyr am ala asn

asn ser arg

ser thr Val ser leu pro arg ser cys g1y ser ser gly thr lys cys leu Val ser gly trp gly asn thr leu ser

110 3









120 c













130 r

























140 E O 160 ser gly thr asn tyrpro ser leu leu gln cys leu asp ala proval leu ser asp ser ser cys lye ser ser t y r p r o gly lye ile 451 T " 0 S c A G A A C TAC a ! l ' X A C E CIT cpG'ET CLTCATGCC CCl' GIC c p C T c p G A c p d ' E T n ; C A A A p d ~ p \ ( :Cram AiGATc 170 180 190 * = met Fha cys leu sly Fha 1- glu 41Y sly lys 9 cys 9lY Esly sly la0 val cys glY gin 541AcI~~AAcAIIc.'ET~~TIT~uY;~~AAGGAL:Ttx:~cIy;cAGGd'ETcAG~~ApGGICn;CAATGGccp ksp


leu gln gly val val ser trp



mtyr gly cys ala gln lys gly lys pro a v a l tyr thr lys v a l cys asn tyr val asn trp fie

6 3 1 C n : c p G ~ D 1 T m T ~ ~ G d D p c ~ ~ G c p ( a c 1 c p G ~ ~ A A A G d G I C D p c A c c ~ A p G c I l A A A c ~ ? a c o n ; A A c ~ l l l T

230 232 gln gln thr val ala ala asn m P 721 CPI: CPG ACC GIC Gcp W A A c 'IIAAAA FIGURE 1: Nucleotide sequence and the deduced amino acid sequence of rat cationic trypsinogen. The underlined amino acids correspond to His-57, Asp-102, Asp-189, Ser-195, Gly-216, and Gly-226 (chymotrypsin numbering system). The predicted prepeptide consists of amino acid residues -15 to -1. Residue 1 is the first residue of the zymogen.

position 741 (Figure 1). The deduced sequence of the Nterminal 19 amino acids was identical with that found for purified rat cationic trypsinogen (amino acids 2-20). It continued for 80 bp beyond the 3' end of the coding region but did not include a polyadenylation site. Although this clone contained the coding information for the active enzyme and activation peptide, the 5' terminus was incomplete and lacked the signal sequence found in other pancreatic secretory proteins (Watson, 1984). In an attempt to isolate the 5' terminus, six independent clones of rat cationic trypsinogen were isolated by using a 73 bp 5' fragment from the "full-length" clone. These clones were subcloned into M13mpll using EcoRI and sequenced. Two of these clones extended to position 5, lacking only the methionine codon and the first base of the lysine codon. The final portion of the sequence was determined by primer extension. A 30-mer primer extending from position 46 to 75 was synthesized. This particular sequence was selected because it was the most diffferent from the anionic mRNAs in this highly conserved region, having four mismatches between the anionic trypsinogens and this primer, one of which was at the 3' end of the primer, as well as a deletion of 3 bp. This should have ensured that the mRNA for cationic trypsinogen was the only sequence primed (Reyes & Wallace, 1984). However, although there was a major pattern corresponding to cationic trypsin, minor patterns coding for the two anionic trypsins could be detected. Fortunately, the portion of the sequence that was unknown for cationic trypsin is shared by all three sequences and is thus unambiguous (results not shown). Sequence Homology to Other Trypsin-like Proteases. The sequence of rat cationic trypsinogen contains all of the major structural features common to trypsinogens (Figure 2). In addition to the obligatory Asp-1 89 and the catalytic triad of His-57, Asp- 102, and Ser-195 (chymotrypsin numbering system; Hartley, 1970), rat cationic trypsinogen contains the following conserved features: an activation peptide containing a poly(aspartic acid) sequence as described below; and the six

