It's A Model Age r . . based upon the molecular structures that atoms build. Structures that bring us a multitude of vital products—many of which, like rubber and the whole range of plastics, benefit by important functions performed by modern materials such as Metasap Stéarates.
FLUID, SEMI-FLUID, STIFF, STRINGY, ADHESIVE GREASES —long and short feathered—that do not freeze in winter, separate; dissolve or evaporate in summer, are obtained through use of Metasap Aluminum Stéarate. Possessing high temperatureresistance, stability, and water-repellent qualities, these moisture-free lubricants keep moving parts operating efficiently and economically under the toughest conditions.
UNCURED RUBBER STOCK, for example, will not stick when dusted with Metasap Zinc Stéarate, and this zinc compound can be used to advantage to lubricate molds.
AND THERE ARE SCORES OF OTHER VALUABLE SERVICES performed b y Metasap Stéarates—from making ceramics lustrous and giving face powders "stay on" ability, to preserving fish nets and waterproofing concrete. All help to step up output, improve products, promote economies.
IN THE CASE OF PLASTICS, Metasap Zinc and Calcium Stéarates not only improve internal lubrication of molding powders, but act as plasticizers. When dusted on molds, they supply external lubrication and prevent sticking. Metasap Stéarates also permit molding at lower pressures, help speed the molding cycle, promote longer mold life— improve the finish of the plastic product.
Send for New, Free 32-page Book "Metallic Soaps"—which describes the uses and value of stéarates in industry. It will afford y o u a handyreference, and may provide ideas that will help you better your production and lower costs.
Metasap Stéarates provide efficient thickening, suspension, and flatting. They serve to reduce grinding time and, in the case o f lacquers, impart a tougher, more marproof and waterproof film.
METASAP C H E M I C A L C O M P A N Y , DEPARTMENT 10. H A R R I S O N . N . J . BRANCHES: BOSTON Stocks a t C l e v e l a n d a n d
A k r o n , O h i o ; Los A n g e l e s a n d Son Francisco, C a l i f . ; Louisville, Kentucky
Steearates of calcium aluminum lead magnesium zinc VOLUME
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