It could put your product in a new light, too Plioflex GOOD YEAR

Here is a development that may well put a product of yours in a com- pletely new light or even inspire a totally new one. It's the substantial improve...
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It could put your product in a new light, too Here is a development that may well put a product of yours in a completely new light or even inspire a totally new one. It's the substantial improvement made in the color of P L I O F L E X to give industry the best, most complete line of nonstaining, non-discoloring rubbers currently available. The true significance of this new, light color of P L I O F L E X lies not in a mere product improvement, but in the opportunities it offers for new and wider uses of synthetic rubber. Now, with P L I O F L E X , designers and manufacturers can combine the resilience, flexibility, elasticity and other desirable properties of a true elastomer with the delicate colors so much in demand—and dp so at minimum cost.

Plioflex general purpose styrene rubber

Why not learn more about the new, light color of P L I O F L E X and other improvements in its manufacture and sale, and how they can help you to n e w or improved products? Get the full story, including the l a t e s t Tech Book Bulletins, by w r i t i n g , t o d a y , t o : Goodyear, Chemical Division, Dept. W-9420, Akron 16, Ohio.








Chemlgum, Plioflex. Pllolite. Plio-Tuf, Pliovlc—T. M.'s The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio












High Polymer Resins, Rubbers, Lorices and Related Chemicals for the Process Industries For further information, circle number 3 A on Readers' Service Card, page 117 A VOL. 4 8 , N O . 11




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