"It's the last thing I'll give up!" - Chemical & Engineering News Archive

Nov 12, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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"It's the last thing I'M give up!"

It had been in daily use for many years, installed in the lab. But people elsewhere in the building used it. Almost to the point where lab people had to wait in line. Because of its age, we suggested they might want to trade it in for a new model. Indignantly, the head of the lab said, "My Mettler is the last piece of equipment I'll give up." His Mettler H6 analytical balance had indeed been operating faithfully and reliably for many years. No, he wouldn't trade it in for a replacement—but he was interested in adding a new Mettler analytical balance to share the load. An interesting twist. Today there are nearly 150,000 Mettler balances in use in the U.S.A., in laboratories, schools and industry. Each has worked from the moment it was taken out of the carton and set up. Because Mettlers are designed and built to do just that—at the beginning and for many, many years. There's no built-in

obsolescence as with some products. A Mettler will handle your present and future weighing requirements precisely, accurately, reliably. If you have been using Mettler mechanical balances, you can be assured that when you're ready to step ahead in time, Mettler is also ready. Our electronic balances, which interface with virtually any computer, printer or recorder, are already in operation at many innovative companies. Whichever Mettler balances they have, we help users get the most from their equipment. Because every Mettler balance is backed by a nationwide network of factory.-trained service technicians. What it all really comes down to is this—whenever you buy a Mettler, you buy more than a balance. You buy the company behind it and all it has come to represent over the years. Although it sometimes costs a little more, a . . .

always gives you so much more, ι