try to buy a crystal from abroad? Or wait for a germanium detector that supposedly was available “off-the-shelf"? Or order a counter with the exact ...
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7 Companies sell scintillation crystals. 4 Companies sell germanium and silicon detectors. 12 Companies sell proportional counters. 10 Companies sell geiger tubes. But we're the only one that has them all. You can get the radiation detector you need from a number of suppliers — both foreign and domestic. But did you ever try to buy a crystal from abroad? Or wait for a germanium detector that supposedly was available "off-the-shelf"? Or order a counter with the exact shape, fill gas, and window thickness you needed? We specialize in supplying all the major types of radiation detectors you need. Our crystals are available both in the usual mounts and as custom-designed assemblies for specific applications. Our germanium and silicon detectors, with depletion depths up to 9 mm. really are stocked for immediate delivery. Our geiger and proportional counters come in 320 differ-

ent configurations for you to pick from. We've just published our new Scintillation Crystals catalog, the third in our series of catalogs on radiation detectors from Isotopes, Inc. This publication details our Standard and Integral Series sodium iodide crystals as well as our Unitized Series of large crystal assemblies. Special assemblies, such as low-background crystals, cesium iodide crystals, alpha screens, and hole-through crystals, are also included. Complete specifications and prices are given for all units. F o r your copy of Scintillation Crystals, or for copies of Geiger and Proportional Counters or SolidState Detectors, write Isotopes, Inc., 121 Woodland Avenue, Westwood, New Jersey.

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