It may pay you to take a fresh look at Solvay Ammonium Bicarbonate

Nov 6, 2010 - It may pay you to take a fresh look at Solvay Ammonium Bicarbonate. Chem. Eng. News , 1961, 39 (26), Inside Back Cover. DOI: 10.1021/cen...
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NH 4 HC0 3 1 oz. delivers 2268 cu. in. gas at 300° F. 1% sol. at 77° F.=pH 7.8

I t may pay you to take a fresh look at Solvay Ammonium Bicarbonate Sit back and think a minute about the diverse properties of Ammonium Bicarbonate. One of them may profitably fit a new product or process you're planning. For example . . . need an economical source of gas? At 300°F. one pound of this Solvay product will produce 21 cu. ft. of gas with no residue—more than three times as much as sodium bicarbonate. Yet at 80°F. there's only a trace of decomposition after 5 hours. Looking for a highly effective acid neutralizer that is also mild? One pound of Solvay® Ammonium Bicarbonate will neutralize 0.46 lb. of hydrochloric acid. The same amount of borax will only neutralize 0.19 lb. Compare the pH of 1% solutions of these chemicals—7.8 and 9.2, respectively. If you'd like a test sample or have a question, please write us. No obligation.

SOLVAY PROCESS D I V I S I O N 61 Broadway, New York 6, N. Y.

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Physical and Chemical Properties Molecular Weight 79.06 Solubility in Water. 13.8% at 1 0 ° C 1 7 . 4 % a t 2 0 ° C , and21.3%at30°C.— Insoluble in alcohol. Negative heat of solution. Stability: Relatively stable at room temperatures. Volatility increases sharply above 140°F. Decomposition product ratios are as follows: Ammonia gas (NH 3 ) Carbon dioxide gas (C0 2 ) Water vapor (H 2 0) pH of 1.0% solution at 25°C Appearance: White crystals. Quality: Exceptionally pure. Food grade. Very low metal content.

21.5% 55.7% 22.8% 7.8