Isolation of metal-binding fractions from tobacco smoke condensate

Aug 1, 1972 - Isolation of metal-binding fractions from tobacco smoke condensate. Vincent N. Finelli, Edward E. Menden, and Harold G. Petering. Enviro...
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low, appreciable glaciation begins to form on the earth’s surface; as a consequence of the volume of water frozen in the glaciers, the volume of the oceans is reduced. As the ocean volume decreases, more COS is released into the atmosphere according to Figure 2. Eventually, enough COS will accumulate in the atmosphere to warm the surface sufficiently to start melting the glaciers. This in turn increases the volume of the seas so that they can absorb excess COS from the atmosphere. The decrease in atmospheric COSamount leads to lower surface temperatures and the cycle of glaciation starts over once again. Such a cycle would probably repeat a number of times before reaching an equilibrium state because of the long time constants involved in the processes (the time for glaciers to form and melt, the turnover time of the seas, the time for the average sea temperature to change appreciably). Discussion The equilibrium equations for the interaction of COS between the sea and the atmosphere are solved for three different assumptions : there is insufficient time for equilibrium with either the CaC03 deposits or the clay sediments; CaC08 equilibrium occurs, but not with the clay sediments; equilibrium occurs with both the CaC03 deposits and the clay sediments. Various theories of climatic change may

be tested from these results by the calculation of the partial pressure of the atmospheric COS as a function of variations in the total CO, in the sea and atmosphere, the average temperature of the sea, and the volume of the sea. Literature Cited Bolin, B., Eriksson, E., “Changes in the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere and sea due to fossil combustion,” “Rossby Memorial Volume,” B. Bolin, Ed., Rockefeller Institute Press, New York, N.Y., 1959. Buch, K., Haosforskningsinstitutets Skrifter, Helsingfors, no. 151, 1951. Eriksson, E., J . Geophys. Res., 68, 3871-6 (1963). Harvey, H. W., “The Chemistry and Fertility of Sea Waters,” Cambridge University Press, London, 1955. Kaplan, L. D., Tellus, 12, 204-8 (1960). Kaplan, L. D., ibid., 13, 296-300 (1961). MacIntyre, R., Sci. Amer., 223, 104-15 (1970). Manabe, S., Strickler, R. F., J . Atmos. Sci., 21, 361-85 (1964). Manabe, S., Wetherald, R. T., ibid., 24, 241-59 (1967). Moller, F., J . Geophys. Res., 68, 3866-77 (1963). Plass, G. N., Quart. J . Roy. Meteorol. Soc., 82, 310-24 (1956a). Plass, G. N., Tellus, 8, 140-54 (1956b). Plass, G . N., Geophys. Res., 69, 1663-4 (1964). Received for reuiew Nouember 16, 1971. Accepted March 6 , 1972.

Isolation of Metal-Binding Fractions from Tobacco Smoke Condensate Vincent N. Finelli, Edward E. Menden, and Harold G . Petering’ Department of Environmental Health, College of Medicine, The University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio 45219

w Tobacco smoke condensate (TSC)from nonfilter research cigarettes was fractionated on a weak cation exchange column [carboxymethyl cellulose in the Cu(I1) form], yielding three fractions: noncomplexing substances, protonated copper-binding ligands, and nonprotonated copper-binding ligands. Analysis for copper was done by atomic absorption spectrometry and showed the amount of complexed copper in the protonated ligand fraction to be 271 f 42 pg/cigarette and in the nonprotonated ligand fraction to be 720 i 59 pg/cigarette. Several known protonated and nonprotonated ligands were also fractionated on the cation exchanger, and their behavior was compared to that of the TSC fractions. The cation exchanger was also used in the zinc, cadmium, iron(III), and lead forms to determine the binding activity of whole TSC solutions toward these metals. Results, expressed in wmol of metal/cigarette, were copper, 14.6; zinc, 12.8; cadmium, 8.3; iron, 0.5 ; and lead, 0.5.


