"what's inorganic
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• t ·
a powerful reducing agent · ·
and soluble in organics ? " MIJL9
anhydrous stannous chloride!" Of the powerful stannous reducing agents, the most popular was stannous chloride (tin crystals). Then M&T developed STANNOCHLOR® — an anhydrous stannous chloride. Free of water, it is more economical to ship, more stable in storage and use, and readily soluble in aqueous systems. Very inter estingly, STANNOCHLOR is soluble in many organic solvents as well. Samples and data sheets are available on request.
: I • I : ; • : :
TYPICAL SOLUBILITIES (gms/100g solvent @23°C) 9.6 Isopropyl alcohol 54.4 Ethyl alcohol 0.5 Diethyl ether insoluble Petroleum naphtha 9.4 Methyl-ethyl ketone Methyl-isobutyl carbinol 10.5 .03 Mineral spirits 3.8 Amyl acetate
Sn Sb Ρ
o r g an ο m et a l l i e s
Si Ti Z r
and inorganics
METAL & THERMIT Corporation, I Rahway, N. J. In Canada: M & T Products of Canada Utd., Rexdale, Ontario»
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