It's a Glasteel world! - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 6, 2010 - It's a Glasteel world! Chem. Eng. News , 1965, 43 (19), p 20. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v043n019.p020. Publication Date: May 10, 1965. Copyright ...
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It's a Glasteel world! You say you are completely sold on the advantages of Pfaudler® Glasteel reactors. You're already convinced that it's a sound investment in terms of corrosion resistance, freedom from contamination, and ease of cleaning.

hook up much of your plant with it. Every item protects you against corrosion, keeps products pure, gives you a smooth surface for free flow and easy cleaning.

Then, why not use Glasteel throughout your plant? For example:

Heat transfer Jacketed Glasteel pipe and return bends let you build your own heat exchanger, either in series or parallel, When you combine a Glasteel " T , " length of Glasteel pipe and a tantalum bayonet heater, you have a very efficient condenser for corrosive vapors. The low cost of this combination unit will surprise you. Specifying Glasteel bonnets for your heat exchanger is also a big saving when the service calls for a tube sheet or U-bend of Hastelloy, tantalum or some other specialty alloy.

With F-C (field-cut; Glasteel pipe you have an additional advantage. You cut and thread it on location. Order standard lengths in diameters of V/2\ 2", and 3". Then fit as needed. No precise piping layouts are required.

Storage Wherever you collect finished product or store intermediates, install Glasteel Chemstor tanks. Choice of horizontals or verticals in sizes from 500 to 35,000 gallons. Above 10,000 gallons, you'll pay much less than for stainless tanks, regardless of what you are storing.

Bone up

Piping Think about pipe, fittings and valves in Glasteel. Our line is quite extensive. Actually, you can

service life in corrosive applications. Use them for ultra-pure and gooey products, too.

Pumping Goulds-Pfaudler glassed pumps give years, not months, of

Glasteel equipment


Get your own copy of our latest Buyers' Guide. Write: The Pfaudler Co., Dept.CEN-55, Rochester, N.Y. 14603. Or contact Pfaudler Permutit Canada Ltd., Toronto; Pfaudler International G.m.b.H., Basel, Switzerland; Degna Limited, Hong Kong; Pfaudler Permutit, S.A. de C.V., Mexico City.