Ivan Sorvall, Inc

SERVALL's unequalled quality of design and reliability is available also in the prize-winning Ribi Refrigerated Cell Fraction- ator, “Porter-Blum”...
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fwutuJi ihb WotlA RC-2 Automatic Superspeed Refrigerated Centrifuge* —17,500 rpm —37,000 χ G Accepts six different rotors on Gyro-Action direct drive

RC-3 Automatic Refrigerated Centrifuge — 5,000 rpm — 5,140 χ G — 70 seconds to top speed, 90 seconds to stop. Ideal for routine operations

SS-3 Automatic Superspeed Centrifuge* — 17,000 rpm —34,800 χ G with push-button simplicity and armor-plate safety

SS-4 Enclosed Superspeed Centrifuge* —17,000 rpm — 34,800 χ G with removable control panel for cold room or fume hood use

Ribi Refrigerated Cell Fractionator — for isolating cell walls and subcellular particles of the cytoplasm

Omni-Mixer Micro-Macro \ ^ Homogenizer — for processing ^ L 0.5 ml to 2,000 ml. Speeds ^ with Micro- Attachment wA ^ k up to 50,000 rpm «

"Porter-Blum" MT-1 Ultra-Microtome — l/40itt to l/2/χ — for electron and light microscopy J

'Adaptable to "Szent-Gyorgyi & Blum" Tube Type Continuous Flow System

"Porter-Blum" MT-2 Ultra-Microtome — 1 0 0 A to 4/t — automatic operation — the finest instrument of its kind < in the world '

Researchers in every branch of t h e life sciences in more t h a n t h i r t y different countries rely on t h e Centrifuges and Labora­ t o r y Instruments w i t h t h e S E R V A L L trademark. - " ^ ^ . Centrifuges offering a full range of f o r c e s up t o 3 7 , 0 0 0 χ G, and a wide selection of angle, horizontal and special purpose rotors, provide t h e researcher w i t h t h e u t m o s t in versatility. Models include refrigerated, non-refrigerated, automatic, manual, remote con­ trol, and continuous f l o w . S E R V A L L ' s unequalled quality o f design a n d r e l i a b i l i t y is a v a i l a b l e a l s o in t h e NORWALK · CONNECTICUT prize-winning Ribi Refrigerated Cell Fractionator, "Porter-Blum" Microtomes, a n d t h e For descriptive literature on t h e above Omni-Mixer Micro-Macro Homogenizer. please ask us for Bulletin AC-12GCW

Ivan Sorvall, Inc.

Circle No. 5 on Readers' Service Card 18 A
