The hardware grows on you. Owners say they didn't really begin to appreciate ... Speaking of software, the 5992A comes with drug and pollutant librari...
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With our bench-too 5992Λ GC/MS system., familiarity breeds appreciation. Here's why. The hardware grows on you. Owners say they didn't really begin to appreciate the 5992As muscle till they stopped being surprised by its size. Make no mistake.The 5992A analyzes complicated samples with high sensitivity, consistent quality and consummate ease, no matter who's driving—thanks to its time-saving AUTOTUNEset-up. You can tune the 5992A manually, of course, but we doubt you ever will. The software grows on you. The 5992A is more than an instrument; it's a system whose capability can grow with your needs. For example, since the 5992A debuted in August. 1976, we've added a peakfinder routine that automatically saves hundreds of spectra and a nifty program that automatically subtracts out background.

Both are steps in an ongoing process. appreciate its price. Technological We expect to continue to make new innovation has yielded a lot more "bang software available for a long time for the buck:' to come. Now laboratories with big needs and Speaking of software, the 5992A small budgets can get what they should comes with drug and pollutant libraries, have, a high performance G C / M S tape space and a routine that lets you system that will grow on them. And create your own libraries, and selected grow with them. ion monitoring of up to six ions with If yours is one of them, call your automatic peak area integration. local HP office for detailed specs. Or The libraries turn data into answers. write us at 1507 Page Mill Road, Selected ion monitoring buys a lot of Palo Alto. California 94304. time and sensitivity when you think you know what you're looking for. The optional accessories grow on you. An x-y plotter; a flexible disc storage unit; a capillary injection system; a communications interface to HEWLETT PACKARD time-share networks with large data libraries; and more to come. 1507 Page Mill Road. Palo Alto. California 94304 The price: performance ratio grows on you. Only after you understand For assistance call Washington (301 ) 9 4 6 - 6 3 7 0 . Chicago (312) 2 5 5 - 9 6 0 0 , Atlanta (404J 955-1500. Los Angeles (213) 877-1262 007ΠΙ the 5992As capability can you fully CIRCLE 97 O N READER SERVICE CARD