it's Celite* (as in "cell") not Celite* (as in "sea") - ACS Publications

Nov 7, 2010 - it's Celite* (as in "cell") not Celite* (as in "sea"). Chem. Eng. News , 1972, 50 (45), p 20. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v050n045.p020. Publicatio...
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Celite as in "cell" not

Celite (as in "sea")

Though J-M calls it CELITE it is unlike other diatomite deposits. CELITE'S commercial value is in its high degree of freedom from sand, clay and other impurities. Lompoc, California, where CELITE is mined, contains the largest known deposit of high purity diatomite. CELITE today is the most widely used, original filter powder for maximum purity and clarity in water, cleaning fluids, beverages, wines, foods, pharmaceuticals...

How can Johns-Manville CELITE help you keep your customers? A catalog about CELITE'S use as a filter aid is yours. Just write Johns-Manville, Box 5705-C, Denver, Colo., 80217. Also available in Canada and overseas. Cable: Johnmanvil. Our filtration Engineering Service is available to you also without any obligation. And Johns-Manville offers two filter aid recovery systems for economy in your operations. Ask for information please.



C&EN Nov. 6, 1972