It's easy to package correctly - C&EN Global ... - ACS Publications

Nov 12, 2010 - Eng. News Archive All Publications/Website. facebook · twitter · Email Alerts ... It's easy to package correctly. Chem. Eng. News , 195...
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Don't OVER-package

Don't under-pack&ge . .. It's easy to


Whatever the nature of your shipping container problem, Bernis may already have exactly the package you need. If not, we'll help you work out a practical, money-saving solution.






. . . i t ' s costly-

it's costly, t o o -

You m a y be using drums, cartons, liners, overslipped bags or other excess-strength containers . . . which are n o t only expensive t o b u y , b u t p i l e u p costs for s h i p p i n g , storage space and handling.

You m a y , b y cutting on package costs, be under-packaging . . . actually tossing money away through losses by sifting, breakage, deterioration or damage claims. Yes, underpackaging can b e expensive, too.

New Text B e m i s M u l t i w a l l s , m a d e w i t h special protective sheets, as required, m a y well be your solution. T h e y are sturdy a n d tough, to resist breakage. T h e y are sift-resistant. Specified liners, laminated, impregnated or coated sheets can be utilized, for example, t o pack acids, contain odors, prevent evaporation, and to meet dozens of o t h e r rigid requirements. And Bemis Multiwalls are economical . . .

in first cost, in shipping cost (they're very lightweight), and in savings on valuable storage space. They can be your answer to over-packaging or under-packaging.


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