Isoprene from Commercial Turpentines. - Industrial & Engineering

Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1914, 6 (10), pp 803–804. DOI: 10.1021/ie50070a007. Publication Date: October 1914. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Ind. Eng. Chem. ...
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Oct., 1914


results are given in Table 111. I n relation t o these tests i t may be cited t h a t Douty and Beebel have found t h a t no change in t h e absorption value was caused b y repeated dryings and immersions. T h e mean results for each brick by each method were then calculated. Similarly t h e deviation of each result from t h e mean absorption for the brick by each method was obtained. The latter are given in t h e columns marked "Deviations from mean." The average deviation from t h e mean for each brick is also listed under the preceding heading. The average of t h e latter for all the bricks is a measure of t h e accuracy with which t h e test can be carried out. The average deviation for t h e 48 hours immersion is 0 . 2 1 per cent and for t h e boiling test 0.51 per cent, The balance used for weighing t h e bricks was accurate t o a gram. The cons t a n t error due t o weighing is, therefore, about 0.06 per cent and is t h e same for both methods. With t h e same instruments and care, results more t h a n twice as concordant may be obtained b y t h e 48 hours total immersion test t h a n b y t h e boiling test. The former being more accurate and uniform in indications is better adapted for contractual testing. The 48 hours total immersion test a t ordinary temperatures gives absorption values which uniformly and readily approach t h e same figure. This is apparently a substantiation of t h e theory t h a t t h e absorption by this method is t h a t natural and characteristic of the brick. STANDARD TESTINGLABORATORY B O A R DOF ESTIMATE A N D APPORTIONMENT NEW YORKCITY


I n connection with t h e studies of rubber made b y polymerization of isoprene, Harries and Gottlob3 described a method for t h e preparation of isoprene from spirits of turpentine b y means of t h e "isoprene lamp." I n this method t h e spirits of turpentine is boiled in a flask, in which, just below t h e neck, is suspended a n electrically heated platinum wire coiled somewhat like t h e filament of a tantalum incandescent bulb. A part of t h e vapors are decomposed as they pass upward across t h e heated wire. The flask is attached t o an upright condenser maintained at a temperature of 50" C., for condensing t h e unchanged vapors of spirits of turpentine. The upright condenser is connected with a n inclined condenser fed with t a p water and this in t u r n is connected with a receiver surrounded b y a freezing mixture. The crude product collected in this receiver is fractionated and t h e isoprene collected as t h e fraction boiling between 35" and 37" C. With this apparatus, Harries and Gottlob obtained a yield of only I per cent of isoprene from commercial pinene as against 30 t o j o per cent from commercial limonene. They, therefore, concluded t h a t t h e yield of isoprene from spirits of turpentine is due chiefly t o t h e presence of dipentene (limonene). Proc. Amer. SOC.f o r Testing MaLeuials, 11, i i 0 . 2 Presented a t the 48th Meeting of t h e American Chemical Society, Rochester.. SeDtember 8-12. 1913. . 8 Ann., 383, 228. 1


I n view of t h e general interest in the production of rubber from isoprene, i t seemed desirable t o extend these studies t o commercial products closely related t o spirits of turpentine and t o test further t h e point mentioned above as t o t h e origin of t h e isoprene from spirits of turpentine. Accordingly, studies have been made using commercial spirits of turpentine, fractions of t h e same, pine oil, t h e volatile oil of Pinus serotina (pond pine) and refined spruce pine turpentine. The apparatus used closely resembled t h a t of Harries and Gottlob, short-circuiting of t h e sections of red hot platinum wire being prevented b y winding t h e wire on a pipe stem triangular prism. A constant current of 2.25 amperes maintained a n even temperature of the wires a t a red glow. The flask containing t h e turpentine was heated by means of a bath of cottonseed oil containing a thermometer. The receiving vessel in t h e freezing mixture, salt and ice, was a small sulfurous acid condenser. The crude products were refined by distillation through a Hempel column filled with glass beads. The yield of pure isoprene in each of t h e experiments which follow represents the fraction collected between 3 j " and 37 " C. SPIRITS O F TURPENTINE

