Isolation of Phytochrome

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Isolation of Phytochrome Grades: 9-12 Subject areas: Chemistry, botany and physics. Based on the “Isolation of Phytochrome” National Historic Chemical Landmark Principal author: Erica K. Jacobsen The following inquiry-based student activities are designed for use in high school lesson planning. The handout, activities, and videos will help students understand the progression of several decades of research leading to the discovery and isolation of phytochrome. The phytochrome system in plants serves as a control mechanism for plant development such as germination and flowering. It is triggered by specific wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation. The activities are designed as a ready-to-go lesson, easily implemented by a teacher or his/her substitute to supplement a unit of study. In chemistry and botany, the activities relate to making chemical predictions based on observations of plant physiology, then analyzing the accuracy of those predictions. In physics, the activities relate to the electromagnetic spectrum. Other science-related concepts are the importance of collaboration in the scientific process, and how research builds knowledge over long periods of time. All resources are available online at While these activities are thematically linked, each is designed to stand alone as an accompaniment for the handout. Teachers may choose activities based on curricular needs and time considerations.  Take a few minutes to introduce the lesson with conversation starters. Ask students to list different colors that they have observed in plants, and the part of the plant in which each was seen. For example, students may mention pink flower petals, green leaves and stems, purple skins of fruit, etc. Ask what is present in plants to produce many of these different colors that they display. Have students share their thoughts as to what purpose these colored compounds (pigments) might have in a plant, other than to provide color.  Show the ACS Reactions video “Why Do Leaves Change Color?” (2 min.). The video discusses the chemistry of pigments in leaves, focusing on their autumn leaf color change. Chlorophyll is a green pigment that allows plants to carry out photosynthesis. A plant’s chlorophyll production slows when the days become shorter/the nights become longer. As the chlorophyll begins to break down, other pigments (typically yellow, orange and red) in the leaves are revealed that were previously hidden by the green chlorophyll. The instructor may wish to draw the following parallels between: 1) The pigments in the video and the phytochrome pigment they will read about in the handout; 2) A plant’s light-based response for chlorophyll production and a plant’s light-based response due to phytochrome; and 3) Leaf pigments being hidden by another pigment and how the phytochrome pigment is hidden by other pigments due to its scarcity.  Have students read the handout on Isolation of Phytochrome.  Show the ACS Reactions video “What Is the Blackest Black?” (3 min.). The first half of this video is a good summary of color and how it relates to the electromagnetic spectrum and to pigment molecules. The second half discusses the idea of how black absorbs most light rather than reflecting it and mentions the development of materials that absorb a very high percentage of light. The first half of the video relates well to the activity “The Electromagnetic Spectrum” and can help solidify concepts such as the visible spectrum, additional types of waves in the electromagnetic spectrum (see the video’s labeled graphic of the spectrum), how we perceive color, and how pigments are related to color.  Distribute the Activities selected for the class.  After class use the Answer Guide for student feedback and discussion.

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Student Activities with Objectives History Exercise: Chronology of Phytochrome Research • Using the handout, students place phytochrome research events in chronological order on a timeline, illustrating that the research extended over several decades and continues into the future. They also place phytochrome research in the context of other scientific or agricultural developments.

(20-25 min.)

Scientist Collaboration and Phytochrome (10-15 min.) • Students recognize that many researchers may contribute to a particular discovery or body of knowledge and that a combination of different areas of scientific expertise of researchers can benefit a project. The Electromagnetic Spectrum (15-20 min.) • Students identify different areas of the electromagnetic spectrum. They also identify the specific wavelengths associated with the action of phytochrome and interpret what is meant by a photo-reversible reaction. Note: Instead of using colored pencils or crayons, as described in the activity, students could use a pencil or pen to write in the color names. Phytochrome Predictions (20-25 min.) • Students examine properties that were predicted for phytochrome even before the pigment was discovered and isolated and relate each predicted property to researcher observations that support it. Note: Instructors could also discuss another instance of correctly predicting properties of substances that had not yet been discovered. Mendeleev predicted properties of several undiscovered elements that would fit into his periodic table arrangement. (For one discussion, see