conserved disulfide bonds found in other rat trypsinogens. In addition, residues 199 and 200 of rat cationic trypsinogen are valines, as are the homologous residues in cow, pig, sheep, turkey, spiny dogfish, and rat anionic trypsins. This feature is unlike trypsin-like enzymes including rat pancreatic kallikrein (Leu-Val) (Swift et al., 1982), human kidney kallikrein (Leu-Met) (Baker & Shine, 1985), adipsin (Leu-Val) (Cook et al., 1985), and hanakah factor (Leu-Leu) (Gershenfield & Weissman, 1986). The N-terminal sequence is similar to those of other trypsinogens (Figure 3). All trypsinogens have a polyanionic cluster immediately preceding the activation cleavage position (Lys-lS/Ile-16), with the possible exception of human cationic trypsinogen which is reported by Brodrick et al. (1978) to contain an Asp-Lys activation peptide. Rat cationic trypsinogen is unique in having five neg: 'vely charged residues in a row compared to the four acidic idues reported for most other trypsins (Stroud et al., 197 'he initial few residues which immediately precede the . nionic sequence in the activation peptides are notable in they seem to generally consist of either a single valine re l e (cow and turkey) or three residues of which one is pn ine [pig, sheep, all rat trypsinogens, and the human trypsinogens reported by Guy et al. (1978)l. The signal peptide sequence follows the usual pattern of a charged residue in the first few residues followed by regions of hydrophobic residues and small, uncharged amino acids. It is of interest that the signal peptides of both anionic trypsinogen I1 and cationic trypsinogen have a basic amino acid immediately after the methionine whereas the signal peptide of anionic trypsinogen I has a serine at that position (Figure 2). Although the presence of a charged amino acid is more typical (Watson, 1984), anionic trypsinogen I is the most abundant of the three proteins. Rat cationic trypsinogen shows a high degree of overall homology with the two rat anionic trypsinogens. At the DNA level, rat cationic trypsinogen is 76% and 75% homologous to


















RCT met l y s a l a l e u i l e phe l e u a l a phe l e u g l y a l a a l a Val a l a l e u p r o l e u a s p a s p asp a s p a s p l y s i l e v a l g l y g l y t y r t h r BCT v a l asp asp asp asp l y s l l e Val g l y g l y t y r t h r PCT phe pro t y r a s p asp asp asp l y s i l e val gly gly t y r t h r AN1 met ser a l a l e u l e u i l e l e u a l a l e u Val g l y a l a a l a Val a l a p h e pro l e u g l u asp asp asp l y s l l e Val g l y g l y t y r t h r AN2 met a r g a l a l e u l e u phe l e u a l a leu Val g l y a l a a l a Val a l a phe pro Val asp a s p asp asp l y s i l e v a l g l y g l y t y r t h r


................................................... ............................................. *



RCT cy3 g l n BCT cy3 g l y PCT c y s a l a AN1 cy3 p r o AN2 cy3 g l n







RCT ser a l a BCT s e r a l a PCT ser a l a AN1 ser a l a AN2 ser a l a

ala ala ala ala ala


RCT a l a BCT a l a PCT a l a AN1 a l a AN2 a l a




l y s asn ser a l a asn t h r a l a asn s e r glu h i s s e r g l u asn ser















leu pro Val p r o I / V pro val pro v a l pro

tyr tyr tyr tyr tyr

gln gln gln gln gln

Val Val Val Val val

ser ser ser ser ser















2 40 2



---* 43



leu a s n a l a g l y t y r h i s phe cy3 g l y g l y a e r l e u a s n s e r g l y t y r h i s phe cy3 g l y g l y ser leu a s n ser g l y ser h i s phe cy3 g l y g l y ser leu asn ser g l y t y r h i s phe cy3 g l y g l y ser l e u asn ser g l y t y r h i s phe cy3 g l y g l y ser





















gln gln gln gln l e u l l e asn a s p g l n

trp trp trp trp trp

Val Val Val Val val

Val val val val val




leu i l e asn ser leu i l e asn ser leu l l e asn ser leu l l e asn a s p






h i s cy3 t y r l y s ser g l y l l e g l n Val a r g l e u g l y g l u a s p a s n i l e a s n v a l v a l g l u g l y a s p g l u g l n phe i l e ser h i s cy3 t y r l y s ser a r g l l e g l n v a l a r g l e u g l y glu h i s a s n i l e asp Val l e u g l u g l y a s n g l u g l n phe i l e a s n