cc. of spirits of turpentine were boiled in t h e isoprene lamp until condensation ceased in the inclined condenser. At two-hour intervals the crude product was removed from t h e receiver and fractionated. Following this experiment, similar experiments were conducted with zoo cc. fractions of spirits of turpentine obtained b y fractionation b y means of a Young's still head. The first fraction was collected between 155' and 156' C., the pinene fraction; t h e second, between 1 6 9 " and 1 7 5 " C.; t h e third fraction from 1 7 5 ' C., up. These two last fractions should include the dipentene content of the original spirits of turpentine. The heating of the two last fractions was continued only two hours, as after t h a t time no further condensation could be observed in t h e inclined condenser. The results of t h e three experiments are shown in Table I. 200



Volume of Time distillate of TemperPer cent heating ature of Crude Refined of Substance used Hrs. oil bath Cc. Cc. isoprene 6.5 3.25 2 17.5' 17 Spirits of turpentine., 3.5 1.75 2 185' 8 1.0 0.50 Totals..

. ... . . . . ..

6 2


.. . .



37 10

Fraction 155°-1560.. . 2

. ..


_ _ ,


180: 185


2i 56! 3.25




io3 --

11.0 6 5

5.50 3.00 2.50




Totals.. . . , . . . . 8 Fraction 169°-1750... . . 2 Fraction l i S 0 + .... , . . . 2

Volume of residue in heating flask Cc.

-1 16 1 0

0.50 ~

8.00 0.50 0 00

. .. ... ...



192 195

From t h e direct proof thus obtained it is evident t h a t the yield of isoprene from spirits of turpentine is due t o pinene, rather. t h a n t o dipentene as claimed by Harries and Gottlob. T H E V O L A T I L E OIL O F P I N U S S E R O T I S A

This substance has been studied b y Herty and Dickson' and was found t o be particularly rich in 1

J . A m . Chem. SOC.,30, 872.



limonene. Since Harries and Gottlob obtained 30 t o 50 per cent of isoprene from commercial limonene with t h e isoprene lamp, it seemed desirable t o study this volatile oil and compare its yield with t h a t from ordinary spirits of turpentine. I n preparing t h e 'material from the oleoresin t h e difficulties formerly met with in distillation by a current of superheated steam were easily overcome by heating t h e oleoresin a t a pressure of one millimeter, the volatile oil readily passing off without any tendency t o froth in t h e flask and with largely decreased opportunity for polymerization during distillation. Table I1 gives t h e results with the isoprene lamp. TABLE I1

Volume of re$due Time Temperin of ature P Per cent heating Crude Refined heating of of flask Hrs. oil bath Cc. Cc. isoprene Cc. Volume of distillate

Substance used

2.0 2.0 2.5 2.5

Totals... . . . . . . . .




185; 185


6.50 4.75 11.00 11.00


5.0 3.0 8.0 8.0


2.5 1.5 4.0 4.0



.... .... -


.... 33.25 24.0 12.0 25.0 No further condensate could be obtained b y continued heating of the residue. As was t o be expected t h e yield of isoprene from this volatile oil, rich in limonene, shows a largely increased yield, practically doubled, as compared with ordinary spirits of turpentine. 9.0


When resinous pine wood is finely divided and treated with steam a crude oil distils off which on fractionation yields wood spirits of turpentine and pine oil. ,Teeplel has found t h a t pine oil consists chiefly of a-terpineol. The specimen used in this work showed a t 15' C. a specific gravity of 0.9403 and a n index of refraction of 1.4901. The results with t h e isoprene lamp are given in Table 111.


TABLE I11 Volume of Time Temperdistillate Volume of ature Per cent of Substance heating of Crude Refined of residue used Hrs. oil bath Cc. Cc. isoprene Cc. 2 2100 15 4 2.0 ... 200 CC. of pine o i l . . . . 2 210: 10 3 1.5 ... 2 210 7 1 0.5 125

Vol. 6, No.