Isolation of Phytochrome For thousands of years, humankind has recognized that plants follow predictable cycles of development through the seasons. The regular phases of seed germination, stem and leaf growth, and flowering repeat with little variation in a given species year after year. How is this possible? The explanation came from one of the 20th century’s great discoveries in plant science: detection of the elusive pigment phytochrome, whose action determines how plants are able to regulate their growth and development processes by detecting light and darkness. This finding resulted from a more than 40-year research effort by scientists at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Discovery of photoperiodism

differently when grown outside their natural habitats, and so they In 1918, scientists were puzzled by a pair of questions facing crop reasoned that an environmental factor (rather than a biological growers: Why did Maryland one) must trigger growth Mammoth tobacco plants, a behaviors. They explored soil desirable commercial variety, moisture, temperature and other fail to produce flowers at the end variables before settling on light of summer like other tobacco? And why did soybean plants that as the most likely factor. were planted weeks apart in the The team tested the impact of spring mature at the same time in day length on tobacco and soybeans. They placed a control the fall? group of plants outdoors to USDA botanist Harry Allard and receive natural light (close to 14 chemist and plant physiologist hours at that time of year), while Wightman Garner investigated these questions. They knew that a test group was placed outdoors for only seven hours and kept in certain plants developed darkness for the remainder of the day. They found that tobacco grown under test conditions matured sooner, flowering and developing seeds, while the control plants continued to make only leaves. Likewise, the soybean test group developed seed pods more quickly than the control group. Understanding the role of phytochrome in soybeans (above) allowed scientists to develop breeds that mature with different photoperiods, thereby increasing supplies of this valuable plant protein. H. Zell/Wikipedia Commons/CC BY-SA 3.0.

Photoperiodism in action Starting in 1936, the USDA launched a project to look more closely at the nature of photoperiodism. Botanist Harry Borthwick tested Allard and Garner’s assumption that a critical period of light was responsible for flowering and found that, actually, the duration of darkness was the controlling factor. In some plant species, a brief period of light during the dark period encouraged flowering, while in others, a brief period of light during the dark period inhibited flowering.

Borthwick and Sterling Hendricks, a chemist, devised an experiment to gauge plants’ reactions to different wavelengths of light. Using a prism to cast different colors on an array of plants, they found that red light was a strong inhibitor to flowering. In another lab, botanists Eben and Vivian Allard and Garner concluded that Toole found the same length of day was unique in its relationship between seed action on plants. They reported germination and light. their findings in 1920, calling the phenomenon photoperiodism for The Tooles shared research the Greek words for light and conducted by their lab starting in period of time. 1934 which showed that red light

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of a specific wavelength, 670 nanometers (nm), produced optimal germination. Light in the far-red region, at the edge of the visible spectrum near 700 nm, was the strongest inhibitor to germination. Moreover, the reaction was reversible—red and far-red light could be flashed alternately any number of times, but only the final flash determined a plant’s response. The exchange gave Borthwick and Hendricks important clues as they continued their work.

caused, the pigment must act like a catalyst—a chemical that encourages other reactions. In a biochemical context, that meant that it was probably an enzyme, most likely a protein.

