It's particle of CELITE - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

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THIS "MANHOLE c o v c R " is really a magnification of Araéhnoidiacus orealots, one of the hundreds of different intricate particles that make Celite such an effective filter aid.

W h a t ' s this "manhole c o v e r got to do with more accurate filtration control?



It's a particle of CELITE with t h e T h e p h o t o m i c r o g r a p h a t le*ft shows the wide variety of particle shapes and sizes in a typical Celite sample. By carefully controlling the proportions of particle sizes, the most complete range of grades is obtained.

«Johns-Manville C E L I T E 24



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In I n d u s t r y ' s modern research laboratories, Celite filtration h a s proved itself a n indispensable tool. Special grades of Celite have been developed t h a t are particularly effective in analytical methods re­ quiring filtration or chromotographic s t u d y .

C e l l t e ' s w i d e r a n g e of grades permits precise control of several different filtration operations in the brewing of beer and ale. These include various r u h beer filtration», wort filtration, final beer polishing a n d purification of brewing and bottle wash waters.

In t h e m a n u f a c t u r e of lubricating oils, Celite filter aids completely remove bleaching clay from t h e oil itself and also clarify the m a n y additives used by t h e industry.

the diatomite f i l t e r a i d widest range of grades N e e d m a x i m u m clarification? Use Celite* Filter-Cel. O r does your fil­ tration require t h e fastest flow rates? Then use Celite 545. I n addition, there are 7 more intermediate grades plus many special grades produced for specific applications. Thus $ with Celite, you can establish t h e exact balance of clarity a n d flow rate t h a t your process requires. No other diatomite gives you such a wide choice of grades. Celite also gives you" other impor­ t a n t advantages oyer competitive

filter aids. I t s lower wet density provides greater surface coverage per pound. This means substantial sav­ ings because six bags of Celite actually do the work of seven bags of other diatomites. And Celite is uniform. Every pound of Celite comes from the world's larg­ est and purest commercially avail­ able diatomite deposit. Every pound is processed a n d graded a t the same plant under the same conditions. Yet, with the large Inventory maintained a t the plant a n d . Johns-Manville's

nationwide network of warehouses, you're assured of fast, sure delivery. So, if filtration belongs in your proc­ essing operations, i t will pay you t o call in your local J-M Celite engineer. Backed by Johns-Manvilie's research facilities and years of practical diat­ omite experience, h e can help you with your filtration problems. Call him today or write Johns-Man ville, Box 14, New York 16, Ν. Υ . I n Canada: Port Credit, Ontario. • C e l i t e i s J o h n s - M a n v i î l e ' s roiri s t o r e d t r a d e m a r k f o r I t s t i t a t o m a c e o u s silioai p r o d u c t s .


Diatomite Filter Aids SEPT.

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1958 C&EN