Plant Industry ( N o . 235), reporting an analysis of t h e oil of black sage, Ramona S t a c h y o i d e s , of Southern California. This analysis accounted for 62.5 per cent of the oil (camphor, 40 per cent; cineol, 2 2 . j per cent), but t h e other constituents were not definitely identified. Since the black sage grows extensively in Southern California and might become of more or less commercial importance, it seemed t o us advisable t o continue this work, first with t h e idea of determining t h e yields of camphor and cineol a t a slightly different season of t h e year; secondly, t o definitely determine t h e other constituents, and whether or not any of t h e constituents were present in sufficient quantity t o be commercially important. Through t h e kindness of Professor C. S. hlilliken, Assistant Superintendent of University Extension of Agriculiure, several hundred pounds of leaves and twigs which had been simply snipped from t h e ends of t h e branches, were forwarded t o us from t h e University Experiment Station a t Riverside, in February. These were several weeks in transit and probably suffered some loss from exposure b u t upon distillation with steam gave a yield of oil corresponding t o 0.90 per cent of t h e weight of material used. This yield is very much higher t h a n t h a t obtained b y t h e Bureau of Plant Indust r y , who made their distillation about two months later in t h e season, while t h e plant was in bloom, and obtained a yield of only 0 . 7 5 per cent. Not only was t h e yield much greater, b u t , as might be expected, the physical constants of the oil were quite different from those obtained b y t h e Bureau of Plant Industry, as may be seen from t h e following comparison: Bureau of Plant Industry 24O 0.9144 Soecific eravitv.. ........... 30.2 rotation 1.4682 Index of refraction.. Sol. in 70 per cent alcohol.. .. Sol. in 1112-t" 3112 vol. L Acid N o . . 2.5 Ester N o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Solid separated On cooling t o - Z O O C . .. . . . .



............ ........ .................. -

Our determination 15' 0.8979 24.4 I . 4729 Insoluble 2.2 1.6 No solid separated

I n order t o determine approximately t h e number of constituents in t h e oil and t h e relative quantities of each, we adopted a method which has been successfully used by L. F. Hawley in "Wood Turpentines" ( F o r e s t Service B u l l e t i n , No. 105). This method consists in Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 .... 32 a 4.0 125 fractionally distilling t h e oil with a Hempel column and REFINED SPRUCE PINE TURPENTINE plotting curves as follows: ( a ) Temperature of distillation against t h e perThis substance, consisting chiefly of cymene, is collected as a by-product in blowing off t h e digesters centage weight which t h e fraction distilling a t t h a t in t h e manufacture of wood pulp from spruce pine. temperature bears t o t h e total. The specimen was furnished by the A. D. Little ( b ) Specific gravity against percentage weight. (c) Index of refraction against percentage weight. Laboratory of Boston. It showed a t I j' C. a specific gravity of 0.8639 and a n index of refraction of 1.4916; B u l l e t i n 105, Forest Service, gives approximately t h e 80 per cent distilled between 171.3' and 174.9' C . : zoo following interpretation of these curves. Suppose we are dealing with t w o volatile, miscible cc. of this substance were boiled three hours in the isoprene lamp but no crude distillate could be ob- components (A) and (B), having boiling points T and TI, respectively. (A) and ( B ) are each present t o t h e served. UNIVERSITY OF NORTHCAROLINA extent of 50 per cent. If (A) had no effect on ( B ) then CHAPELHILL ___.. all of (A) would distil over before any of (B) began t o come over, and plotting t h e percentage distillate INVESTIGATIONS ON OIL OF BLACK SAGE against boiling points t h e two vertical lines A X and BY BY CHARLESE. BURKEA N D CHARLESC. SCALIOKE would result. The break in the curve would indicate Received June 22, 1914 I n 1912 a bulletin was published b y t h e Bureau of a change of composition. I n an actual distillation this complete separation is never obtained, one component 1 J. A m . Chem. Soc., 30, 413.