Research impact

The discovery of photoperiodism led to important changes in the production of commercial plants, even before phytochrome was identified. Growers developed Hendricks and Borthwick worked ways to manipulate light and darkness in greenhouses, with instrumentation experts Warren Butler and Karl Norris to thereby producing plants during design a highly sensitive tool that seasons in which they don’t grow could detect weak light absorp- naturally. Popular seasonal tion by such a pigment. Finally, in flowers such as chrysanthemums and poinsettias could be grown 1959, tests on turnip seedlings throughout the year in this way. showed the expected spectral reversibility. Biochemist Harold Siegelman then ground the turnip Categorizing crops by their Search for phytochrome tissue and boiled it, after which it photoperiods became standard Until this point the researchers practice, and it enabled crops to no longer reacted. This were observing physiological be chosen for the suitability of confirmed that it was a protein. processes, not chemical their response to the light of a reactions, and so the question of Siegelman was soon able to specific area. For example, how light triggers a response in isolate the sample, and the team soybeans are now available in a confirmed the predictions about plants on a molecular level variety of maturity groups, each its chemical characteristics. remained. By 1945, scientists suited to particular latitudes, had collected enough information Others had doubted the ranging from Canada to the existence of such a pigment, about the relationship between southern U.S. and throughout whose properties were unlike any the world. light and plant development to other known at the time. One begin to hypothesize critic notably dubbed it a characteristics of the stillFurther exploration of “pigment of the imagination.” undiscovered compound. phytochrome responses may However, the detection of a provide scientists with the ability Because the reaction was photo-reversible pigment that to create new breeds of plants controlled by visible light, controlled development of plants that are able to use their pigments had to be involved. by detecting light and darkness relationship to light in There was growing evidence that appeared in the Proceedings of advantageous ways. Modification the compound influenced plant the National Academy of of the phytochrome response, development from germination Sciences that December. The either through conventional through maturity; therefore the following year, it was given the breeding or genetic engineering, team proposed that a single name phytochrome for the Greek could produce plants that pigment was responsible. words for plant and color. improve crop yields. Because it seemed to respond to both red and far-red light, the pigment must be photoreversible. It was likely to be green-blue in color, the complementary colors to red. That the phenomenon existed in albino plants indicated that the pigment would be found in very small concentrations, not easily visible. But the light intensity required to produce the reactions was quite low, indicating that the pigment was Harry Borthwick (left) and Sterling Hendricks separate light into its various wavelengths to study the effect of each on plant development. intensely colored. Because of the strength of the reactions it Courtesy Jack Fletcher/National Geographic Creative.

Student Name: ________________________________________ Date: _______________ Period: ______

History Exercise: Chronology of Phytochrome Research Scientific knowledge today often has its roots in work that has been done by others in the past. Research into how the phytochrome system in plants works has spanned several decades. 1. Using the handout provided, identify the year of the events listed below and indicate their chronological order. Then place them in their correct location on the timeline by writing the event letter in the corresponding box. Event



a. Photoperiodism in plants discovered. b. Phytochrome first isolated. c.

Hypotheses of the chemical responsible for photoperiodic response developed.

d. Scientists puzzled by questions facing crop growers. e. Research indicating certain wavelengths of light affect plant germination began. f.

USDA launched photoperiodism project.

g. Pigment officially named phytochrome.











2. The timeline of phytochrome research continues today. Using the handout or your own ideas, describe one or two possibilities for future exploration. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Using other sources or your own knowledge, list two other scientific or agricultural developments that also occurred between 1915 and 1960. a. ___________________________________________________________________________________ b. ___________________________________________________________________________________

Student Name: ________________________________________ Date: _______________ Period: ______

Scientist Collaboration and Phytochrome Knowledge of a particular scientific concept may be built up over a period of time, with many researchers contributing to the collection of knowledge. The discovery and isolation of phytochrome was a result of more than 40 years of research at the United States Department of Agriculture. Many of the scientists who contributed to this work are mentioned in the handout. 1. Using the handout, list the names of nine researchers along with their scientific area(s) of expertise. Researcher’s name

Researcher’s area(s) of scientific expertise

2. Scientists who played a role in phytochrome research brought many different areas of scientific expertise to the project. Explain why this type of collaboration can be beneficial for a project. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Select one component of phytochrome research from the handout. To which scientific field(s) listed above do you feel it relates? Explain. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

Student Name: ________________________________________ Date: _______________ Period: ______

