Ivan Sorvall, Inc. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 16, 2012 - Ivan Sorvall, Inc. Anal. Chem. , 1957, 29 (6) .... After a Root Canal. Root canals are no fun, ranking high on most people's list of dr...
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Let's compare results on Alpha-Beta counting! Proportional Counter Converter, Model PCC-14 (Converts any Scaler)

Complete Proportional Counting System Model PC-3

If you precision count α and/or β activities, using any system other than the NMC proportional counting system . . .

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of nuclear instruments.

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INDIANAPOLIS 18, INDIANA International Office: 13 E. 40th St., N e w York 16, N.Y. For further information, circle number 64 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 77 A







16,000 rpm (32,700 χ G)

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Exclusive Dual Automatic Con­ trol for establishing temperatures down to 0°C. and maintaining them, ± 1 ° C , through both operating and non-operating cycles. Seven versatile "Serval!" Rotors, in­ cluding the 400 ml Superspeed Rotor, may be interchanged quickly on the "ServalT'-originated, self-balancing direct drive. No cumbersome high­ speed drive attachments required.





Filters. Circle 23A-1 for complete information of new precision-type stain­ less steel vacuum and pressure filters. Three laboratory models for small scale sterile filtration or pilot plant work. Circle 23A-2 for information on the new Beckman ac line-operated power supply for the Model DU spectropho­ tometer. Scientific Glass Apparatus Co., Inc., Bloomfield, N. J. 2 3 A - 1 , 2 Fluorimeters. Bulletin available on line-operated multiplier fluorescence meter possessing high-sensitivity for measurement of low concentrations. Photovolt Corp., 95 Madison Ave., N. Y. 15, Ν. Υ. 45Α-3 Fluorimeters. Klett fluorimeters are designed for the rapid and accurate determination of thiamin, riboflavin, and other substances which fluoresce in solution. Klett Manufacturing Co., 179 E. 87th St., Ν. Υ., Ν. Υ. 84Α-2 Fraction Collectors. Bulletin avail­ able on company's automatic fraction collector for column chromatography. Contains information on time, drop counting and special types. Packard Instrument Co., P. 0 . Box 428, La Grange, 111. 22A Furnaces, Induction. Circle 89A-1 for information on induction furnaces in three models which will run gravi­ metric, gasometric or conductometric carbons, as well as analyze sulfur in steel, oil, limestone, pure metals and scores of other materials. Laboratory Equip­ ment Corp., 3005 Hilltop Rd., St. Joseph, Mich. 89A-1 Furnaces, Laboratory. Bulletin avail­ able on company's tube type laboratory furnace cited as being ideal for anneal­ ing, brazing, heat treatment, hardening, sintering, reducing metal powders, silver soldering, and nitriding. Laboratory Equipment Div., Lindberg Engineering Co., 2440 W. Hubbard St!, Chicago 12, 111. 87A-3 Gas Burners. Bulletin available on company's universal laboratory gas burner. Provides a complete range of flame sizes from the smallest micro to 2" diameter. Adapts to any gaseous fuel ranging from 150 to 3,000 B.t.u. New York Laboratory Supply Co., Inc., 76 Varick St., N. Y. 13, Ν. Υ. 33A

Capacities: From 400 ml or less at Superspeed, to 2,000 ml at lower speeds — for all routine and special research projects. Write For Bulletin AC-61R The least expensive Refrigerated Centrifuge in the Superspeed Range.

Ivan Sorvall, Inc.

Product Capsules

The unequalled excellence of "Servall" Specialized Laboratory Instruments results from our original and continuing develop­ ment of design, and a thorough familiarity with researchers' requirements since 1930.

Generators. Bulletin available on low CFH generator that produces dissoci­ ated ammonia atmosphere for use in laboratory furnaces and small produc­ tion runs. Laboratory Equipment Div., Lindberg Engineering Co., 2440 W. Hubbard St., Chicago 12, 111. 76 A-1 (Continued on page 66A)

For further information, circle number 64 A-2 on Readers' Service card, page 77 A 64 A