previous paper (Michael et al., 1971) reported the copper-binding activity of tobacco smoke condensate (TSC) by measuring copper chelates extractable in the organic phase in a two-phase system. The health effects of cigarette smoke and the role that trace metals may have in chemical carcinogenesis (Dixon et al., 1970), atherosclerosis (Kannel, 1971) and other chronic diseases stimulated us to study the activity of TSC constituents on 740 Environmental Science & Technology

trace metals metabolism. To study the biological effects of TSC constituents on the metabolism of zinc, copper, and iron, it seemed necessary to isolate from the total tobacco tar those agents which most likely bind transition metals. Our goal was not to isolate and identify any one specific ligand, but to group in a few fractions all those TSC constituents which have metalbinding activity. Sorption of ligands from solutions by cation exchangers containing a complexing metal ion has been reported by several investigators (Stokes and Walton, 1954; Helfferich, 1961, 1962 ; Carunchio and Grassini Strazza, 1966). Preparation in situ and isolation of zero-charge complexes passing complexing anions through a cation exchanger in the metal form have also been reported (Mitrofanova et al., 1964; Muzzarelli et al., 1969). Furthermore, Walton and others have done extensive work on the fractionation of amines and other nitrogencontaining compounds using the ligand exchange chromatography technique (Cockerel1 and Walton, 1962 ; Suryaraman and Walton, 1962; Shimomura and Walton, 1968). To separate the metal-binding constituents from whole TSC, we have used a weak cation exchanger, carboxymethyl cellulose in the Cu(I1) form. This method permitted us to fractionate TSC into three distinct fractions : noncomplexing fraction (Fl)containing TSC constituents which do not bind Cu(I1); protonated ligands (FS)containing those constituents able to form zero-charge chelates with Cu(I1); nonprotonated ligands

To whom correspondence should be addressed.