The Electromagnetic Spectrum Phytochrome researchers investigated the effect of different wavelengths of visible light on plants. A prism was used to split white light into its component colors, which were then shone on plants. This white light and its colors that we can see are the visible spectrum, which are part of the larger electromagnetic spectrum. 1. Use the section of the electromagnetic spectrum with its related wavelengths shown below to complete the following: a. From the handout, find the wavelength value that produced optimal germination in plants, and the value that inhibited germination. Draw a line from each of the two wavelength values on the spectrum to the boxes below labeled with their effect on plants. b. Using colored pencils or crayons, add the colors associated with the visible spectrum, in order of their wavelengths in the box labeled “visible.” (Hint: Remember Roy G. Biv from elementary school science?) visible ultraviolet



Wavelength (nm)






produces optimal germination (red)





inhibits germination (far-red)

2. Other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum often use other units, including micrometers, centimeters and meters. Convert a wavelength of 770 nanometers (nm) to its corresponding value in meters (m). Show your work.

3. The reaction of a plant to flashes of red light and far-red light is reversible. Using the handout, explain what the effect on a plant would be if red and far-red light were flashed onto a plant alternately 50 times, with the final flash far-red. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 4. What types of electromagnetic radiation other than visible light do you or others use in everyday life? ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

Student Name: ________________________________________ Date: _______________ Period: ______

Phytochrome Predictions During the years of phytochrome research, there were skeptics who doubted the pigment’s existence. For example, some described it as a “pigment of the imagination,” a play on the phrase “figment of the imagination,” as something existing only in the mind. However, based on their study, researchers continued to search for the elusive compound. Well before phytochrome was isolated, researchers predicted properties of the compound based on their work. 1. Using the handout, list the predicted properties of phytochrome, along with any reasons or support described for each. Predicted property

Reason or support for prediction

2. Describe at least one reason why the discovery of phytochrome is important today. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What is a possible environmental variable that researchers prior to 1918 might have thought caused the behavior seen in tobacco and soybean plants described in the handout? Briefly describe how they could have tested their theory. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

Isolation of Phytochrome Answer Guide History Exercise: Chronology of Phytochrome Research Scientific knowledge today often has its roots in work that has been done by others in the past. Research into how the phytochrome system in plants works has spanned several decades. 1. Using the handout provided, identify the year of the events listed below and indicate their chronological order. Then place them in their correct location on the timeline by writing the event letter in the corresponding box. Event



a. Photoperiodism in plants discovered.



b. Phytochrome first isolated.





d. Scientists puzzled by questions facing crop growers.



e. Research indicating certain wavelengths of light affect plant germination began.









Hypotheses of the chemical responsible for photoperiodic response developed..

USDA launched photoperiodism project.

g. Pigment officially named phytochrome.


















2. The timeline of phytochrome research continues today. Using the handout or your own ideas, describe one or two possibilities for future exploration. Individual answers will vary. Possible answers: Scientists may be able to create new breeds of plants that are able to use their relationship to light in advantageous ways. The phytochrome response could be modified through breeding or genetic engineering to produce plants that would have improved crop yields. 3. Using other sources or your own knowledge, list two other scientific or agricultural developments that also occurred between 1915 and 1960. Individual answers will vary. Answers drawn from the National Historic Chemical Landmarks ( include George Washington Carver’s work on crop yields and peanuts (early 1900s), the discovery of penicillin (1928), development of wrinkle-resistant cotton (1950s– 1960s), and production of nuclear weapons and radioisotopes (1940s).

Isolation of Phytochrome Answer Guide Scientist Collaboration and Phytochrome Knowledge of a particular scientific concept may be built up over a period of time, with many researchers contributing to the collection of knowledge. The discovery and isolation of phytochrome was a result of more than 40 years of research at the United States Department of Agriculture. Many of the scientists who contributed to this work are mentioned in the handout. 1. Using the handout, list the names of nine researchers along with their scientific area(s) of expertise. Note: Researchers may be listed in any order. Researcher’s name

