It's a particle of CELITE—the inert mineral filler with a cubic foot of bulk

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This is α particle of Celite diatomaceous eartli. The genus is Dicladia, species is Capreolus. Loosely translated it means "two-sided branch/* This particle i s just one of hundreds of different intricate particles that togetfcier make Celite such an efficient mineral filler. When placed under a microscope D£cladî& Capreolus becomes a rustic "crown."

It's a particle of CELITE with a cubic foot The secret of diatomite's remarkable properties—The infinite variety of particle shapes and sizes gives Celite diatomite its exceptional performance characteristics jn a wide range o f process applications. Irregular shapes like t h e "crown" p * e · vent packing d o w n for h£gh bulking action.

«Johns-IVIanville C E L I T E 3110


J U N E 25,


Cuts cost of formulating insecticide «dusts—Celite's extraordinary bulking action^ allows insecticide formulators to extend poisons for greater coverage from a given | weight. Celite also serves as an anticaking agent for this industry.

Controls package loss in cleansers —

Cleansers and other powder products remain "fluffed up" after packaging when formulated with Celite. Celite also serves as an absorbent for detergents, wetting agents and odorants.

Adds needed bulk to paper—Because of its exceptionally low apparent density, Celite increases bulk in paper as much as 10% with a corresponding increase in machine speed. Celite is also used in paper mills to control pitch and improve brightness, opacity and ink receptivity.

—the inert mineral filler of bulk in every ten pounds A s MUCH AS 10 TIMES greater bulk­ i n g action than any other mineral filler. That's w h a t you get w h e n yom formulate with Celite*. C o m p o s e d o f microscopic irregularly shaped par­ t i c l e s o f diatomite that won't pack d o w n , Celite contains as m u c h a s 933? air space or voids in a g i v e n vol­ u m e . A n d with its l o w cost per unie volume, Celite gives you far m o r e bulk per dollar than other mineral fillers. Many important filler applications a i e derived from Ceiite's unique p r o p ­

erties. Its light porous mass provides great absorptive capacity, permitting preparation of h i g h concentrate in­ secticides and other liquids in a dry, free-flowing p o w d e r form. T h e varishaped m i c r o s c o p i c particles have large surface areas w h i c h serve t o ex­ tend pigments i n paint and papermaking. Other important uses include m o l d e d plastics, matches, concrete, acetylene tank fillers and adhesives. Produced from the world's purest commercially available diatomite de­

posit, Celite comes i n a w i d e range of grades. Each grade is carefully con­ trolled for complete uniformity. Ask your local J - M Celite engineer to tell you how Celite can help solve your formulation p r o b l e m s . H e ' s backed by Johns-Manville's extensive research facilities and years of prac­ tical diatomite experience. Call him today o r write Johns-Manville, B o x 60, N e w York 1 6 , Ν . Y . In Canada, write Port Credit, Ontario. •Celite is Johns-Manville's registered trado mark for its dlatomaceous silica products.


Industry's most Versatile MINERAL. FILLERS

usi P R O D U C T S


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