h i s cy3 t y r l y s ser a r g l l e g l n v a l a r g leu g l y g l u h i s a s n l l e a s n val l e u g l u g l y a s p g l u g l n phe i l e a s n ser a r g l l e g l n v a l a r g l e u g l y g l u h i 3 a a n i l e a s n v a l l e u g l u g l y aan g l u g l n phe Val a s n

h i s cy3 t y r l y s



a l a lya ser l y s ala lys ala lys a l a lya

lle ser lle lle lle











96 97


i l e l y s l e u a s n ser pro a l a t h r leu

lle lya ile lya lle l y s i l e l y a h i s p r o asn phe asp a r g a r g t h r l e u a s n a s n asp i l e met l e u lle l y s





Val ser t h r val a l a aer Val a l a t h r Val a l a p r o Val a l a t h r



147 148

RCT ser g l y BCT ser g l y PCT ser g l y AN1 asn g l y AN2 ser g l y e



thr thr ser val Val

aan t y r ser t y r ser t y r asn aan asn g l u




151 152


pro pro pro pro pro

val lle Val Val val

ser l e u ser leu s e r leu a l a leu ala leu

* ***

pro pro pro pro pro

arg thr arg ser ser e

ser ser ser ala ser

cy3 cya cy3 cy3 cya



gly ala ala ala ala



s e r s e r g l y t h r l y a cya l e u v a l s e r ser a l a g l y t h r g l n cy3 l e u l l e ser a l a a l a g l y t h r g l u cy3 leu l l e ser p r o a l a g l y t h r g l n cy3 l e u l l e ser p r o a l a g l y t h r g l n c y s l e u l l e ser



leu leu leu leu

l y s ser a l a a l a s e r l e u

ser ser p r o a l a t h r l e u ser ser pro Val 1)’s l e u ser ser pro v a l l y s l e u

* *** *




met met met met met

209 210 211 212

leu leu leu leu AN2 l e u


gln gln gln gln gln

gly gly gly gly gly

Val lle lle ile ile e

phe phe ile lle Val

gly gly gly gly gly

143 144

145 146

asn asn asn asn asn

leu ly3 lya leu leu

thr thr thr thr thr


ser ser ser ser ser

175 176 gln gln glu iys


cy3 cya cya cy3 cy3

trp trp trp trp trp

153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174

leu leu leu leu leu

gln lys gln gln gln

cy3 cya cy3 cy3 cy3


leu leu leu Val leu

asp lya lys asp asp



ala ala ala ala ala

proval pro i l e pro val pro v a l proleu

leu leu leu leu leu

a e r asp a e r a e r asp a e r ser asp a e r aer gln ala pro g l n a l a

leu ala Val Val Val


gly gly gly gly gly

phe tyr phe phe phe


leu leu leu leu leu

glu glu glu glu glu

gly gly gly gly gly

gly gly gly gly gly

lys lya lya lys lys

asp asp asp asp asp

ser aer 3er ser

cya cy3 cys cy3 cys

gln gln gln gln gln

gly gly gly gly gly

asp asp asp asp asp

cy3 cya cys cy3 cy3


196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204

aer gly aer gly ser g l y ser g l y ser g l y

lya ly3 ly3 glu

ser ser t y r pro g l y l y s l l e

aer ser ser asp asp

*** *** ***

A 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 184 185 186 187 188 188 189 190 191 192 192 194

s e r asn ser asn g l y aan s e r ser asp asn

gly gly gly gly gly

ser l e u asp val ser l e u asp leu asp leu


RCT t h r BCT t h r PCT t h r AN1 t h r AN2 t h r


E 1 0 0 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 1 1 1 112 113 114

i l e a r g h i s p r o ser t y r a s n a l a a s n t h r p h e a s p a s n asp i l e met l e u i l e Val h i s pro a e r t y r a s n s e r aan t h r l e u a s n a s n asp i l e met leu I l e t h r h i 3 p r o asn phe asn g l y asn t h r l e u a s p a s n asp i l e met l e u i l e l y s h i s p r o asn t y r ser s e r t r p t h r leu asn a s n asp l l e met l e u