The fractions obtained were tested with a biphasic extraction technique (Michael et al., 1971) for the ability of forming neutral complexes with Cu(I1). A 10-ml volume of an aqueous Experimental solution of 0.01M CuClz in 0.1M TRIS at pH 5.7 was equilibrated with an equal volume of the MIBK solution of each Material. APPARATUS. A Perkin-Elmer Model 303 atomic fraction obtained from the fractionation of five cigarettes absorption spectrophotometer with recorder readout was used equivalent of TSC. The amount of copper extracted into the for the determination of copper. A Mason Mark I11 rotary 24organic phase, as determined by atomic absorption spectroport cigarette smoker (R. W. Mason, Clevedon, England) was photometric analysis, was found to be 40, 190, and 6 pg/cigaused for smoking the cigarettes mechanically (Michael et al., rette equiv for F l , Fz, and F3, respectively. The unfractionated 1971). TSC extracted 250 pg of copper/cigarette equiv into the organic REAGENTS. Acetone (Amsco C.P.), 4-methyl-2-pentanone phase. (MIBK)(Matheson, Coleman and Bell, bp 114-116"C), and By substituting Cu(I1) with other metals, such as Zn(II), ethanol (US. Industrial Chemicals Co.) were used as received. Cd(II), Fe(III), and Pb(II), in preparing the Cellex CM in the The cation exchanger carboxymethyl cellulose was obtained metal form, using the above procedure, we have been able to in the sodium form from Bio-Rad Laboratories. Metal standetermine the binding activity of TSC toward each metal. In dards for atomic absorption spectrophotometric analysis were Table I1 we report the amounts of complexed metal per cigaprepared by diluting stock solutions of 1000 ppm (Fisher rette. Scientific Co.) with 10% nitric acid or 95% ethanol. The Preparation of Copper-Free TSC Ligands. To obtain the 2-amino-2-(hydroxymethyl)-l,3-propanediol(TRIS) (Fisher, ligands free of copper from both Fz and F3 fractions, the Analyzed) was used to stabilize the aqueous copper solutions copper-containing effluents from Cellex CM-Cu(I1) column in the two-phase extraction experiments. Ammoniacal ethanol were evaporated to dryness under reduced pressure and redissolutions, 2 and 5 % (w/v), were prepared by diluting, respecsolved with 5 (w/v) ammoniacal ethanol. Each solution was tively, 7.7 and 19.3 ml of 2 9 z (w/v) aqueous NH3 (sp gr 0.90) then passed through a column of Cellex CM (H+ form) which to 100 ml with 95 ethanol. Methods. PREPARATION OF TOBACCO SMOKE CONDENSATE. had been equilibrated with ethanol. Ammonia competes with TSC ligands for copper to form charged cupric-ammonia comTSC was prepared from 85-mm nonfilter research cigarettes plexes of the type [(NH3),CuI2+ (n = 1 +. 4) and (/34 = loi5)). obtained from the Tobacco and Health Research Institute On eluting with 5 ammoniacal ethanol, the cupric-ammonia of the University of Kentucky. The method used was that complexes remained sorbed on the cation exchanger as a blue reported by Michael et al. (1971). The final solution of TSC in band on top of the column, while the copper-free TSC' ligands MIBK contained 1 cigarette equiv of rsc/ml. were eluted. The effluents were checked and found to be free PREPARATION OF CARBOXYMETHYL CELLULOSE IN Cu(I1) of copper. FORM. Carboxymethyl cellulose (Cellex CM) was obtained Cellex CM-Cu(I1) Column Studies. For comparative purfrom the manufacturer in the sodium form. It was washed poses, known Cu(I1)-complexing ligands and mixtures of with 0.1NHC1, left to settle for a period of 2 hr, and the cloudy these compounds have been chromatographed through a supernatant was discarded ; this procedure was repeated Cellex CM-Cu(I1) column. Protonated ligands such as 3several times. Subsequently deionized HZO was used for washing out excess acid ; three washings were usually sufficient. To transform the exchanger back into the sodium form, it was equilibrated with a solution of 5M NaC1. After filtration Table I. Fractionation of TSC on Cellex CM-Cu(I1) Column through a Buchner funnel, a solution of 5M CuC12was used to impregnate the Cellex CM. This mixture was filtered again (Figures corrected for the column blank) through a Buchner funnel and washed exhaustively with 95 % Organic Complexed material, Cua, ethanol (until washings were free of copper). The amount of Fraction Eluent mg/cig f S.D. pg/cig =k S.D. copper retained by Cellex CM was found to be equal to the TSC (unfrac36.0 i 3 . 0 .. rated capacity of the exchanger. tionated Fi MIBK 29.4 + 1 . 0 0 Results 271 i. 42 F Z 95 ETOH Fractionation of TSC on Cellex CM-Cu(I1) Column. A 2%NH3in 6.6b 720 =t59 F3 column was packed with Cellex CM-Cu(I1) form (1 X 10 cm) ETOH and equilibrated with MIBK. A sample of TSC dissolved in a The amount of copper found in the effluents of the column blank MIBK,0.5-ml volume equivalent to 0.5 cigarette, was put on averaged 0 p g for FI and FZ and 100 pg for Fa. * By difference: TSC - F I . the column, and elution with MIBK was performed. The first volume of effluent, a deep brown solution, was collected together with more volume of colorless MIBK effluent ( F l ) ;the Table 11. Binding Activity of TSC Toward total volume was 35 ml. After having collected the first fracMn+ on Cellex CM-M.+ Form tion, 95% ethanol was used as eluent. A dark-colored band Amount of metal complexed by TSC' was displaced from the column and collected in 10 ml volume Metal %/Ck pmol/cig (Fz).Subsequently, a third band was eluted and collected in CU(I1) 951 14.6 10 ml volume when 2 (w/v) ammoniacal ethanol was used as Zn(I1) 833 12.8 eluent (F3). The collected fractions were then analyzed for Cd(I1) 92 5 8.3 copper, evaporated, and measured gravimetrically for total Fe(II1) 28 0.5 organic material. A similar column without TSC sample, Pb(I1) 108 0.5 eluted simultaneously with the same volumes of solvents, Values reported represent total amount of metal found in the provided the blanks necessary for the mentioned analyses. effluents FZ and F3. The data collected are summarized in Table I. ( F 3 ) containing those compounds which form charged complexes with Cu(I1).




Volume 6 , Number 8, August 1972 741

ethoxy-2-oxobutyraldehyde-bis(thiosemicarbazone) (KTS), diethyldithiocarbamic acid diethylammonium salt, and 2,4pentandione were separated from nonprotonated ligands such as N,N-dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine ; 2,2 ‘,2”-tripyridine; N,N,N‘,N‘-tetramethylethylenediamine; and cyclohexylamine on Cellex CM-Cu(I1) column. The behavior of these ligands on the column followed the expectation : the protonated ligands were eluted as Cu(I1) complexes with 95 % ethanol, and the nonprotonated ligands were displaced from the column with ammoniacal ethanol. When an aliquot of 2,j-pentanedione (AcAc) of 194.4 pmol was passed through a Cellex CM-Cu(I1) column, eluting with 95 ethanol, the blue effluent was collected and analyzed for copper. The collected fraction contained 89.8 pmol of copper, which deviates from the theoretical yield, assuming a formation of (AcAc)Cu complex, by 7.7 %. Discussion The presence of both protonated and nonprotonated ligands in TSC has been reported : fatty acids, thioacids, polyphenols, and amines are among the known constituents of cigarette smoke (Stedman, 1968). The protonated ligands are those which exchange the available proton(s) for the metal ion, forming zero-charge chelates. The nonprotonated ligands form with the metal ionizable complexes of the type [L,M]*+2 X-.When we tested our TSC fractions obtained from the Cellex CM-Cu(I1) column for the copper distribution between an aqueous phase and an immiscible solvent, by using the method reported by Michael et al. (1971), we found that Fz had the largest activity in extracting the copper ions into the organic phase. These results prove that most of the protonated ligands of TSC are found in F2. Furthermore, the capacity to extract copper into the organic phase found with the unfractionated TSC was almost completely duplicated with the collected fractions. The behavior

