isotope effects in chemical processes advances in chemistry series no

teen papers represent the collaboration of aquatic chemists, analytical chemists, geologists, oceanographers, limnologists, and sanitary engineers, wo...
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ISOTOPE EFFECTS IN CHEMICAL PROCESSES ADVANCES IN CHEMISTRY SERIES NO. 89 Thirteen papers from a symposium by the Division of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology of the American Chemical Society, chaired by William Spindel. Includes: • Separating isotopes by chemical exchange, distillation, gas chromatography, electromigration, and photochemical processes • Methods for fractionating isotopes of hydrogen, lithium, boron, carbon, and nitrogen • Thermotransport in monatomic and ionic liquids • Statistical-mechanical theory determining isotope effects 2 7 8 pages with index




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Other books in the ADVANCES IN CHEMISTRY SERIES in physical and colloid chemistry include: No. 87 Interaction of Liquids at Solid Substrates. Twelve papers survey recent research on solid/liquid interaction, including work on "coupling agents," adhesion of polymers, organic/ inorganic interfaces, ultrasonic impedometry. Four more papers are concerned with heparinized surfaces at the blood/ma* terial interface. 212 pages Cloth (1968) $9.50 No. 84 Molecular Association in Biological and Related Systems. Nineteen articles survey and report new work on molecular association in fat digestion, in soap systems, in membrane constituents, and in mixed monolayers. Other topics include bile salt micelles, lipid monolayers and membranes, and a definitive review of biological membrane structure. 308 pages Cloth (1968) $10.50 No. 82 Radiation Chemistry—II. Thirty-six papers and 17 abstracts on radiation chemistry in gases, solids, and organic liquids. Includes three plenary lectures. 558 pages Cloth (1968) $16.00 No. 8 1 Radiation Chemistry—I. Forty-one papers and 17 abstracts on radiation chemistry in aqueous media, biology, and dosimetry. From the international conference at Argonne National Laboratory. 616 pages Cloth (1968) $16.00 No. 8 1 and No. 82 ordered together $30.00. No. 79 Adsorption from Aqueous Solution. Fifteen papers discuss thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of adsorption phenomena and the results of studies on a variety of adsorbateadsorbent systems. 212 pages Cloth (1968) $10.00 No. 68 Môssbauer Effect and its Application in ChemistryTen papers that will familiarize chemists with Môssbauer spectroscopy as an analytical tool, for studying chemical bonding, crystal structure, electron density, magnetism, and other properties. 178 pages Cloth (1967) $8.00 No. 67 Equilibrium Concepts in Natural Water Systems. Sixteen papers represent the collaboration of aquatic chemists, analytical chemists, geologists, oceanographers, limnologists, and sanitary engineers, worki.ig with simplified models to produce fruitful generalizations and valuable insights into the factors that control the chemistry of natural systems. 344 pages Cloth (1967) $11.00 No. 64 Regenerative EMF Cells. Seventeen papers survey current progress and research on regenerative systems for converting and storing electrical energy. Principal emphasis is on thermally regenerative systems, but chemical and photochemical systems are considered. 309 pages Cloth (1967) $11.00

No. 63 Ordered Fluids and Liquid Crystals. Twenty-two studies on characterization, properties, and occurrence of these phenomena in many substances such as tristearin, p-azoxyanisole, mono-and di-hydric alcohols, phospholipids and polypeptides. 332 pages Cloth (1967) $11.50 No. 58 Ion-Molecule Reactions in the Gas Phase. Eighteen papers survey spectrometric and other methods for producing and studying ion-molecule reactions, such as pulsed sources for studying thermal ions, reactions in flames and electrical discharges. 336 pages Cloth (1966) $10.50 No. 54 Advanced Propellent Chemistry. Primarily directed to the search for new oxidizers; 26 papers survey oxygen-containing oxidizers, fuels and binders, fluorine systems including oxygen difluoride and difluoramines and liquid systems. 290 pages Cloth (1966) $10.50 No. 50 Solvated Electron. Reviews of theory, structure, reactions of solvated and hydrated electrons; detailed papers on electrical transport properties, photochemistry, theory of electron transfer reactions, structure of solvated electrons, hydrated electron research. 304 pages Cloth (1965) $10.50 No. 47 Fuel Cell Systems. Developments in theory, performance, construction, and new systems for the energy converter that is proving itself in military and space uses. 360 pages Cloth (1965) $10.50 No. 43 Contact Angle, Wettability, and Adhesion. Twenty-six papers on theoretical and practical approaches to wettability and adhesion; with summary of the surface chemical studies of W. A. Zisman, the 1963 Kendall Award winner. 389 pages Cloth (1964) $10.50 No. 40 Mass Spectral Correlations. By Fred W. McLafferty. Over 4000 spectra listed by mass/charge ratios of fragment ions with the most probable original structures for each. 117 pages Paper (1963) $6.00 No. 33 Solid Surfaces and the Gas-Solid Interface. Thirtyseven papers from the Kendall Award Symposium honoring Stephen Brunauer. Theory and techniques for studying surface phenomena.




No. 31 Critical Solution Temperatures. By Alfred W. Francis. CST answers the question, "Do two liquids mix?" and is widely used for screening solvents. Over 6000 systems are included, 7 0 % with a hydrocarbon as one component; nearly 1100 nonhydrocarbon solvents are listed. 246 pages Cloth (1961) $8.00

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