115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 127 128 129 130 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142

RCT aan s e r a r g BCT a s n ser a r g PCT aan ser a r g AN1 asn a l a a r g AN2 aan a l a a r g


h i s c y s t y r l y s ser a r g i l e g l n v a l a r g leu g l y g l u h i s a s n l l e a s p v a l Val g l u g l y g l y glu g l n phe l l e a s p

aer aer ala glu a l a

*** *** gly gly gly gly gly

pro pro pro pro pro

ala tyr ser tyr ala tyr ser t y r

val val val Val val

Val val Val val Val

pro pro pro pro

cy3 cy8 cys cy3 cy3

gly gly giy giy

asn ser asn asn asn

gly gly gly gly gly

ile ile ile ile

gln lys gln gln glu

a 214

A 215 216 217 219 220 221 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238

val val Val val Val

trp trp trp trp

ser trp 5 tyr 5 cy3 a l a g l n 1y.g g i y lys pro g l y v a l ser ser ser ser

gly gly gly gly

aer tyr tyr tyr e

gly gly gly gly

cy3 cy3 cy3 cy3

ala ala ala ala

gln gln leu leu

lys lys pro pro

*** ***

a3n asn asp asp e

ly3 ly3 asn asn


pro pro pro pro

gly gly gly gly

val val val val

tyr tyr tyr tyr tyr

thr l y s thr lys thr l y s thr l y s thr lys

Val val val Val val

cy3 cya cy3 cy3 cy3

aan asn aan asn asn

tyr tyr tyr phe tyr


val val val val Val

asn ser asn gly asp


trp trp trp trp trp

ile lle

lle ile ile

239 240 241 242 243 244 245

RCT g l n g l n t h r Val a l a a l a asn BCT l y s g l n t h r l l e a l a ser asn

PCT g l n g l n t h r i l e a l a a l a asn AN1 g l n a s p t h r i l e a l a a l a asn AN2 g l n a s p t h r i l e a l a a l a asn

* ***




2: Amino acid sequences of five trypsinogens. The amino acid residues are numbered by using the standard chymotrypsin numbering

system. Positions underscored with a single asterisk are not identical in all sequences. Those underscored with three asterisks are different in cationic and anionic trypsinogens but identical within each group. Positions underlined are those thought to interact with one of the following trypsin inhibitors. The specific interactions of each of the inhibitors are as follows: pancreatic trypsin inhibitor with bovine cationic trypsin residues 39, 40, 41, 97, 189, 190, 193, 195, 214, 215, 216, and 219 (Janin & Chothia, 1976); soybean trypsin inhibitor with porcine cationic trypsin residues 40, 57, 60, 189, 190, 192, 193, 195, 214, 215, 216, and 217 (Janin & Chothia, 1976); Japanese Quail ovomucoid third domain protease inhibitor and bovine cationic trypsin residues 41, 96, 143, 149, 151, 189, 190, 193, 195, 214, and 217 (Papamokos et a!., 1982); and pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor and bovine cationic trypsin residues 39, 41, 60, 97, 175, 189, 190, 193, 195, 214, 215, 216, 219, and 224 (Bolognesi et al., 1982). Abbreviations: RCT, rat cationic trypsinogen; BCT, bovine cationic trypsinogen; PCT, porcine cationic trypsinogen; AN1, rat anionic trypsinogen I; AN2, rat anionic trypsinogen 11. The sequence references are RCT (this work), BCT (Walsh, 1970; Hartley, 1970), PCT (Hermodson et al., 1973), and AN1 and A N 2 (Craik et al., 1984). rat anionic trypsinogen I and rat anionic trypsinogen 11, respectively, while the corresponding amino acid sequence is 75% homologous to anionic trypsinogen I and 77% homologous to anionic trypsinogen 11. One interesting observation is that the amino acid sequence of rat cationic trypsinogen is more homologous to bovine cationic trypsinogen (79%) and porcine

cationic trypsinogen (86%) than it is to the rat anionic trypsinogens. This would imply that the divergence of a primordial trypsin gene into anionic and cationic forms probably occurred before the divergence of rodents and ungulates. Charge Distribution. The most obvious difference between the rat trypsins is their difference in overall net charge. The

