It's a particle of CELITE - the diatomite filter aid that's always uniform

Nov 5, 2010 - It's a particle of CELITE - the diatomite filter aid that's always uniform from bag to bag. Chem. Eng. News , 1956, 34 (39), pp 4628–4...
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T h e " c h u r c h w i n d o w " is a magni­ fied particle (app. 60OX) o f Celite diatomaceous earth k n o w n as Actinoptychus. It i s just one of hundreds o f different intricate particles that together make J-M Celite such an effective filter aid.

What's this Church Window" got to do with more uniform filtrations?

It's a particle of CELlTE that's always uniform T h e s e c r e t o f Celite diatomitr s remarkable filtra­ tion properties is shown in this magnification. I t reveals t h e open passages between ρ articles, and t h e porosity of t h e particles themseb