Researcher’s area(s) of scientific expertise

a) Henry Allard


b) Wightman Garner

Chemistry and plant physiology

c) Harry Borthwick


d) Sterling Hendricks


e) Eben Toole


f) Vivian Toole


g) Warren Butler


h) Karl Norris


i) Harold Siegelman


2. Scientists who played a role in phytochrome research brought many different areas of scientific expertise to the project. Explain why this type of collaboration can be beneficial for a project. Answers will vary. This type of collaboration brought people of many different talents together, each contributing to the project and bringing knowledge of his or her area of expertise. The isolation of phytochrome involved knowledge of plants and their processes, chemistry, physics, the construction of a specialized instrument, and other specialties. 3. Select one component of phytochrome research from the handout. To which scientific field(s) listed above do you feel it relates? Explain. Answers will vary. One example is the test that was done with turnip tissue, in that after boiling, the tissue no longer reacted to show photo-reversibility, showing that it was a protein. This relates to biochemistry, since it involved a plant protein and destruction of its function through boiling.

Isolation of Phytochrome Answer Guide The Electromagnetic Spectrum Phytochrome researchers investigated the effect of different wavelengths of visible light on plants. A prism was used to split white light into its component colors, which were then shone on plants. This white light and its colors that we can see are the visible spectrum, which are part of the larger electromagnetic spectrum. 1. Use the section of the electromagnetic spectrum with its related wavelengths shown below to complete the following: a. From the handout, find the wavelength value that produced optimal germination in plants, and the value that inhibited germination. Draw a line from each of the two wavelength values on the spectrum to the boxes below labeled with their effect on plants. b. Using colored pencils or crayons, add the colors associated with the visible spectrum, in order of their wavelengths in the box labeled “visible.” (Hint: Remember Roy G. Biv from elementary school science?)





Wavelength (nm)



Produces optimal germination (red)















inhibits germination (far-red)

2. Other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum often use other units, including micrometers, centimeters and meters. Convert a wavelength of 770 nanometers (nm) to its corresponding value in meters (m). Show your work. 770 nm


1m = 9 10 nm


7.7 x 10 m

3. The reaction of a plant to flashes of red light and far-red light is reversible. Using the handout, explain what the effect on a plant would be if red and far-red light were flashed onto a plant alternately 50 times, with the final flash far-red. The light would inhibit germination. The final flash determines the plant’s response. Far-red light is an inhibitor to germination. 4. What types of electromagnetic radiation other than visible light do you or others use in everyday life? Other examples are microwaves, radio waves, waves associated with televisions and cellular phones, and x-rays.

Isolation of Phytochrome Answer Guide Phytochrome Predictions During the years of phytochrome research, there were skeptics who doubted the pigment’s existence. For example, some described it as a “pigment of the imagination,” a play on the phrase “figment of the imagination,” as something existing only in the mind. However, based on their study, researchers continued to search for the elusive compound. Well before phytochrome was isolated, researchers predicted properties of the compound based on their work. 1. Using the handout, list the predicted properties of phytochrome, along with any reasons or support described for each. Predicted property

Reason or support for prediction

Pigment involved

Controlled by visible light

Single pigment

Present from germination through maturity


Responded to red and far-red light

Green-blue in color

Complementary colors to red

Small concentration

Phenomenon existed in albino plants, not easily visible

Intensely colored

Low light intensity required


Strength of reactions


Biochemical catalyst

2. Describe at least one reason why the discovery of phytochrome is important today. Answers will vary. Understanding phytochrome’s effects helps growers make decisions and change conditions for desired results in plants. For example, crops can be chosen for the suitability of their response to the light of a specific area. Growers have also developed methods to produce plants during seasons in which they do not grow naturally (e.g., flowers that are normally seasonal can be grown and sold at other times of the year). 3. What is a possible environmental variable that researchers prior to 1918 might have thought caused the behavior seen in tobacco and soybean plants described in the handout? Briefly describe how they could have tested their theory. Answers will vary. Some environmental variables could be soil moisture, temperature, time of planting, etc. A theory could have been tested by controlling one of the variables, such as growing a set of plants in an environment that was held at a certain temperature, and growing another set of the same plants at a different temperature.