VOL. 2 6 , N O . 1 1 , 1 9 8 7




AN1 AN2 €cT





8 9 10 11 A 12 13 14 l5 "LeuAspAspAspAspAspm ~mUGlu-AspAspAepm --valAsp-AspAspAepm -mvAsp-AepAspAepm "~Aep--PAspAspm AlaPmFheAsp-AspAepAspm Ua-"-AspAepAspm Val Aep Asp Asp Asp V a l Asp - A s p Asp Aep A e p m Activation peptides for a number of trypsinogens. Ab-




FIGURE 3: breviations: RCT, rat cationic trypsinogen; ANI, rat anionic trypsinogen I; AN2, rat anionic trypsinogen 11; PCT, porcine cationic trypsin; ST, sheep trypsinogen; HTl, human trypsinogen I; HT2, human trypsinogen 11; TT, turkey trypsinogen; BCT, bovine cationic trypsinogen; HCT, human cationic trypsinogen. Sequences are from the following: AN1 and AN2, Craik et al. (1984); PCT, Hermodson et al. (1973); ST,Dayhoff (1969); HTl and HT2, Guy et al. (1978); TT, Kishida & Liener (1968); BCT, Hartley (1970); and HCT, Brodrick et al. (1978). 7 -

7 6

6 -

5 Y

4 -

5 n



and 3+ at residues 222-224, resulting in an overall net change of 6 charges. In addition, at residues 166, 170, and 221A, which flank these two regions, there is a pattern of substitution of nonpolar residues in anionic trypsins for polar residues in cationic trypsins. While this region is not known to be critical to the activity of the enzyme, it should be noted that amino acids 222-224 are adjacent to the binding pocket. In addition to the changes noted above, there are consistent charge changes at residues 49 (Asp to Ser) and at position 113 (Lys to Thr) that result in net charge changes of 1+ and 1-, respectively. However, both of these changes are distant from the active site and do not appear to be of obvious functional significance. Two cDNAs which apparently code for human trypsinogens have recently been sequenced (Emi et al., 1986). These clones, which are 89% homologous, have not been conclusively identified as coding for either anionic or cationic trypsinogens, and we have chosen to not include them in the discussion of the sequence differences between anionic and cationic trypsins. However, it is of interest that these two sequences do not follow the pattern of the other trypsins, in that both proteins resemble the anionic trypsins at residues 165-170 but the cationic trypsins at residues 221A-224. Residues Important for Substrate Binding. Although other members of the serine protease family have an extended substrate binding region which spans up to seven amino acids (Nakajima et al., 1979; Thompson & Blout, 1973; Harper et al., 1984; Baumann et al., 1973), the specificity of trypsins is usually thought to be dominated by the selectivity of the PI position with little influence of secondary binding sites. However, small variations in hydrolysis rates of synthetic peptides varying in the P2and P3 positions have been observed (Tanaka et al., 1983), implying the presence of an extended binding site for trypsin. Furthermore, X-ray crystallographic studies of trypsin-protein inhibitor complexes reveal numerous interactions which have been interpreted as an extended binding region (Bolognesi et al., 1982). These studies have led to identification of several residues which appear to be involved in the interaction of trypsin with Japanese Quail ovomucoid protease inhibitor (Papamokos et al., 1982), pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor (Bolognesi et al., 1982), pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (Janin & Chothia, 1976), or soybean trypsin inhibitor (Janin & Chothia, 1976). The amino acid residues of trypsin that appear to be in close contact with one or more of these inhibitors are underlined in Figure 2. Of these 23 residues, 9 are polymorphic in the trypsins listed in Figure 2. The sequence of one region (residues 96-99) is quite variable among the trypsins and appears to be partially conserved within the cationic trypsins. This suggests that the interaction of cationic and anionic trypsins with these inhibitors may be different due to charge and steric bulk changes in this region. In addition to this particular difference, there are changes at residues 39, 149, 151, 175, and 217 that could also affect substrate binding. If these interactions are analogous to the interactions of trypsin with its protein substrates, then it would be reasonable to hypothesize that changes at these residues may affect substrate specificity. Another amino acid which may be important for substrate specificity is Phe-99. In kallikreins, a tyrosine is usually present at this position and is thought to form a hydrophobic sandwich with Trp-215, resulting in an increased affinity for peptides such as Phe-Arg-X (Swift et al., 1982). The Phe-99 in rat cationic trypsin is also capable of forming a sandwich structure with Trp-215 and the substrate aromatic ring. Anionic rat trypsins, as well as bovine and porcine cationic trypsin, contain a leucine at this position. This difference suggests that rat