of known copper complexing agents when chromatographed through a Cellex CM-Cu(I1) column showed that the protonated ligands occur in Fs fraction. This method of fractionation has permitted us to isolate from a mixture of a thousand or more constituents of cigarette smoke those agents which have ability to bind transition metals. These agents may be noxious components of cigarette smoke, they may upset the normal trace metal metabolism, and they may also be cocarcinogenic by inhibiting certain metalactivated enzymes-e.g., benzpyrene hydroxylase (Dixon et al., 1970). Studies on the biological and biochemical activities of these fractions are currently in progress. Literature Cited Carunchio, V., Grassini Strazza, G., Chromatogr. Rev., 8,260 (1966). Cockerell, L., Walton, H. F., J. Phys. Chem., 66, 75 (1962). Dixon, J. R., Lowe, D. B., Richards, D. E., Stokinger, H. E., Cancer Res., 30, 1068 (1970). Helfferich, F., Nature, 189, 1001 (1961). Helfferich, F., J . Amer. Chem. Soc., 84, 3237 (1962). Kannel, W. B., Nutr. Today, 6 (3), 2 (1971). Michael, L. W., Menden, E. E., Petering, H. G., ENVIRON. Scr. TECHNOL., 5 , 249 (1971). Mitrofanova, N. D., Martynenko, L. I., Grigor’ev, A. I., Russ. J . Inorg. Chem., 9, 174 (1964). Muzzarelli. R. A. A,. Ferrero Martelli. A.. Tubertini. 0.. Analyst,’94, 616 (1969). Shimomura, K., Walton, H. F., Separ. Sci., 3 (6), 493 (1968). Stedman. R. L.. Chem. Rec.. 68. 153 (1968). Stokes, R. H., Walton, H. F., J. Amer. dhem. Soc., 76, 3327 (1954). Suryaraman. M. G., Walton, H. F., J . Phys. Chem., 66, 78 (1962). I




Receiced for reaiew November 26, 1971. Accepted April 17, 1972. Research supported by AMA-ERF Grant, A Study of the Chemical and Biological Interaction of Tobacco Smoke With Trace Metals; and USPHS Grant ES 00159, Center for the Study oj the Human Encironment.


Chemiluminescent Reactions of Oxygen Atoms 0

with Reactive Hydrocarbons. I. 7000-9000A Barbara Krieger, Mazen Malki, and Ralph Kummler’ Department of Chemical Engineering, Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich. 48202

w The reaction of oxygen atoms with unsaturated hydrocarbons at pressures of approximately 1 torr prodyes intense emission in the spectral region from 7000-9000A. Absolute intensity spectra have been obtained using NO 0 as an actinometric standard. The signal-to-noise ratio for the spectra obtained in this work appear to be much larger than the chemiluminescence recently reported at similar pressures for O3 C2H4;the combination of the wavelength region and the banded rather than continuum structure of the atomoriginated emission offers a potential for chemiluminescent monitoring of reactive hydrocarbons under conditions analogous to their direct role in photochemical smog formation.




he successful commercial implementation of the homogeneous gas phase NO O3 chemiluminescence (Fontijn et al., 1970; Fontijn and Ronco, 1971 ; Stuhl and Niki, 1970; Hodgeson et al., 1971) for the monitoring of NO, NOs, Os, and/or NO, and the homogeneous reaction (Nederbragt et al., 1965; Warren and Babcock, 1970) of 0 3 C2H4 at atmospheric pressure for the detection of O3has generated applied interest in other chemiluminescent reactions as potential sensors for air contaminants (Kummer et al., 1971). We wish in this work to shift the focus from ozonolysis reactions to atomic oxygen attack at low pressure which yields



To whom correspondence should be addressed. 742 Environmental Science & Technology