It's a particle of CELITE with a cubic foot - C&EN Global Enterprise

Nov 6, 2010 - It's a particle of CELITE with a cubic foot. Chem. Eng. News , 1958, 36 (29), p 36. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v036n029.p036. Publication Date: Ju...
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IN»!* This is α particle of Celite diatomaceous earth. The genus is Uicladia, species is Capreolw. Loosely translated it means "two-sided branch." This particle is just one of hundreds of different intricate particles that together make Celite such an efficient mineral filler. When placed under a microscope Uicladia Capreolus becomes a rustic "crown."

It's a particle of CELITE with a cubic foot T h e secret o f diatomite's remarkable properties—The infinite variety o f particle shapes a n d sizes g i v e s Celite diatomite its exceptional performance characteristics i n a w i d e r a n g e o f process applications. Irregular shapes l i k e the " c r o w n " p r e · vent packing d o w n for h i g h bulking action.

Johns-Manville C E L I T E 36



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