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ISOPAR solvents. We sniff out odor trouble before you can. A strong-smelling solvent can get your product into trouble with customers and employees. Use pure, low-odor ISOPAR solvents to help keep your product out of trouble. The seven grades of this synthesized isoparaffinic line are stringently processed, which almost completely eliminates undesirable sources of odor. As a result, many customers tell us the ISOPAR line is consistently the lowest in odor of any hydrocarbon solvents they've ever used. As an additional safeguard, our trained odor specialists give each batch a suspicious sniff. If it flunks this panel, we won't ship it. ISOPAR branched-chain hydrocarbons are making low-odor, narrowcut contributions in thousands of
products and processes: reaction diluents, toners, household specialties, cleaners for food-handling equipment, coatings, paints, aerosols, adhesives, pesticides, resins and water-treating compounds. And the ISOPAR line's record of reliable, uninterrupted supply is as nearly perfect as its purity. What about your product or process? Could a highly pure, lowodor solvent help it move faster in the marketplace? Or make it more acceptable in the workplace? For our new booklet, with detailed specs and suggested uses for ISOPAR solvents, just send the coupon today.
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