Iterative method for solving equilibrium problems by free-energy

through the three paints and find its minimum using the recursion formula %,+I ... to providing students an alternate quantitative view of chemical eq...
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Iterative Method for Solving Equilibrium Problems by Free-Energy Minimization The technique of free-energy minimization is useful for computer solution of simultaneous chemical equilibrium orohlems.' A ~ r a c t i c a lexamole is the determination of the theoretical oerformance of rocket nrooellants. which rer~~ . qulrps comp~tationof ~ q u ~ l i h n utlame m cumposrtimr often containing ten or more lmporrnnr s p e w s llou,ever. ~n the prurcss of drrivmg tho equhhrlum constant expression. I n u rrrrhooks dirruss the uset!dness of free-enerm mlnimiza(,on per re for pwhlem sul$tng. A simple bur citicirnt irrmtite pnjrcdure f