cationic trypsin should exhibit a higher affinity for Phe-Arg substrates. Comparisons of the selectivity of anionic or cationic trypsins toward peptide or protein substrates have not been reported, but our results suggest the hypothesis that some of the amino acid differences between anionic and cationic trypsins, particularly residues 165-1 70, 221A-224, and 96-99, might result in preferential hydrolysis of protein substrates as the result of secondary binding site interactions. Such a hypothesis could be tested by constructing hybrid trypsins containing portions of the anionic and cationic enzymes. This could be most easily done with the rat trypsins, since the respective cDNAs share a considerable number of homologous restriction sites. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Jeff Edman and William J. Rutter for kindly supplying the rat pancreas cDNA library, Steve Gardell and Yosuke Ebina for their helpful advice, and A1 Smith for performing the protein sequencing. REFERENCES Baker, A. P., & Shine, J. (1985) D N A 4, 445-450. Baumann, W. K., Bizzozero, S. A,, & Dutler, H. (1973) Eur. J . Biochem. 39, 381-391. Bolognesi, M., Gatti, G., Menegatti, E., Guarneri, M., Marquart, M., Papamokos, E., & Huber, R. (1982) J. Mol. Biol. 162, 839-868. Brodrick, J. W., Largman, C., Hsiang, M. W., Johnson, J. H., & Geokas, M. C. (1978) J. Biol. Chem. 253, 2737-2742. Brodrick, J. W., Largman, C., Geokas, M. C., O’Rourke, M., & Ray, S. B. (1980) A m . J . Physiol. 239, G511-G515. Chirgwin, J. M., Przybyla, A. E., MacDonald, R. J., & Rutter, W. J. (1979) Biochemistry 18, 5294-5299. Cook, K. S., Groves, D. L., Min, H. Y., & Spiegelman, B. M. (1985) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 82, 6480-6484. Craik, C. S., Choo, Q.L., Swift, G. H., Quinto, C., MacDonald, R. J., & Rutter, W. J. (1984) J . Biol. Chem. 259, 14255-14264. Dayhoff, M. 0. (1969) Atlas of Protein Sequence and Structure 4, D224. Emi, M., Nakamura, Y., Ogawa, M., Yamamoto, T., Nishide, T., Mori, T., & Matsubara, K. (1986) Gene 42, 305-310. Gershenfeld, H. K., & Weissman, I. L. (1986) Science (Washington, D.C.) 232, 854-861. Guy, O., Lombardo, D., Bartlelt, D. C., Amie, J., & Figarella, C. (1978) Biochemistry 17, 1669-1675. Harper, J. W., Cook, R. R., Roberts, C. J., McLaughlin, B. J., & Powers, J. C. (1984) Biochemistry 23, 2995-3002. Hartley, B. S. (1970) Philos. Trans. R. SOC.London, B 257, 77-87.


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